keitorizu · 11 months
Why is Episode choices so expensive? I just started playing a story called The Prince's Bride. (which is a lot like TRR btw having to marry the prince through a competition) At least PB let's you start out with like 15 diamonds while Episode gave me 0. Also I would like to see Episode give you more than 1 non diamond choice that doesn't make MC look bad.
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keitorizu · 1 year
Vancross - Dust You Off (Chapter 17)
Most of the characters belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: A group of friends embark on their final year at Vancross Institute with the hopes of making it their best year yet. When a new face with a complicated family plagued by secrets and rumors arrives on campus, new friendships are formed, a new relationship blossoms, and threatening challenges arise.  
Title inspiration: Look After You - Aron Wright
Main Pairing: Liam x F!OC
A/N: Multiple crossover series. There will be random sprinkles of canon throughout this story, but for the most part, it’s pretty much out the window. Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading! Please excuse any errors.
Rating: M • Warnings: This series will contain nsfw material, language, some alcohol and drug use, and is not suitable for minors. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+
Catch up here
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After a long overnight flight, Trystan landed at the airport. Guards of Vancross were waiting on the tarmac for the arrival of family members of the students, so he’d managed to snag a ride. 
After a 45-minute drive from the airport, the SUV carrying Trystan stopped outside of the closed gates of Camp Eirene. Looking out the window, he could see multiple armed guards clad in all black along the snow-covered edge of the property as two approached his vehicle, one on each side with weapons at the ready. 
The guard in the driver’s seat rolled down his window, looking at the one. “Name?”
“Prince Trystan Thorne.” 
The man peered cautiously into the backseat at him. “Who is he here for?”
“His sister, Princess Croía Thorne.” 
The man spoke into an earpiece, giving whoever was on the other side the names; Trystan had already given that information at the airport, but he supposed they were being extra vigilant after yesterday’s events, which he couldn’t fault them for. After a few moments, the man nodded as he stepped back before signaling to another set of guards at the gate. Once it opened, the SUV pulled through, and Trystan glanced over his shoulder, watching the gates shut again before disappearing from view.
Scanning the scenery as they headed up the mountain, Trystan could see more armed guards, who appeared to be scoping out the grounds. His leg bounced nervously, willing the driver to go faster; the sight spiked his anxiety, making him want to see Croía more than he already did. 
When the lodge came into view, Trystan could see staff members waiting outside the entrance as the vehicle pulled around the front and came to a stop. The guard slipped from the driver’s seat and opened Trystan’s door; when he stepped out, he was immediately approached by a staff member. The guard gave the man his information and who he was there for before slipping back into the SUV, more than likely heading back to the airport to retrieve others.
The man bowed to Trystan before meeting his gaze again. “If you’ll follow me, sir.” 
Trystan nodded, following him inside the lodge. When he stepped through the entrance, he took in the grand yet rustic detail of the foyer. “Swanky,” he said, more to himself. He then looked around at the small crowd of people already gathered inside, all of whom appeared to be waiting; some were speaking with staff, some were pacing anxiously, and some were sitting in silence. 
“What’s the name of your sister’s guard?”
“Jonas,” Trystan answered.
The man nodded. “All of the guards are out doing their last sweep of the grounds before they can retrieve the students from their safe houses. Until they return and can speak with you, you may wait down here in the lounge,” he said, gesturing across the room to a massive sitting area, “or in her room if you’d like.”
Trystan nodded. “I’ll wait in her room please.” He’d end up being one of the ones pacing anxiously if he waited down there; he’d rather do that alone. 
The staff member nodded and gestured for him to follow as he turned toward the stairs; Trystan trailed behind the man up to the third floor, turning toward a hallway. “The one at the very end of the hall is the room she was staying in,” he said as he pointed. “It’s currently unlocked from the inside sweep earlier, so you can go right on in. I’ll let her guard know you’re here as soon as they return.” 
“Thank you,” Trystan nodded before making his way down the hall. 
When he approached the door, it was slightly cracked, and Trystan pushed it open. He glanced around the spacious, well-equipped room as he stepped inside. “Damn,” he mumbled to himself as he slipped off his coat, tossing it over the back of a nearby chair. “Wish they had this when I went to uni.” 
Trystan walked toward the balcony doors and looked out at the view outside as he slipped his hands into his pockets. As he stared at the forest surrounding the lodge, all he could think about was Croía. Although he was told she was fine, he needed to see for himself that she was safe and well. And even if she was ok physically, he knew what a situation like this could do to someone emotionally. 
Too lost in his thoughts, he didn’t hear the footsteps as another entered the room. 
“Well, I’ll be damned,” a voice spoke from behind him. 
Trystan turned upon hearing it, and a grin broke out on his face. “No shit.” 
“It’s been what … 10 years? Fucking hell, you’ve aged,” they snorted. 
“Don’t I know it,” Trystan rubbed his chin with a smirk. “Like a fine goddamn wine, too. And after 10 years, I see you’re still a whole asshole.” 
A laugh escaped Leo as the two old friends approached each other and shook hands before pulling one another into an embrace. “It’s good to see you, man,” Leo said as he clapped him on the back before stepping away. “How the hell have you been?”
“Good,” Trystan replied with a smile. “How about you? I read about the abdication …”
“I’m good,” Leo nodded. “And the abdication …” He trailed off, shaking his head. “It was a little rough, but … all in all, I’m glad I did it.” He grinned at Trystan again. “It really is good to see you.”
“Same, although I wish it was under better circumstances,” Trystan smiled ruefully. “I take it you’re here for Liam?”
“Yeah,” Leo nodded. “My parents were on a diplomatic trip and called home to let us know what happened. I told them I was coming, they told me I didn’t need to, but I don’t listen for shit, so here I am,” he chuckled. “And I’m guessing you’re here for Croía …”
“Yeah, because my parents are fucking assholes,” Trystan scoffed.
