“One of these days we’ll both find someone who’s halfway decent. It might take fifty years, but I’ll wait.” He chuckled, shaking his head at the notion. “Oh my god,” he groaned in awe, clasping his hands in excitement. “I’ll totally be there, tails and all. Gatsby glamour is timeless, and anyone who argues otherwise can get the fuck out.”
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She grinned at her friend. “Marriage pact, if all else fails?” She smiled at his excitement. This was exactly the response that she was looking for. “Yes! Buy into the theme! Go all out! You know I’ll be rocking my headpiece and pearls.”
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“   pretty little girls from a family like yours huh .  .  . ”   kendra mckittrick. the girl who has everything and still isn’t happy. isn’t that the cautionary tale they always tell you ? money can’t buy everything.  “  well suffering  —  is just counterproductive. no pain no gain is something i do believe in where pain is a construct measured by …  ”  he trails off, weight leaning on one foot and free hand held aloft for thumb to gently rub against fingers in an effort to find the right words. “  difficulty  —  temporary inconvenience. deprivation of gratification. not suffering.  you should meet my parents, they’re very talented at being mediocre. ”  he splits into a grin abruptly as if the sentiment has him highly amused. he casts a bracing glance at their surroundings before taking another long sip.  “  they also hate crowds.  have you thought about what you like doing ?  that club, is that it or is it a —  ”  vanity project.  “  a thing you do while you figure stuff out ? ” 
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She took another sip of her wine, and as she thought of her parents, the taste went down as though it were vinegar. She knew complaining was useless, but people didn’t quite understand. For all of the pressure her parents placed on her, they were particularly resolute in never being satisfied by her. “We’re all taught what we’re taught. I wish I could fully rewire everything they did to me, but that will take the rest of my life, I assure you.” She paused. “I like clubs. They excite me. They fill me with an energy that I can’t begin to explain.” In some ways, it was a vanity project. She didn’t really know exactly what she enjoyed, otherwise. But the club was a good option, in her confusion. At least, standing in the middle of a dance floor, she could never quite feel alone.
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Forget Me Not // Hale & Kendra
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He gave her a sympathetic smile, pretending he could relate to dealing with investors, “Yeah that must really suck.” He swallowed before glancing back figured this would be as good a time as any to find out “I heard that clubs going to have a pretty…uh….I guess you could say…..selective entrance. That true?” He took his time trying to find the right words and phrase his question politely. He flicked an eyebrow up at the end of his question and waited on the answer.
She looked back up at him, a moment off of her phone. “What? No... exclusivity is not really my thing. Anyone can get in. As long as you’ve got a bit of cash to spend, a bright smile on your face, a penchant for drama and some dancing shoes, you’ll fit right in.”
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“Some dude who came in late at the diner asked me if I wanted to be a model for his clothing line. Pretty sure it’s just an indie brand of like, super comfy shorts for men with bigger thighs and butts, but I’m so for it. Also that means he was probably staring at my ass the entire time but. So exciting! Should I cut my hair? Should I celebrate?” 
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“Carter, are you kidding me!? That’s beyond insane, and so exciting!” She was so fond of him, and seeing his excitement was enough for her to jump up and down with happiness. “Keep your hair, but celebrations are a must.”
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“We’ll have to do it right, girls trip to Italia!” She gave a flourish of her hands. Even though they always traveled in style ideas of florals and sundresses immediately started swimming around her head. “Now I know I’m not your usual but I’m thinking a custom piece for the two of us. What do you think?” 
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“Yes, babes! We’re going to do it right!” She grinned, beaming with Tessa’s suggestion. “Yes, please! You know I would be honoured to wear one of your pieces, especially custom. And we would be arriving in STYLE. That’s all I need.”
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“Right? That’s why I watch a lot of TLC. For some reason they have these weird shows that oddly make me feel better about myself. I also spent two months basically stuck doing nothing recently, so I watched all the weird shows that no one would ever think to watch.”
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“Like which ones? I need suggestions for things to watch once I open up the club. The trashier, the better.”
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“ Okay, I will look into it and see which ones everyone is suggesting.” He replied smiling as he looked at her.  “Thanks for all your help”
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“Of course. Physical violence at the hands of other people is never okay.”
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“ Hopefully in the next few years but we will have to wait and see what happens”
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“What’s holding you back in the meantime?”
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He smiled and pulled out his phone “well why don’t you put your number in. I’ll message you so you have my number. And then you can call me.” He stepped a little closer, “and I’ll come give you hand”
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She took his phone, adding her number in. She smiled, cooly. “And what are you wagering you’ll get out of all of this? Hm?”
