keely-cherish89 · 1 month
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Charon (Fallout)/Original Female Character(s), Charon (Fallout)/Female Lone Wanderer, Charon (Fallout)/Lone Wanderer Characters: Charon (Fallout), Ahzrukhal (Fallout), Gob (Fallout), Dukov (Fallout), Carol (Fallout), Willow (Fallout), Winthrop (Fallout), Doctor Barrows (Fallout), Doc Church (Fallout), Lucas Simms, Moira Brown, Jericho (Fallout), Jenny Stahl, Roy Phillips (Fallout), Murphy (Fallout), Barrett (Fallout), Gretta, Cherry (Fallout), Fantasia (Fallout), Brotherhood of Steel Character(s), Lone Wanderer (Fallout), Mr. Burke (Fallout) Additional Tags: Angst and Romance, Ghoul Sex, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Past Brainwashing, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Sarcasm, Backstory, Good Karma Lone Wanderer (Fallout), Fallout Video Game References, Charon POV, POV Female Character, Other character’s POV, Fallout 4 References, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Physical Trauma, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, The Institute (Fallout), Implied/Referenced Torture, Developing Friendships, Love, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Original Character(s), Neutral Karma Lone Wanderer (Fallout) Summary:
Charon finds himself working under an employer who’s his oddest one to date, and his first female employer he’s ever worked for. But this new mistress is far from a damsel in distress, she’s young, confident, cunning and all around ‘bad arse’. “And not in a bad korma way.” He can’t get his head around the fact that she is far from incapable of defending herself against whatever the wasteland throws at them. But his unwillingness and stubbornness to accept that finds himself wanting to believe she’s too naive. She on the other hand, enjoys his company as much as a dark and brooding man can be. But she struggles with his obsessive need to keep her protected from the horrors of this world, which eventually leads to a fight. Their relationship does blossom in intimate ways but she’s not used to someone else watching her back. But as much to Charon’s begrudgingness of not wanting to get physical with her, and he may be a ghoul, but his still a man. His past 10 years of celibacy is practically killing him to the core and much to his dismay, he allows himself one more night of passion.
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keely-cherish89 · 2 months
Angel of Death meets the
Beast of Blood
It was mid-afternoon when I arrived at my contacts home, Dukov’s Place. I’d visited him before after hearing he was the go-to person in the wastes for anyone who wanted information on a need-to-know bases. So, he told me to give him a few weeks to allow him some time to gather up everything that he could find and liaise it back to me. Which brought me to this point in time, as I stand by his request and in front of his door for a moment before I knocked on it.
I hope you’ve got it… because you ain’t getting any more time…, I pondered inwardly as I gazed at the big wooden door in front of me. I could feel myself getting excited and nervous at the same time as I took a deep breath in my lungs, because I would only settle down when the deed is done to be free from their clutches again. It’s now or never girl….
(Knock knock)
I waited for the man in question to open the door and allow me inside, I knew Dukov was a reliable source for information, but that’s not to say he didn’t come without his flaws of being in his company and not in a good way either. He has this annoying sort of Ora about him and the mannerisms of his dirty mind that came with his flirtatious nature, well…that’s if one can stomach it without wanting to slap the shit out of him anyway. But I suppose it must have always been his personality and if I was to describe him, he’s the definition of a dirty old man. He’s middle aged, a man of Russian heritage and descent who’s not taken care of himself by the chubbiness of his belly or his physique. He’s slightly bolding in his older years with dusting of grey hairs scattered across his head, like a less than average silver-fox who’s past his best years to be doing the things he does.
He craved young women’s attention or any woman’s attention for that matter, he even had two prostitutes living with him in exchange for sex. He had offered them protection, a roof over their heads and as much booze they could possibly handle. It’s a win all around, I supposed. Not that I would say the women were getting the best out of his deal, but it’s not my place to judge them for their affairs. But there must be something about him that makes them want to stay with him. Does he have a magic wand for a penis or something? Why am I even thinking about this! I internally shuddered after picturing the mental image of his slong wiggling about.
