keepermcge · 4 years
*peeps in*
Heeeeytty hafugyyy
Anyway, in case it wasn’t obvi this blog is dead and will stay dead, I tried to come back but life keep being like. I got a new job and like I’m not gonna make some huge this is why it’s just a accumulation of tumblr being toxic to be on unless I’m chilling on a personal with a select few followed the rest large amount being animal blogs. As much as I like a small fandom for a game after a while it legit is also kinda tiring after a while jsfjyt I was able to keep going this long as like the sole existence in the WoFF fandom cuz of you guys so thank you gdgjygj the FF RP fandom has honestly been unbearable toxic the since FF VII remake came out I’m scared to even exist which didn’t help in my deperature. I still love WoFF and Lann!!!! I got a pin the other day of my child and like Tama and some Mirages all together and I love it and it’s going in my ita bag when it comes! I broke my promise about always being here girtjjtefg loving, but I do still by myself. I am joining the group of discord peeps who migrated I never got it until I started, but tbh discord is way less pressuring you don’t gotta worry about formatting tumblr breaking all the honking time and you can rp as maybe chars as you want without having to make a new blog. I was gonna dip without saying anything, butttt I had a dream legit that changed my mind thank you for all the years you can find me on discord as WindyQ#6831 thanks for all the fun times! This blog will stay up and I’ll always be loving Lann on discord if you ever hear a rant on how he deserves more kligfsggehjhh
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keepermcge · 4 years
*peeps in*
Heeeeytty hafugyyy
Anyway, in case it wasn’t obvi this blog is dead and will stay dead, I tried to come back but life keep being like. I got a new job and like I’m not gonna make some huge this is why it’s just a accumulation of tumblr being toxic to be on unless I’m chilling on a personal with a select few followed the rest large amount being animal blogs. As much as I like a small fandom for a game after a while it legit is also kinda tiring after a while jsfjyt I was able to keep going this long as like the sole existence in the WoFF fandom cuz of you guys so thank you gdgjygj the FF RP fandom has honestly been unbearable toxic the since FF VII remake came out I’m scared to even exist which didn’t help in my deperature. I still love WoFF and Lann!!!! I got a pin the other day of my child and like Tama and some Mirages all together and I love it and it’s going in my ita bag when it comes! I broke my promise about always being here girtjjtefg loving, but I do still by myself. I am joining the group of discord peeps who migrated I never got it until I started, but tbh discord is way less pressuring you don’t gotta worry about formatting tumblr breaking all the honking time and you can rp as maybe chars as you want without having to make a new blog. I was gonna dip without saying anything, butttt I had a dream legit that changed my mind thank you for all the years you can find me on discord as WindyQ#6831 thanks for all the fun times! This blog will stay up and I’ll always be loving Lann on discord if you ever hear a rant on how he deserves more kligfsggehjhh
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keepermcge · 4 years
*peeps in*
Heeeeytty hafugyyy
Anyway, in case it wasn’t obvi this blog is dead and will stay dead, I tried to come back but life keep being like. I got a new job and like I’m not gonna make some huge this is why it’s just a accumulation of tumblr being toxic to be on unless I’m chilling on a personal with a select few followed the rest large amount being animal blogs. As much as I like a small fandom for a game after a while it legit is also kinda tiring after a while jsfjyt I was able to keep going this long as like the sole existence in the WoFF fandom cuz of you guys so thank you gdgjygj the FF RP fandom has honestly been unbearable toxic the since FF VII remake came out I’m scared to even exist which didn’t help in my deperature. I still love WoFF and Lann!!!! I got a pin the other day of my child and like Tama and some Mirages all together and I love it and it’s going in my ita bag when it comes! I broke my promise about always being here girtjjtefg loving, but I do still by myself. I am joining the group of discord peeps who migrated I never got it until I started, but tbh discord is way less pressuring you don’t gotta worry about formatting tumblr breaking all the honking time and you can rp as maybe chars as you want without having to make a new blog. I was gonna dip without saying anything, butttt I had a dream legit that changed my mind thank you for all the years you can find me on discord as WindyQ#6831 thanks for all the fun times! This blog will stay up and I’ll always be loving Lann on discord if you ever hear a rant on how he deserves more kligfsggehjhh
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keepermcge · 4 years
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keepermcge · 4 years
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“Hey! Hey!” He grins an all too telling smile on his face. “I’ve been wondering... can you turn into a Lilikin?” Yeah, yeah, Lann knows the only reason him and Reynn can do it is because of Enna Kros, but... maybe they are exceptions to the rule, like if you stay in Grymoire long enough, or... this Nine Wood Hills... both of which would apply to Skuld!
