ketone-inked · 6 months
Kisen's eyes flung open. Daybreak. The songs of the blackbird stole away sleep's enveloping embrace, thrusting their mind into a frenzy. The mission. The new objective. Ester's tender hand. Their mother's promise to them.
"Calm," Kisen whispered, minding the snoring bundle of blankets beside them. They braced themself as they went through the mental motions for what seemed like the thousandth time: weaving their hands through his silken white hair, storing away the memory of his warm scalp for darker times; feeling their heart throb to a crescendo in adoration of his round face and then drop in an instant as they remember that they were to leave him for abandon, just as their mama left them; steeling their countenance to barricade their mind from the flood of emotions they would feel as they finally plucked up the courage to rouse him.
"Aka. Aka. Wake up." It hurts. It hurts for them to see his rosemary eyes gain awareness. "I'm going to leave in ten minutes." It's painful. It stabs their heart to see a brief flash of confusion followed by a pained acceptance wash over his face. "I'll be back in a month." It's torture. It's torture to see his understanding smile and his nod.
"That's ok Kisen. Thank you for coming to stay for a while. I liked feeling your hugs again."
Kisen knew that his supportive shell crumbled as soon as they left. Kisen knew that each time they abandoned him, he would refuse to leave his room for days. Kisen knew that he would slowly accept the offerings of food Ester would leave for him, slowly go back to training, and slowly regrow his shell, but Kisen knew that every time they came back, he would learn to trust them a little less.
Good. Perhaps one day, he would build a shell so strong that when the time came when Kisen would not return, he would not care. Brushing their lips against his forehead, they plastered a smile over their shattering heart.
"Goodbye, Aka."
They changed into their clothes, picked up the bag strewn across the floor, and left him again.
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ketone-inked · 6 months
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ketone-inked · 6 months
Their eyes traced the shattered horizon. The sunlight pierced the asphalt sky, illuminating the mountain ridges that they would soon need to traverse.
They heard footsteps behind them.
Unsheathing their sword, Kisen swung, and was smoothly parried by a poised young man. Though his stare was cool, his presence brought a warmth to Kisen. They instantly relaxed. “Ester”, they hummed, withdrawing their sword and extending their hand, “good to see you again.” As Kisen’s lavender gaze traced his porcelain face, a flicker of red showed itself and instantly vanished. “A snake’s greeting”, they chuckled, “as to be expected from the serpent king himself.” Amused, Ester took Kisen’s hand in his, shook it once, and retreated into his pocket where he took out a translation device and attached it to his temple.
“Kisss-then. My old friend. Are you to head out thisss-th evening?” Kisen noticed a red snake appearing from his left shoulder. Ister, his partner in crime.
“Indeed. Are you seeing me off?”
“No. I’m here to deliver further instruction.”
“I had wondered why you were so warm all of a sudden.”
Ester’s laugh was staccato. He flicked his tongue. “For you to even think that! It seems that Alcoh has had an influence on my demeanour. Though Kissss-then,” — he dropped his voice down to a delicate whisper — “I do love you. Don’t forget that.” Kisen scoffed, turned around towards the mountains again, and sat down. Their hand traced the gravel.
“I should never have taught you that word. The only love I’ve ever seen you show is towards your snakes.”
Ester sat beside Kisen. Though he looked towards the mountain too, his gaze was somber, unlike that of Kisen’s.
“Don’t get yourself killed, Kisen. You were very close to being caught last time. I wouldn’t want to deliver bad news to your brother.” Kisen cocked their head to the side. “Maybe you’re right. Alcoh’s been getting into your system. Don’t get yourself killed, Ester. Your cunning is what has kept you from falling.” Hearing this, Ister snapped at Kisen, hissing ferociously.
“Calm down Ister. Kisen’s safety is my concern, not their disrespectful language. Anyhow,” Ester stood up, brushing away the excess he collected on him, “their disrespect is of great entertainment to me.” Kisen looked up, meeting his eyes. They were deep crimson slitted irises — almost as if undecided between black and red — a charming complement to his jet-black hair, which fell neatly beside his face. Kisen, by contrast, was as grey as the gravel they sat upon. Their skin seemed dusty, their hair without pigment.
“Ketone. As Commander General of N7, I come here to deliver a message from the Intelligence Bureau. Ketone, your mission has changed from the kidnap of N5’s princess to her murder.”
“You are dismissed. Do not get caught. We have provided you with a single capture pill. It is in this envelope, alongside other mission-critical information.”
Ester handed them the smoothed envelope. Ketone broke his gaze, and followed the mountain lines again.
“N5, huh. That’s somewhere new.”
“I will see you soon, Kisen.”
“Goodbye, Ester.”
With that, Ester swiftly vanished. Ketone dug their fingernails into the ground below them, their heart racing.
“Murder?” They muttered, breathing deeply. “I’ll consider that a promotion.”
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