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priscilla quintana makeup and photography by jordan liberty
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“And you just push this?” Keira inquired, pushing clumsily at the screen and watching as she only half moved the piece how she was supposed to before failing the level. Biting her bottom lip, Keira’s brows furrowed in concentration, hunched over the tablet the person next to her was kindly walking her through how to use. She had seen them using it before and when she’d been caught staring they invited her to try it as well. Technology still confused and evaded her, Keira had been a slow learner since arriving. But even she could feel the draw to the bright colors on the screen. “What do I do now?” 
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PRISCILLA QUINTANA as Isabella Good Trouble (4.02)
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“Treat you?  Getting your nails done all pretty is a treat?”  Money had never been a worry for the witch, not for a girl whose parents held multiple degrees and centuries to accumulate it.  It could probably be argued that she took it for granted; it boggled her mind that something so small could be considered a treat.  Lilim was pleased when the slave understood what her silent order had meant, fingertips lightly grazing exposed flesh as she pulled the fabric up the wolf’s legs.  It was the way she played dress up with Daddy, so it felt only natural to do the same with Keira.  Panties deposited, the Mistress turned to the pile of clothing to pick a matching bra.  “Turn around so I can put this on you.  What do you think?”
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Getting her nails done was certainly a treat for Keira. She had never had her nails done before, and those in her pack didn’t care too much for beauty routines, since they mostly stayed away from the human world. Their beauty had been a lot more natural. “It would be, but it would be very kind of you, miss.”  Kiera nodded her head gratefully. Keira understood the orders and did as she was told, moving how the other wanted her to. She was still as the other brushed her fingers over her exposed flesh and her mind went quiet as she silently prepared herself for whatever the other was going to do. Keira felt numb, almost like a real doll now as the other dressed her. Turning around like she was told, she held out her arms so that the bra would be able to go on easier. “It’s very pretty.” Keira breathed out, truthfully. The pink delicate material was not anything she was used to and a light blush spread over her cheeks. 
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Evran just kind of shrugged when the woman told him he didn’t need to apologize.  "Wasn’t an apology so much as me offering my sympathies.  I’d be hard pressed to find anyone that believes a person deserves to be treated that way.“  He laughed and nodded as the woman explained the way she saw things on the island, especially lately.  "I am finding out that this is a very sexual place in general.”  He nodded his head when she described the people that had tried to help her as kind.  "Sounds like you have a very good group of people that support you.“  Evran’s head cocked to the side as she stared at his cock, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips and flexed his length for her to watch.  "I am part of a very rare species called Mimics.”
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Keira wondered what kind of life he had lived if he had not come across many people who treated others that way, or even who believed that people should be treated that way. Rollo had been such a big part of her life, and all those in her pack who were supposed to protect her allowed Rollo to hurt her and do as he pleased. She never thought they’d just stand by and let him hurt her. But they had. He must have lived a very charmed life. “Thank you for the sentiment.” Keira responded softly, and even with the spell she was unsure of what to say. “It is very sexual. Did you know we have to take a class on kinks and sex? It was very overwhelming. I was very scared most of the time. I had to take extra lessons after class with the professor and even then I still barely remember most of what I learned.” The words tumbled out before Keira could try to stop them. “I’ve never known such kind people, I’m very glad they have helped me all that they have.” Her gaze strayed down to his cock, it was fascinating how he could control it in a way she’d never seen others. Keira gasped as he flexed. She leaned closer, fascinated by his abilities. “I’ve never come across a mimic before.” Before coming here, she’d only been exposed to the other species her pack interacted with.
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“No, many do not like pain - causing it or otherwise,” she mused quietly, volume matching Keira’s even if her tone did not.  There was understanding behind the words.  As experienced as the djinn was with both causing and enduring the sensation, it wasn’t anything she particularly enjoyed.  But she was capable and clever enough to understand that even pain had its uses, and could often be utilized for good.  The blonde smiled as the animal started to make pleased sounds under the slave’s care, leaning against one of the stables’ posts as she genuinely just enjoyed the sight.  “You might not be a pet at all, darling girl.  Like most kinks, it’s not for everyone.  If you were truly curious,” Jude mulled, pointer tapping against her chin for a few beats as she pondered.  Magnus may have been the head of his department, but it had spawned from their combined attempts to educate the island.  “I’m sure Island Pleasures has some pet wear.  Or if you’re too self-conscious for that, you can always wait until the Halloween costumes are out and see if any animals catch your fancy.”  As the girl’s thoughts lingered in the past, the telepath simply watched and observed.  It was sad, really, how many stories like Keira’s echoed her own at the Institute.  The world was cruel enough without even taking the supernatural into account.  Jude chuckled at the enthusiasm as well as the question, hair swinging slightly as the blonde shook her head.  “Not quite, though some have called me such a thing in ignorance.  A djinn - though please, don’t judge me by the actions of my brethren.”  It felt like a caveat she had to spit out every time she revealed herself for what she was, a hope that she would not be judged for others’ actions.  And that was without even taking the telepathy into account.  “But thank you, my darling.  A friend did the enchantment and I daresay Bumbles loves the place.”