“Yeah, what the fuck!” He said rudely as he flung the door open, but then realised it was me as I lifted my hood up to glare at him. So, he followed it up with, “Hey sweet cheeks! Come inside….” Oh, now he’s all smiles and oozing that sleazy cheesyness that makes me want to be sick every time he opens his mouth. I think he’s just put me off men for life…, I grimaced inwardly. But I dropped the hood back over my head as I said, “Have you got what I came for!”
“Baby, when have I ever let you down!” He replied flirtatiously as I surveyed the house from my field of vision with a critical eye, for signs of other guests and ignoring his suttle hints of, “I so wanna fuck you right now.” His two scantily clad girls were there like always, but who I didn’t recognise until my eyes gazed at him anyway, was the tall black figure in the background and stood by the snooker table. And who the hell is he! I glared at the unknown mystery man for a second before turning my attention back to Dukov. I narrowed my eyes at him because he told me it would only be the two of us meeting at his place.
“You have company!” I growled at him as I took a menacing step towards him. “Yeah, yeah… he just turned up out of the blue! He’s only here for his boss!” Dukov explained quickly before I had the chance to grab him by the scruff of his shirt. Well, more like silky pyjamas he wore for his naughty nightwear on the daily that did nothing for his figure. It was a size too small for him to be wearing it comfortably and his gut made the buttons tug at the front of his shirt.
But I didn’t have time for this shit, and I don’t like been fucked over, so I shoved my way past him as I walked inside the house. I heard him mutter, “Oh, just come in then…,” and I spun on my heel to glare at him once more. “Ok ok woman, chill… let me just finish up here…,” he said nervously as he gestured to his mysterious friend. You will fucking say that in a minute arsehole! Yes, it was rude of me to not wait until he gestured me to come in, but he should learn some manners when answering the door to his guests.
So, I turned and made my way over to lean against the wall behind me as I watched from across the room to keep my eyes trained on both men. And whilst Dukov pissed off out of my face for a minute or two, I studied the mysterious figure in black as I casually gazed at him with minor indifference. He kinda looked like a ghoul to me but he had his face obscured by a hood over his head, so I couldn’t tell what his facial features looked like. But one of his arms were exposed by his black leather armor and showing off patches that were missing from his skin. I didn’t pay much attention to him, but I noted how his armour looked to be in near-perfect condition. And it fitted him well for a man of his size and fuck me, was he tall, taller than me at least, probably over seven feet if I was to hazard a guess.
Oh, I bet you have other big attributes too… eh big boy! I inwardly chuckled at my kinky thoughts. But I didn’t pay any attention to the conversation between the two because quite frankly, I really didn’t give a shit and it wasn’t my concern either. So, I drifted off into my own little world thinking about this and that, and the other. But mostly about my mission and Dukov best turn up good with his information, or the wasteland would have one less dirty-old-perv living in it. If he dares to fuck me over…. I’ll fucking paint this entire place with the bastards' blood… and make his fucking whores watch, as I did it!
I was distracted from my thoughts as Dukov came over saying, “So baby… when are you going to give old Dukov a ride on you?” With that sleazy cheesy grin on his face. I glanced at his friend who watched us both but turned his attention back to counting the items in his big-arse duffel bag he had laid on the table.
“In your fucking dreams, that’s when!” I snarled as I flicked my eyes back to him as he looked to have finished with his guest. “Ohh babes, you are always in my dreams!” He said flirtatiously again, then turned to shout over his two girls, “Cherry, Fantasia get your sweet asses here and bring some fucking booze!”
His two girls came swaying over with bottles of whiskey and vodka clutched in their hands as well as smiles on their faces. I internally rolled my eyes and lit up a smoke, desperately craving a nicotine rush only a cigarette can give. Dukov is known for his drunken-wild-parties and den of debauchery, he will allow other men and women to take part in sexual activities with his two prostitutes. Not that they seem bothered about it, but I guess it’s because they didn’t want to lose the roof over their pretty heads. And every time I visited him, every time, he’d try and get me to drink with him or other activities, but I always said no. Not because I didn’t drink, but because I didn’t trust him to allow myself to be put in such a vulnerable position. Plus, the fact that I wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot fucking barge pole anyway, especially knowing he would give me the chance…. Yeah…no thanks!
