keldonia · 9 years
Scrapes for days
Wrote a script to harvest yelp's api for seed data
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keldonia · 9 years
Things are coming together
Added many things to the site, including search, pictures, styles, top5 businesses, and review of the day.
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keldonia · 9 years
Fuzzy search :(
It was not fun
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keldonia · 9 years
The Search that Works
Today I implemented some fairly cool search features
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keldonia · 9 years
I made search - w9d1
It was the coolest, also I learned a lot about ActiveRecord, and the Google Maps api.
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keldonia · 9 years
Progress is being made
Today was spent adding more styles the website and some refactoring.
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keldonia · 9 years
Non standard css is annoying
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keldonia · 9 years
project project - w8d3
Work continued on the project today with getting the react-flux up and running.
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keldonia · 9 years
yesh project - w8d2
Today we worked on project and I learned about making cool CSS and nested attributes.
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keldonia · 9 years
The Beginning of the End -w8d1
Today was the last day we worked on assigned projects tomorrow we will begin work on our capstones.
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keldonia · 9 years
Tying it all together - w7d5
We worked on the creation of a clone of AirBnB which ties together everything we have learned so far, and provides more time working with apis.
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keldonia · 9 years
The Pokedex - w7d4
Today we made our first use of the react router and delivered a working single page website that was response to user input serving new content.
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keldonia · 9 years
Making Music - w7d3
Today, we started to learn how to use Flux in the design and implementation of simple music app that allowed user to play two octives of a piano, play the notes being pressed and update the display at the time. The Flux pattern of development easied the ability to update and interact with multiple stores.
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keldonia · 9 years
Todos -  w7d2
To day we made a to do list app. We learned quite a bit about the proper construction of react views. Fin.
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keldonia · 9 years
Reactions abound - w7d1
Today we were introduced to the magic of React, which greatly simplifies the coding of webpages and allows for more expressive and creative control over what is ultimately rendered. We this this abiltiy today to create several small widgets and ultimately delve into the creation of minesweeper.
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keldonia · 9 years
Ajax - w6d5
Knocked out the assessment, learned cool things about Ajax - and implemented some of it.
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keldonia · 9 years
Snakes on a Browser - w6d4;
Today we build jQuery from pure JavaScript and used it to build snake. It was cool.
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