kellysheldrick · 3 years
Yin Yoga Neck Stretches
I'll show you how to do 3 different neck stretches that you can incorporate into your Yin yoga practice. 
 These three neck poses will move through all 6 movements of the neck - great for releasing neck tension, however please make sure you work within your limitations. 
 This is a little taster of my Yin yoga for beginners course. If you enjoyed this class, then you might enjoy this Beginner's Yin Yoga Course which you can sign up for here: https://www.udemy.com/course/yin-yoga... 
 This course will teach you how to modify yoga poses to best suit you and your needs. By the end of the course you will have the confidence and knowledge to safely modify and adjust poses to suit you and to build your home Yin yoga practice.
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kellysheldrick · 3 years
Zoom Yoga Class Recording
This class is to give you a taste of what to expect in a Zoom Yoga class. If you are interested in joining a live stream yoga class - I currently offer a charity donation based class. Details are below or email me at [email protected] 
This class was a test class that I did for my family in NY, Australia and various places around the UK. I wasn't initially going to share it as I just wanted to test filming, however I thought if you are a little unsure to what to expect in a live stream class, then this should give you a pretty good idea. 
 The class is about 45 minute yoga class - beginners and more experienced people welcome. No props. We'll do a little bit of everything during the class, including a little bit to work the glutes and outer hips. Filmed 24th October 2020.
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kellysheldrick · 3 years
Alternate Nostril Breathing - How to
Learn how to do Alternate Nostril Breathing* (Nadi Shodhana in Sanskrit). With just a few minutes of alternate nostril breathing, you can restore balance and ease in the mind and body. 
 In addition to calming the mind and reversing stress, alternate nostril breathing also: 
- Improves our ability to focus the mind 
- Supports our lungs and respiratory functions 
- Restores balance in the left and right hemispheres of the brain - Rejuvenates the nervous system 
- Removes toxins 
- Settles stress 
 *During one of my yoga trainings my instructor referred to this breathing as alternative nostril breathing. I've since realised it's more commonly referred to as alternate nostril breathing, which I think describes this exercise more precisely. Both follow the same technique.
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kellysheldrick · 3 years
Yoga for the Hands
Stretch and strengthen the hands with this short yoga for the hands class. If you do a lot of typing, texting, gardening, driving - or basically use your hands, then this class will help release tension in the hands and help with mobility. No props needed. Beginners welcome. Can be done seated or standing.
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kellysheldrick · 3 years
Lunchtime Stretch and Strengthen Yoga
This lunchtime stretch and strengthen yoga class will work to release tension and tightness in the body - perfect if you've spent most of the day sat down in front of the computer or at a desk. This class will really help you to connect to the body, noticing any changes in the body, and how you feel in relation to different movements or stillness We'll also work on mobilisation of the joints, strengthening the core to help improve posture and stretching the legs, hips and upper body. No props needed, however there is a bit of kneeling, so you might like to have a blanket or extra padding for the knees. If you have yoga blocks or books, then you might like to use those as well.
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kellysheldrick · 3 years
Full Body Yoga Class
This is a full 1 hour 10 minute, full body yoga class. We'll do a bit of everything from core strengthening to stretching out our hips and hamstrings, to joint mobility warm up, breath work and a relaxation at the end. We'll start with a warm up, waking up the body. Then work through some standing sequences, building on as we go. Finishing with floor stretches and a bit of core, before moving on to a guided relaxation focusing on body awareness and breath. There are a couple of intermediate poses in the class - I'll let you know when. Either give it a try, or leave it out - completely up to you. Just remember if you feel pain, please stop. 
- Yoga belt or towel (optional) 
- Yoga mat (optional)
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Ocean's Breath (Ujjayi Breathing) - How to do yogi breathing
Learn how to practice Ujjayi breathing (Ocean's breath) and some of the benefits of this breathing exercise. In a nutshell you breath in and out of your nose. On the exhale you want a slight constriction at the back of your throat. So you’ll sound a little like Darth Vader. 
 Some of the benefits to Ujjayi breath include: 
 1) Naturally slows down and deepens the breath. This can calm the nervous system, by engaging the parasympathetic (‘rest or digest’) nervous system. 
2) Focusing on the breath can help with our concentration in the pose. Allowing us to stay longer in the pose as well as helping with balancing poses. 
3) Provides relief when holding poses for a long period of time – when a pose starts to get difficult, Ujjayi breath can provide that release, to help you stay in the pose a little longer.
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Desk Yoga for Working from Home
Now a lot of us are working from home we're spending more time seated, at often an uncomfortable desk. This can result in more stiffness. 