“I see some things haven’t changed in the last decade.”
“They never will,” Trystan shook his head. “When will your parents arrive?”
Leo glanced at his watch. “They should be here within the hour,” he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows. “They left Madrid at five this morning.” 
Trystan looked at him. “Where’s Liam’s room?”
“You’re standing in it.”
“No,” Trystan said. “This is Croía’s room.”
Leo arched his brow. “This is Liam’s room.” 
Trystan shook his head. “The guy told me her room was the one at the very end of the hall.”
“The guy told me his room was the one at the very end of the hall,” Leo retorted. 
The two stared at one another for a moment as the realization settled in that their siblings had shared a room. Leo flew up from the bed, looking back at it as he feigned brushing off his pants in disgust; when he glanced at Trystan again, he laughed as he dodged out of the way of his fist that swung for his arm. 
“So …” Leo smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. “Your sister and my brother. What do you think about that?”
“I’ll be honest, he was kind of on my shit list at first,” Trystan chuckled. 
“Yeah, I heard about that. He said he was pretty sure you wanted to kick his ass after parents’ weekend,” Leo chuckled. 
“I did,” Trystan nodded affirmatively. “But then my mom showed up on campus, and I heard from Croía that Liam let her have it … so I took him off the list.” 
“Yeah,” Leo laughed. “I heard about that, too. He gave our mom the whole spiel … he was all kinds of worked up about it.” 
Trystan shook his head. “My dear old mom has that effect on people.” He stared at Leo for a moment. “How serious do you think it is between them?”
Leo snorted. “Oh, Liam’s got it bad. They’ll be married and making babies before you know it.” When Trystan narrowed his eyes, Leo laughed. “Kidding … at least about marriage and babies. He really does have it bad for Croía, though.” He could see the protective brother gleam in Trystan’s eyes, and he chuckled. “Liam is a good guy. And I’m not just saying that because he’s my brother.”
“Maybe that’s what worries me. He’s your brother,” Trystan quipped.
Leo pressed his hand to his chest, feigning offense. “I’m wounded.” 
Trystan rolled his eyes with a good-natured grin. “Anyway,” he said, looking around the room … that his baby sister shared with Liam. 
“Nice, yeah?”
“It is,” Trystan nodded in agreement. “When did they build this place anyway?”
“They started the year after you left. They didn’t finish it until after I was gone, though,” Leo shook his head. “Total bullshit.”
“Prince Leo,” a voice spoke from the doorway.
Trystan and Leo both whirled toward the sound. “Anthony,” Leo grinned as he approached; the guard bowed before shaking his hand.  
A moment later, Jonas appeared; he stepped inside and approached Trystan. “Hello, sir,” he bowed. 
Trystan nodded, shaking his hand. “How’d the sweep go?”
“It’s all clear,” Jonas replied. 
“Did you find anything?” Leo asked, looking between both guards. 
“We found nothing but shell casings from the weapon they used,” Anthony answered. “The investigation is still ongoing, however.” 
“What exactly happened?” Trystan questioned.
Anthony explained a quick yet more detailed version of the events that neither Trystan nor Leo had heard yet, telling them that the chopper had been hovering just across from where they found their siblings after the attack ended. That sinking feeling in the pit of Trystan’s stomach became deeper, adding more to what he already thought. 
“Luckily, they were able to hide within the tree line, but Prince Liam still took a hit to his arm,” Anthony said, and Trystan’s eyes widened, not having known that detail. “It was just a graze wound, so, thankfully, nothing too serious.”
“So you can go get them now?” Leo asked.   
“Yes,” Anthony nodded. “Jonas and I have the UTV waiting out front. And I just spoke to Jackson before coming up here. Your parents landed about 10 minutes ago, so they should be here soon.” 
“I’d like to come with you,” Trystan said to Jonas.
“Yeah,” Leo agreed, looking at Anthony. “I want to come with you to get Liam.”
Anthony nodded. “We’ll get another UTV ready.”
“Are their cabins near each other?” Trystan asked as the four men exited the room.
“They stayed in the same one,” Anthony answered as he walked down the hall, unable to see Trystan’s brow arch behind him.
Morning sunlight peeking through rustling branches of trees outside flickered through the window of the safe house, casting dancing rays across Croía’s face, stirring her awake. With a deep inhale, her eyes slowly fluttered open, shifting her gaze to take in the rustic room; it took her a moment to remember where she was. 
Then Croía remembered the events from the day before and why she was in the unfamiliar space: the subtle panic in Liam’s voice as he told her they needed to get to the lodge, the helicopter, visuals of their classmates veering off the slopes into hiding, Liam diving in front of her as shots rang out. 
For a brief moment, Croía began to shrink into herself at the memory, but then she felt a tightening around her waist. She glanced down to see a strong arm wrapped securely around her from behind, molding her body against their own beneath the sheet that covered them. Liam. They were safe. He was safe. She closed her eyes, feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest against her back as she relaxed into his embrace. 
Then, flashes from last night started playing in Croía’s head: her and Liam’s confessions, his lips and hands on her, that line they crossed — that she finally crossed, the way he made her feel, and the way he took care of her. Despite their naked bodies pressed together beneath the sheet, a part of her wondered if it was all a dream, but when she started to turn in his embrace, the slight discomfort she felt from her hips to down in between her thighs told her it had been very real. 
Once facing him, Croía nestled closer to him as his arms tightened around her, and she inhaled the lingering aroma of his cologne. Her eyes shifted to the bandage on his arm, wondering how it would feel when he woke. After several quiet moments of listening to the sound of their steady, mingling breaths, she felt him begin to stir. 
Liam arched his back, stretching the sleep from his body as he inhaled a deep breath. When he nestled back into the mattress, he opened one eye, and a sleepy smile curled on his lips when he saw her looking at him. “Morning, beautiful.” 
