kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Through out the course I have been giving many suggestion to my client on how to build their social media presence, while all the suggestions I believe are good, they may not all be implemented as I imagine. Some challenges I believe my client my come across are
1. Not having the time or interest in implementing these suggestion. The client has a bunch of other things going on which is understandable for running a business so it is very possible they will have little interest in social media outside of posting maybe like 1 or 2 things a month. Some people are not yet realizing the impact of social media and may not see the importance of everything that goes into creating a social media strategy.
2. Another challenge my client could face is not knowing how to continue working with the new sites or tools I have introduced them to. Social media sites are always updating and adding new features, and unless you are constantly using them it is very easy to fall behind and get lost. Examples such as when Instagram stories first came out, no one really understood what they were and even for me it took a minute to figure it out. My client must be able to continue to adapt to these changes and stay current on everything.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Content Sharing
The content that you share on your social media can prove to be very important to your social media platform. There should be a lot of thinking that goes into what you are posting before posting it. Posting the right content can lead to your company building a long relationship with your customers.
There are 2 different types of content that your company can post; Curated content which is content gathered from trusted sources relevant to your industry and created content produced within your organization including items like blog articles, white papers, infographics, guides, and visuals.
While the type of the content can be categorized in 2 different categories, each social media platform is different and content should be shared differently on each platform to utilize your content successfully. For example on twitter there is a character limit on how much you can post on one tweet. So it is important to post short, clear and to the point tweets to efficiently get your content across. For Facebook it is important to post engaging content that will get your customers interacting with your post because on Facebook only a small percentage of your target market will actually see the post.
When content sharing it is also important to pay attention to your target audience. Depending the business you are running, being able to know what is trending and what people are sharing is important. Checking your competitions feeds is a good strategy to identify what is working or what is missing when sharing content.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Building Online Communities
Having an online communities is essential for any business trying to increase their social media value. Building an online community is necessary when marketing for your company. It is important that you are marketing to right people and keeping them engaged with your content. You should want to find out who your target audience is, what is the nature or focus of their collaboration, what is in it for your participants and what value does the organization have on the community? In a article by Forbes.come titled “How To Build An Online Community” its gives important principles about how you can form your online community and why. The steps include figuring out what they (the customers) want, solve their problems, create content they want, engage, and reward your followers.  The big principle is to focus on the your market and your customers, this is the key to building a online community.
In this weeks Hoot suite training about building a online community, one of the things that a stuck out for me that I could incorporate into my client project was the usage of Facebook Group Pages, I think for my company which is a sushi restaurant could really benefit from the group pages because it brings people with the same interest together such as sushi lovers. Using the feedback from groups like that can help get more perspective on what people like in their sushi or what they like to eat sushi with and so on. Participating in the groups as well and engaging in the conversation helps build a online community.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Legal Side Of Big Data
What businesses should be aware of when using big data is that the information that they are collecting could be potentially stolen or their information could be hacked. For example businesses like target have gotten their data exposed and Neiman Marcus has had their information hacked through their cards. While collecting all this data could be used to help their company there are consequences to it as well.  Companies should have precautionary strategies in protecting their data.
When it comes to big data consumers should also be aware that their information could be stolen as well and that they could be effected directly by hackers that are trying to take this information. Consumers should be careful of what they are signing up for and putting their information into. My parents have always been cautious about what I sign up for or what I put my information down on, this is because my mom has had her social security number stolen. Consumers should also be aware of companies selling their customers information to other businesses. While consumers may think that their information is private and being stored away so no one else has access to it, that is not entirely true. With all this new technology hackers have been able to become more advanced and find new ways to get around the system
The best way to balance the opportunities and threats of big data is to invest in more security from a companies perspective. Any company collecting big data especially about its customers should invest in more security to prevent hackers from accessing their information, like i said before with all the new technology companies should be one step ahead and use this technology to be safer. Consumers should also be more aware of what they are giving their information too and should learn what some red flags are. Anyone could be a victim to a hacking or exposing of information.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Junk Media
Junk media is more common that most people think, junk media is everywhere all over the internet and there are many ways the junk media spreads.
2 ways junk media spreads is through advertising and algorithms. Companies use algorithms and their advertisements to kind of manipulate what you are seeing on your news feed and create content that will get consumers to interact with. For example, I constantly see ads on Facebook for websites  that offer name brand clothes for unbelievable prices, I know for a fact this is junk media but sometimes I still get curious and decided to click on the ad. They use my internet activity and what posts i interact with to get a reaction out of me, because I online shop a lot and like a lot of post that pertain to clothing, they were able to peak my interest with these ads even though the ads are necessarily truthful.
Another way junk media spreads is through is exposure. Especially in a political view, the people I follow and the post they share I get exposed to and I can get swayed to agree with that opinion. For example, I am friends with a lot of democrats and I also consider myself a democrat so most of the political post I see on my feed is from a democrat point of view, this is what I’m exposed too. Not all the information that is shared by other people is always true however but because someone I know is sharing it, I am more likely to believe it and share it myself, this is how junk media spreads through exposure.
For companies they should be on the look out for junk media and should not believe everything they read. Doing the necessary research and looking into what they are reading is always important. Not only is that important but also not putting out untruthful information just for views is also something a company should do.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Social Media Consultant
In my opinion, someone who is asked to be a social media consultant should possess certain traits to be successful. One trait they should hold is being flexible, being a social media consultant its safe to assume the person they are helping does not have the expertise level of knowledge that the consultant has, so the consultant has be flexible and patient with their client while they try explaining to them what they are helping them with exactly. Being able to work around the clients time and giving them time to fully understand what they are doing is a major key. Being honest is another trait, honesty plays a role because essentially as a consultant they putting there business out there in the internet and the content they are helping put out should be truthful and should be approved by the client.