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Fabulous! so its settled we’ll go once New York is conquered. Or at least when we both have enough time off. Its the perfect dream for now, Something to plan for, sights? hotels? Clubs?
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“Sounds absolutely delicious!” She could just think of the itinerary they could plan. “I’ll run it by my travel agent. If we’re going to go, we’re going to do it in absolute style.”
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“While I can’t condone murder. Especially with the rep taxi drivers already have” he started with a small laugh, “I can listen. Think of it as a dashboard confessional”
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She smiled over at the driver. “Alright, well. I’m Kendra. Lovely to make your acquaintance, even if my mind is on a murdering spree. I’m opening up the city’s new hottest club, in just a few days, and my mind is going to explode. This one investor is being a real dick, and it’s too close to opening. I shouldn’t have to deal with this shit.”
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“    surprisingly?   not thrilled.     i don’t get it    —- i’d love to have anything named after me…      ”        delving deeper and deeper thought,  when he doesn’t say anything momentarily she can probably guess his mind’s conjuring images of statues and monuments build on his honor.     he’d make a damn fine statue.    “      i know!      ”      he’s on the verge of something brilliant - listen up !     “      i could bake him tiny cookies in the shape of bunnies…      say…   kendra     — how do you feel about flour?      ” 
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“Exactly! I’m trying to take over the world someday... I want it all. I can’t imagine being offended by that, a display of caring from a friend like you.” He looks lost in thought, and Kendra can only laugh. She feels a fondness for James, and the ways his mind wanders. “Flour? I like baking with it, if that’s what you’re asking? I adore baking. Took lessons in France growing up... what kind of cookie?”
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he gives her a quizzical look and a cant of his head. what an odd saying.  “  well i assure you, that swollen bloodied toes with the nails coming off and skin having chafed off on your feet is painful, but also definitely not beautiful in any shape or form.  ”  he tips his glass her way pointedly before taking a generous sip, the taste somehow growing on him even more compared to the first time, prompting to reach for the bottle in the ice bucket, to study the label closely.  “  i know that, ”  he says absent-mindedly, looking up after he’s allowed the bottle to sink back in to chill.  “  but why on earth would i pass up this wine, it’s quite good. definitely not letting you have the whole bottle to yourself.  ”  
“When you grow up as a pretty little girl from a family like mine, you’re not seen for anything else except for being cute, and docile, and silent. At least in my family. I went to all of the best schools, but that was just for show. I was taught to suffer in order to achieve beauty.” She shrugged. She knew her parents were cruel and severely fucked her up - but she couldn’t change her past. She takes another sip. Of course Hale was probably teasing, but that didn’t stop the scowl that appeared on her face.
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Forget Me Not // Hale & Kendra
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“ It is, do you know how much it cost normally?” He asked he wanted to know what sort of prices to look for so that he could try to get a good deal.
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“Hmmm.. I mean you could go cheap. Like five dollars is the lowest. I’d spend more, but some of them are way higher priced.”
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“ I would like to learn Zulu I think and a few of the other African languages as it’s one of the places I’d like to travel through”
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“Hm, that’s quite interesting. Any time in particular that you’re trying to travel there?”
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“Alright alright” He said putting his hands up “I get it. I get wanting it to be perfect. Idk much about flowers but if you need help putting things up I’ve been told I’m very good with my hands” he smiled.
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She smirked at him, a glint in her eye. “Oh? Is that so?” She inched closer, a smile on her lips. “I think I could make that work.” 
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“  looks good.  ”  the comment comes with an appreciative sideways nod as he takes stock of her in full view, returning from her locker, wearing the pair.  “  then again you always look good, mckittrick, i’m sure. is it comfortable though ? that was kind of the point of getting it. like walking on clouds. ”  a wry grin spreads his lips at her comment. “  footwear’s important at stuff like this — i learned the hard way, and that is too graphic a story for this occasion, so — ”  he raises his glass at her, to cheers.
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She wasn’t expecting a compliment, so there was a slight blush on her cheeks, but she covered it up with a smirk. “Well, they fit. And are rather comfy. Probably better to weather any storms versus the stilettos or go go boots, but... I was always taught that beauty is pain.” She raises her glass, clinking his. “You can always run off if you need.” She was aware of her taking up his time the day before, and part of her felt bad. “Contrary to popular belief, or what yesterday might have led you to believe, I am more than capable of being on my own.” That wasn’t really true, however. Kendra had a tendency for loneliness.
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Forget Me Not // Hale & Kendra
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