Croía bit her lip through a coy grin, feeling her entire body flutter. “Morning.”
Liam’s hand slipped beneath the sheet and settled on her bare waist before closing the small space between them, kissing her softly. “Sleep ok?” he murmured against her lips, and she nodded. He drew back to look at her. “How … how are you feeling?” 
The concern that flashed in his eyes was impossible for Croía to ignore. “I’m ok. How’s your arm?”
Liam lifted and slowly rotated it a bit. “A little tender and stiff, but it’s ok. Speaking of …” A flicker of worry flashed across Liam’s expression as he turned toward the nightstand and grabbed the phone Anthony had left with them. 
Croía turned onto her stomach, curling her arms beneath the pillow as she lifted her head to try and peek. “Anything?” 
Liam set it back down before turning to face her again, shaking his head as she rested hers back on the pillow. “Not yet.” He lifted his hand, tucking wisps of her hair behind her ear before he slid it down her bare back in a gentle caress. 
“What time is it?”
“Little after eight,” Liam replied. “I’m sure he’ll be calling soon. They’re probably doing another sweep of the lodge and grounds or finishing up if they weren’t able to get to all of it last night.” He smiled at her again as he carefully notched his thigh between her legs to tangle their limbs. “You sure you’re ok?” he asked as his hand slid down. When he gently began kneading her inner thigh, her eyes closed and her brows knitted as a tense moan escaped her, and he chuckled sheepishly. “Sore?”
Croía opened her eyes to look at him again, smiling coyly. “I’m sure I’ll be ok once I’m up and moving.” 
“Speaking of which …” Liam reluctantly slid his hands off of her and rolled away; he sat up on the edge of the bed and reached for his discarded clothes, slipping on his boxers and sweatpants before standing. He locked eyes with her as he made his way around to her side of the bed, stopping to grab her clothes from the floor. “You should eat some breakfast.”
Croía sat up, wrapping the sheet around herself as she slid to the edge of the bed. When he set her clothes on the bed, he looked down at her, and she smiled as he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. He inhaled a breath, crouching down in front of her and sliding his hand up to tangle in her tousled hair as the kiss deepened. 
Suddenly, Liam drew back at the sound of the door of the safe house being unlocked. Both of their heads snapped to the open bedroom door just as Anthony stepped inside the cabin, followed by Jonas, Leo, and Trystan; they all locked gazes with Liam and Croía down the narrow hallway.
Trystan immediately took notice of the sheet wrapped around his baby sister, and her and Liam’s wide eyes as they stared at the group. “What the—”
“Our bad!” Leo called out, trying to shove Trystan back outside.
“Get off me!” Trystan grumbled, shoving him back just as his phone started to ring; he silenced it.
“Oh fuck,” Liam breathed as he stood and pushed the bedroom door shut before locking it. He whirled around and met Croía’s stunned gaze. “What is your brother doing here?” he whisper-yelled.
“I don’t know!” Croía replied as she quickly pulled on her clothes. “What is your brother doing here?”
“I don’t know!” Liam said as he tugged his shirt over his head. “But my brother is far less of a concern to me right now than your brother!” 
When her brother called her name, Croía’s eyes widened again. “Just a minute!”
Leo watched Trystan grit his teeth as his phone rang for a second time; he looked at the screen and once again silenced it. “You should go get some fresh air.”
“Don’t tell me to go get fresh air!” Trystan snapped. “I know you saw what I saw!”
“Yeah,” Leo nodded. “And what about it?” When Trystan cast a steely glare in his direction, Leo held up his hands defensively. “I get it. She’s your baby sister. But there’s no need to freak out. And remember, they went through an ordeal yesterday—”
“Oh, yeah! They looked traumatized!” Trystan interrupted.
A bark of laughter escaped Leo before he slapped his hand over his mouth; he closed his eyes, shaking his head. “I’m sorry.” 
Trystan’s phone rang again, and he grumbled, shoving his hand into his pocket and pulling it out as he stepped outside with Leo trailing behind him. He swiped his thumb across the screen to answer before bringing it to his ear. “Now is not a good time, Mags!”
“What’s wrong? Is Croía alright?”
“She’s perfectly fine,” Trystan growled.
“What’s your problem then?”
“My problem is that Leo and I just rolled up to the safe house to collect our younger siblings, who we thought were in peril, only to find them HALF NAKED!” On the other end of the phone, a gasp followed by a giggle escaped Marguerite while Leo laughed beside him. He cut his eyes to his old friend. “It’s NOT funny!” 
“I don’t think it’s funny,” Marguerite chuckled. “I say good for her … if that’s what happened. Which, either way, it’s none of your damn business. She’s 21, Trystan. She’s not a child. Leave her be.” 
“It is my business as her older brother! He DEFLOWERED her, Mags!” At Trystan’s words, Leo doubled forward with a wheeze.
Marguerite let out a shriek of laughter. “Did you … did you really just say deflowered?”
“He said WHAT?” Cameron’s voice sounded in the background of the call. 
“Yes!” Trystan hissed, hearing both his sister and his girlfriend laughing. 
Marguerite let out another guffaw before composing herself. “And how would you know something as personal as that about her?”
Trystan was seething on the other end. “Because I know my baby sister! That’s how!”
“So … in your mind, her petals have been separated and she’s now blossomed,” Marguerite giggled again, and Cameron’s loud laugh followed.
Trystan visibly cringed at her words, letting out an angry growl as he ended the call and aggressively threw his phone into the UTV through the open door.
Inside the cabin, Liam and Croía exited the bedroom, met by Anthony and Jonas at the end of the hall. Liam looked at his guard, his jaw clenching. “Thanks for the phone call and heads up,” he grumbled under his breath.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Anthony smiled ruefully. “We arrived back from the last sweep of the grounds and they were both waiting and wanted to come with us to get you two. I got sidetracked.” 