 This is a 10 minute desk yoga class that you can do at your desk, with limited space. We'll stretch out the hands and wrists, neck and ankles, as well as moving through the 6 movements of the spine and hips. The class will help reduce stiffness, although it doesn't replace getting up from your desk and walking around :)
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Yoga to Improve Mobility
This 20 minute yoga class will include mobility stretches and exercises to release tension and improve mobility within the body. Great if you've just woken up or have spent a lot of time sat down.
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Yoga for the Winter Blues - with special cat appearance
This 45 minute yoga class will focus on poses that ease the winter blues and the effects of seasonal affective disorder (SADs). We will bring some focus to how we are feeling and how this changes throughout the class - reminding ourself that emotions are not fixed, they are ever changing and it's important to notice the absence of emotion as well as it's presence. Cool weather can also impact circulation, so we'll spend some time in poses which improve circulation. We'll also spend time in poses that calm the nervous system by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest nervous system). Bonnie the foster cat does make an unexpected appearance towards the end of the class - so I apologise for the interruption. She just loves the attention and apparently enjoys yoga. #yogawithcats​
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Freedom Yoga Flow
This 25 minute yoga class is about building connection between your body and mind, by learning to notice how your body feels and how to move in a way that feels good for you and your body. 
This class is really all about you! We'll run through a fall yoga sequence, where I'll give you lots of options to inspire you to free style or even just stay in stillness, if that's what you feel you need. 
Take it as slow or as quick as you like. This class should help to create inspiration by maybe trying something new or a little differently. 
 No props needed, although feel free to use them if you wish. 
 Beginners welcome :)
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
WFH Dynamic Yoga Flow
A dynamic yoga flow which will focus on the areas of the body that tend to get quite tight and stiff from sitting at a desk all day. 
 The class will stretch the hands, wrists, neck and side body. We'll also do a bit to strengthen the core (as a strong core is great for maintaining good seated posture). And we'll work to open up the hips and legs. 
There will be a lot of move in this class as we'll work through some dynamic movements. Great for anyone who works from home or spends a lot of time sitting down, driving or using a laptop or PC. 
 Beginners welcome! No props needed.
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Digest & Detox Yoga
If you've over indulged a little over the festive period, then this class might be for you. 
 We'll focus on stimulating the organs that make up the digestive system and in doing so we'll also aid in detoxifying the body. The class will also include yoga poses that help with bloating and relieving gas. 
 This is a beginner to intermediate class. There is one more advanced pose in the class, however this is completely optional. I'll give plenty of options, so of course beginners are welcome and may even enjoy the extra challenge.
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Festive Family Yoga
A short, festive, 20 minute family yoga class - a bit of fun for the whole family. 
We'll get the body moving by going through 'Santa's Helpers training'  - following movements and stretches that warm up the body and helps to develop body awareness and connection - and of course, have a little bit of fun while we're at it. 
 A bit about some of the exercises: 
- Reindeer Breath (Horse Lips breath) - although it looks a little silly, it's a great way to relax and release tension in the jaw and mouth, and keep help to relax the body. 
- Reindeer stretches - helping to stretch and mobilise the spine (good for anyone that has been sat down for a while). 
- Riding the sleigh - lateral stretches that help to release tension in the side body. 
- Decorating the Christmas tree - developing concentration and focus with balancing poses. 
 If you enjoyed the class then please consider donating to my chosen charity the Avon Wildlife Trust to help protect our wildlife and biodiversity: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraisin... I post a new FREE class every Wednesday. Subscribe to my channel to keep updated! 
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Festive Standing Yoga
Join me for this 25(ish) minute festive, standing yoga class (yes, I've chucked in a couple of festive yoga poses, including reindeer pose, Christmas tree pose and our Christmas star pose)! 
We'll open the hips and open the chest, work on our balance and core, while also doing a bit to strengthen the legs and improve overall spinal mobility. 
 No props needed. Beginners welcome. 
This is a yoga without kneeling and a yoga without hands class. Perfect for anyone that struggles getting up and down off the floor. Also great if you've been sat down, maybe working at a desk or computer all day.
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Festive Yin Yoga for Digestion
We all tend to overindulge during the festive period, so this week I thought I'd share this special 40 minute Festive Yin Yoga for Digestion class. 
During the class we'll focus on those poses that help to stimulate the digestive system. 
Props (optional): 
- Pillow, cushion or bolster 
- Yoga block, books or blankets/ towel 
All props are optional, but as we hold each pose in Yin for 3-5 minutes, it's sometimes nice to have the props to support us and help us to achieve stillness in the pose.
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kellysheldrick · 4 years
Yoga for the Feet
Give your feet some love and attention with this Foot Yoga class! 
 We'll stretch and strengthen the whole foot - toes, sole of the foot, top of the foot and ankle. Helping to create mobility and strength in the feet. 
 No props needed & beginners welcome! 
  #yogaforthefeet #footyoga #loveyourfeet
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