keepitcartesian · 4 years
What is a Parlor Room?
You may be wondering what a parlor room is? Well, me too. Parlour room is another name for a reception space. This would have been the first room visitors would have arrived at when visiting someone back in the day 
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parlour reception room
The word parlour room actually comes from medieval times centering around monasteries. The outer parlour was a place of businesses for monks, and the inner parlour was more of a focal point of conversation. In the 18th century and gerogian times having a reception room was a sign of social status. 
Where does the name parkour come from?
The word actually stems from French ‘parler’ which means to speak. As with the monastery's usage, it was originally meant to speak with people, as almost an audience reception room if you will. 
Parlor or parlour 
There is an american and uk difference in spelling to parlo(u)r room. This is because the french room was adapted to English and the french spell it either parlour or parlor. This being said I guess either one is right!
Parlor room definition
As we know there are a lot of different uses of the word and people also use the room for different uses too. It is really up to you what to do with your parlour room. It is not to be mixed with a hearth room.
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parlor room in pastel
what is a parlor room in a hotel
You may be wondering what is a parlor in a hotel room? This is usually another name for the reception room of a hotel, or it is perhaps a room off from the main reception where people can quietly chat, read and socialise. 
Parlor room what to put in it?
What to put in a parlour room? 
This one is a tricky one. Really the opportunities are endless. We recommend interesting books,like great talking points. As well we could include some great pieces of art, and/or a lovely seat set with a matching table. 
Parlor vs living room
There are a lot of differences to a parlour and living room . First is that the living room will generally have your TV and creature comforts. It is generally meant for people to live in and be lived in. This is why we have our games consoles and what not in this space, as well as books, magazines and more. The parlour on the other hand does not have any of this. Instead of a comfy corner suite, it is much more likely to have a more formal dining set, with a table in order for discussing important matters. 
Difference between parlor and living room
The main difference between these rooms is that one is formal and one is very informal and one is an informal lounging area. This, i would say is the main difference. The formality is important because this would be a place you can talk to acquaintances without the embarrassment of them coming into your home and invading your privacy and space. 
What is a parlor room in a house
We hope you have an idea now what is a parlour room, and maybe now you will want one in your home! Whatever it is, we hope you love it, and it explains what is a parlor room on your house plans. 
View some other types of rooms in mansion house
The article What is a Parlor Room? is republished from keepitcartesian
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keepitcartesian · 4 years
What is a hearth room?
What is a hearth room in a house?
First off, you may have heard your classy neighbors, friend of friends or wine aunt talk about how much they want a Hearth Room. But what the f%*k is a hearth room? We are here to discuss this most elusive room and its uses (if any) in this candid review of this space and it’s uses. 
What is a keeping room?
The hearth room was also known as a keeping room. It is becoming popular once again to build them into a house plan because open plan kitchens are so popular.
What is a "hearth room"?
First, let's start with the basics, describing what actually is a hearth room. As the name may suggest, yes they do include a room with a fireplace in it. Thus a hearth room.
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what is a hearth room
What is the purpose of a hearth room? Traditionally they were the room that was more casual than a living room, and used mostly for the family to get together around an open fireplace. They were often too situated near the kitchen. I foyu had more of an open plan living space they are often found in the same room as the kitchen. 
What do you call the room with the hearth?
As you may have ascertained by now, the common name would be a hearth room. 
What is a hearth room used for?
Typically this is a relaxed, laid back family space for the close members of the household to use . This room is not for entertaining guests, it is simply a cozy place to sit by the fireplace and keep warm. Perhaps you might read the paper, a good book or even play some board games. 
What is a hearth room in house plans?
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You may be wondering What is a hearth room in my house plans? Worry not. It is simply the room where the fireplace is the focal point of the space. So it could also be a dining room or even a living room. Or even part of your open plan kitchen.
How to paint a wood stove in the hearth room?
If you are wanting to paint your log burning stove, you must buy paint that can withstand high temperatures, the last thing you want is your paint burning off and smelling bad. This being said you can find some great spray can paint, or even some specialist stove and BBQ paint for  this task. This will spruce up your hearth room to no end. 
How far should the hearth of a wood-burning fireplace project into a room?
This is a matter of personal taste. I personally was renovating a 16th century cottage which I uncovered a natural fireplace sill and recess. I thought it logical to place the stove and flute here where the fireplace would have originally been. That being said though these days some people even just place them in the middle of the room as a fashion statement. 
What is the best way to decorate a hearth room?
Wondering how to decorate a hearth room? I would suggest first getting a colour scheme together. You then know the heart is going to be the focal point, so with that get going! 
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Wondering ideas on how to decorate a small kitchen hearth room?
You could create the hearth as the accent wall and paint a bold colour around it and have a more neutral all around. It is really up to you. 
Want to know about more rooms in luxury houses?
One thing I would say is invest in some really comfy sofas and chairs to relax in.  Hope i have explained the hearth room to you guys, so you are no longer left wondering: what is hearth room? Any more!
Check out my article on what is a parlor room?
The following post What is a hearth room? Find more on: keepitcartesian
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keepitcartesian · 4 years
20 Types of rooms in a house
Hello and welcome to types of rooms in a house where we aim to identify what types of rooms are in houses. There are many rooms which we all know, obviously such as a living room, bedroom and kitchen. But what about those rooms that don't appear as much or are not as popular. What about the types of rooms that are obsolete, or maybe only present in a luxury house. We are going to take a deep dive into the different types of rooms, spaces and areas that are present in homes. Exciting, huh?
Description of rooms in a house
Here I am going to talk about the description of the different rooms in a house. This is quite interesting because depending on where you are from you may use different rooms for different things, so it is quite fascinating to see what people do with the space they are given.
Types of rooms in a mansion
Now you may think that types of rooms are different in a mansion, but they aren't actually that different. The thing about mansions is that they are big, yes but they are not always that luxurious or have anything extra that  a regular house would not. A mansion may have a grand staircase and an entrance hall. It may also have certain house areas that are not accessible to all guests. 
Bedroom - This is where people mainly sleep and unwind. You may also find a TV in here. 
Bathroom - A lovely bathroom is great. It has to be designed well and have a flare. It also should be built to last, and have a design that can last for quite a while. 
En suite - This is brilliant if you have a lot of guests round. Sharing bathrooms can get awkward, and an en suite bathroom takes the awkwardness away.
Conservatory - lovely if you like to grow plants and have a place to sit. 
Living room - the main room to unwind and watch tv
Dining room - A lovely place to sit and dine out in the comfort of your own home. 
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Kitchen - Cooking is some people's best hobby and a great place to let your creative and flare flow into the food. It can also be a place to wash dishes and prepare meals
Wine cellar - this can be great and doesn't have to be too large. A wine cellar will make your dinner parties be amazing and transformative. 
Garage - if you have cars, or a summer car , or even a motorbike that you like to tinker away on, this can be fantastic. A garage is a great place to store things like paints, oil and car parts.
House areas
There are actually many different types of house areas, as well as rooms. These can include shared space such as a kitchen, garden or living room. Can also include aspects such as servants quarters, and areas people such as guests would not go .This may also include guest wings, guest bedrooms and more. There will be different areas depending on what house areas there are.
Types of rooms in a luxury house
This again can be slightly different depending on the house,and where you are in the world, but basically a luxury house builds on that of a mansion, and adds slightly more luxury here. So we may find additional rooms and extras such as a games room, a billiard room and a wine cellar.
Games room
Wine cellar
Pool room
Hearth room
Parlor Room
Master bedroom
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girl in bedroom
Master bathroom
Home cinema
Mud room. 
Butlers pantry
Different rooms in a house images
You may not be able to picture this. So let me show you some images that pertain to some of the rooms I have just mentioned. Pictures of different types of rooms in a house are sometimes hard to come by because it is not every day that random strangers with big houses let you into their home, but let me tell you. We are here today to show you some of the most top quality houses on the market. 
Different rooms in a house chart
So, you need to think about these different rooms. For some, open plan living is optimal, but even with this, you may think and consider that you want a larder or a pantry to keep some things away from guests. That being said we can also add that some things may not be necessary, for instance a home sauna or gym, you may not do too many sports. 
Dream house room list
If you are planning on living in your dream house. You need a bit more luxury than your normal basic home. Here are some rooms we think you need to think about and include when you are going to buy a home. 
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Butler’s pantry - If you are going to be entertaining, you must get one of these. Even if you don't have a butler or a servant, it can be useful in preparing meals, drinks and morte. 
Indoor pool - An indoor pool is a must. This is so brilliant because it can be used in all weathers seasons and days, as well as this it is an exceptional way to keep fit as well as healthy. To add to this, if you want to have a pool party, this is perfect!
Home gym - a home gym is also a must if you are wanting to keep fit. This promotes you to train at home when you may not want to train at the gym.
Keeping room - A relaxed room second to a living room, where you can kick back and put your feet up. 
Rooms in a house worksheet
You may want to test yourself on rooms in a house, you can find worksheets on this here. 
Parts of home
Really, a house is a home when you make it a home. We hope some of the parts of the homes have made an impression on you and maybe you will get some new ideas on homes. This is great because it is important to get what you want when searching for buying a property. 
The following post 20 Types of rooms in a house is republished from Keep It Cartesian Blog
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keepitcartesian · 4 years
Top 10 Tastiest Holiday Destinations in France 2020
France is the epitome of fun and enjoyment. It is a destination with a fantastic culture, excellent gastronomy, and beautiful landscape. It is also where you find the Eiffel tower, as well as the Louvre museum, my best spot whenever I want to have a silent and meaningful day. That means there are plenty of destinations to pick from if you are planning to travel to this nation. With that in mind, here are the top ten tastiest places in France to visit in 2020.