Leo walked back inside; his eyes traveled over Liam as if assessing him for any injuries he wasn’t told about as he approached him. He briefly met Liam’s gaze before pulling him into a hug. “You’re alright?” he asked as he stepped back. 
Liam nodded, seeing a hint of worry mixed with relief in his brother’s eyes. “I’m good.”
Trystan appeared in the doorway a moment later and made a beeline for Croía as soon as he saw her. He wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes. “You’re ok.” It wasn’t a question but a statement, as if he didn’t really believe it until that moment. 
When he drew back, he cupped her face in his hands as he looked her over. “What are you doing here?” Croía asked, feeling a sudden wave of emotions. 
“I wanted to be here for you,” Trystan replied, and her returned smile was nothing less than grateful. 
“How’s the arm?” Anthony asked Liam.
“It’s fine,” Liam nodded. 
“They have a physician waiting at the lodge to check on anyone injured,” Jonas said. 
“Was anyone …” Liam trailed off, unable to say the words aloud.
“No, sir,” Anthony smiled. “Only a few minor injuries were reported. Nothing serious. Let’s head back to the lodge. Your parents will be arriving soon, and you need to get that arm checked out.” 
Liam and Croía both nodded; they grabbed their boots and slipped them on followed by their jackets. When they met each other’s gazes, they subtly smiled and he laced their fingers together; they walked out of the cabin hand-in-hand to the waiting UTVs. 
“Croía, you can ride with me and Jonas,” Trystan said, cutting his eyes to Liam for only a second before looking at her again; it wasn’t quick enough for her to miss it. 
Liam didn’t return the look, keeping his eyes on her. “Go,” he whispered before kissing her forehead. “I’ll be right behind you.” 
When they stepped apart, Trystan helped Croía inside the UTV before sliding in next to her; he glanced over to see her looking at him. “What?”
“I’m glad you’re here, but can you stop with the glaring and glowering?”
“We’ll talk about it later,” Trystan grumbled.
“No, we won’t,” Croía retorted. “There’s nothing to talk about.” 
Trystan shot her a look as Jonas drove the UTV away from the cabin with Leo, Liam, and Anthony following behind them. 
Once they arrived back at the lodge, Liam exited his UTV, and despite Trystan hovering around Croía, he walked over to her as she got out of the vehicle. She came next to him, slipping her hand in his before the pair started toward the groups of other students near the front of the lodge while Leo and Trystan hung back, speaking more with Anthony and Jonas.
Liam’s eyes scanned the crowd, looking for their friends; his gaze fell on their group, and he let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding as he started for them.
“So, I hear this noise, right?” Blaine said. “It was like … humurrmfffhmmrrff … but way louder. I look out the window, and there’s a fucking moose!” 
Liam snorted at hearing the tale end of his story. 
Alia laughed. “Wait, make that sound again.” Blaine gave her a look, but before he could respond her eyes went wide. “Croía!” she gasped before rushing forward; she threw her arms around her in a hug as everyone turned. “You’re safe,” she breathed.
“You too,” Croía replied, her voice cracking slightly. They drew apart and she greeted the others. 
Liam and Blaine met gazes; they both saw the relief in the other’s eyes, silently acknowledging it as they stepped toward each other. Blaine shook his head at the same moment he shook Liam’s hand; they pulled each other in, clapping the other’s back as they both blew out long breaths. 
“You guys are ok?” Liam asked as they stepped back.
Blaine smiled with a nod. “Yeah. You guys?” he asked, clapping his arm; Liam grunted, wincing with a grimace from the impact against his bandaged wound. Blaine’s eyes widened as Alia and Croía glanced over. “Oh shit. Did you—”
“It’s fine,” Liam said. “It’s just a graze wound … little tender.” He looked around at the group. “Were any of you—” He stopped when they all shook their heads before they all finished greeting him. 
Olivia pulled him into a tight embrace. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
Liam chuckled as he stepped back. “What did I do?”
“Nothing … technically. But my guard told me about your injury and he didn’t know how bad it was and I …” Olivia trailed off, shaking her head.
Liam let out a breath and pulled her into another hug. “I’m fine. I promise.” 
Suddenly, a group of SUVs appeared, pulling around the front of the lodge, and everyone turned. The doors flung open and parents of the students filed out. 
Croía stepped back, keeping a respectable distance away as she watched her friends be greeted by their concerned families. She watched Liam’s parents rush toward him; Eleanor wrapped her arms around him, and Liam hugged her back before turning to his father. Then their head guard approached Liam, and not like someone he was in charge of protecting but like he was family. Then, they all turned to Olivia. She knew how close they were and had heard about everything his parents had done for Olivia after the death of her own, even taking her in to stay with them; they’d practically helped raise her until she was old enough to go back to Lythikos and assume her title and role as Duchess. 
After a moment, Croía glanced down, scuffing her foot against the snow to distract herself. She was thankful Trystan had come, thankful that she had someone, but seeing her friend’s parents or parent figures arrive, the worry and relief etched in each of their expressions … it reminded her that hers weren’t there, that they couldn’t be bothered enough to show up after such an ordeal. Maybe they at least called, she thought to herself; her phone was still in her and Liam’s room. 
Hearing her name in almost a relieved tone, Croía glanced up to see Liam’s mother walking towards her. Her eyes went wide with surprise when Eleanor wrapped her in an embrace.
“I’m so glad you’re safe.” 
Croía let out a quiet breath, tentatively lifting her arms to return the hug as her eyes began to sting. “Me too,” she whispered. 
Eleanor stepped back, resting a hand on her cheek as she looked her over. “You’re not hurt anywhere?” 
“No, ma’am,” Croía shook her head. 
“Good,” Eleanor smiled just as Liam and Constantine approached them.
“Good to see you safe, my dear,” Constantine said before he embraced Croía, throwing her more off guard. 
