keklovag · 9 years
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keklovag · 9 years
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I knew Brienne when she was no more than a girl playing at her father’s feet in Evenfall Hall, and I knew her still better when the Evenstar sent her here to Storm’s End. She loved Renly Baratheon from the first moment she laid eyes on him, a blind man could see it.
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keklovag · 9 years
“I am sure you will get used every soon.
You seem like someone who can adjust very well.”, the princess said softly, giving the other lady a warm smile.
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"I hope I can adjust, My Lady," Brienne said with a small smile. She did, indeed, as she had no idea for how long she would stay in King's Landing. "Do I?" She asked, a little surprised. "What makes you think that?" She wondered.
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keklovag · 9 years
“Morals?” Brienne echoed. “Is it morally good to be loyal to someone who is clearly the wrong person for the throne?” she asked without thinking, but then she realised that she should have asked this question herself earlier, when she didn’t know what was behind Ser Jaime’s kingslaying. “Or were they loyal because they were afraid?” she wondered.
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“Good question. ‘Cause they’ve got morals.” Sandor, while loyal in every sense of the word, might have loved to been the man to put a sword through Joffrey’s gut when he had the chance. “People pride themselves on loyalty, yeah, well loyalty doesn’t get you too far when your giving it to the wrong sorts of men.” Hypocritical of him to say, he knew, but given the circumstances and his recent past, he did not bear loyalty to anyone any longer. 
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keklovag · 9 years
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keklovag · 9 years
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GoT S4 Commentaries ↳Director Michelle MacLaren & cinematographer Robert McLachlan - Season 4 / Episode 4→O a t h k e e p e r
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keklovag · 9 years
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#GameofThrones actress Gwendoline Christie gave @Variety a peek at season 6 at the #WomeninFilm #Emmys party: “There might be some action… Each season gets bigger, but particularly this season, there’s a series of events that unfold and unfold…. The viewer is taken on a journey they couldn’t anticipate.” Anything about #StarWars #TheForceAwakens, Gwendoline?
Photo by Michael Buckner/Variety/Rex Shutterstock by variety
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keklovag · 9 years
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keklovag · 9 years
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keklovag · 9 years
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“Well because why would you go looking for to maidens if they weren’t just for fun.”
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"I still don't understand your point. What do you think I want to do with the two maidens?"
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keklovag · 9 years
Something was terribly off with the woman seated next to her, whether
it be within her story or perhaps the way she was conveying herself, Fox  couldn’t pinpoint it. Years of reading people, in order to pick pockets dry, gave her the strange intuition that others might’ve lacked. Although, she  was polite enough not to outwardly question Brienne. Who knew, maybe they were both hiding something. 
“Not far at all if they stayed to the roads, forest paths could provide quicker travel if the trees kept them dry.” There was always a possibility for such a thing, but with the downpour, it was unlikely. “Aye,” finding honor in the most unlikely places was a specialty of hers, for wasn’t it said that there is no honor among thieves? “There is also no honor where one would expect plenty.”
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Brienne felt uncomfortable sitting next to this young woman, because she felt she was observing her and she hated to be observed. She hated when other people were trying to figure out what was wrong with her. To be honest, sometimes she was rather looking for the answer of what wasn’t wrong with her. She was too manly and ugly to be a proper daughter, but she wasn’t man enough to be a son.
"Then I might have the chance to find them in the morning," she said with a small nod. She hoped she would be able to reach them, because this might be the only chance to find Sansa Stark. A bitter smile touched her lips hearing Fox's last words. "That's true," she agreed. "Not in every cases, though," she added, thinking about Lord Renly and his court.
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keklovag · 9 years
'Mulan' quote starters
"How lucky can they be? They're dead."
"You will never bring your family honour."
"Well we can't all be acupuncturists!"
"No, your great-granddaughter had to become a cross dresser!"
"Stop me? He invited me."
"Ah, I see you have a sword! I have one too! They're very manly. And tough."
"Lemma hear you say AH!!"
"You wanna stay, you gotta work."
"I am the guardian of lost souls!"
"My ancestors sent me a lizard to help me?"
"Down, Betsy!"
"Make a note of this; Dishonour on you, dishonour on your cow!"
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Look, this tattoo will protect me from harm!"
"Punch him. That's how men make friends."
"Relax, and chant with me."
"Stay that to my face, you limp noodle!"