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The beauty and setting of Beaujolais are alluring to any traveller. I found the region to have exorbitant plenty of places to visit, dine, and drink. Wine tours in the area are elaborate with distinct stops along the 140km wine route. My most intriguing reminisce about this destination is its excellent wine selection. The crispy nature of its château Thivin Côte de Brouilly wine is fantastic.
It is a drink I found enjoyable with hints of peppermint notes gushing from its velvety texture. Each bottle of wine here unlocks your taste buds by unleashing remarkable flavours that feature a bubblegum scent, my favourite. I took most of the wines while seated under a shade with a cool breeze and fresh scents of grapes whiffing through my nose.
Saint Tropez
St. Tropez is a beautiful place to visit with a group. The location is calm, with many breathtaking sites like Plage Port Grimaud and Escalet beach. I spent most of my time at Chateau des Marres and honestly, the place is a gem and sanctuary of ultimate experience.
The estate blends different grapes to achieve a distinct wine taste suitable for wine connoisseurs. The winery shares its tradition through its ancient yet divine wine crafting methods. I got to sip a glass of Cuvee 2s rose wine, which displayed perfect peach aromas and a balance of acidity, making every gulp memorable.
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Loire Valley
Loire Valley is a haven of beautiful antique buildings, lush green vegetation, and magnificent castles. It is home to Brédif Marc (ETS), and Chateau de Miniere wineries that serve plenty of fabulous wines. If you are a fan of quintessential French wines, then you are going to enjoy Loire valley. I did visit the Chateau de Miniere winery, the home to excellent wine, and a variety of delectable dishes. The combination of traditional heritage with modernity swept me off my feet and made the whole experience unique.
Provence is where I get solace whenever I visit France. I’m not in love with this place just for its warm weather, colourful streets, and lavender scents that linger in the atmosphere. The beautiful wine tasting sites that this place offers is phenomenal, and it makes me fall deeper for this place. These wineries select wines depending on how well it pairs with a particular meal.
I love to visit this area for high-quality wines like Couture Brut, which offer rich tastes with smooth feels. I often pair it with spicy dishes to get that heavenly feel with earthy notes. The subtle acidity and the nutty aroma always make my heart delightful.
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Champagne is a gem when it comes to offering the best experience to any traveller. For most wine enthusiasts, this place features on the list of top ten tastiest destinations in France due to its strategic location, mouthwatering foods, and great atmosphere. It is where I fell in love with the celebrated Michelin starred Le Grand Cerf restaurant that serves both traditional and international delicacies.
What intrigues me about this place are the open windows that radiate natural light and the superb seating arrangement. I always find the place comfortable and welcoming whenever I visit to enjoy bottles of pinot noir, which come with a beautiful blend of flavours. Sometimes when with friends, I like to opt for a private dining room to magnify our splendid experience.
Colmar’s beauty is synonymous with every French citizen. The various wineries available in the region makes it one of the most famous wine locations in France. My most preferred stop is at the Zind Humbrecht. That is where I get my forever favourite 2017 Zind wine. The site sits majestically on a hillside with tracks of land surrounding it.
That makes it a perfect place to enjoy the subtle floral notes and citrus palate of the wine. Moreover, this place satiates my love for an uninterrupted view of green land and beautiful surroundings.
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Cotes du Rhone
Cotes du Rhone is one of the most famous wine regions, thanks to its beautiful scenery and serene environment. It is also where the appellation Cotes du Rhone Blanc originates. The wine hints a scent of stone fruits combined with some trace of floral notes. What always impresses me is its creaminess and liquorice flavour that makes it smooth and soothing.
Cotes du Rhone is where I go whenever I’m craving delicious wines. I never forget to carry my notebook just in case I come across a drink that intrigues my wine-loving soul.
The simplicity and charming nature of Languedoc-Roussillon make it an incredible destination that I can never miss on my list of wineries. The unique feature of Languedoc-Roussillon is its affordability. Their plush accommodations astound me, and the beautiful high-end décor makes me feel like a king.
They always have a variety of wines, including Chardonnays, Cabernet Sauvignons, Merlots, and Sauvignon Blanc wines. The clear skies and warm climate make me yearn for a glass of blanton bourbon.
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No wine enthusiast or connoisseur doesn’t have Bordeaux on their list of places to visit in France. The area houses some of the famous wineries on the planet. Here is where I bumped into Château Haut-Brion and Château Les Carmes Haut-Brion wineries. Their dry Cabernet Sauvignon wines never fail to amuse me.
They come with vanilla, blueberry, blackberry, and black cherry flavours. It is a beautiful location to enjoy lengthy wine tours and other special activities. The best time to visit this place is from the beginning of September to mid-October. That is when the weather is favourable, and fun activities are plenty.
Lastly, you must tour Burgundy whether you are a fan of tasty red wines or dry white wine. The location contains a variety of Pinot Noir wines and lovely Chardonnay wines. What makes Burgundy a place to behold are the amazing wine tours that it offers.
The wine region is vast in comparison to other wine regions; that’s why I always set aside at least five days whenever I tour. The wine discussions always leave me stunned. It is an incredible place to have a pleasant and exciting stay.
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There is no way you can end up having a dull day while visiting any of the destinations mentioned above. I have never been bored, and that’s why I always keep on visiting these places again and again. Each location comes with its uniqueness. While some have only a few blends, others like Bordeaux and Cotes du Rhone grow multiple types of grapes, featuring a wide variety of wines.
If you are the party type, how about checking out some of these cities?
Top 10 Tastiest Holiday Destinations in France 2020 is courtesy of www.keepitcartesian.com
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keepitcartesian · 4 years
Top 10 Party Cities To Go Clubbing In Europe
If we talk about nightlife and nocturnal activities and exclude Europe from the list, it would be a grave mistake! Europe is in its league of clubbing, partying, pubs, and bars name any. Europeans have learned the art of partying. You can find the best nightlife in the world in alleys, lanes and underground in these cities.
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If you count yourself as a party animal, you surely know what we are talking about - And yes! It includes the best 4s -- Berlin, Barcelona, Budapest, and Belgrade. Yet are more than that. We have made a list of the top 10 party cities of Europe you should visit for A-grade nightlife!
Berlin, Germany
One can easily say Berlin is the party capital of Europe! Berlin is the premier city for clubbing and nightlife in the world. The party never stops here! It just starts when the clock hits 1 am and ends up strong till the sun rises. Berlin is home to greatest DJs – giving out the world’s finest club music. The day-time goes by brunches, lunches in the elated market places. It’s easy to start a party in Berlin while eating up a mouthful of Bohme. Yes! The food and alcohol are cheapest in Berlin.
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Best attractions –
Berghain & Panorama Bar
Salon Zur Wilden Renate
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona is the city of the night owls. The locals have a patented style of eating late dinners, partying till daylight, and sleeping until the sun reaches overhead. The tourists from all over the world come to Barcelona for the same experience. The Spanish have set high bars on how a nightlife should be with music ranging from soft jazz to electronic techno!
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Best attractions –
Pacha Barcelona
Sala Apolo
La Terrrazza
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest is known for its classic ruin bars. Ruin bars are bars made on old huge desolate buildings and spaces. The vibes of night time are not ghastly but of loud music, alcohol essence, and vibrant lights. Budapest is famous for both parties! These parties are held in thermal baths of the city and are quite known as summer spa night parties!
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Best attractions –
Mazel Tov
Szechenyi Spa Baths
Otkert Club
Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade is a lesser-known city offering the best nightlife in the world. The happy hours never end in Belgrade, as alcohol is cheap. Every type of person has something to do in this city. There is no said discrimination – not in music, gender, drink, and food. The summer parties are the bomb in Belgrade; they are over floating river clubs called Serbian Kafanas. The locals are out of the world when it comes to partying!
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Best attractions –
KC Grad
Ibiza, Spain
Ibiza is notorious all over the world for its wildest parties. The best summer beach parties in the world are in Ibiza. Greatest artists, significant clubs, DJs play on the beach with thousands of people partying day and night. Ibiza has its genre of festivals, fun, carnival, holidays, and drinks. And of course, many celebrities join the festival alongside you just in Ibiza.
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Best attractions –
Hi Ibiza
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam is well-known for its relaxing coffee shop image, but when it comes to nightlife, one of the best festivals and clubs is in this city. The music and vibes are tailor-made for every kind, literally! The top clubhouses play hip-hop, deep house, techno, and trance. When it comes night, parties don’t miss the infamous Red Light District and for exclusive clubbing Rembrandtplein and Leidseplein. Amsterdam is also one of the expensive places to party too!
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Best attractions –
Club NYX
De Trut
Prague, Czech Republic
Prague is for insomniac party doers and beer lovers. If you love beer, you should absolutely not miss Prague. The city is famous for cheap beer and the most affordable nightlife – yet! The quality of nightlife doesn’t damp down. The pub culture is euphoric for mellow dancers and drinkers. The underground clubs and bars add music to the city nightlife. One of the biggest clubs in Europe – Karlovy Lazne is part of Prague’s crazy nightlife.
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Best attractions –
Karlovy Lazne
Thessaloniki, Greece
Greece is infamous for luxury salons, shops, and boutiques; the very essence of Thessaloniki is fashion and luxury. Don’t let it stop you here; this Greek city holds the best summer parties in the world since forever! It’s no surprise in these beautiful towns the nightlife is great! The discos and pretentious bars define the meaning of a lux party.
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Best attractions –
Club Division
Matter Club
Club Le Freak
La Rosa Negra
Hvar, Croatia
Hvar is a resort and port island in Croatia. Hvar and nearby Islands are just beautiful destinations to tourists worldwide. And are also the hotspots for clubbing and night parties. In summer, yachts overflow in the bay area where all the extravagant parties are! The golden beaches on the islands are just for the most exotic parties in Europe!