If I were a social media consult for myself I would advise myself to start posting more professional and more  appropriate content. Since I’m in time period where I could be poetically looking for a career being careful about that I post is extremely important because employers look at our social media presence. I would also take up post more professional pictures and retweeting or sharing things that would be beneficial for me.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Big Data
Big data relates to information privacy because it can all the data collected from our profiles and our internet usage and can all be collected without our knowledge which in my opinion kind of invades our privacy to a certain extend. This can be a big problem because the information that is being gathered around for these companies can also be sold to data brokers who can essentially use the information to steal peoples identities. Big data is such a powerful tool because the information can be used for a great wealth of things, but most importantly for businesses it can be use to find a target audience and help point out what consumers are most interested in by tracking their internet usage.  In my opinion I think the way to slow down the abuse of information is for more websites like Facebook to offer stronger privacy polices and just in general people should really be careful with what they put out on the internet.
After watching the videos and reading the article the business model that I saw that influences surveillance and data gathering was advertising. Companies are constantly watching our move and with that they use the internet to give us ads they think we are more likely to interact with. For example, just to the right of my screen is an ad for Chipotle which I frequently order from on an app on my phone, its kinda gives me an uneasy feeling that they monitor things like that but I also think its a clever strategy when thinking in business terms.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Social Media Experiment
So for my social media experiment i picked Friday Jan, 18th. Before the experiment I was pretty aware that I am completely glued to my phone. So i know going into the experiment there was gonna be a lot to keep track and there was, so much so I forgot some parts of the day because I was on it so much.  I also realized that my phone actually tells me how much screen time I use and on what app so it made it a little easier to keep track of.  I basically learned what I already knew, I'm a social media fanatic and I live off my phone. There is not a time in the day I don't check social media at least once, whether I am in class or out and about.
I tried to designate a time I would not be on my phone and I chose to try while I was at work, I thought this would be fairly easy because I cant really be on my phone anyways but that was not the case I gave up pretty quickly and was back in the break room checking it, without even consciously thinking about it honestly.
So in the end, I learned I’m obsessed with my phone and should probably try to cut back on it at some point... maybe
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Social Media Influence
Social media is what really defines today’s generation. You never really notice until you are told how much time you spend on the internet. At Least that is the case for me. For me, social media is my whole world and after reading the article and watching the interview on how social media has really affected almost everyone's life I really started to relate to that. The article by Emma Rathbone really hit home for me because I really realized how much has changed for me since I was younger. When I was younger I never had a cellphone, my days were spent outside and that's all I can really remember. My imagination is what made my fun and I could have this fun for hours even by myself. However, today that is not the case. If i'm not near my phone or on it, I'm probably not having a good time, sure alcohol helps sometimes but its staying connected to the rest of the world is what I find “fun”.
    In the interview with Sherry Turkle one part that really stood out to me was when she was asked about cyberbullying and about a 12 year old girl who recently committed suicide due to cyberbullying. She was ask why the girl couldn't just “log off the computer” and her answer was right on. The reason why she couldn't just log off when dealing with cyberbullying is because social media was her lifeline and logging off meant she wouldn't be connected to her universe anymore. I took this as meaning social media was the place where she believed she could get help from which is why this allowed people to actually do more harm than good to her in the end.
    Her whole interview was very eye opening. Sherry talked about how she came across a kid and the kid had told her that it is basically easier to talk over texting or social media rather than in person because in text you are able to edit what you're saying and think about your replies. While in a real life conversation there is no editing or auto correct and you can't go back and fix what you say. This interaction really stuck out to me because I could really relate. There are numerous times I have thought back on a conversation and wish I could've said something different. Social media has really given me a way to really practice thinking before doing. I related to this also because I sometimes hate having conversations in real life to point where if I see someone I know out in public I'm more than likely going to try and avoid an interaction simply because I'm sure I will say something stupid.
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kelsielewis1-blog · 5 years
Hi everyone! I am Kelsie and I am a senior here a Central Michigan University. I am 22 years old and originally from Lansing, Michigan. I come a pretty average sized family and I am biracial. My whole life I have grown up in Michigan and if there is anything I have learned from living here my whole life, it is that I absolutely dread the winter. I hope to eventually move out of Michigan to somewhere A LOT warmer but for now I just have to stick it out. I am a entrepreneurship major with a minor in management and my goal is hold a higher up management position in a company one day. I'm not exactly sure what type of company I want to work for yet but I will be grateful for whatever opportunity comes my way.
From this blog I hope to learn how to use social media in a more professional way. I already have about every social media account you can think of but they are all for personal use and I’ve had them since I was in middle school. With this class I hope to actually become more professional from a online presence and use these accounts to help me network with companies.
One company I think that uses social media very well is Fashion Nova. Fashion Nova is a fairly new clothing company they has become overwhelming popular in the last couple of years and it is mainly due to their social media presence. They have a large following on Instagram which is where they seem to be the most active on. I think the biggest thing that has helped in their success is there mass collaborations with celebrities. Most social media celebrities have advertised for Fashion Nova. Celebrities such as Kylie Jenner, Cardi B, Khloe Kardashian and many more. Seemingly with the help of these A-list celebrities Fashion Nova has basically taken over everyone's Instagram feed and is now a very popular clothing store. I am even guilty of purchasing some items from them because of their celebrity endorsements. Fashion Nova thrives on social media and they are doing an excellent job at keeping their feeds up to date and staying relevant.
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