"I do love surprises."
"He started it!"
"I didn't ask for his name, I asked for your name."
"He doesn't talk about me much."
"Tomorrow, the real work begins."
"Look, it's porridge. And it's happy to see you!"
"I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. Come on, scare me, girl!"
"Wait, you forgot your sword!"
"That's not funny."
"Yeah, 'cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich."
"Oohh, tough guy."
"I'll get that arrow, pretty boy. And I'll do it with my shirt on."
"Let's get down to business."
"I'll make a man out of you."
"You haven't got a clue."
"I'm never gonna catch my breath."
"This guy's got her scared to death."
"Heed my every order, and you might survive."
"Pack up, go home, you're through."
"What do you see?"
"We can avoid them easily."
"We should return it to her."
"Hey, this is not a good idea. What if somebody sees you?"
"If you're so worried, go stand watch!"
"We're doomed!"
"I know we were jerks to you before, so let's start over."
"I'm king of the rock!"
"We have to fight!"
"Snake! AGH!!"
"Boy, that was close."
"That was vile!"
"I never want to see a naked man again."
"Don't look at me, I ain't biting no more butts."
"This guy's messing with my plans!"
"We're not finished!"
"I'll hold him, and you punch."
"I saw that."
"You like him, don't you?"
"That's better! Much better! Let's go!"
"You owe me a new pair of slippers."
"Excuse me? I think the question is who are you?!"
"I should have your hat for that!"
"Think of instead; a girl worth fighting for."
"Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer."
"He thinks he's such a lady killer."
"Yeah, the only girl who'd love him is his mother."
"I'm sorry."
"Oh, sure, save the horse."
"You missed! How could you miss?!"
"We need help!"
"I knew we could do it! You the man! Well, sort of."
"From now on, you have my trust."
"He's wounded, get help!"
"I can explain."
"So, it is true!"
"I knew there was something wring with you!"
"I didn't mean for it to go this far!"
"It was the only way!"
"My debt is repaid."
"But you can't just..."
"I never should have left home."
"Maybe what I really wanted was to prove that I could do things right. So that when I looked in the mirror, I'd see someone worthwhile. But I was wrong. I see nothing."
"I can see you, lookit you, you look so pretty!"
"I mean, you risked your life to help people you love."
"At least you had good intentions."
"You ... lied to me?"
"We started this thing together and that's how we'll finish it. I promise."
"They popped out of the snow! LIKE DAISIES!"
"Go home."
"Why should I?"
"Please, you have to help!"
"No one will listen!"
"Huh, I'm sorry, did you say something?"
"Okay. Any questions?"
"Ugly concubines."
"I tire of your arrogance."
"So what's the plan?"
"You don't have a plan?!"
"Way ahead of you, sister."
"I need firepower."
"Your worst nightmare."
"Guess you're out of ideas."
"Not quite."
"I am ready, baby!"
"That was a deliberate attempt on my life!"
"Stand aside! That creature is not worth protecting."
"She's a hero!"
"That is enough!"
"I've heard a great deal about you."
"You can have his job."
"Is she allowed to do that?"
"You fight good."
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all."
"You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty!"
"The greatest gift in honor is having you for a (enter whatever)"
"If you ask me she should've brought home a man!"
"Would you like to stay forever?"
"Dinner would be great."
"You know, she gets it from my side of the family!"
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keklovag · 9 years
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keklovag · 9 years
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Hello to you all! I’d just like tell you that university started this Monday which means that I will be less active, because of my classes and an increasing social life. Replies probably will be slower and probably I won’t be able to come on every day, so please be patient with me. Thank you.
Also, I’ve changed the Mun’s face claim to Lauren Graham.
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keklovag · 9 years
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“I would suppose it just doesn’t make sense.”
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“Why wouldn’t it make sense? I don’t understand.”
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keklovag · 9 years
“I am glad to hear that.”; the princess told her with a soft and gentle voice. “Oh, well perhaps you are not used to being up at such a time yet. I am sure it will seattle then, if that it the case.”
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Brienne offered her a faint smile, then nodded her head. “That could be the reason, My Lady,” she said. “I guess I’m not used to this place yet.”
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keklovag · 9 years
“It’s a few days riding. Are you going there, too?”
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"Are you lost?" (keklovag)
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“A little. Do you know how far it is to Riverrun?”
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