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Best attractions –
Pink Champagne
Hula Hula
Carpe Diem
Central Park Club
Ayia Napa, Cyprus
Ayia Napa is a lesser-known European destination. This Cyprus town is just scenic and panoramic. Yet it is the top party destination. Ayia Napa has relatively over 80 clubs and bars – which are overruns by people of a range of tastes. The beachside parties are fancy and stylish! Dance on the azure blue waterfront with low-fi reggae, Indie, and rock playing alongside should be on everyone’s cross-list.
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Best attractions –
Club Aqua
Blue Moon Bar
Carwash Disco
Castle Club
Europe hosts the most well-renowned party cities. And let’s be fair to have a great time you can have in any said city. But to the unforgettable best time, you have to consider cities made for exclusive partying activities. So don’t hold back! Plan your next party in these European cities!
The blog post Top 10 Party Cities To Go Clubbing In Europe is republished from KeepItCartesian
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
4 Interior Design Tips to Make a Hallway Look Bigger
As you settle into fall and spend more time inside, you may notice that certain areas of your home seem cramped and cold. Dark, narrow hallways can make your home seem uninviting, especially in contrast to more lived-in areas like your living room or bedrooms. Although hallways mainly serve as transitory locations, a passageway to other rooms in the house, it’s important not to neglect them or diminish their importance, take a look at this article on 11 Home decor ideas for small spaces.
Hallways serve to connect and unify the comfort and overall cohesion of your home’s interior décor. When your home has a small hallway, you will want to use special design tips to help it look bigger. Here are some ideas that are recommended by designers to create a space that looks larger.
Eliminate Excessive Clutter
Avoid having excessive clutter in your hallways as it will take up space and make it seem like you don’t have room for items elsewhere. One possible remodel that could help you regain use of hallway space could involve creating a recessed storage system that is built into the wall spaces. You will likely need to hire a carpenter or a contractor to help with this process to avoid damaging any electrical wires, water pipes or support systems in the walls.
The benefits from recessed shelves or cabinets are that you will have additional storage that is attractive but that won’t require taking away any space in the hallway. Don’t keep tables or bookshelves in the hallway because it will make the space feel cramped. Make sure to put away objects and toys that may litter the hallway, giving guests less space to comfortably stand and walk. Cleanliness and clear walking space is to hallways what comfortable couches and charming clutter might be to a bedroom or playroom. It helps the room fulfill its purpose in the most comfortable way.
Additional Lighting in the Hallway
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An easy way to make the hallway look bigger is to install additional lighting that illuminates the space. However, don’t use large light fixtures that will require a lot of space. Low hanging light bulbs and bulky fixtures will not only intrude on the space, but also tend to cast uneven light or create shadows on the ceiling that draw the eye upward. This draws attention to the narrow bareness of the ceiling.
An electrician can often install recessed ceiling or wall light fixtures that won’t require any space but that you can turn on quickly with a light switch on the wall. You can experiment with different types of light bulbs to determine the best wattage that will make the hallway seem larger. Lighting expands and lightens a space, so make sure the hallway is well-lit.
Windows are also a perfect way to brighten up an area, while making the illusion of a bigger and more open space, have a read of the article Just How Do You Decide on the Right Windows for You? for more help on this topic.
Attractive Wall Mirrors
Attractive wall mirrors with can make a small hallway look bigger. It also assists in reflecting light, which means you’ll need less light fixtures to brighten the area. Consult with a home designer to order the frames for the mirrors and to understand exactly where to hang the mirror on the walls or take a look at this article on 10 Ways To Use Mirrors To Make Your Space Look Larger.
Choosing the right type of material for the mirror frames can also make a small hallway look larger. Frames should not distract the eye from the mirror, but should also be nice enough that they augment the lighting and space. You could even consider getting customized frames for either mirrors or pictures so that they will all match each other and your house’s interior style. Large mirrors especially serve to expand the space they are in as well as to reflect light, which brightens the area.
Paint the Hallway’s Walls with a Pale Color
A pale paint color can help a small hallway look bigger, so you should select paint that is off-white, gray, peach, or light blue rather than a darker shade of paint. In addition, shiny or glossy paint will help with making the hallway look longer and wider.
Painting the molding on the baseboards or near the ceiling in a lighter color is also beneficial. Remember that you can add molding materials to the walls in the hallway. Take a look at this helpful article named 'Dazzling Colours Of Autumn- How to Prepare Your Home For A Fanctastic Fall' to get that perfect Autumn colour scheme!
Use Computer Software to Plan a Hallway’s Design
There are computer software programs that you can use to help you design hallways by changing the color of the paint on the walls or adding embellishments, including recessed light fixtures. Feel free to explore your options digitally, and consider asking an expert interior designer for advice and help in how to expand the narrow spaces in your home.
4 Interior Design Tips to Make a Hallway Look Bigger is republished from KITC Blog
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
How to Store Your Household Items during Remodeling
These simple yet practical storage tips will help you organize and protect your household items during your home remodeling.)
Are you looking to get your home remodeled or renovated?
Remodeling gives your home an exciting makeover. 
But it can’t be denied that it comes with some dilemmas. 
When the house is being renovated, you need to move a lot of items, and if you're not careful, you can end up with a lot of mess, clutter, and damages, take a look at this article on How to Clean Your Home Like a Pro, if thats something your worried about. You need to store your furniture and household objects in an appropriate and safe place. 
Consider such issues ahead of time to keep things organized before you start with your home remodeling. 
To guide you through this phase, here I have rounded up some simple tips you can use to store your household items carefully and safely. 
Use a Storage Container:
A storage container is useful in many ways, take a look at this article on the 8 Advantages of Using a Portable Storage Container when Renovating. It is just like your storage facility sitting right in your driveway. It can accommodate most of the household things during remodeling. Plus, the container provides you the flexibility and convenience when you need those items. Storage containers are also a safe way to hold your furniture as they are locked away, especially if your in possession of expensive items that could easily be stolen. Take a look at this article on whether unique designer items for interior design or worth the money.
Generally, they are available on rent. Make sure to do a bit of research to choose the right one that fits your need. The portable storage provider should offer the cost, size and delivery options according to your requirements. Avoid skimping on size, especially if you have a large piece of furniture to store. 
You can have the container on your personal property for any length of time. If you’re living in a condo or townhome, get your homeowner’s permission to keep them in your driveway or the parking lot.
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See If You Have any Extra Space for Storage:
If you want to save on a storage container, you can use a space or room that you don’t use often. It can be your guest bedroom or an empty part of the basement. Or see if you can create a temporary space if you’re not going to remodel your home at once. The point is here to choose the space you won’t likely need anytime soon, and when your done with using it for storage, here is an article on 11 Home decor ideas for small spaces, so you can renovate it like the rest of your home.
Besides, you can count on the help of friends or beloved ones, to make their living spaces available to store your household items during the remodeling
Properly Store Your Furniture:
It is challenging to clear off your pieces of furniture as they are heavy and large. Top of that, dust, debris and stains of paint can damage your elegant piece of furniture. 
It is better if you can clear more furniture out of the home as possible. This way, remodelers can work easily without facing too many obstacles. The rest can be taken care of by covering or moving them from the walls. 
Take Care of Your Draperies:
A lot of dust will be there as you reach to the middle of a home renovation project. This dust and debris can risk your draperies, needless to say, that your draperies trap that dust making it more challenging to remove after the project.
Remove your draperies ahead of time and store them away during the project. This can be done by neatly folding your draperies on the floor and storing them in a container away from heat and moisture. Consider renting a climate-controlled storage unit for antique or expensive curtains. However, if you don't want to do this, here is some help on how to clean curtains.
Organize Your Items:
Clearing the items off the house doesn’t mean you remove everything out and toss them in a box. It is important to keep them organized and sorted. After all, you may need to access those things more often during remodeling. And it is quite frustrating when you aren’t able to find your hairdryer or a phone charger due to that large, unorganized stuff. 
Here’s how to keep your items organized and sorted. 
Label Your Boxes:
Labels will help you identify what contains what. You can label the contents on the boxes. Just tape a piece of paper slip on them. 
Store Your Daily Use Items Front and Center:
It will give you easy access to the things you use more often. Put those things not to be used during your remodel to the back. 
Leave a Clear Path Between Boxes:
      Make sure to create a clear path between boxes. This will ensure a path between your stored items.  
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Call In Moving Labors for Heavy Items:
Shifting heavy items like furniture or appliances, no matter where they are, is challenging. You won't like to take a risk as inappropriate handling can damage them. So it makes sense to hire moving labor for such items. 
Home remodeling causes dust and hassles, and your household items will be best protected with the right storage practices during the process. Imply these storage tips during remodeling to minimize your worries and hassles. What do you think? Do you have other tips to share? Or you have some concerns? Awaiting them in the comment box given below! 
Happy remodeling!
The following article How to Store Your Household Items during Remodeling See more on: Keep It Cartesian
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
11 Home decor ideas for small spaces
It is the age of minimalism and compact spaces. With living spaces getting smaller, people are running helter-skelter to find compact furniture that is multipurpose as well.
There are many items readily available in the market that need minimal space and can store a tonne of things. Also, small spaces don't have to be borning. It is possible to have enough place for your stuff as well as some decor items as well. The key here is to be as creative as possible.
Having a small space is very advantageous. A small apartment means not having too many areas to clean up. Also, you wouldn't have to spend a bomb in doing up the place as well. It also means no more uninvited guests!!! It surely is a win-win.
If you have recently acquired a small but cute place of your own, we will help you out with some ideas.
Here are some amazing decor ideas for small spaces-If you have a small space, having furniture pieces with more than one utility will help you have some free room to move about. The best way to use this tip is to find a comfortable sofa-cum-bed. If you are not satisfied with this, you can even opt for a small settee for seating and a single compact bed.