When his father stepped back, Liam slipped an arm around her waist. Just then, Trystan and Leo approached them. “Trystan,” Eleanor smiled. 
“Queen Eleanor,” Trystan bowed before kissing her cheek. “King Constantine.” He greeted him with a shake of his hand. 
“It’s good to see you,” Constantine nodded. “And I thought we told you to stay home,” he said with a pointed look in Leo’s direction.
“Eh,” Leo shrugged. “You know how good I am at following instructions. Don’t worry, though. I left Lena with Bastien.”
“I don’t know if that’s comforting,” Liam whispered out of the corner of his mouth, earning a snort from his brother. 
“Your Majesties.” Everyone turned to see Anthony and Jonas; both men bowed. “We can talk inside while we wait for the physician to look at Prince Liam’s arm.” The King and Queen of Cordonia nodded, gesturing for the others to come along before following the two guards. 
Once inside, they found a quiet corner in the lounge, and everyone lowered themselves into the cushioned chairs. “So,” Constantine said, looking at Anthony. “What do we know?” 
“Unfortunately, not much,” Anthony replied. “There was no evidence left behind except empty shell casings. The whole ordeal didn’t last all but five minutes. They were in and out.”
“So, they’re not sure who the target was or if there was one at all?” Trystan asked.
“Not yet,” Anthony replied. “Interpol arrived late last night and is taking over the investigation. They can be pretty tight-lipped when it comes to this kind of stuff until they have anything definitive.” 
Eleanor shared a knowing look with Constantine before they both nodded. “We’d like to be kept apprised of anything they find. Anything at all,” Constantine said. 
“I’ll let the investigative lead know,” Jackson nodded. 
“Excuse me,” a staff member bowed as he approached. “The physician can see Prince Liam now.”
“Croía, Leo,” Eleanor said, “why don’t you two go with him? We’ll wait here.” 
The two nodded and stood with Liam; they followed the staff member to the infirmary. “Anthony, Jonas, you two should go with Jackson to speak with Interpol,” Constantine suggested.  
The three guards nodded and walked off together, leaving Trystan alone with Constantine and Eleanor; he looked at the King and Queen of Cordonia as they met his gaze, knowing there was a reason behind them quickly dismissing everyone else. 
“Trystan … might we have a word?” Eleanor asked.
A short while later, Liam, Croía, and Leo made their way upstairs to their room; when they got out of the infirmary, Constantine, Eleanor, and Trystan had disappeared from their spot in the lounge, so they went to wait for them. 
When Liam and Leo stopped in the hall to speak with Rashad, Croía continued to their room. She stepped inside and went right for the nightstand to check her phone. The only missed calls or messages she had were from Trystan and Marguerite. There was nothing from her parents at all. She couldn’t explain the disappointment she felt since she knew she shouldn’t be surprised, but it was there. 
“This is a nice room.”
Croía turned at the sound of the voice, seeing Eleanor as she stepped inside. “It is,” she nodded.
Eleanor saw Croía’s phone in her hand and smiled. “Have you heard from your parents?” 
“Oh, uh …” Croía glanced down at her phone, looking at the screen. “No,” she shook her head, unable to meet her gaze out of shame or embarrassment … perhaps both. “Not yet.” She wasn’t sure why she added that; she knew she wouldn’t hear from them. “I’m sure they’re busy.” She finally met her gaze again with a halfhearted smile.
Eleanor’s heart broke for her in that moment, able to hear the hurt in her voice and see it through the forced smile she’d just offered her. No parent should be too busy to check on the well-being of their child. She smiled in return, however, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable than she clearly already was. 
“Everything ok?” Liam asked as he, Leo, and Trystan stepped inside the suite.
“Yes,” Eleanor replied as she looked at him. “We just spoke with Dean Lundqvist. They don’t have many answers at the moment and they want to focus on the investigation and try and clear it up as soon as possible. That, paired with the nature of the attack … they’ve decided to cancel your exams. Your break is starting early.” Croía immediately looked at Trystan, and he could see both the question and plea in her eyes. Please don’t make me go home. Before she could mention it, Eleanor spoke again. “Croía, you’re more than welcome to stay with us during break if you’d like,” she smiled. 
Liam looked at her and grinned, and Trystan watched relief fill her that she didn’t have to return to Drakovia. Croía subtly smiled in return. “I’d love to, ma’am. Thank you.” 
“Why don’t you two get your things packed up,” Eleanor suggested. “Also … we won’t be returning to Cordonia for a few days, just so you’re aware.”
Liam furrowed his brows. “Where are we going first?”
Eleanor and Trystan shared a look just as Constantine stepped forward from where he’d been lingering in the doorway, answering for them. “We have some business in New York …” 
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Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @emichelle @sweetest-marbear @indiacater @gibbles82 @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @esmckenzie @dcbbw @burnsoslow @deb-1106 @bbrandy2002 @txemrn @charlotteg234 @kat-tia801 @neotericthemis @foreverethereal123 @choiceskatie @sirbeepsalot @gnatbrain @openheart12 @sincerelyella @superharriet @queenrileyrose @aestheticartsx @kingliam2019 @indiana-jr @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @emkay512 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @forallthatitsworth @walker7519 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @princessleac1 @21-wishes @appleone @tessa-liam @pixelatedpassion @malblk21 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @forthebrokenheartedthings @nomadics-stuff @differenttyphoonwerewolf
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keitorizu · 1 year
Midnights Like This Part Five: Come Out of the Darkness
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Miniseries Premise: Riley Brooks leaves everything behind to move to Cordonia after accepting her dream job designing clothing for the upcoming royal wedding. Drowning her sorrows one night, she meets Leo. The pair form an unlikely friendship, having more in common than either expected. Their feelings evolve, but neither wants to ruin the friendship. Will they take a chance or be content to stay friends?
Catch Up Here
Chapter Summary: Liam and Riley have a meeting, Leo tries something new.
