kenzieannbeattie · 6 years
November 12th, 2018
Dear Ariyana,
Today is November 12th 2018.
You are currently playing on the stairs with the new diaper genie I went and got for your baby brother. Your dad has the day off as well and has been in the bathroom for the past 30 minutes, probably playing a game. The house is a mess, as usual with you running around as the tornado that you are.
We are in our new house on Bertrand Street. We have been…
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kenzieannbeattie · 6 years
November 14th 2017
Dear Ariyana,
Today is November 14th 2017.
We spent our day with Coco and she was not feeling good so you made sure you were extra nice to her. Normally you can be a little stinker because you are still trying to master the skills of sharing so we will continue working on it. Right now you are making a pizza with your daddy and you have insisted on him picking you up so you can help. That’s your…
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kenzieannbeattie · 6 years
Mini Usborne Books and More! $5 and Less!
Gift Wrapping can be included!
BUY 5 GET 2 FREE ( equal or less value)
$2.66 shipping instead of $6 I pay tax.
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kenzieannbeattie · 6 years
All Better
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Dog hurt his foot, Sheep scratched her tummy and Bear sat on a splinter! What will make everything all better? Clean it, kiss it and put a bandage on it!
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Young readers will delight in the five animal friends’ misadventures and be eager to help make things “all better” with the five reusable and reposition-able stickers.
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Have a family member serving for our country? these books are perfect for the little ones!
So when I discovered that we offered these books I was so thankful. #Thankyouforeverythingyoudo #usbornebooks #ourheros #whoneedsthis? https://i7335.myubam.com/954347
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
The Trouble With Love is...
The Trouble With Love is…
The trouble with love is that you are trying to mesh two lives together. You are taking two individuals that have opinions, passions, likes and dislikes, and expecting those things to align always.
You have relationships that start at an early stage in life and you have relationships that come later on in life. You have relationships that come with “baggage” and you have those relationships that…
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Do you have little ones who love to learn or read but don’t have the money to spend on their books/ learning activities?
Host a online Facebook party with me sometime in March and earn free books! All you have to do is invite your friends, family, acquaintances…anyone who could benefit from literacy in their life! I will do everything else!!
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I have 9 dates left this month. Don’t miss your…
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Usborne Books & More Party Intoduction
Usborne Books & More Party Intoduction
WHO WANTS TO JOIN MY PARTY on Monday @ 8pm Eastern! If not, here is the link to some awesome books! They have some for every age group! YOU will love them, but…. so will you KIDDOS.
http://i7335.myubam.com/944602 <==== party link
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Here's to my next journey!
Here’s to my next journey!
Ahhh! I am so excited to start this next chapter in my life! I am officially an Usborne Books & More consultant. I have been praying a lot about what was next for me in this crazy life, and I believe I have found it. For anyone who knows me, children are my passion. I spend all day with my own, and I have the privilege of spending time with a few more little ones during the day as well. It is so…
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Sometimes all you need is a purpose
This one is a little different. Below is a link to a go find me page that I believe could help impact the lives of other people. This man has made it his life to help others in need. From a high school athlete to a man living his best life. I am so proud of everything he has done and I can’t wait to see where this life brings him.
I have seen so many go fund me pages reach their goals, some I…
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Okay So Maybe I Am Not Mother of the Year
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
New Post
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Newest PuckerMob Article
Please check it out! (:
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
If the Shoe Fits
If the Shoe Fits
Lets face it relationships are hard. They take love, dedication and so much effort and that’s for a lifetime, not just when it’s convenient. Every single day you have to choose if this is something you want to continue to work for.
Sometimes it is in the best interest to just walk away for the sole purpose of saving your soul. While sometimes it has nothing to do with lack of love, but simply…
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
PuckerMob published Articles!
Check out my Edited Articles for PuckerMob!
Go and follow my Facebook Page to follow my work. I appreciate every single one of you for taking the time to read what I have to say! It really does mean the world to me that I am finally starting to get my work out there. fb.me/kenzsilvernail
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Please Don't Get Offended if I Can't Make it to you This Holiday
Please Don’t Get Offended if I Can’t Make it to you This Holiday
From the end of October to the beginning of January I feel like I am basically a chicken with my head cut off and if you have a big family, I know you can relate.
Every year since I can remember my entire family would get together on the holidays and celebrate. We would start at our parent’s house, go to my grandparent’s house and then make our rounds to everyone else.
It was a time to get…
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kenzieannbeattie · 7 years
Okay so Maybe I am Not Mother of the Year
Okay so Maybe I am Not Mother of the Year
My daughter was asking for True this morning, which right now is the only thing on Netflix that she wants to watch. But hey, I am not complaining because at least unlike Finding Dory, Zootopia,Trolls and Sing, I cannot recite every word.
I am getting the show ready and she starts singing, “I’m happy” in her high pitch singing voice that she has not mastered. I responded with” you’re happy”?…
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