keonjuk-blog · 7 years
@jookeon97 on twitter : )
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keonjuk-blog · 7 years
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absolutely stunning
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
Further hiatus
My main priority was to have jungkook happy, and he is. I, as his mun have been busy with school and been on Mobile for so long. I think it's best to focus on what's important in my life and clear out the many distractions... yes including tumblr. Until then ! ~~ !I'll be around from time to time :-)
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
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© Anything But U | Do not edit.
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
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© SOLASTA JUNGKOOK | Do not edit.
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
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[ 161023 Busan fansign ] Jungkook received a whiskey from a fan
[cr. Peachsung ; trans.  jeongmilk]
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes, the body’s way of saying ‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time,’ you have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies.
Eric Shaw (via thelovejournals)
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
revamp for jjk soon.
obviously i’ve been on hiatus with school;  selective replies/contacts for now since jungkook has been limiting his contacts.  i apologize to those I haven’t added on aim, an to those I’ve promised replies.  Im terrible at all of these things for a while now.  Once the revamp is over, i will be keeping some qualities the same with jk, and some will change. 
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
sometimes i dont know how to describe the feeling you make me feel each time im around you.  sometimes i dont know how to explain the feeling i get when I’m in your arms..  ... but i love it. I love it all.  your fingers hovering ever so lightly on my skin;  your soft lips engulfing mine. 
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
[!] Bangtan is the 1st Korean artist to chart in the UK's album chart!
They are currently 62nd place on the album chart, and 16th on the indie album chart!
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
Your lips are softer than anything I’ve ever known
(via lomasdope)
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
Not so fast... I don't just give cash away like that ('he smirked, slightly shaking his head towards her ) how about this?... Call me Oppa and I'll give you 5,000 won !
"Credit cards only please ?" Sorry I only carry cash.
Hmm.. ‘crosses her arms and looks up and down at you; I guess that’ll have to do then.. 
‘extends an arm out with her palm up, while keeping the other arm wrapped around herself; Give it here.
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
'makes finger hearts at you;
@pyrrose (’ giggles and imitates them back, trying to not lose his cool ) ya ! You’re gonna be on stage soon, get ready ! No time for making hearts ! (’ he leaned back creaking the chair while he stretched his arms behind him )
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
@pyrrose (‘Blinks and softly chuckles at the other female. His eyes focused on her like a hawk, wondering what she was up to ) whatchu doin’…..
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
i got busy again, as always, huhu. but i hope you're doing fine and well 🌻
( @suerotonin ) 
when are you not busy, suzy-ssi, huh? kekek. It’s fine and understandable, you’re not the only one here ya know. I got busy lately and Im slowly trying to figure out how to balance everything else while getting sleep But i’m doing well!~ i hope you are too! Get lots of sleep and lots of rests! You’re always studying >.> 
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
Omona. Is that, who i think it is? You are aive? Jeon Jungkook-ssi? Omona. (she brings a hand to her lips, doing the famous omona pose;) 
What makes you think I’m not alive huh? Im a busy man dahyun~ { a laughter escaped from the elder’s lips just as he had seen her pose } Aigoo, is that what you’ve been up to, poses? What’s next? Vogue? 
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keonjuk-blog · 8 years
( @haestro ) 
Jungkook slowly approached the elder while his shyness got the best of him but knowing it has been a while, he was low key happy to see one of his favorite noonas around. “I’ve always been here~ Just busy as usual... maybe working on a future album perhaps.” His elbow nudged into the female’s arm, leaning onto her for fun. He really missed talking to her and hopefully they could get back onto track. “Aww! i appreciate everything noona but I’m doing fine at the moment. Things get rough but just gotta beat through it, ya know ?” 
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(*She smiles brightly at the sight of her good friend.) Omo- I was wondering where you went! It’s nice to see you! (*She pats him on the shoulder.) Have you been okay? You know I’m always going to be here for you if you need a friend to talk to. Or if you just want to hang out, of course. (*She chuckles then smiles once again.)
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