kegg-ca · 1 month
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🗣 'Live for Local' wants to help you kick off the growing season with a seed and starter giveaway! Here are the simple steps to get yourself growing:
👩‍🌾 1. Fill out this Google form.
🌽 2. Pick up your seeds at your location of choice on May 16th.
🍎 3. Watch 'Live for Local' social pages for local growing tips (that's @ liveforlocal on Instagram and here's their Facebook page).
🌱 4. Plant your seeds and watch them grow!
🥦 5. Like, Follow, Share AND Tag a friend (or two!)
🌶️ 6. Share your failures and successes on your socials and —> you'll be entered to win a $50 Top Crop gift certificate for next year’s growing season (tag LiveForLocal on Instagram or share on their Facebook page).
🥕 7. Have a surplus? Bring excess produce to your local Food Bank or Food Recovery Depot (or share with a neighbour or friend)!
When it comes to the seeds that you can get, there are three kits to choose from (which you will select when filling out that Google form that was linked above):
• Balcony Growing Kit (please choose this option if you only have a balcony for growing) - contains the basics needed to start a balcony garden including pots, seeds, and starts that may include herbs, cherry tomato, nasturtium, and lettuce.
• Single Garden Plot - Small quantity of seeds and seedlings that may include carrots, beans, peas, radishes, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, basil, sunflowers, nasturtiums, parsley.
• Backyard Garden - Larger quantity of seeds and seedlings that may include carrots, beans, peas, radishes, beets, nasturtiums, lettuce, kale, swiss chard, sorrel, cherry tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, basil, sunflowers, nasturtiums, parsley.
FYI - there's a limited number of kits available… not to mention there's a limited number of growing days when living in Canada, so don't procrastinate on this great local food initiative and let's get growing 🙌
🚨 And a special THANKS to United Way for making this project possible! 📢
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kegg-ca · 2 months
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The first work bee of the 2024 season was a success last Saturday — new faces + old faces + a whole bunch of collaborative prep work done as we get the garden ready for another year of productive local food production!
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kegg-ca · 7 months
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Another year of composting up at the KEGG.CA community garden is “mostly” finished… and what a fruitful year of decomposing fruit & veg & other organic materials it was!
The reason I say “mostly” is because:
a) Compost never stops (the science just realllllllly slows down), so our Curing bin (pic 2) and our Finished Compost bin (pic 3) will still be doing its thang over what’s left of Autumn and into next Spring/melt, when 🎶Jeremy the Compost Man🎶 will be able to stick a pitchfork in things once again
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b) Like last year, our Active Compost bin will still be accessible (pic 1), we just ask that you please cover your compost with an equal amount of browns (aka: leaves), of which we have a bunch already collected (pics 4+5+6) and will try to keep accessible next to the active compost bin.
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So shoutout to everyone who helped contribute to all the black gold we were able to produce this year at KEGG… and we look forward to putting it all back into the earth to help grow even more local food next year!
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kegg-ca · 8 months
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We had another great season … but the garden is now ready for winter! Thanks to all the devoted volunteers (and don't forget our AGM will be 7pm on November 1st at Kimberley Elks Club)!
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kegg-ca · 8 months
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SURPRISE! We have artists among our gardeners — and our KEGG mural (with the amazing artwork conceived and painted by the amazing Elaine Rudser) is now hanging up at the community garden and we couldn't LOVE it more! Even the hover flies & bees were fooled by it's beauty and have been checking out the new flowers on the wall 🌻
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kegg-ca · 9 months
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This upcoming Wednesday (September 27th, to be more precise) at the Royal Alexandra Hall in Cranbrook (from 6:30pm to 8:30 pm, to be even more precise) Live For Local—a homegrown manifestation born from the cross-community-collaboration that is the Kimberley Cranbrook Food Hub (of which KEGG.CA is a proud member)—has partnered with the Cranbrook History Centre to co-host their Ed Fest Ed Talk on Local Food Sustainability & Accessibility + Farm Feast Social (CLICK HERE for FREE registration)!
So consider yourself neighbourly invited to come learn from some local area people working on local food sustainability & accessibility whilst also socializing with other local area people who are also interested in local food sustainability & accessibility… all while enjoying delicious appetizers made with local ingredients and freshly pressed juice (which sounds like a reason in itself to leave the house on a Wednesday night, eh)!
So, once again -> CLICK HERE for FREE registration <- and then don't forget to bring some cash/coin, as there will be a mini “market” table set up to help support some of our local area farmers/growers as well 👍
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kegg-ca · 10 months
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Ooooh… so that’s why the 4th letter in “KEGG” stands for “Greenhouse”!!! 🙃 (ie. up until the side panels finished going on at today’s workbee (Saturday, September 2nd), Kimberley Edible Gardens & Greenhouse had kinda been greenhouse-less since setting up the community garden up in townsite 2-ish years ago — thankfully nobody noticed that we had actually been 'KEG' the last couple years because now our other ‘G’ is up & looking g-g-g-great!)