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The biggest challenge in a small living space is that you may never have enough storage space. You can easily overcome this problem by opting for space-saving furniture that gives you a room for extra storage. Top shelves in the closet or under the bed are great.
Walls are your best friend when it comes to decorating your small space. Putting anything up on walls will give you maximum floor space. Use cabinets on the walls to store your stuff. You can also hang a plank on the wall and use it as your work desk or study table.
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Mirrors are a great way to decorate small spaces. A full-length mirror at strategic places will make your space larger. Just adding a shelve near it will double up as your space-saving dresser.
Corner bathroom shelves are a great way to jazz up your small bathroom. They not only look great but are also quite functional. You would not need any more shelves to store your toiletries if you got one of these.
Decorate your small space with big statement pieces. It will give an illusion of a larger area. Be it a wall painting or statement lighting pieces, "go big or go home" should be one thumb rule you should follow while decorating your small space.
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Adding a colossal rug or a carpet will make your small space look cozy and inviting. You can even throw in some colorful pillows and make it as seating for visitors if you do not have enough space for a sofa. Make sure you regularly Vacuum it though to keep it clean.
Have a small balcony but dream of having a garden? No worries? You can easily convert your balcony into a vertical garden. There are tonnes of materials available online that will help you have a drooly worthy vertical garden in no time. Make sure to add an outdoor pendant lighting to complete the look.
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It may be tricky to decorate your kitchen space without making it look cramped. However, having some stackable kitchen cabinet organizers are great to make your kitchen look trendy as well as functional. They are especially pleasing to the eyes if you have an open kitchen.
If your small space has a lot of doors, it may be wise to replace them with partial glass ones. Unnecessary walls between the kitchen and dining space, for example, maybe useless. You can replace such a wall with a simple glass partition, which is both functional and will add to the decor as well.
Wallpapers are excellent to decorate a small space. They not only accentuate the area but also make it look roomy. Do make sure to match your wallpaper with your upholstery. The best way to ensure your area does not look too flashy is to opt for neutral colors.
You can quickly turn small spaces into visually appealing and functional with these tips. Make sure to play with lighting to make your space look larger. Also, having enough ventilation will make it a great gift as your area would become cozy quickly.
11 Home decor ideas for small spaces See more on: www.keepitcartesian.com
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
Dazzling Colours Of Autumn- How To Prepare Your Home For A Fantastic Fall
So, the time has come. It's time to ditch the SPF in return for soft cashmere jumpers and evenings spent enjoying a thick homemade hot chocolate, layered with whipped cream. 
Yes, fall is here!
It may take some time to adjust both emotionally and physically to this unfortunate and drastic change. But it is okay… we are all in this together.
To help you prepare, below are some of our top tips to getting the home ready for the new season. Helping you to be ready for when the winds start rolling in, and cloud cover is as bright as the day gets.
From the addition of texture to your home, whether this being velvet seating to the importance of Autumnal scents, read our simple tips on having a memorable and delightful Autumn and how to best to decorate your home. 
Get The Colour Scheme
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One of the most prominent aspects of autumn is the gorgeous selection of colours that scatter themselves along pavements and streets. Not just suited to the colour of leaves, Autumnal colours can nicely glide their way through any home with some thought and creativity.
We all know the beautiful colours, from the various shades of red and yellow, to the warming orange and browns. Igniting the emotions of warmth and comfort, there is something relaxing about these typically Autumn related colours. 
Allowing these delicate colours to flow gently through your home this autumn season will be sure to add a layer of warmth after a long day in the cold. 
Interior Design Your Way Through The Cold
It may be getting chillier by the minute outside, but that doesn't mean your home has to replicate this. There are many ways in which you can create the perfect fall setting from bedroom dressers to your bathroom vanity. From the simplest accessories, to the more heavy duty decor, allowing you to truly capture the season and all of its beauty.
Create a display
For some added Autumn style, and to make a feature out of the change of seasons, start by creating a display. Choosing a spot that can be enjoyed and appreciated, either place your fall display by the front door or in the centre of the dining room. 
Adding a mixture of pumpkins and small gourds, consider adding some white pumpkins for added drama. To the Autumn display, fresh fallen leaves and scented candles are also well received, helping to create the perfect entrance, warming and embracing you after a long day. 
Foliage Display
There is something special about a foliage display in the home. For those wanting to bring the outdoors into their home this Autumn, look no further than a foliage display. 
By using Autumnal plants with a mixture of yellow and orange leaves, why not consider using a pumpkin as a base to store the foliage? Looking superb in the centre of the coffee table or on the mantelpiece, turn your foliage display into a focus piece. Fitting perfectly into all styles of home, an Autumn foliage display is best paired alongside some tall, brass candlestick and some mini squashes. 
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Textures Are Your Best Friend
Just as we layer up to brave the colder weather and to keep warm, do the exact same with the home! We may have indoor heating and radiators, however the houses’ aesthetic doesn't need to resemble that of a crisp, clean area with plain white walls and wooden flooring. Throw some textures and layers into the home to make it feel cosy and inviting. 
Pillows and blankets 
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It's not hard to make the home feel that little bit more autumnal. Simple to do, simply add a tier of large pillows along the lounger, or drape faux fur blankets to act as throws for the armchair.
Along with looking superb, these additions come in handy when getting cosy, snuggling up to watch a film on a grey Autumn’s evening.
For those with a higher budget, or perhaps you are just crazy about Autumn, then why not consider swapping your seating for something a little cosier? Rather than a leather sofa, opt instead for a thick fabric settee made from either cord or crushed velvet to provide the best area to snuggle into while feeling like you're on a cloud. And why not pair it with a matching velvet footstool, helping to bring the whole collection together and add a touch of elegance to your comfort, for a more enjoyable evening. 
The perfect finishing tip would be to switch out the cotton and linen for the luxurious velvets and knits to make the home nice and toasty. 
Pumpkins Arrangement 
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Subtle and fun, embrace the fun of fall and consider the addition of Pumpkin arrangements around your home. Found of small side tables and corners, add miniature pumpkin displays to cheer you up as you go about your home. When creating a pumpkin arrangement, add some live plants into to mix.
One of the cosiest things on a dark evening while the rain is pouring and the heating is on full blast, is the addition of some lights around the home. These can be in the form of lamps or ceiling lights in an inviting reading corner, to candles dotted around the bathroom. 
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When using lighting to brighten up our home during the darker months, we recommend creating a lighting display. By placing fairy lights into glass jars and dotting them around the house, you can create an enchanting and relaxing zone to spend your evenings. When creating a light display, use old jam jars, terrariums and glass bowls. 
Seasonal produce display
Autumn is a fantastic time of the year. Not just for the changing colour of the leaves, but also in the produce that can be harvested. From squashes, pumpkins, apples to green beans, create a display with fresh seasonal produce in the centre of your dining table or the counters in your kitchen. 
For a finishing touch to your seasonal product display, consider adding a pinecone and cloves of cinnamon.
Autumn Scents
The importance of smell is an important and key feature in your home. One of the first things that you experience when walking in through the front door, be hit by a delightful and tantalizing smell when returning home. From pumpkin spice to cinnamon, to create that Autumn aroma to savor, consider lighting a fire, for that wood burning scent that fits hand in hand with Autumn. 
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Lay the table
Make your dining table the centre of your home this Autumn and lay it for a season of delicious dinners and entertaining evenings. Whether you are serving dinner for your family, or entertaining guests, lay your table for an evening of laughter and memory making. 
By setting the table with glasses, placemats, napkins and with a centre display, you can invite and excite guests as they sit down to sample your home-cooked treats . Pairing a pumpkin orange with brass and gold tones, you can add a sophisticated and autumn feel to your dining room. 
With pumpkin napkin holders and the addition of fallen leaves to your table, this is the perfect opportunity to try something new and to have some fun with your decor. 
Arts and Crafts
Along with being a superb way to spend an afternoon, for some Autumn magic and to create a fun and homely area for the family to enjoy, consider framing and displaying your children's Autumn work. 
From fallen leaves used to create a fall collage to leaf printing, create memories and decorate your home with homemade art. 
Saluting the summer goodbye, does not have to be sad. Although we will all miss the summer, with a few simple techniques, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere to hibernate in. 
By preparing for the upcoming autumnal months, and by improving the style of your home decor, you can add some excitement and charm to your home. 
By getting creative and staying active, you can create an exciting and enjoyable Autumn for not just yourself, but family and guests. 
Like our ideas, share with us how you plan to update the decor of your home this Autumn.
The article Dazzling Colours Of Autumn- How To Prepare Your Home For A Fantastic Fall Find more on: keepitcartesian
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
Restaurant Design Tips for a Better Customer Experience
A restaurant is more than chairs and tabletops. Comfort and ambiance set the tone of your dining room, and have proven to be just as important as great food and great customer service. Things like furniture, tableware, noise reduction, and storage are all considerations that should be placed in your restaurant design.
Whether you are looking for new ways to improve your existing dining room, or designing your new establishment from scratch, here are essential restaurant design tips that will help you influence your guests and make the most out of their customer experience.
Avoid Table-Crowding
It might be tempting to squeeze in one or two more tabletops into your dining room, especially when the amount of seating capacity your dining room can handle equals dollars during the high-points of the day. But things that look good on paper don’t always work out well in reality. While you want to have enough seats to accommodate your guests, you also want people to comfortably enjoy their experience. It’s especially important for formal dining areas to focus on atmosphere and character.
Take the time to examine how your tables, wait-stations, and floor decorations are spaced out. Can your guests comfortably walk through to other areas? Is there easy access and maneuverability for wheelchairs or strollers? A good rule of thumb for your restaurant dining space is to leave at least 24” between the corners of your tables.