“You should try riding on one of my Mirages! It’s super fun, dude! And you don’t have to walk!” Although, he preferred staying in his Jiant form, when trekking long distances it was much easier to just hop on a buddy or two.
“Oh! Even if you can’t you should try it!” There are quite a few Mirages that are so large in size he is pretty sure you wouldn’t even need to be a Lilikin to ride one for a bit.  
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keepermcge · 4 years
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Lithe fingers subconsciously find themselves raising, elbows jointed out, hands pushing beneath hood covering ears, grasping at strawberry light locks of hair. The noise in the area becomes muffled, a shaky breath reverberating in his chest let out. Nervousness tugs at his heart… and feet rush off the ground and instead of going slow and sloppy, they go fast and stumble.
Moving again, he becomes aware of each movement, now feeling slow and heavy, aching, the stabbing in his ankles makes every foot forward feel like he was stepping on knives, but it was going into the skin above. No amount of bandages and cure spells would ever completely heal wounds…
“…Gotta keep going…”
That’s what he tells himself, but the world tilts in the blink of an eye before his mind can even register anything, and the pain becomes really sharp for a moment and his vision goes pure white.
It’s oddly numb, the cold pressed amongst side ignored in favor of trying to push hands into the ground, though they lay helplessly at side, he can only pull them closer in a feeble attempt to warm up, because, geez, why the honk is the ground so cold?
He has to keep going…
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keepermcge · 4 years
Starter Call! ⭐️
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keepermcge · 4 years
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“There you go little guy.”
A soft smile filled with warmth is etched across gentle features, fingers carefully running through the small Chocochick’s feathers, before fingertips lightly pats it’s head, err, eggshell a couple of times.
Lann places it from his lap back to the ground, smile growing found watching the little creature ‘kewh’ and shake itself off in a dog like way.
Despite what his sister may think, he cared about all his Mirages, ones not used and all. And so he tried to give them all some attention sometimes.
Of course, he may spoil this guy a little too much since he was the first Mirage he had ever caught and named… but…
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keepermcge · 4 years
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keepermcge · 4 years
┃┃╱╲ In this
┃╱╱╲╲ house
╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love
▔▏┗┛▕▔ & respect
╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲
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keepermcge · 4 years
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keepermcge · 4 years
    change any gendered language to your needs.  ♡
“   you  don’t  have  to  hide  your  tears  from  me .   ” “   you’re  doing  great ,   okay ??   i mean it .   ” “   you  are  so  strong .   ” “   please  don’t  ever  give  up .   ” “   i  will  always  believe  in  you .   ” “   why  do  you  always  think  you  have  to  do  everything  on  your  own ??   ” “   it’s  okay ,   i’m  here .   i’ll  always  be  here .   ” “   you’ve  always  been  strong  for  me .   let  me  return  the  favor .   ” “   just  listen  to  my  heartbeat ,   okay ??   ” “   come  on ,   take  a  deep  breath .   it’s  gonna  be  alright .   ” “   please ,   just  hold  me .   ” “   you  always  meant  the  world  to  me .   i’m  sorry  i  let  you  forget  that .   ” “   i  never  stopped  loving  you .   ” “   you’ll  feel  better  if  you  talk  about  it .   i’m  here  to  listen .   ” “   you’re  so  much  more  than  the  mistakes  you’ve  made .  ” “   i  forgive  you .   ” “   you  are  so  fucking  powerful .   ” “   i’m  not  leaving  you  here .   ” “   i  trust  you  more  than  anyone  else  in  this  universe .   ” “   it’s  okay  to  be  confused .   nobody  has  all  the  answers .   ” “   i’m  so ,   so  sorry .   you  didn’t  deserve  that .   ” “   healing  is  not  linear ,   but  it’s  always  moving  forward .   ” “   you  can  admit  that  you’re  hurting .   it’s  okay  to  not  be  okay .   ” “   hold  my  hand ??   ” “   you  are  my  home .   ” “   no  matter  what  anyone  else  says ,   you  are  so  important  to  me .   ” “   don’t  worry .   i’ll  protect  you .   ” “   shh ,   it  was  just  a  nightmare .   you’re  safe .   ” “   don’t  talk  about  yourself  like  that .   ” “   just  say  the  word .   you  know  i’d  do  anything  for  you .   ” “   you  are  loved .   ” “   i  just  need  a  hug .   ” “   i’ll  destroy  anything  that  so  much  as  thinks  of  harming  you .   ” “   don’t  ever  let  anyone  make  you  feel  ashamed  of  who  you  are .   ” “   you’re  not  alone .   you’re  stuck  with  me  forever .   sorry .   ” “   well ,   hello  sleeping  beauty .   you  fell  asleep  on  me .   ” “   if  you  don’t  take  your  butt  back  to  bed ,   i  will  carry  you  there  myself .   ” “   i’m  sorry  to  wake  you  up ,   but  i  really  need  someone  to  talk  to .   ” “   i  hate  seeing  you  like  this   …   please ,  let  me  help .   ” “   you  are   &   always  will  be  precious  to  me .   ” “   i  can’t  believe  that  asshole  said  that  to  you .   it’s  not  true ,   you  know .    ” “   you  want  me  to  punch  him  in  the  face  ??   ” “   you  deserve  every  good  thing  in  the  world .   ” “   you  know  i  always  have  your  back .   ” “   you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  anything ,   as  long  as  i’m  around .   ” “   stop  apologizing ,   okay ??   i’ve  already  told  you  i’ve  forgiven  you  a  hundred  times now .   ” “   don’t  beat  yourself  up  over  this .   be  kind  to  yourself ,   it’s  not  your  fault .   ”
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keepermcge · 4 years
random sentence starters: the third
change around as you see fit!