Pairings: Leo x OC, Liam x MC
Rating: T
TW: Language
A/N: I am participating in @choicesflashfics using the prompt "I don't know if I want to know the answer, but what are you doing?"
Music Inspo: Retrograde—Maggie Rogers
Word Count: 2491
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Leo studied Riley from his position beside one of the prominent pillars that flanked the entrance to the palace. 
Riley leaned against the car door, eyes scanning the imposing facade. Leo noticed her fingers tremble slightly as she smoothed down the tweed fabric of her navy blazer dress. A deep breath followed, and when she straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin, her fingers no longer shook as she adjusted the gold studded belt around her waist. 
Leo felt uncomfortable watching her when she wasn’t aware of his presence. He cleared his throat and stepped forward into the sun.
“Hi,” Riley’s eyes crinkled. “I didn’t expect to see you so early.”
“Hello,” Leo folded his hands together as he stopped in front of Riley. “Liam asked me to escort you to the library for the meeting.”
“Okay,” Riley blinked in the bright sunlight. She was meant to meet with Liam in his office, but she didn’t mind a change of scenery. “Lead the way.”
“Happy to,” Leo held the door open. Riley looped her bag over her wrist and stepped over the threshold. 
Leo fell into step beside her. “Are you still anxious about meeting Liam?”
Following their dinner, Leo and Riley had kept in touch, exchanging messages nearly every day. Leo found himself looking forward to hearing from her, each giving the other the rundown of the day’s events. 
The busy days that they didn’t manage to speak felt odd. Leo had trouble sleeping those nights. 
“I am,” Riley admitted as she quickened her steps to keep up with Leo. “I’ve met world leaders before, but I suppose none have been so close to my age. Especially a king. It’s a little intimidating.”
“Liam didn’t expect to be crowned so soon,” Leo disclosed as he led Riley around a curve in the hall, “Our father opted for early retirement.”
What Leo didn’t divulge was that Constantine’s motives were to put more pressure on Liam to do things the way Constantine had. Moments after Liam had been crowned, he’d been forced to make a decision about Marena that still haunted him, despite wanting to protect her above all else. 
“I read that,” Riley said thoughtfully. “Your father has been enjoying his retirement, then?”
“Something like that,” Leo kept his tone and expression neutral. Constantine was at Applewood, where he had been since the engagement tour arrived back in Cordonia. He would make an appearance for wedding festivities, as would Regina. As far as Leo was aware, Liam hadn’t said a word to their father since Shanghai. “There’s no need to be nervous about Liam. Even if he doesn’t like you, he’ll never let you know.”
Riley laughed. “Should I find that comforting?”
“Yes,” Leo chuckled. “I’m sure that won’t be the case.”
Leo paused at a massive set of French doors, seeming to decide something before speaking again.
“Did you still want to, uh,” Leo cleared his throat. “Grab a drink or something after?”
“Or something,” Riley smiled brightly, and Leo’s nerves lessened. “I’ll text you an address.”
“All right,” Leo frowned, trying to discern Riley’s plans.
“Change first,” Riley gestured to Leo’s gray suit. “Wear something comfortable.”
“This is comfortable.”
“Less formal,” Riley clarified as the door swung open. “Like, the opposite of what you’re wearing.”
“Good morning,” Liam offered his hand to Riley, along with a friendly smile. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you! I’ve heard nothing but good things from Marena and Leo here.”
“That’s great to hear,” Riley shook Liam’s hand firmly. “I’ve also only heard positive things about you.”
“Isn’t that nice?” Liam’s smile grew wider. “No Ana today?”
“No,” Riley confirmed. “She is working on getting fabrics from Paris as we speak.”
“Does she ever take the sunglasses off?” Liam crossed his arms and leaned against the door jam. “I’ve known her practically my whole life, and I have no idea what her eyes look like.”
“I’m afraid not,” Riley admitted. “I’ve never seen her without them.”
“Curious,” Liam pushed off the door. “Come on in; let’s talk.”
Riley nodded and stepped over the threshold, giving Leo a little wave before Liam winked at him and closed the door.
Leo let out a long breath. Riley would do just fine. 
Leo frowned, pulling his phone from his pocket. He navigated to the app he used to organize his wardrobe and began to scroll, heading to his quarters. 
Leo was so focused he nearly ran into Marena.
"I don't know if I want to know the answer, but what are you doing?" Marena grabbed Leo’s arm for stability, and he hurriedly dropped his phone into his pocket, helping her regain her balance. 
“I’m sorry,” Leo apologized. “Are you hurt?”
“Just my pride,” Marena flashed Leo a grin. “How did you not see me?”
“I was, uh,” Leo shoved his hands into his pockets. “Trying to figure out what to wear.”
Marena arched an eyebrow. “Where are you headed?”
“I actually don’t know,” Leo admitted. “I’m meeting Riley.”
“That sounds fun!” Marena threaded her arm through Leo’s.  “Walk me to my next meeting?”
“Sure,” Leo let Marena lead him down the hall.
“Don’t overthink it,” Marena patted Leo’s hand. “Riley’s your friend, right? She won’t make you do anything that you won’t like.”
“Right,” Leo agreed, shoulders relaxing.
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“Is this Ana’s design?” Liam peered at the sketch, flipping a page. 
The regalia was a dark jacket and trousers with an elaborate sapphire sash featuring the Rys crest. Medals were affixed to one lapel of the coat.
“This is mostly Ana,” Riley pointed to the sketch. “I added the sash.”
“That’s the only part I like,” Liam frowned. “I’m grateful for her contributions, but this looks like, forgive me for saying, a funeral suit to me.”
Riley quickly scribbled a few notes. “I will relay that to Ana. I’m sure we can put together something that’s a little brighter.”
“White perhaps,” Liam bobbed his head enthusiastically. “That sounds perfect.”