Don’t Forget the Tableware
Never underestimate the power of great tableware. Glasses, plates, silverware, and even napkins are one of the first impressions your guests receive when they sit at your tables. Skimping on tableware often leaves the impression of a cheap establishment, and your customers will notice.
If your dining experience is more formal, you may opt for thicker and more weighted plates and silverware. If your restaurant is more relaxed, you may decide to serve your food in baskets. Your tableware should be a reflection of your brand and an extension of your overall design. Let your restaurant’s personality guide you and don’t be afraid to get creative when making tableware design decisions.
Select Sturdy Furniture
When choosing restaurant tabletops and chairs for your restaurant, look for designs that are easy to clean and maintain. Intricate designs and carvings can make a statement but are more difficult to
clean and rid of debris. The same goes for fabric booths and chairs. If you decide to go this route, it’s important to have your fabric treated with stain resistant and budget professional cleanings throughout the year.
If your dining area is on the smaller side, booths are a great way to save space and maximize seating capacity. Just like restaurant tables and chairs, booths come a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes, with the ability to be customized to fit any concept.
Consider Dining Room Noise
How much noise can you hear in your dining room? Some restaurants are well-suited for a loud ambience, like casual dining or bar & grills. Others, such as fine dining establishments, reveal a quieter, more intimate setting.
The floor and ceiling design of your restaurant can have a significant impact on the noise in your dining room. Sound will echo off of wood and tile floors and tabletops, along with high ceilings. When your restaurant fills with staff and customers, the noise can be more than you anticipated. Consider the type of noise that will best represent your restaurant concept. If needed, add carpeted areas and lower ceilings to reduce unwanted echoes and amplified sounds.
Make Room for Storage
Many new business owners forget to make room for storage space when they are designing the restaurant of their dreams. Adequate, easy-access to storage is an important aspect of your restaurant operation and the smooth function of your staff.
Before you decide on how much space is enough, consider the purchasing process of your goods. Do you plan on receiving small deliveries on a weekly or biweekly basis? Or do you receive deliveries in bulk once a month? It’s also important that your storage is easily accessible and away from high-traffic areas. Keep more commonly-used items near workstations where staff can get them quickly and the rest in the back of the restaurant.
Restaurant Design Tips for a Better Customer Experience was first published to KeepItCartesian
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
7 Ways to Make Your Home Look Elegant on a Budget
Everyone dreams of a beautiful home. We all flip through magazines looking at beautiful home interiors, their wallpaper, well-curated sofas, and cushions. Not all of us have a lot of money to splurge on expensive architectures, wall arts, etc. to make our home beautiful. Giving a modern, classic touch to your home is trying on a tight budget. But there are few techniques shared by interior designers that can make any home elegant without spending a bundle.
Let’s look at a few tips and tricks to make your home look elegant on a budget.
1. Crown Molding
You can change the decor of any room dramatically by crown molding. Crown moulding is a stylish decoration to your home that can make it look high-end in an instance. It adds definition and a historical flavour to a room. Without this, the place seems unfinished. The plastic and paintable crown mouldings are very economical.
By adding crown moulding to your wall, it adds an impression of a taller and larger room. For a seamless look of crown moulding, make sure that while installing, it gets the right cuts at the right angles. You can use crown moulding in kitchen cabinets, shelves, bedroom headboard, around the mounted TV, etc.
2. Wall arts
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Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/beige-fabric-sofa-2555635/
Hanging art or photo frames on a wall can spice up the entire room. Before deciding on wall art, you must decide on the wall on which you want to place it. An excellent trick to choose the size of wall art is the width of the wall, minus 5-10 inches on each side. If you have a massive empty wall, then instead of buying a huge wall art piece(which can be expensive), buy pieces that you can display as collages.
Wall arts come in different forms like framed art, unframed canvas, metal objects, and sculptures. Get creative with your wall by making your art and get it framed at a local craft store. Wall art can be soothing, and relaxing to have in the home. To read more about mindful interior design; click here.
3. Higher ceilings
An inexpensive way to make a room look spacious and open is to give an illusion of a higher ceiling. You can give this illusion by raising the window panels. Mount the window panel just below the ceiling and add a fabric that compliments the wall. Let the fabric hang down to the floor.
Choose the color of the window panel similar to the ceiling. Doing so prevents any separation line between roof and panel. Another way to create an illusion of a higher ceiling is to go vertical. When the arts you hang in your room are taller than in width, it creates a difference. 
 4. Lighting
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Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-pendant-lamp-2397351/
Make your home attractive by giving the right lighting. It is a refreshing change to see your room in new lights. A small yet significant difference in the brightness of your room is an easy and inexpensive method to add elegance to your home. Add designer chandeliers instead of the standard lightings.
You can get high-end chandeliers at an economical price in the flea markets and second-hand stores. You can give a high-end modern makeover with some creative tricks. Use a drum shade as a chandelier to get a custom look lighting. Adding fresh paint can make dull lighting, look like a new one. Increase the type of lights like table lamps, floor lamps, or LED wall lights around the home adds more elegance.
5. Declutter
De-cluttering your space is a simple way for a distinguished home makeover. The most affordable ideas for a beautiful home is to regularly clean and de-clutter your space. Regular vacuuming and dusting of pillows, lighting's, accessories, flooring, paint, rugs, etc. will make your room look brighter. Create some space in your home by getting rid of old, stained carpets, which gives a warm and welcoming appeal to the place. Also, clean the windows to let in natural, bright light fill the room.
6. Paint and wallpaper
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Painting the walls is a budget-friendly way to get a high-end looking home decor. Choose a color palette of one-two colors that flows throughout your room. Using primary one-two colors will reduce the waste of paint. Make sure that the two colors compliment each other and go with the furnishing in your home. Wallpapers are an excellent alternative instead of paint in flat areas. To keep the walls looking classy, choose a wallpaper that has a lustre sheen, glossy hint to it. 
7. Focus on faucets
Do not ignore the bathroom. Wallet-friendly changes in the bathroom by displaying little artefacts can make a huge difference. Add a mirror with intricate designs, shower curtains, towel bars, good quality mats, and soap cases that will change the look of any small, dull bathroom. Keep the bathroom wall colours neutral to highlight the artefacts.
The above seven tips are economical ways to transform your home. Before starting to change the decor of your home, check your budget. Plan everything according to your budget. Shop from small stores, instead of malls. Look for room decor, inspirations on Instagram and Pinterest, which will help you in finalizing a look for your home. Let your creativity flow in, and you will be surprised to see your house elegant and beautiful in a budget.
The following article 7 Ways to Make Your Home Look Elegant on a Budget was originally seen on https://keepitcartesian.com/
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
How to Clean Your Home Office
While you may have done a great job at designing your perfect home office, you soon found out it was all in vain. You can see nothing underneath that pile of papers, magazines, bills, newspapers, files, cords and cables, and gadgets.
You want to enjoy working from home, but right now it just feels like a trap and you want nothing more than to get out of there. Your productivity drops below ground every time you enter your home office and your business meetings definitely happen at a coffee shop.
Take Back Your Home Office
Cleaning your home office doesn’t just mean you swipe it all around and you get back to work. A clean home office is organized. And you’ve learned this the hard way. So get ready and get going, because you can definitely clean your home office.
Declutter all Paper 
This might be the hardest part and definitely the one that will take the most effort. But, if your desk office drawers and cabinets are cluttered, there is only one way to go about this: gather everything in the middle of the room.
It sounds outrageous, doesn’t it? And it’s scary once you have them all there. Things improve fast, believe me. 
When everything is gathered, get your trash bin and your paper shredder and start working: 
Take each file and place it in its rightful stack/organizer. Newspapers, magazines - you know where they need to go.
Keep all financial documents (personal and business-related ones) for now.
Once you have all your piles sorted out, it’s time to dive into each of them.
It’s your business so you know how you want documents organized: by client/by date/by billing cycle. The choice is yours as long as you keep it this way at all times.
Sort out financial documents - I kept this at the end since it’s a tricky one. Most of us don’t know how long a document is valid or useful and we keep bills and sometimes we keep bills and receipts for longer than needed. So here it is:
Credit card statements - One month. Make sure they’re accurate first.
Medical bills - One year.
Bank Statements - One year. Make sure they’re accurate.
Pay stubs - One year. After you get your W-2 and make sure everything checks out, you can throw them away.
Investment Statements - One year. Keep the annual statements instead.
Tax returns and supporting documents - Seven years. This can be a bummer, I know. However, canceled checks and receipts need to be kept this long. Make sure you organize them by your yearly tax return.
Once everything is set, you can place the files and boxes where they belong. 
If you have clients crossing the 1-year threshold, consider creating separate storage. Your business archive. 
Pro Tip: Some documents are more important than others. For those special ones, keeping them in an accessible fire-proof file cabinet could be a good option. 
2. Throw Away - Redundancy is NOT Required
Once you have sorted out every paper in your home office, you need to get to everything else. Empty your desk and gather every non-paper item you have on it. 
You know the saying: “If you want peace, prepare for war”. You’ve done it with paper, you can do it again.
Separate things into categories. And now take a look:
Do you have more than 1 stapler?
Do you keep bent paper clips because you feel “you might use them again”?
Do you have 5 sets of blocknotes?
And you found 37 pens! Where did they come from, since whenever you’re looking for one, they’re all gone!
And you wondered how your desk got so crowded.
Now, keep 1 of each item bigger than your hand. 2-3 of smaller items. And throw everything else away! No, do not keep them in your bottom drawer! Give them away, sell them, but do not keep them!
And while you were emptying your desk, you suddenly realised half of it is blocked by your computer, keyboard, mouse, printer, fax, scanner, monitor , and a pile of cables.
This part is a bit tricky, depending on where you are financially. If you have a stable, profitable business, consider investing in an All-in-one computer and a 3-in-1 printer/scanner/fax. This will clear up valuable office space, no matter if it’s on your desk or on other pieces of furniture. 
