keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174828143465
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174632400785
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174632368050
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174575517515
swajayreyansh:Yoga should bring happiness calmness on your ...
Yoga should bring happiness calmness on your face..it shouldn’t be done roughly forcefully…!!i have seen ppl forcing to do some pranayama and asanas..you don’t have to force yourself…!!it will come automatically just you need to do practice..keep practicing every day you will notice flexibility and peace not only in your body but in your soul…!! I follow #ramdevbaba.he is just outstanding.we were pioneer in yoga and Ayurveda but we lost in light glamour world..I have immense respect for Ramdev Baba for introducing once again to us to #yoga…!! Yoga is a wonderful remedy for almost all diseases and ailments physical and mental…!! Just give an hour everyday…!! Yoga is truest divine..!!#gaumukhasana#yogaflow#yogalover#yogainjungle#yogawithnature#yogainternationalday😊🙏#tomorrow#excited #yogalovesus#ramdevbabaji#followeroframdevbabayoga#yogaposes
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
A post shared by У.Т (@yoga.tutorials) on Jun 1, 2018 at 1:42pm PDT
from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174477125105
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
Benefits of Sun Salutation
Sun Salutations benefit your body, mind, and spirit
Did you know that Sun Salutation is not just physical exercise for weight loss? This beautiful set of yoga postures work not only on the body but also on the mind and at the spiritual level.
If you have been doing Sun Salutation so far only to shed off those extra inches, here’s some food for thought. This wonderful gift of yoga, if practiced regularly, can work wonders for every part of the body – from head to toe! Yes, Sun Salutation (also known as Surya Namaskar) is a set of 12 yoga postures that helps improve overall health and well being.
Sun Salutation impacts every organ of the body
True, the Sun Salutation sequence, if done at a fast pace can be a good way to lose weight and is an excellent cardiovascular workout as well – stretching and toning the muscles in the entire body. But that’s not all. This yoga sequence improves the circulation of blood throughout the body and helps in maintaining good health by ensuring a disease-free body. Daily practice of Surya Namaskar has numerous benefits to offer for the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system.
Develop your sixth sense with Sun Salutations
Different organs of our body are governed by different Gods. The solar plexus, or the navel, is connected with the Sun (for which reason it is called the “solar” plexus). Although Sun Salutation can be practiced at any time of the day, morning or evening, it is a good idea to do it at the time of sunrise. When the first rays of the Sun fall on the solar plexus, it is good for the body.
Usually, the navel is slightly bigger in size than an almond. Studies have shown that with the practice of yoga, Sun Salutation, meditation, and Sudarshan Kriya, the solar plexus can become as large as the size of the palm. It then performs better, balances the body functions. When the solar plexus contracts, depression and other kinds of negative emotions come up. When it expands, the intuitive mind works better, becoming more clear and focused.
As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “Lord Krishna was called Padmanabha, meaning ‘whose navel is the size of a lotus flower’. If you become Padmanabha, you become absolutely creative.”
The solar plexus has a profound impact on the central nervous system, optic nerves, stomach, and what we usually call the ‘gut feeling’ or intuition. Solar plexus is also considered the second brain in the body. And Surya Namaskar directly works on this important organ.
A spiritual experience with Sun Salutation
Besides offering physical benefits, the Sun Salutation practice also helps calm the mind. Doing a few rounds of Surya Namaskar at an easy pace can be very relaxing and meditative. And adding a touch of gratitude to the Sun, chanting mantras while doing Sun Salutation, adds a whole spiritual dimension to the practice, making it more sacred.
Kids and adults: Sun Salutation benefits all
What’s more! The physical and spiritual benefits of Sun Salutation are not just for adults to enjoy. Surya Namaskar is equally a lot of fun for children, while individually addressing particular parts of their body, both anatomically and physiologically. You can make your child learn Sun Salutation at the Art Excel Course and the Yes! Course by The Art of Living.
So, the next time you practice Sun Salutation, know that it’s benefiting you at different levels. Simply being aware of this can help enhance your experience and help you go deeper in your practice.
Written by Pritika Nair based on talks by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Surya Namaskar DVD.
from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174476964360
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
The asana is pronounced as Tree-kone-ahs-ana
Unlike most yoga postures, the Triangle Pose requires keeping the eyes open in order to maintain body balance.
How to do the Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
1. Stand straight. Separate your feet comfortably wide apart (about 31/2 to 4 ft).
2. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15 degrees.
3. Now align your center of right heel with the center of your arch of left foot.
4. Ensure that your feet are pressing the ground and the weight of your body is equally balanced on both the feet.
5. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend your body to the right, downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing your left hand to come up in the air while your right hand comes down towards floor.  Keep both arms in straight line.
6. Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the waist. Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling, in line with the tops of your shoulders. Keep your head in a neutral position or turn it to the left, eyes gazing softly at the left palm.
7. Ascertain that your body is bent sideways and not backward or forward. Pelvis and chest are wide open.
8. Stretch maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath.
9. As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides, and straighten your feet.
10. Repeat the same on the other side.
Benefits of the Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
. Strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms, and chest
. Stretches and opens the hips, groins, hamstrings, and calves; shoulders, chest, and spine
. Increases mental and physical equilibrium
. Helps improve digestion
. Reduces anxiety, stress, back pain and sciatica.
Contraindications of the Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from migraine, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, or neck and back injuries (those with high blood pressure may do this pose but without raising their hand overhead, as this may further raise the blood pressure).
from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174477020735
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174477096985
cardyoga:🎶 This is A #merica 🎶 • • • Let’s Go Wild...