“ i want to be like you. “
“ that is … literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. “
“ what’s the plan here ? “
“ please just … come home. “
“ all i’m saying is that jurassic park could happen ! “
“ jeez , who pissed in your cornflakes this morning ? “
“ i’m a simple person. i see a cool rock , i pick it up. “
“ you’re so cute and i literally can not handle it right now , so i have to go— “
“ hey , uh , what do you got there ? “
“ we’re not friends. “
“ so , do you come here often or … ? “
“ slow down , i just want to get to know you … “
“ i’m angry at you ! i’m upset ! and you … you don’t even care ! “
“ will you promise to marry me in the future ? “
“ what are your thoughts on having kids ? “
“ oh , come on ! they were literally holding hands and becoming self aware of their own mortality ! it was a sad moment— stop laughing at me ! toy story 3 didn’t have to do us like that ! “
“ you’re my best friend. i’ll always have your back. “
“ … do you want to do something stupid with me ? “
“ you don’t have to be jealous , you know~ “
“ sing me a song. “
“ did you do this ? “
“ for once can you please be honest with me ? “
“ lets run away together. anywhere. i’m tired of this life. “
“ are you binge watching that show on netflix again ? “
“ how much britney spears i’ve listened to in the last 72 hours is none of your business ! “
“ god … i can’t look away , it’s like my eyes are drawn to it. “
“ why are you leaving ? “
“ admit it … i drive you wild. “
“ you’re so infuriating. “
“ i hate this town. “
“ i’m one call away , okay ? just one call. “
“ you want me so bad , don’t you ? “
“ i’ll just live in the forest as a goblin. “
“ you don’t know what i’m capable of. “
“ you want a tattoo of what now ? “
“ i can’t believe i’m confessing this but … i really really like you. “
“ look me in the eye when you’re breaking my heart ! you don’t get to look away , dammit ! “
“ i can’t believe we’ve just sat here for four hours and have done nothing. “
“ hey , hey , hey … guess what ? “
“ you are my platonic soulmate. “
“ someone thought we were a couple so like , we totally just hit best friend goals. “
“ the bigger the boobs , the stronger they are. that’s anime logic , at least. “
“ i can’t believe i fell in love … like an idiot. “
“ i’ve never fallen in love before … what’s it like ? “
“ hello ? 911 ? i’d like to report a murder of my remaining brain cells …. “
“ wow , look who remembered my existence. “
“ you want to hear a story ? oh uh … well … uh … l — let me tell you all about how this boy’s life got flipped turned upside down— “
“ … not many people really talk to me … “
“ tell me all about you. anything. everything. “
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keepermcge · 4 years
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“Sooo... I’ve been thinking...” he draws out the last note with a grin, pulling something out from his pocket. “Tada!” On the surface it was just a lid, but... “So you know how it’s like super impossible to get pickle jar’s open, dude?”
“I was thinking they have to have a secret code!”
Why the honk else would they be so hard to open?! Of course, when he had told Reynn, she blew off his idea by saying he is a dummy... but c’mon!
He wasn’t just gonna throw down the idea though! And he knew someone perfect for the job! So here he is!
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keepermcge · 4 years
what you wish you could say
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“everyone else is more important than me.”
you’re deathly afraid of being selfish. you’re also deathly afraid of being forgotten. all you want is to be somebody’s favorite person, but that feels like a far off dream. you try and make yourself interesting so that people stick around you. it doesn’t feel like that’s working. you want to hang out more with your friends, but it seems like they’re always busy or that they have better friends than you.
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keepermcge · 4 years
Starter Call! ⭐️
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keepermcge · 4 years
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