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Keira remained quiet though she wasn’t sure what to add. She did not enjoy pain. Before coming here, all she had known was pain and not true pleasure or sex. Magnus and a few others had worked with her so much to try and shift her perspective of sex in general. She’d been so traumatized that every little thing had scared her. It was a miracle she had even passed Magnus’ class, though she knew most of the reason she did was because of the lessons he gave her privately to make up. It was no wonder most of what she learned slipped from her mind or was wrapped in a fog of fear from the days in the class. Truthfully, Keira had been so very slow in her progress to heal from what Rollo had done to her, she still was scared by every little thing. But, she had slowly been making progress. Both with people she knew and strangers. Here she was talking to someone she just met and even smiling a little. Though, perhaps the presence of the horse calmed her a lot. Keira continued to pet and feed the horse, smiling softly and feeling more at ease with every moment. “I wouldn’t know, Miss Jude.” Keira admitted, a blush of embarrassment touching her cheeks. She barely remembered it from Magnus’ class and she was sure all she felt then was fear so she was not able to process if she enjoyed it or not. “I don’t know if I would like it or not. Or what I would be.” She might have been a little curious, but it all was so overwhelming to her and Keira would never experiment with it on her own by getting the costumes like Jude suggested. She felt so out of her depths. “I was a bat for Halloween.” Keira blurted out, her voice proud. The holiday was still semi new to her, but she had the chance to celebrate it a few times now. Her bat costume still was in her closet and she was quite proud of it. It proved her growth with such normal things she had been denied for so long. She didn’t know Jude could read her thoughts, nor could she see the flashes of thoughts on her isolated pack, Rollo’s abuse, her real name, the fear she felt for having run away and the fear that she was not safe if Rollo ever found her again. “Do djinns not have a good reputation?” Keira turned to face Jude. She had never met one before coming here, her pack had been isolated and had not interacted with many other species. She turned this information over in her head. Jude was not a witch, but it sounds like she was responsible for the witch who did. “Did you design his habitat then, Miss Jude?” Keira inquired while a small smile of awe bloomed over her lips. Bumbles and his habitat were one of her favorite wonders here. 
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“That’s quite alright,” Evran called out as he snatched up a towel with his telekinesis and pulled it toward himself, allowing him the opportunity to towel himself off.  It took him a moment to recognize the girl he’d met when the fireworks event had him running around the island nude.  "You have nothing to apologize for.  I was just using the opportunity while no one was here to get in a little workout for myself.  Was there something I can help you with or are you just looking around?“
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Biting her bottom lip, Keira nodded and looked up from the ground to politely meet his gaze. She watched the towel move as if on its own and Keira was a little taken aback by the display of power. It was certainly a power she had not witnessed herself before, but knew what it was. “I intruded on you when you were doing something private.” Keira murmured, biting back the urge to apologize once more. “No, I’m sorry to bother you. I was just watching - what, what you were doing.” Keira struggled to pick the words, because she had no idea what parkour was nor what he had been doing. But it had been impressive to watch. 
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giving thanks | jude & keira
It was nice to see the werewolf out of the cells and seemingly somewhat out of her shell for the holiday, at least if that smile was anything to go by.  The djinn took a few beats to realize just what was being offered, mind whirring as she accepted the offer with a genuine smile.  She wouldn’t make Keira feel bad for not knowing the traditions that came with the holiday, and wasn’t it the thought that counted?  “Well you’ve come to the right place, then,” she offered with a genuine chuckle, lifting the clear grocery bag to further take in the raw sweet potatoes.  “Happy Thanksgiving, darling, and thank you for the gift.  Just … give me one moment, lovely, I think I know just what to do with them.  Help yourself to some food, I’ll check in with you again in a couple of minutes.”
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Jude gave the girl’s arm a couple of gentle pats before weaving through the crowd and tables and heading into the club’s kitchen.  The bar menu wasn’t vast, but given the number of events she and her berserker threw at the Clover, the space was larger than it arguably had any right to be.  The vegetables were handed off to a staff member to cook with future plans already in mind.  She prided herself on being a good hostess, but stealing a few minutes in the kitchen with Keira later shouldn’t be too difficult.
Task settled, she reappeared in the club proper, offering greetings and well wishes as she sought the wolf out once more.  “Anything in particular raise any questions?” she offered, hand reaching out to gently cup Keira’s elbow.  Their time with the horses had proved the girl was curious, or at least she was when given the freedom to be just that.
Jude had taken her to spend the day with horses and had been kind the entire time. It might not seem like a lot, but it did endear the werewolf to the mistress. Such small things had put her at ease and she was truly glad to see Jude again. Further more, it was the first year she truly got to spend celebrating the human holiday and she was very excited to finally experience it fully. “Do you have this celebration every year?” Keira inquired and her eyes lit up as Jude accepted the gift. Without being told it was not the correct interoperation of a traditional Thanksgiving dish, she assumed she had done the right thing. Relief spread through her and she was deeply proud of her gift. “You’re welcome. I am excited to learn more and to celebrate the holiday.” Her rare smile betrayed just that. 
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Once left on her own, Keira surveyed the celebration and was not sure where to start. Jude had pointed her towards the food, but she was not sure if there were things she needed to do before eating? Perhaps something with the turkey everyone talked about since today was Turkey Day? She hung back and watched people go through the line, trying to see if there was some offering she was supposed to make. 
With the appearance of Jude once more, Keira breathed a little sigh of relief. Perhaps she could ask what to do? Jude had accepted her gift so maybe her lack of knowledge of the holiday wouldn’t cause her to laugh. The touch was gentle and Keira only stiffened momentarily out of surprise before she relaxed into it. Gentle and ghostly touches were what she needed, much like what one does with a spooked horse. “Am I supposed to do anything before I get food? Give my blessings to the turkey spirit? I’ve heard others call it Turkey Day.” Keira bit her bottom lip and looked away out of embarrassment. Jude had prompted her for any questions but she was still embarrassed by her lack of knowledge of how the holiday truly worked. 
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