keenerordeath · 4 years
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keenerordeath · 4 years
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steggy alphabet g is for grenade.
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Tony: bitches b like “im baby” but have childhood trauma and neglect like wtf do u know about being baby u were forced to grow up from an early age anyways I’m bitches
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keenerordeath · 4 years
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Peter Parker did not expect, that after his identity had been revealed to the world and he had been framed for Mysterios murder, that his acadec team would storm the Daily Bugles live news report.
He knew they were all close, but he really hadn't expected them to do that for him. He definitely did not expect them to now be on live TV, talking about how innocent he was and how he was the most genuine person they had ever met. They spoke about a few dumb stories and told the world that they loved him and they wouldn't let this injustice be served, and Peter was going to cry he loved them.
Ned spoke about how he was the best friend he could ever ask for, how good Peter was and was always there for him, how he was spiderman only to help people out of the good of his heart and also a stupid hero guilt complex, and how he didn't think he would ever meet anyone braver.
Even Flash was there, and he even spoke about how he bullied him, and how Peter never fought back, and how selfless he was.
And Harley was there. He didn't expect that, he did not expect the anger in his voice as he told the world Peter was innocent, and how he was the most loving person in the world, which made him fall a little bit in love with Peter, and he was definitely crying now, because Harley hadn't fucking told him he liked him yet, and he loved them so much.
No one expected Betty Brant to punch the man that ignorantly told them of the clear video footage, while asking if he had ever heard of fucking editing, and after that they stormed back out of the Bugle, everyone in too much a shock to do anything about the passionate group of teenagers.
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keenerordeath · 4 years
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That time Peter Parker was trained by Natasha Romanoff. 
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keenerordeath · 4 years
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Laddie & Spidey !!
This was supposed to be for day 2 of Parkner week but this took longer than expected
Harley’s Iron Lad suit inspiration is from @official-impravidus ‘s Iron Lad fics!! i love the idea of Harley in a purple and magenta suit :D
Happy Parkner Week!!
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keenerordeath · 4 years
“You’ve yeed your last haw”
—Peter Parker to Harley Keener, very probably.
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Peter Parker did not expect, that after his identity had been revealed to the world and he had been framed for Mysterios murder, that his acadec team would storm the Daily Bugles live news report.
He knew they were all close, but he really hadn't expected them to do that for him. He definitely did not expect them to now be on live TV, talking about how innocent he was and how he was the most genuine person they had ever met. They spoke about a few dumb stories and told the world that they loved him and they wouldn't let this injustice be served, and Peter was going to cry he loved them.
Ned spoke about how he was the best friend he could ever ask for, how good Peter was and was always there for him, how he was spiderman only to help people out of the good of his heart and also a stupid hero guilt complex, and how he didn't think he would ever meet anyone braver.
Even Flash was there, and he even spoke about how he bullied him, and how Peter never fought back, and how selfless he was.
And Harley was there. He didn't expect that, he did not expect the anger in his voice as he told the world Peter was innocent, and how he was the most loving person in the world, which made him fall a little bit in love with Peter, and he was definitely crying now, because Harley hadn't fucking told him he liked him yet, and he loved them so much.
No one expected Betty Brant to punch the man that ignorantly told them of the clear video footage, while asking if he had ever heard of fucking editing, and after that they stormed back out of the Bugle, everyone in too much a shock to do anything about the passionate group of teenagers.
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Mr. Harrington: ok kids why didn’t you turn in your science projects?
Flash: my dog ate it
Brad: my little sister smashed it with her hulk gloves
Ned: I dropped it on my way to school.
Harley: I left it at home
Peter: it was confiscated by the government.
Mr. Harrington: sadly, Peter’s excuse is the only one I actually believe.
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Peter: It’s times like these that I wish I had listened to what Tony told me
Harley: And what did he tell you?
Peter: I don’t know I wasn’t listening
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Harley: *flirting* I’ve never been out of Tennessee before. Maybe you could show me around New York, so I won’t get lost.
Peter: Lost in New York? The streets are numbered. How do you get lost in New York?
Harley: that’s not what I...
Peter: it’s a grid system, motherf*cker! Where you at, 24th and 5th? Where you wanna go, 35th and 6th? Eleven up and one over, ya simple bitch.
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keenerordeath · 4 years
playing minecraft
harley : peter where are you
peter, stuck in a 2 block deep hole, sobbing : i don’t fucking know
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Peter: I’m proud to identify as moronsexual, I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Once, Harley asked me what the spanish word for tortilla was and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight.
Harley: Hey, Peter, what type of animal is Pink Panther?
Peter, already taking off his clothes: Harley you’re so fucking stupid
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keenerordeath · 4 years
*fire alarm blares to life*
Tony: god damn it! This is the third time this week the boys set their lab on fire.
Dr. Strange: why don’t you just remove all flammable objects from the lab?
Tony: I tried that last week, you know what they did in response?
Dr. Strange: what?
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Harley: *goes to jokingly try and pick up Peter, not actually expecting to, because Peter’s really ripped so he MUST be heavy*
Harley: *actually picks Peter up, and far too easily*
Harley: Peter, why are you so light?
Peter: Well that’s because I don’t really have bones—
Harley: You don’t have WHAT
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Teacher: Aw Morgan what a lovely drawing! But you were suppose to draw your family sweet heart.
Morgan: this is my family-
Teacher: well I see your mother and your father, but the rest-
Morgan: this IS my family-
Teacher: uhhhhh... ok I see you put your dad’s Ironman suit next to him-
Morgan: that’s not my dad’s suit! That’s iron lad’s suit! My older brother is in it!
Teacher: well, if that’s your older brother, then who’s in the Spider-Man mask?
Morgan: Spider-Man! Duh!
Teacher: yes, but what’s his name?
Morgan: I’m not gonna tell you his secret identity, I’m no snitch.
Teacher: [exasperated] Fine. But why is he in your family drawing?
Morgan: because he’s also my brother! EVERYONE IN THIS PICTURE IS MY FAMILY!
Teacher: [smuggly] Then what about this blue person- is she apart of your family as well?
Morgan: yeah that’s nebula! She’s an intergalactic war criminal! She’s part alien, part machine and a full badass!
Teacher: honey, Imaginary friends shouldn’t really be apart of your ‘family’
Morgan: [tearing up] b-but t-they are my-
Spider-Man: [crashes through the window] Morgan! Where are you? The rear alarm went off! Are you ok?
Iron lad: [burst through ceiling]
Nebula: [kicks down classroom door] Whoever caused this will answer to my blades.
Morgan: [smuggly] see! They ARE MY FAMILY!
Teacher: oh f*CK
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