“I’ll get you updated sketches as soon as I can,” Riley finished adding a few details she’d just thought of in her notebook. 
“I don’t know the details of Ren’s gown,” Liam began, rising from the leather wingback chair. He crossed the room and opened a small closet, removing a garment bag. “But I was wondering if you could perhaps use some of this fabric?”
Liam placed the garment bag on a small velvet couch below a large window. Riley unzipped the bag carefully; she’d noted how delicately Liam handled it. 
“This was my mother’s wedding gown,” Liam explained. “It’s dated, but I know the lace is good quality.”
Riley felt the lace of the gown’s train between her thumb and forefinger. The weave was tight but soft to the touch. It was the highest quality, and there was enough of it to use for the edging of Marena’s veil, while still keeping the gown intact.
“This is perfect,” Riley smiled up at Liam. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad it can be useful,” Liam’s face lit up with a smile.  “It would be nice to feel she’s there in spirit.”
“I understand that,” Riley touched her locket. “My mother died when I was young. I have a few things of hers. When I miss her, I take them out, and it’s almost like she’s in the room with me.”
“I’m sorry,” Liam put a comforting hand on Riley’s shoulder. “If you don’t mind me asking, how old were you?”
“I was six,” Riley pressed her lips together in a tight smile. “I don’t have a lot of memories, but one of them is going to fashion week with her and sitting in the front row. I remember seeing these elaborate gowns and being in awe.”
“Is that why you chose your profession?” Liam asked gently. 
“It was,” Riley’s face relaxed, her smile brighter. “She was a sculptor. She loved beautiful things, no matter what package they came in.”
“My mother loved beautiful things, too,” Liam leaned forward. “The gardens were her last wish, particularly the hedge maze.”
“I’ve seen photos,” Riley admitted. “They’re gorgeous.”
“You’ll have to tour them sometime. I can’t remember the last time I spoke about my mother,” Liam sat back in his chair. “It’s nice.”
“Thank you for telling me about her and letting me ramble,” Riley closed her notebook. “She sounds lovely.”
Riley stood, draping her handbag over one arm. “I don’t want to take up more of your time.”
“I have a few minutes,” Liam leaned back, crossing his ankle over one knee. “I understand you and Leo have been spending time together.”
“Oh,” Riley‘s cheeks flushed. “Yes.”
“How is he?” Liam’s face dropped slightly. “I’m not asking you to betray confidences, but I worry about him.”
Riley took in the king’s concerned expression. “He’s dealing with some things, but he’s been talking about it. I think he’s doing as well as can be expected.”
“He’s talking about the breakup?” Liam’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
“A little,” Riley hesitated. She wasn’t sure what she could say without divulging too much. 
“I do understand,” Liam lowered his voice. “If I’d abdicated for Marena and she chose someone else, I wouldn’t be the same man. I suppose I’d heal in time, but I would question, well, everything.”
Liam thought of the only fight he and Marena had, when he’d insisted that he wanted to abdicate for her. She’d told him not to let those bastards win, that it was probably what they wanted him to do. He’d desperately asked her to be with him even if he had to marry Madeleine. 
Liam wished he could take back that request, although Marena had agreed. She’d said she would remain by his side no matter what. It had never occurred to him that there might be someone else because he knew Marena. She would have told him. Not like Katie. 
Riley smiled comfortingly at Liam. “That’s all Leo needs, I think. Time.”
Leo needed someone removed from the situation, who didn’t know him before, Liam thought. 
“I believe you’re right,” Liam stood. “It was nice to meet you at last.”
Riley shook the hand Liam offered. “The feeling is mutual.”
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Leo folded his hands together in front of his belt, trying not to fidget. He fussed with the collar of the blue button-down he wore. Casual clothes didn’t bother him, but the only time he dressed down was at night, usually at the bar he frequented. No one paid attention to him there; he could just be.
Not in broad daylight. He winced at his shoes. In sneakers.
“Hi!” Riley’s voice startled Leo, and he turned to see her glancing up and down the street before dashing across.  She wore a pair of dark jeans paired with a black silk tank, a cropped grey cardigan hung off one shoulder. 
Riley leaned down to adjust the shoelaces on her Converse high tops, her hair falling over one shoulder. Leo looked away quickly, feeling guilty for studying her so closely for the second time today. She seemed more vulnerable somehow. Perhaps he was projecting. He felt more vulnerable.
“Where are we going?” Leo asked. The street was primarily restaurants and clothing stores. He hoped she didn’t want to go shopping.
“Bowling,” Riley announced. “Follow me.”
Riley started off down the road. Leo was frozen to the spot. She must be joking. 
“Sorry, I thought you said bowling,” Leo jogged to catch up.
“I did,” Riley pointed to a brick building with a black door emblazoned with purple bubble letters spelling Spare Me. “Right there.” 
“I haven’t been in a long time,” Riley looped her arm through Leo’s, slowing her steps. “We’ve both been so busy; I thought it’d be fun.”
Leo hesitated, somewhat comforted by Riley’s arm on his. 
“We don’t have to,” Riley said quickly, not wanting to pressure Leo. He wasn’t wearing a suit. Maybe there were more baby steps needed. “We can do something else.”
“Do they have beer?”
“Yes,” a smile tugged at Riley’s lips. “Plus nachos and greasy cheeseburgers.”
“Sold,” Leo pulled the door open, waiting for Riley to pass through before sighing deeply.
“I heard that,” Riley called over her shoulder. 
Leo followed her, the light seeming extra low in contrast to the bright midday sun. “You were meant to.”
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Leo rolled the turquoise swirled ball in his hands, surreptitiously watching a man throw a ball down the lane, pins crashing to the polished wooden floor. It seemed easy enough.
Riley set a bright pink ball down on the rack. “Have you ever done this before?”
“No,” Leo admitted.
“When would I have?”