3. Organize Everything
Even if you mastered cleaning your home office, you need to keep it this way. And your previous habits didn’t do much to help, did they? This is why you need to establish a workflow and set yourself some ground rules to work by.
Otherwise, it will be less than one month until you’re back in the same chaos.
First, start off with your filling system. Choose whatever system fits you better:
By date
By billing cycle
By color
By topic
Make sure to keep this structure within your folders and to separate the files in each however you see fit, although by date seems to be the best option. This way, you will easily be able to archive files once they’ve passed their need and even throw them away when they’re no longer needed.
And while this is manageable, keeping track of new work can be challenging. And repeating the cleanup process too often is not desirable.
So, you can implement the following workflow or adapt it to better fit your needs. You will need:
A paper letter tray - 3 drawers should be enough
A filing cabinet
Once a new assignment comes in, place it on the top drawer of your letter tray. This is your “inbox” or “to-do” drawer. They could be letters, bills, assignments, etc. No piece of paper should stay for more than a couple of days here. 
The second drawer should be your “current projects” one. Some might take longer than others. However, this is where your “to-do’s” should end up. 
The third one is your “outbox”. Once you have completed a task/project, it should go here. And this is the most important one. Because once a week you need to file these documents or throw away what’s no longer needed.
Your goal is to keep these drawers updated. Not empty, because it wouldn’t be good for business. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the thought that everything needs to be spotless. Just build up your workflow.
4. Personalize Your Office
A home office has the advantage of it being yours. Which means you can make it your own! Add pictures on your walls! Bring your favorite succulents or house-plants in and enjoy it. Make your mark! 
Remember though!
You need to keep it simple. That’s if you don’t want to clean your home office again!
How to Clean Your Home Office See more on: www.keepitcartesian.com
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
Mastering Mindful Interior Design Info-graphic
Mastering Mindful Interior Design - Infographic We hear a lot about mindfulness in today's busy world. It's easy to see why we do because the world is a hectic place and with so many distractions like social media and other technologies, many people do not take time out for themselves. When we think mindfulness, we sometimes think about meditation, but we can actually bring elements of mindfulness into our home décor & interior design too.
The guys at EZ Living have put together this info-graphic below that explains exactly what mindfulness is; the benefits of it; 10 top tips on how to weave it into your interior design and it also gives some expert insight on the matter too. Check it out below for more.
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Mastering Mindful Interior Design Info-graphic was originally seen on www.keepitcartesian.com
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
What do your home and food preference say about you?
A person’s choice can divulge quite a lot about someone. It can depict what kind of a person they are, and this is extended to their choice of lifestyle including their food choices and how they decorate their houses. Eventually, a change in your decor is a sign of a growing and changing personality.
Aura colors
Houses especially reveal the aura of a person. The style and decor of a home express how energetic someone is, and how creative they are. The colors chosen by someone are telling of their personality. For example, bold colour like red depicts a daring and passionate nature. Green and yellows are chosen by energetic and cheerful people. They are telling of an adventurous personality and someone who loves the natural. This kind of colors helps elevate the mood.
Blue is considered a colour of elegance and depicts a sophisticated person. Purple is usually considered a sign of a sensual and charismatic self.
Color doesn’t have to be glaringly in the face to depict a personality, your chosen style of furniture and what you want to display in your home is also very telling. See the next link for more details on Aura Colors
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The meaning of Aura Colors
Minimalist living room
For example, if a house is furnished with puffy sofas and armchairs like those available on Furniture in Fashion, reveals a person who loves luxury and comfort. On the other hand, a leather sofa and minimal furnishings depict a laid-back person who cares more about functionality than anything else. In the same manner, the kind of lighting you use in your house can tell whether you have a soft and romantic personality or maybe an outdoorsy one. If your home is full of tech gadgets or books, it can reveal how you like to while away your relax time. A display of souvenirs is telling of a traveling personality.
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Modern minimalist living room
Diet right
A person’s choice and taste in food are generally dependent on their habits and culture, but even then, it is dominated by their personality. Per many studies, food choices can easily reveal your lifestyle. The choice between salty and sweet foods may not seem like a big deal to you, but it can tell a lot about you.
People who eat organic and home-made foods are obviously very health conscious and lead a simple life. Whether you’re more of a veggie person or a meat-lover, all choices relate to you as a person. People with a demanding routine are found to indulge more in fast food and easy to cook food.
The kind of food visible in your kitchen also depicts your personality. For example, what is most evident in your kitchen, fruits or snacks is a critical indicator of your food choices. The choice of drinks is also significant, the kind of wine a person chooses to have with dinner or if they choose a wine or a beer is also very telling. A sophisticated and traditional person will always choose wine, and the choice of wine can tell whether you’re a picky person or more laid-back.
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The right diet for your personality
The blog post What do your home and food preference say about you? was originally published to http://www.keepitcartesian.com/
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
9 DIY Home Decor Ideas in Summer
Welcome the warm climate cheerfulness and delight as you update your own insides an exciting and lightened arrival this summer.
Many of us often undertake a home makeover will probably cost lots of funds. The unambiguous realism is you never have to spend a lot on those summerhouses some thoughts for a house makeover. You want to develop into creative and utilize a few of those decoration ideas. It's vital to bear in your mind to not spoil the subject. By blending some neutral colors with some decorations that are brilliant, you can creatively present your insides with a more contemporary and vibrant look.
With the 10 DIY home decoration concepts, you could willingly adjust the dull looking comfortable space to some soothing and shining comfy arrangement. Summer is about pleasure, fun, and the outside beach. Make your home or apartment seem like simply a summer shore house or a cottage that is motivated by coastal.
1.    Multi-color Summer Design Tissue Paper Flowers
Amazingly, these lovely tissue paper floras that are used for a décor that looks terrific. These paper blossoms are inexpensive and accessible to produce. The pieces of equipment you will need are stapler, brilliant tissue paper and scissors. Just with a couple of steps, it is possible to cause those flowers. There really are a good deal of suggestions to produce tissue paper flowers, and they can be incorporated by you in your summer room decoration project. These blossoms are perfect choices for flower vases, centerpieces, door swags, and garlands for showers and party decorations that are exceptional. Use glitters, ribbons and paper render to supply tissue paper blossom a fresh look to you. Locate all equipment that is essential you'll be able to find at any craft shop.
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Tissue Paper DIY Flowers
2.    Summer Themed Smart Study Room
Library or your study corner, in addition, deserves a trendy summer makeover too. Even though classic wood and earthy tone combinations are great for a library setting, you also are able to jazz the room's look with a couple of decorations. Bright flowers background and book boxes will fit your thoughts that are summer in the study room. Paint your study room in whitened and choose library bookshelves that are white. Insert the shelves to be highlighted by some decorations. Fresh flowers can be used by you in glass vases. The style suits the subject very beautifully. Any damask publication box or a polka dot storage package will suit the motif.
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Summer Themed Study Room
3.    DIY Motivational Wall Quotes Message Board
Dangle motivational paintings and quotes on the walls around your home rather than leaving them all plain. Even an image with text that is motivational increases the mood span and also creates a considerable influence on the home setting. The most wonderful thing about utilizing quotes is you can switch them on distinct topics such as expect, work, love, etc.
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Motivational Quotes Message Board
4.    Seashell Wall Summer Room Décor
Make your home appearance summer-themed with this seashell wall decor that is stunning in. Use it on your bedroom or put it at a corner niche to highlight the wall. This seashell wall-mount decor adds a cool vibe. Love today, earning this sea-shell wall decor, if you're considering carrying an enjoyable DIY project. Choose any seashell of your choice or seashells, add some lights is already. Hang those seashells on the wall and put in nautical charm to v coastal motif. Living room space or your bedroom will undoubtedly be instantly brightened up for this particular fashionable seashell summer design wall decor.
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5.    Attractive Summer Garlands
Summer means to children around home adoring time from school. Turn your home by utilizing slipcovers and fabrics which aren't only fun and casual but can also be machine washable. Motivate children to focus such as seashells, pine-cones, and also different elements that are nature-inspired with art and crafts stuff and use these to decorate your kids' bedroom and playing with space.
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Summer Garland with hessian bows and decorative twigs
6.    Add Outside Lights for Enjoyable Evenings
What exciting is summer decorating short of rope lights? Develop light you to deck or patio. Consider rope lights instead of task lighting, as ambiance, to ensure you can add just the amount to yield a magic distance which looks awesome. There is only a noteworthy choice of outdoor series lights willingly available, for instance, vivacious and decorative options, however, eternal white bulbs may squash right into nearly any decorating style along with lawn solar lighting.
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Outdoor Solar Lighting
7.    Exceptional Floral Arrangement
That you do not certainly have to select a wooden or glass vase into your arrangement decoration experts express that a blossom vase adds a dimension to your room. Use a colored or dark pitcher to create your floral structure. If you're employing summer pink or white blossoms, go to get a fearless toaster. Choose flowers of neutral tones, when that is printed. Add a couple of greens to the arrangement. This unique arrangement makes a superb summer table décor. Put on a side table into your living room or to your own dining table as a designer centerpiece. This floral arrangement is likely to be a summer party décor that is gorgeous too.
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Floral Arrangement with Sliced Oranges
8.    Custom-Made Chaise Cushions
Rather than settling for the printing that is perhaps maybe not exactly right, make your very own outside chaise cushions using pillows and also the textile material that you like to place on your shabby chic chaise lounge.
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Customized Chaise Cushions on Chaise Lounge
9.    Add a Summery Swag Light
These interesting lanterns not just look fantastic, but these are simple to create. Add a pop of color and also a bit of style to a property this summer with those summer design paper planters. This DIY job is fun for every person on your family members. Get a few of the paper lanterns to get started with this particular undertaking. Get some yellow-orange or pink tissue papers in the summertime for this lantern. These summer design lanterns may be used inside and outdoors.