Cherry the red-headed girl tries handing me a bottle of whiskey as she runs her fingers over the skin of my arm, as though she’s suddenly turned lesbian from the looks on her face but I decline it. And of course, Dukov spots me not taking the whiskey out of her hand as he says, “Babe… come on now, have a drink with us!” He smirks as he grabs the arse of his other companion, Fantasia.
But Cherry’s still clinging on to me like I was the next best thing since females came into this world. So, I decided to have a little fun with her to get him going because he’s an arse that wants slapping on the face. I returned the grin as I grabbed Cherry’s face and pulled her into a deep snog. I wasn’t lesbian per-say or anything like that, but I knew it would get Dukov’s heart racing, and because he thinks he can get any girl he wants in bed with him. And either man nor ghoul didn’t want to miss the girl-on-girl action with their attention focused on us kissing. But the mysterious friend averted his eyes away from us first, and as for Dukov himself, his jaw was sitting on the floor as if he was in shock and excited at the same time. Huh! He fell for it hook-line-and-sinker! The stupid idiot!
I gently tugged Cherry’s face away from the kiss as I noted her look of shock too, as I grinned at him with my teeth bared. He then freed himself from Fantasia to saunter his way over to me and thinking, I was inviting him to come and play with us. Yeah, gang-bang springs to mind! The dirty old fucker! I thought as he tried running his fingers up my chest like I was a free-for-all groping cushion for his amusement. But his face soon changed as at lightning speed I snatched his offending hand and squeezed, until I heard the noise of popping bones.
I shoved him away from me saying, “Do not touch me!” And the look on his face was priceless as I glared at him, but inside I was pissing myself laughing from his gullible mind. “Ok ok… chill. I’ll get it for you.” He replied with his hands up as a sign of peace and turned to walk off.
I watched him as he did so along with his two ladies who seemingly had no intentions whatsoever of sticking around with me, I may be beautiful but I’m also unpredictable to others. So, I guessed it wasn’t surprising to me when the two women turned tail and ran away. I then turned my attention back to Dukov’s mysterious guest who had shouldered his duffel bag, which he had started walking towards the entrance but not before offering me another glance. Keep walking big boy, I don’t have time to play with you right now! I thought as I narrowed my eyes at him, not that he could actually see them with the hood over my face, but nonetheless he was an unknown entity in my prospective. So, I watched him leave out the front door as I finished my cigarette.
Dukov returned a moment or two later with a slip of paper in his hand and the fucking cheesy smile on his face, as if he was Gods gift to every woman he knows or sees. He hands me the paper and I studied it for a moment before I said, “So is this the place!” “Yes, he’s been holding up there for near on two weeks.” Dukov replied giving me a cheeky smile.
“But how can you be sure! What if he already left this place and fucked off somewhere else!” I said with irritation to my voice as I felt like I was on borrowed time. “Trust me sweet cheeks, he’s still there! I have a friend watching over him right now.” He replies still grinning like he’s the cat that caught the cream and claps his hand on my shoulder.
I looked down at him with uncertainty before I said, “Fine, but know this! You disappoint me then I’ll be coming back for you!” I informed with a deadly smile as if to say, “Don’t fuck with me! “Baby, you Wound-me… when have I ever disappointed you!” He replied with his flirtatiousness again and offers me a bottle of vodka. He knows I don’t make idle threats but deadly promises to anyone who crosses me in whatever way they did.
“Fine, I’ll drink to that!” I said taking the bottle out of his hand to unscrew the cap and took a big swig. The liquor was strong, and I felt the burn as it slid down my throat giving me the feeling of warmth. Vodka was my tipple of choice; I wasn’t keen on the pre-war whiskey or wine for that matter. But I do enjoy a good drink of vodka in my life anyway, so I was willing to take it from him. “Wow baby, now where talking!” He said uncapping his whiskey bottle and lifted it up to clink in a job-well done manner, as if the cheers were for doing his part.
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