kelani1992 · 3 years
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kelani1992 · 3 years
Let's be Friends in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite! My Friend Code is: 9850 8678 7805.
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kelani1992 · 4 years
Been wanting to get a smart watch but not sure which one to get? An Apple Watch or Fitbit??
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kelani1992 · 4 years
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kelani1992 · 4 years
My Newest Addition to the Family!!
My Newest Addition to the Family!!
I finally added the newest addition to my family. My doctor advise me that I should be induce at 39 weeks, so I can have my baby here and get us home to be safe due to the Corona Virus so that way I’m not waiting for my due date to come around. Therefore I went and scheduled my induce date for Monday May 11, 2020. I spent my last Mother’s Day being a mom of two with my loved ones. Got up early in…
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kelani1992 · 5 years
My Life
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Continued from the last post…….
A three months goes by getting used to the new changes in our life….. The youngest still adjusting to school. We Finally got an appointment for the baby. Two months have passed by after the first appointment. We’re finally in the December. The month where we find out the gender reveal. Instead of having a big gender reveal party, we decided to find out on…
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kelani1992 · 5 years
Update in my life
Wow! A lot has happened since my last blog post. I know I’ve been gone for far too long and I’m back. I’m still adjusting to things around me. So let’s jump right into it shall we?
Where to begin?……..
So my last post was in July. After that month we entered August, we spent the month celebrating my oldest child birthday. We took her out to Galveston to go to Moody Gardens and the beach. After…
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kelani1992 · 5 years
Mother/Father’s Day Gifts
Hello guys!! I finally have my topic for discussion gifts for any occasions but mainly the two stated in the title.
This year we didn’t get to celebrate mothers day like I and hubby always do, but I did spend it with my family by going to church and getting together at my grandma’s house. Cause hubby was away for work and we were struggling with money at the time. Though we were able to spend…
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kelani1992 · 5 years
Hey guys here’s an update on my life. its going to be a short one.
So we moved!!! not gonna say where though. Its a new place and we are still adjusting. New scenery. the girls love it here. it has a park and pool. we havent been to the pool yet. still trying to get them to clean their room. i’m gonna try to make updates here soon. Whether its once a day or several over the period of days/weeks.…
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kelani1992 · 5 years
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kelani1992 · 5 years
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Adding New Members to your Family Well recently me and my husband have been talking about expanding the family. We are in the midst of planning for another baby in the year of 2020.
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kelani1992 · 6 years
I’m so interested in DD/LG. If anyone wants to give me their view of it.
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kelani1992 · 6 years
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kelani1992 · 6 years
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kelani1992 · 6 years
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kelani1992 · 6 years
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kelani1992 · 6 years
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