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Summery Swag Light Mounted on Wooden Angle
Author’s Info:
Amy Lara
I'm Amy, I write articles in the home and metal buildings market for the Carport Central. They really are the pioneer in Metal Buildings industry. Offer customers the ideal and high-quality services and products are Carport Central's priority. They are confident in giving your carport or metal buildings on that you can rely on. Thus, do not wait for the exemplary quality carports or garages, call today at 888-573-1771 for getting latest metal building prices in your area.
The following blog post 9 DIY Home Decor Ideas in Summer was originally seen on http://www.keepitcartesian.com/
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
4 Ways to Have a Fantastic Trip to Abu Dhabi
As one of the most exceptional cities in the world, Abu Dhabi is a place that finds itself on many a traveler's bucket list. But to make the most out of your holiday in the UAE capital, best make some plans and have a detailed itinerary.
Before you jet off to this fascinating destination, read on for four ways to have a fantastic trip to Abu Dhabi.
1. Research the main attractions
There is no denying that Abu Dhabi has plenty for you to see and experience, so to make your time in this emirate truly worthwhile, it is crucial that you conduct a bit of research so you know exactly where to go and when.
The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is the fourth biggest mosque in the world and is known for its stunning beauty and intricate marble work. This stop needs to be at the top of your list of priorities.
Also, while in Abu Dhabi, you must visit Ferrari World Abu Dhabi for some motorsport-themed entertainment, the Falcon Hospital to learn about falconry, and the Heritage Village to see how locals used to live.
If you are an outdoorsy individual, then plan to spend some time at the Corniche Beach, the summit of Jebel Hafeet, and the Empty Quarter desert.
2. Plan your itinerary to include some local food
One of the best things about traveling is being presented with the ability to taste a wide variety of different foods that you don't regularly consume. Luckily for you, Abu Dhabi is a foodie haven and has plenty of stellar offerings for you to include on your itinerary.
Make sure you try the traditional dish harees which consists of meat and wheat, and is a staple of the Emirati diet. Obviously, shawarma should be on your list and eating it at a local joint is a great way to dine like a local. Plus, it is a budget food which makes it perfect for snack time or lunch. If you are celebrating with a loved one, make sure to plan for a romantic dinner in Abu Dhabi.
When it comes to traditional desserts, luqaimat and khabeesa are the ones that you want to be on the lookout for. The former are small fried dough balls that come prepared with sesame seeds and date syrup. The latter consists of a sweet blend of roasted flour breadcrumbs, sugar, rose water, cardamom, saffron, ghee, and crushed dates. The perfect after-dinner treat!
3. Indulge in a Friday brunch
In addition to the local food experiences listed above, keep in mind that no trip to Abu Dhabi is complete without a Friday spent indulging in brunch. Unlike in other parts of the world, where Sunday brunch may be the norm, in Abu Dhabi, Friday is the day as the weekend is essentially Friday and Saturday.
When looking for the best Friday brunch in Abu Dhabi, make sure to look for somewhere with a terrace where you can sit outside and enjoy the weather.
Many of the popular places book up fast, so make a reservation to ensure you don't miss out. For the residents of Abu Dhabi, this is their favorite time to meet up with friends and catch up on the week, so do like the locals do and cheers to the weekend.
4. Choose somewhere exceptional to stay.
After a long day of exploring, there is nothing better than coming home to somewhere that feels relaxing and welcoming. When looking for a place to call home in Abu Dhabi, make sure you do thorough research to find the perfect spot for you and your travel companions.
Always read through the reviews and the policies of the hotel. As you will be visiting an Islamic country, many hotels in Abu Dhabi have policies that are different from their counterparts in other parts of the world. For example, you may not be able to share a room with someone unless you are married. You may also find that your hotel has strict policies concerning food, alcohol, and smoking.
That being said, there are some fantastic options for hotels in Abu Dhabi, particularly luxury resorts. If you are visiting during the summer months, you are likely to find incredible deals, and you may be able to speak with the manager about combining some additional freebies. This way, you will see that Emiratis are incredibly hospitable!
Have you ever traveled to Abu Dhabi before? If so, do you have any tips to make it the best trip possible? Let us know in the comments below!
The article 4 Ways to Have a Fantastic Trip to Abu Dhabi is republished from KIC
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keepitcartesian · 5 years
How to Clean Your Home Like a Pro
As the days finally get brighter, and the evenings get longer, you'll start to notice just how dusty and unclean certain areas of your home can appear which you were blinded to in the dark winters months. And I understand, at first, it can seem other whelming to tackle your entire home alone, all in the matter of a couple of days.
I have collaborated many tips and tricks that will give you infromative infromation so that you know how to clean your home like a pro.
Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips
Now I'm no pro, I'm just a woman with a certain set of skills, skills that can make this whole spring clean season a whole lot easier for you. Although I have watched my fair share of cleaning programmes so I'm equipped with all the professional cleaning tips from Kim and Aggie which they have handed down to their viewers through the years.
Just below are my top 10 spring cleaning tips which I have personally tried and had to share them with you today to make your life a whole lot easier because trust me, cleaning turned into a delight once I started using these specific ways to get over certain house maintenance problems
When to Start Spring Cleaning
Typically, the practice of spring cleaning can be done all year round since the phrase is now widely used as a means of thoroughly cleaning a house or home. Although, if you couldn't guess it used to mean, and technically still does, to clean one's home in the springtime.
But to answer 'when to start spring cleaning', it's up to you! If you have some time spare, perhaps on a bank holiday or if you've taken some time off work, there is no better time to crack on with some housework. Since cleaning out your entire home can be a chore, it's useful to make a start whenever you can to minimise tasks in the near future.
Cleaning is also a great way to get a new look in your home without too much effort since you're just making the best of what you already feature within your interior.
House Clean Routine - Make One!
For good results, you need a good plan, and with a good plan, you need to make sure it works for you, so no copying from the internet! Seriously, your house clean routine needs to be something that is personal to you and your goals, so that you are able to work towards it more efficiently and you are more likely too if its something you drafted up yourself.
Disorganized cleaning will give you a lot of missed spots. An effective cleaner will go from room to room, top to bottom ensuring they’ve tackled all those unreachable corners.
If you've got a smart device and would much rather keep your cleaning calendar on your device, then you should probably go download Clean My House from the App Store or Google Play store.
If you're still stuck, he's an idea of how I went about drafting up mine;
How to Organize House Cleaning Schedule
I wrote down all the task I had had to do, listed them in the order from most enjoyable to least enjoyable; now I know what you're thinking "how can there really be a different" but trust me there is.
Cleaning my glass table top was far more stressful than hovering the lounge area.
Once you've created this list, you're going to want to get all the annoying things out of the way, while you are at the start of your cleaning mission where you will most likely put up with the gruelling and boring tasks at hand than if you were to leave it till last.
Then go ahead and fit everything into a daily house cleaning schedule, I'd recommend putting the easy stuff at the end of the week, again since its the end of your time cleaning you want to putt the easiest stuff off so you are able to relax more.
At this point you should be ready to start cleaning…that is until you've read all of my other spring cleaning tips further down the page!
Use Vodka for Cleaning a Mattress
Now I know what you're immediately thinking, Kerry has gone crazy.
And yes, I understand vodka is for drinking but trust me on this one, don't knock it till you've tried it.
So yes, you really can use vodka for cleaning a mattress (if you have any leftover from that party on Saturday night) along with a dash of your favourite essential oil to give it that 'clean' smell we all seek for any piece of furnishing in our homes.
Heres how you clean up your mattress;
Use a damp cloth to remove any excess debris or liquids that are still within the affected area.
Fill an empty spray bottle with your Vodka, regardless of the quality, around about 2/3 to not overflow the bottle.
Add your favourite essential oil to give your mattress a refreshing smell. (Mint is my personal favourite)
Make sure to shake the bottle well to mix the two liquids together well; ensure the lid is tight or you'll be cleaning the vodka up too!
Spray the affected areas with your new favourite cleaning solution. Make sure not to the soak the area, spray with care.
Now leave it to dry completely, don't bother making the bed just yet, be sure to double check that the mattress is dry before you dress it back up in its usual fashion.
Other Household uses for Vodka
While we're on the topic of using vodka as a cleaning product, I thought It would be worth mentioning the many other household uses for vodka I have found that doesnt include drinking.
Cleaning Windows and Fixtures: Just like with your mattress, you are able to clean your windows and lighting fixtures with a vodka-soaked cloth, which will allow you to add extra sparkle and get a streak-free shine.
Soak your feet: If you're looking to get a natural clean on your feet, perhaps after a long walk with your kids, then soaking them when you're home will give you back a natural clean.
Remove sticky glue: Every bought something with a price sticker on it? well of course you have and I bet you've tried to scratch it off too, without it inevitability breaking up on you and leaving the goo behind. Scrubbing the leftover sticker with vodka will completely remove it from the surface.
These are just to name a few of the posobilitties with vodka, I have found plenty more household uses for vodka on List25.
Cleaning with Vodka vs Vinegar
If you're interested in cleaning your home the eco-friendly way, turning your home into a 'green-clean home' then you will have no doubt also heard that people their furniture with vinegar as well as vodka as we have just established just above.
But, what actually Is the difference between cleaning with vodka vs vinegar? If there is even one, to begin with.
After some research and many cleaning sessions of tested, I've found out the difference between both cleaning your home with vodka and vinegar is that, well there is none in terms of cleaning. Both work well as solutions when mixed with there respective formulas (essential oils for vodka and water for vinegar).
Although personally, Vodka has to take the crown when it comes to being the best household cleaning simply because the smell that the vinegar cleaner emits is something you don't want to be around just after cleaning making vodka a far more ideal option…if you're cleaning something it might as well smell nice too!