🎶 This is A #merica 🎶 • • • Let’s Go Wild 🖤 • #wildthing #yoga #cardyogaLove
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174406312210
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Trikona – Triangle; Asana – Pose
The asana is pronounced as Tree-kone-ahs-ana
Unlike most yoga postures, the Triangle Pose requires keeping the eyes open in order to maintain body balance.
How to do the Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
1. Stand straight. Separate your feet comfortably wide apart (about 31/2 to 4 ft).
2. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15 degrees.
3. Now align your center of right heel with the center of your arch of left foot.
4. Ensure that your feet are pressing the ground and the weight of your body is equally balanced on both the feet.
5. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend your body to the right, downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing your left hand to come up in the air while your right hand comes down towards floor.  Keep both arms in straight line.
6. Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the waist. Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling, in line with the tops of your shoulders. Keep your head in a neutral position or turn it to the left, eyes gazing softly at the left palm.
7. Ascertain that your body is bent sideways and not backward or forward. Pelvis and chest are wide open.
8. Stretch maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath.
9. As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides, and straighten your feet.
10. Repeat the same on the other side.
Contraindications of the Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from migraine, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, or neck and back injuries (those with high blood pressure may do this pose but without raising their hand overhead, as this may further raise the blood pressure).
from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174405133810
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
Yoga Postures Lying on Stomach
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Cobra Posture Superman Posture Locust Posture Bow Posture
Cobra Posture
This asana resembles a serpent with its hood raised.
Benefits: tones the abdomen, strengthens the entire back and shoulders, improves blood circulation, reduces fatigue and stress.
Superman Posture
The Superman Pose is similar to a flying superman high in the air. This posture is particularly helpful in strengthening your lower back muscles. Also works at the mind level – when you take off, you can’t but stay in the present moment. Even if you want to, you can’t think about any problem.
Can be a good workout for the abs and stomach. Improves blood circulation
Locust Posture
Increases flexibility and strength of the entire back
Strengthens shoulders and arms
Tones the nerves and muscles especially in the neck and shoulders
Massages and tones abdominal organs, and improves digestion
Bow Posture
This yoga posture has been named after the shape it takes – that of a bow.
Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
Stimulates the reproductive organs
Tones the leg and arm muscles
Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation
Helps people with renal (kidney) disorders
Learn yoga asanas and Experience yoga: Find the Yoga center near you!
from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174374491025
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
Yoga and the Breath
The first act of life – breathing. The last act of life – breathing.
Everything else lies somewhere in the middle but seems to assume utmost importance in our life. And this key element called breath, driving our very life journey, how often do we stop to observe the process of breathing in and out during the day? We don’t feel the need to because it is so natural. But do you know a little attention on the way we breathe can open up numerous secrets to good health? Increased immunity, a calm and relaxed mind, and a happy state of being, for starters? All this by learning to breathe right!
But who needs to learn how to breathe? Doesn’t it keep happening on its own all the time? Yes, but pranayamas (breathing techniques) help regulate the flow of breath, removing any blocks in the nadis (subtle energy channels) so that both our body and mind stay healthy. Let’s look at the key role the breath plays in yoga.
Your breath determines your state of mind
Our breath is our dearest companion. A companion who never loses sight of what emotion we are experiencing at any given moment of time. Think about it – isn’t your breath really fast when you are angry and smooth and mellow when you are calm? This signifies that breath is not only linked to the body but also to the mind. And we all want a happy state of mind, right? This is where pranayama can help. By paying attention to your breath through breathing exercises, you can bring the mind to a pleasant state by enhancing and regulating the life force in the system.
The term pranayama is made up of two words – prana (life force energy or breath) and yama (regulating or causing a break). As such, by breaking the normal breathing pattern, which happens in pranayama, we attend to the breath, and in turn to the health of our body and mind. Pranayamas fill the body with plenty of prana which makes you feel energetic and positive. On the other hand, a low level of prana in the body can be a reason for increased feelings of anxiety or stress.
You can relax in difficult asanas by being aware of your breath
Can you imagine relaxing in Boat Posture (Naukasana) or Superman Pose (Viparita Shalabhasana)? Sounds impossible? Well, it can be possible only by paying a little attention to our breath while we hold in these postures. What happens by bringing your awareness on the breath? The mind becomes relaxed and so you are better able to relax in the pose. From concentrating on the discomfort in the posture, the attention shifts to relaxing more in the pose. Try this out the next time you do your asana practice.
Another advantage of coordinating your breath with the body postures – sometimes the mind may wander off on its own trip as you exercise. The body keeps moving but the mind is elsewhere. On such moments, gently bringing your awareness to the breath brings back the mind to the present moment so that you are aware of the stretch where it happens and give your 100 percent to the asana practice. Also try getting a gentle smile on your face as you practice these postures. It makes a lot of difference! You will be able to relax more in the yoga pose and also enjoy it.
from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174373377240
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174243176335
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174219887480
malabeads5:Yoga Girl via: https://ift.tt/2s5TY5P
Yoga Girl via: https://ift.tt/2s5TY5P
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/174023727425
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/173990846465
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keepcalmdoyoganow · 6 years
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from Keep Calm Do Yoga https://keepcalmdoyoga.tumblr.com/post/173968412170
babes-do-yoga:Yoga Girl
Yoga Girl
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