“You traveled all over the world; I thought maybe …”
“That I went bowling?”
“Fair enough,” Riley held her hands out, and Leo set the ball in them. She hefted it onto the rack. “That’s a good weight for you.”
Leo nodded, unsure of why it mattered what the ball weighed. 
“Okay,” Riley fit her index finger and thumb into the holes on the pink ball. “Watch and learn.”
Leo stepped back, wincing at the slip of his rented shoes on the slick floor. Riley threw the ball down the lane, knocking all but one pin down.
“Fuck!” Riley screeched before whirling to face Leo. “So close!”
Leo couldn’t help but laugh. 
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“You aren’t bad at all,” Riley spoke around a bite of nachos. “You beat me.”
Leo took a long swig of beer. “It’s not hard. Throw the ball, knock down the pins.”
“I still can’t believe you’ve never bowled before.”
“My father was more concerned with fencing and sailing,” Leo wiped his lips with a napkin. “Not a lot of time for much else besides learning how to be a king.”
“I’m sorry,” Riley shot him a sympathetic smile. “That pressure must be difficult when you’re so young.”
“You’d know,” Leo shrugged. “It is what it is. I’ve tried to move away from it-”
“But you’re back in it,” Riley finished. “What was your plan before? More travel?”
“I’ve had my fill of that,” Leo crossed his arms over his chest before dropping them to the table. “I was ready to settle down, start a family.”
“And now?” Riley sipped her beer.
“I’m trying to figure it out,” Leo admitted. “Until then-”
“You’re here helping your brother,” Riley interjected. “It’s sweet.”
“You have to stop finishing my sentences,” Leo crumpled up his napkins and dropped them onto the paper plate. 
“Sorry,” Riley’s cheeks flushed a soft pink. “I don’t mean to.”
“I was kidding,” Leo winked. “It’s nice.”
They sat in a comfortable silence, neither feeling the need to fill it. 
“Break over!” Riley announced, getting to her feet. “More bowling.”
“You want to lose again?” Leo chuckled, gathering their napkins and empty food containers. 
“Maybe I went easy on you,” Riley dimpled. “Now I know I don’t have to.”
Leo shook his head and laughed, tipping the remnants of their meal into the trash. “You’re on.”
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Perma: @ao719 @appleone @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @choiceskatie @differenttyphoonwerewolf @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @gabesmommie1130 @gardeningourmet @iaminlovewithtrr @imashybish @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @ladyangel70 @lovingchoices14 @lunaseasblog @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mom2000aggie @nestledonthaveone @originaljudgepiepaper @pixelatedpassion @platapirexy @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @queenmiarys @queenwalton @royalpest @tessa-liam @trrfanaddict @3pawandme @txemrn @21-wishes
Leo x Riley: @mywildheartremains
TRR/TRH: @jared2612 @malblk21
MLT: @alyshak92 @irisk12 @karahalloway @persephone13 @starrystarrytrouble
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keitorizu · 1 year
I love how if MC tells Liam that they cannot marry him because they’re in love with someone else he’s surprised but if it’s Hana or Drake he’s like makes sense, they’re both wonderful people who deserve happiness and I hope you find it with them.
However, if it’s Maxwell Liam literally just stares at MC in shock, completely bamboozled, blown away. Because out of all the beautiful and available nobles and people in the court MC literally fell for the most ridiculous person there
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keitorizu · 2 years
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✨𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖆𝖓𝖌✨
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keitorizu · 3 years
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Sent by anonymous
'I think when you finish a book, replaying it shouldn't cost keys. Especially if you used diamonds in that book. Most people replaying the books aren't going to want to wait the usual 2-3 hours to advance the next chapter. ESPECIALLY older, completed books or abandoned ones that they aren't making sequels to. Why do we still have to use keys for something PB left by the wayside??'
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keitorizu · 3 years
"It's just a visual novel with pixel characters who aren't even real; you'll get over it."
The visual novels with said pixel characters who aren't even real:
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And it's not just a visual novel. 🥺
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keitorizu · 3 years
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Blades of Light and Shadow characters
made in Artbreeder, and some editing
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keitorizu · 3 years
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Kindly pay your respects to the legends.
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keitorizu · 3 years
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i miss him. 😔💖✨
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keitorizu · 3 years
if you're playing oph and romancing bryce/jackie/raf it feels like those tv shows where u watch them and don't care about the "main characters" or "main ships" and u are just here for the side ships that barely get screentime every 2 chapters.
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keitorizu · 3 years
Open Heart but make it a Black-ass 90s sitcom instead.
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@what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil @tyrils-star @melaninnntae @bryceslahela @bakuyonce @yourqueenb @princesslahela @prism-goddess @cassiopeiacorvus @cts-tj1
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keitorizu · 3 years
it’s been a while since i played choices but i was bored one day so I figured i will give it another go
I started playing “the nanny affair” cause I wanted to see how “mature” it really is and oh boy. There’s so much wrong in this book it normalizes cheating so badly and I really hoped for a better end that maybe MC would end up alone I actually wanted her to leave him behind after realizing that this relationship was wrong from the beginning but ofc this never happened and we have a perfect ending with mc and sam and I’m really bothered by the message it sends to all these teenagers. While I get it may be hot and “omg the forbidden fruit” it just simply not right and they should’ve think this through before releasing
And please how could you cancel the elementalists and give this book a second part? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PIXELBERRY
no hate towards anybody who liked it. in general it wasn’t that bad story when you forget about cheating storyline (hard one cause it’s the core lol) also this is only my opinion and I respect yours!
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keitorizu · 4 years
best buds swiping styles at donahue🍻
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keitorizu · 4 years
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Transparent Open Heart Icons for you ~ Free to use if you want
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keitorizu · 4 years
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646 notes · View notes
keitorizu · 4 years
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PB come on you can’t say this when you keep sidelining him. Y’all are why I’m vitamin B deficient
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