kdafuckbrigade · 2 hours
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joker as a funny jester meme i saw
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kdafuckbrigade · 6 hours
aa7 may be on the horizon
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kdafuckbrigade · 10 hours
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kdafuckbrigade · 10 hours
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i started replaying p2 and couldn't help but stare at the back of lisa's sprite so here's a shitty sketch of my interpretation of how the back of her hair looks
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kdafuckbrigade · 10 hours
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a gift for a friend for p2ss23 <3
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kdafuckbrigade · 10 hours
god put me on this earth to convince more people to play the persona 2 duology
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kdafuckbrigade · 3 days
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kdafuckbrigade · 3 days
it's the way maya amano was kind of a fujoshi
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kdafuckbrigade · 10 days
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I'm gonna be honest with you, she looks like regular Kabru.
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kdafuckbrigade · 11 days
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Ms. Mia Fey
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kdafuckbrigade · 12 days
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frank sahwit is a highly dangerous killer which is why we needed 17 bailiffs 
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kdafuckbrigade · 12 days
Video credit tjv_jacob on tiktok or @JacobChapel on youtube
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kdafuckbrigade · 13 days
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brb gonna perfect my engine imitation noise
close ups
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kdafuckbrigade · 16 days
phoenix and apollo's relationship is like:
you were my childhood idol and were so important towards the choices i made that i cannot extract your influence from my personality / you looked up to me in a way that is frightening and reminds me of the person i used to be who was so much better than who i am now
your daughter is my sister but you are not my father except when you are / my daughter is your sister but you are not my son except when you are
i hate you for the actions you forced me to take against my will that could have doomed me to a fate you know to be hell / i hate myself for the actions i forced you to take, but i was not given a choice either before i was dragged into this fate worse than hell
you ripped my future away from me and saved my life in equal measure / i was forced to choose between letting a murderer walk free for a second time, the same one who ruined my life, or ripping the future out from under the feet of a boy i'd never met and now i know you and i know i made the right choice but i hate it
i miss the way i used to be able to look at you / i miss the way you must have used to look at me
please teach me / please let me feel i have something worth teaching
i am afraid of you because you show me what i could become / i am afraid of you because you show me what i used to be
we both love this little girl so much and don't know who we'd be without her and she loves us both so dearly but we almost can't stand each other except for her sake
you never tell me anything about yourself, i know nothing that i need to know
i have let you down, i have let you down, i have let you down
i can never be who you want me to be, i can never be who i want myself to be
if i said i loved you it would be a lie, it i said i hated you it would be a lie, if i said i was neutral on you it would be a lie, and we both know lies when we see them, don't we?
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kdafuckbrigade · 16 days
the thing about ace attorney is that when it's bad it's so so stupid but when it's good it genuinely has the potential to be life changing and there is No Way to separate these things you have to take both you have to admit you're going insane over the same game that contains defenestrated bronze magician bust
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kdafuckbrigade · 18 days
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jun kurosu heard tetsu sing for malice mizer once and his musical output was never ever the same again he became a crooner forevermore
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kdafuckbrigade · 20 days
do you ever think about the fact that apollo sort of didn't even want to join the agency. anyways i feel like the wrights would torture him daily
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