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kegg-ca · 10 months
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Amongst a whole bunch of produce harvested at this Saturday's work bee up at the KEGG.CA community garden in Townsite (so much lettuce, sooooo many beans), with 1/3 picked being delivered to Healthy Kimberley Food Recovery Depot to be redistributed in the community (over 40kg this week!), we also got some sky blue paint up (thanks Cloverdale Paint in Cranbrook for the donation of paint!) that will serve as the backdrop for a lovely mural that one of our talented gardeners will be creating (talk about 'the art of gardening' eh?) — we can't wait to see the final result!
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kegg-ca · 10 months
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You know that familiar wedding party photo where everybody jumps in the air at the same time? Ok… but now imagine you replaced the ‘wedding party people’ with eccentric carrots from the kegg.ca community garden.
Can you see it now too?
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kegg-ca · 10 months
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kegg-ca · 11 months
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Wednesday night (August 3rd) was 'garlic night' up at the KEGG #communitygarden… and by the end of our work bee we had pulled and hung up over 300!!!
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kegg-ca · 11 months
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THIS Sunday (July 9th), the KEGG Community Garden will be one of the 6 gardens being toured on the 6th Annual 'The Art of Gardening Tour' (which includes refreshments afterwards at Centre 64)!
This lovely event is not just a wonderful display of community gardens and gardeners (although it is definitely that), BUT, as the name implies, there is also subjective & interpretive (and alive) "art" on display in each garden, which varies by each artist/gardener (with the one always-involved collaborator being Mother Nature).
For example, up in Townsite, our KEGG community garden metaphorically paints with a focus on 'food production' over 'pretty flowers' (as our mandate is to donate 1/3 of our produce to Healthy Kimberley Food Depot, to be used in their community meal preps and/or given out to the community as picked), which means some of our prettiest colours are often hidden underground in our beets, carrots and radishes until pulled from the brown earth (although, if you're a fan of the colour green, our visible canvas is always filled with that hue).
But that's also a main part of the art of gardening — it's not just something that you can see, it's something you can smell and touch and taste and talk about with your friends & family & community… and like all good art, it's something that can inspire you to go try out for yourself or to go collaborate with others (or a bit of both).
In other words: we look forward to being apart of this celebration of local gardens & gardeners… and we're honoured to be a piece of this year's 'The Art of Gardening' community garden masterpiece!
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kegg-ca · 1 year
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Another busy & bountiful day up at the KEGG.CA community garden this Saturday (with 1/3 of the produce harvested getting dropped of at the Healthy Kimberley Food Recovery Depot)!
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kegg-ca · 1 year
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How It Started vs How It's Going (KEGG herb garden edition - April vs June pics)
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kegg-ca · 1 year
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Plant sales on Saturdays at KEGG community garden are still happening EVERY Saturday from 9am - 12pm that we’re up at the garden doing our usual work bee! Plants currently on offer: lemon balm, green onions, sunflowers, Hens and Chick’s succulents, baskets, marigolds, lambs ears!
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kegg-ca · 1 year
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Hey garden gang… KEGG's PLANT SALE is back!
We have hanging flower baskets, Hens & Chicks, as well as some vegetable starts. S come on down (or up) and visit the KEGG garden up in Townsite @ McDougal Park and see what we have to offer at really good prices!
This Saturday (May 20th, 2023).
9am to 12pm (ish).
500 Rossland Blvd (Kimberley, BC).
[CLICK HERE to visit the Facebook Event page]
And we hope to see you there!  🌻
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kegg-ca · 1 year
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As a community garden founded on the idea of donating 1/3 of our produce to the Healthy Kimberley Food Recovery Depot (because we believe local food production & local food security are initiatives that involve getting more of our hands in the dirt around where we actually live), KEGG could not be more happy to help get the word out about this great local gardening initiative that is being spearheaded by some of the wonderful humans behind (and in front of) the scenes over at Kimberley Food Bank and Healthy Kimberley Food Recovery Depot!
So… if you are seeing this post, please get involved with the ‘Plant A Row, Share A Row’ initiative in Kimberley yourself this year OR help spread the word to others who you think would be interested/able to participate (because spreading the word is a way to help plant seeds too)! And if you don’t live in Kimberley… ‘Plant A Row, Share A Row’ where you live too!
Because, to paraphrase something I heard Jack Kornfield say in a podcast within the context of not becoming overwhelmed by the overwhelmingness of all of the world’s problems (for example: mass food insecurity) and the way that our individual actions can feel so small & futile in comparison: 
“It’s not up to you to save the whole world, that would be hubris — BUT — it’s a reality that you are only in control of your own actions… so focus more on tending to the parts of the garden that you can reach yourself.”
And given that this ‘Plant a Row, Share a Row’ initiative is literally about gardening… the meaning behind how there is always the option of taking individual action on things we feel are important WITHIN the communities we actually live in (ie. tending to the parts of the gardens we can actually reach ourselves), well, those paraphrased words seem to ring a little truer here.
So… plant a row, share a row, tell somebody else 🌱
Jeremy / @HI54LOFI
(KEGG’s chief compost turner & rememberer of social media logins)
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