Use Proper Surface Cleaning Techniques
This is one hack you could try when cleaning any surface in your house. Don’t just wipe off that dirt haphazardly, as at the end you will waste time since you may fail to hit all the dirty spots while you are cleaning.
Instead, move in a consistent direction and it will be more appropriate if you wipe the surface from left to right or top to bottom than as appose to other surface cleaning techniques.
A dull looking surface makes the surfaces look less appealing and even if you just finished cleaning it, someone else may not notice the difference. To avoid using so much energy and end up disappointed, take hold of a cloth which has a microfiber material, then dampen one half of it.
Leave the other half completely dry and then use the dampened part to wipe off the dirt. Use the dry part to clear the wetness and you will have yourself a sparkling clean home with this technique.
Another trick is using olive oil to buffer your surfaces. Other than using olive oil to cook, get a piece of cloth and grab that pan, or pot or appliance than in a circular motion, rub it to get rid off any dirty spots. Allowing you to achieve a polished look once you finish smoothening out the surfaces.
Easiest Way to Clean an Oven
Many ovens go untouched for months without a proper clean, and when people do eventually use their elbow grease they never usually do a good enough job to make a difference.
For the lazy people who can't be bothered to clean their oven on their own will instead use the self-cleaning function many ovens seem to come with these days. You'll realize just how terrible this particular function is since the smell that it produces is revolting and totally not worth it.
However, the easiest way to clean an Oven and certainly the most effective is to use a mixture of household goods. Heres how the pro's do it;
Remove everything: Whether that's the oven racks or oven thermometer, make sure to set it aside before beginning.
Create the paste: Grab a small bowl and mix 1/2 a cup of baking soda with a few tablespoons of water. Keep adding each till the ratio is as stated, it should form together like a paste.
Apply some elbow grease: Spread the paste all over the inside of your oven, BUT make sure you do not apply any to the heating elements. The paste should turn brown once set in the oven and in some cases also goes chunky, which is perfectly fine. The general rule of thumb is to make sure every inch of the oven is cleared and you should pay attention to the greasiest of spots.
Go relax: Let it sit for about 12 hours so the mixture can do its work.
Apply some more elbow grease: Now, after 12hours, take a damp cloth - anything will do - and wipe away as much of the dried baking soda paste you possibly can, this is where the real effort comes into play but its worth it. Using something like a spatula to help scrape off the bits you can't quite get off yourself may be a good idea.
Clean up: Take some vinegar and put it into an old spray bottle, this will help you get rid of the baking soda residue as this mixture reacts and the baking soda because bubbled and foam like.
Rinse and repeat: Repeat the last step until all the residue has completely gone, and you should be left with a shiny and clean oven.
Best way to clean an oven door
Similar to what I explained on the easiest way to clean an oven, the best way to clean an oven door is to use the same paste you used for inside the oven; no doubt you have a leftover mixture. You want to apply it the inner door side, allover as much as you can.
Let it sit for about half an hour and then come back and wipe it down with a damp cloth to clear off all of the baking soda, again use some vinegar to make sure you are getting rid of all the residue.
Easiest way to clean oven racks
The easiest way I've found to do them is cleaning them in a bath, and I know what you're thinking, that must be unhygienic! Well cleaning the bath before and after cleansing your oven is something you're going to want to do if that puts your mind at ease.
Simply place your oven racks in the bathtub with enough water so that the racks are covered and then add your favourite dishwashing soap to the bath, around about 1/2 a cup full. And let it sit overnight.
After about 12hours, just like last time, you're going to want to scrub away any grease that still remains as well as grime and leftover baked bits…
...And you're done!
Use coffee grounds to eliminate odors from your fridge
If you're like me, you love coffee and sometimes, yo although you try your hardest you can't get through it all. But by utilizing what you have and with your leftover beans, use coffee grounds to eliminate odors from your fridge if you're looking for an easy, eco-friendly way to emit natural orders.
This is seriously effective since coffee is a smell you are already familiar with and it is a smell that is able to effortlessly cover up the overpowering odor the collection of food from your fridge lets off.
Wash Towels with Vinegar
Eventually, whether you like it or not, your towels will begin to have a mildew smell to them, this usually comes about because of a poor drying process as well as the general age of the towels as they collectively gain bacteria that sticks to them over time causing the horrible smell.
That's why, even when they don't smell, we recommend you wash towels with vinegar to get rid of that horrible smell.
How to Wash Towels with Vinegar
Don't worry, there are no endless amounts of supplies you need to get your towels back to their fresh smell, you can sit back and let your washer to do all the work.
Heres how to wash towels with vinegar; the professional way:
Simply wash your load on the hot cycle and add 1 cup of vinegar to the load. Do not bother to use detergent or anything else, just hot water and vinegar. And that's it, you're all done, your towels should be smelling fresh and clean as if they were bought yesterday.
Although in some cases, this is not the case, if that is you and you can still smell a faint but noticeable odor, then do the same thing again without the vinegar and this time add baking soda and then you will be able to smell the freshness of your towels.
Best Dusting Techniques
Dusting might seem simple but like any tasks there are set tools and techniques that are perfect for the job, making your whole life a whole lot easier and in addition making your home even more beautiful than it was before.
There are several of the best dusting techniques further down the page, I will let you what to use and how you should be using the specific duster to help you do a professional job.
Types of Dusting Brushes
Microfiber Cloth: Best for dusting and polishing dry or slightly damp surfaces - make sure never to drench your cloth in your particular solution to ensure that you don't leave solution behind. Use the correct one for the job, fluffy cloths are absorbent and do best to hold the dust while minimising the chance to scratch a surface. Flatweave Microfiber cloths are best for glass and other hard surfaces.
Extendable Microfiber Duster: Similar to that of its cloth counterpart, the extendable microfiber duster should be used for collecting dust and other dirty stains that are up high, in places where you wouldn't normally be able to reach. Since your dusting from above, you'll most likely have dust falling on the floor, be sure to hoover this up afterwards.
Lambswool Duster: Best used when dusting large surfaces or hard to get places such as lighting or behind radiators. Ideal too if you're looking for a duster to use on your surface, since its so gentle you won't risk marking or tearing the fabric.
Disposable Electrostatic Cloth: Perfect for polishing and cleaning dust prone tablets and TV or even computer screens. It picks up pet hair great too, which always handy if you're a cat lover like I am.
Homemade Carpet Freshener with Cinnamon
Using cinnamon to freshen up your carpet is a great and cheap way of getting that disgusting smell out of your living space and replacing it with a smell that is much more welcoming.
However don't be fooled, of course, we aren't going to go to our spice rack and sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon on our carpet, we have to mix up a solution first so the carpet can properly take in the fragrance and bring a delicious smell to our nose.
Place baking soda into a jar, any jar will do and puncture holes in the top of the jar lid, so it looks like a large salt or pepper shaker. Once you've done that, you can add a few drops of cinnamon to the concoction, the amount you want in there is up to you to experiment with it for a few weeks till you find an amount that is right for you and your home.
Once your mixture is ready, spread it about the house approximately one hour before vacuuming to ensure that you give the mixture enough time to do the trick.
Clean Windows with Vinegar and Newspaper
Wayback, we used to clean windows with our daily newspaper, then soon got lost in the times since more accessible window cleaning solutions were widely available as well as the tools needed to use them. However, if you're reminiscing of how you used to clean windows with vinegar and newspaper or you just prefer to do things on a budget, you are still able to clean your windows with a trusty newspaper with this particular solution.
What you need:
1 or more dirty windows
Newspaper (preferably already read)
Vinegar Window Spray
To create the vinegar solution you need to clean your windows, try a recipe of 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid soap. Mix that in well enough so that the ingredients are properly together and you have your window spray all ready to use.
Dip your newspaper into the jar/cup or whatever it is you have used to contain your solution in.
Use a circular motion to wipe all of the spots on the window off. Then once, all marks are off, switch your pattern to a vertical then horizontal stroke until the liquid has fully dried and spread across the surface area and you should be left with shiny and streak free windows.
If you still wish to clean your windows with newspaper, to be a greener home, but don't want to use your own vinegar window spray, Zoro has some great products that are an alternative to windex.
How to Clean Glass Windows Without Streaks
A common mistake my friends and I used to make was that we used to clean our windows when the sun was blazing hot because it makes sense right? What other time would you ever be outside cleaning your windows?
Well every window I touched when doing this at this time of day would streak and it used to drive me crazy that was unit after I found out how to clean glass windows without streaks thanks to a recommendation from another friend.
The thing is, blaring hot sun is great for drying things, but during the day when cleaning my windows it would dry out whatever solution I was using to fast therefore the windows would be streaked ridden.
Now, I always wash my windows when there are clouds in the sky, still, I have to pray it doesn't rain but at least they come out all shiny and clean once I've finished them without the assistance of the sun.
Wash Blinds in a Bathtub
Blinds are notoriously annoying in terms of being able to wash them;
You can't leave them hung up to clean because you're wont to be able to get all parts of the blinds due to how raised they are and sometimes scrubbing isn't enough on each blind.
And in addition, you can't take them down and clean them inside due to the amount of solution you may get everywhere and even if you take them outside they may even just get dirtier than before.
However, there is a more efficient way you can get them clean, you can wash blinds in a bathtub easily with a simple soap solution, I've given informative instruction of how to wash blinds in bathtub below
How to wash blinds in a bathtub
Simply lay your blinds flat in the tub that is a few inches deep with warm water., and add a mixture of some, you favourite dishwasher soap will do the trick, along with a little vinegar.
Let them soak for about an hour after this time rinse them off with some fresh water and hang them outside to give them a chance to dry, then put them back to wherever they were in the home.
How to Clean Your Home Like a Pro was originally published to keepitcartesian
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