ketsveki · 10 years
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       -- `ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ ɢʟɪᴍᴘsᴇ ɪɴᴛᴏ                                                                ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴏғ ᴀ ᴍᴇɴᴀᴄᴇ
The legend of the phoenix tells about how it can rise from it's own ashes. Rises again to be something more than it was before. So goes the story of Phoenix Snow, the girl with a contradiction for a name. Cold as ice with a rage that burns like a furnace. Being of few words, but a high body count, she has worked hard for the reputation she has; having been called everything from a cold blooded murderer to a vigilante for the innocent. None of that matters in the long run, because no one knows who Phoenix really is. But what they does know, is that if you give her a target, well...you can figure out the outcome.
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ketsveki · 10 years
Ya think? I don't make a habit of being around kids, but between you and I,  I adore them. It's one of those secret pleasures in life, y'know? Probably also because of that fact that I doubt I'll ever have any of my own.
Oh why thank you, thank you. -nods her head firmly; Sure is. He’s growing up so damn fast, next thing I know he’ll be graduating college. And you sure do, he’ll be happy to see you.
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ketsveki · 10 years
Oh, I'm flattering you? Then let me stop immediately. [ `she raises her eyebrows ] Is he now? Auntie Phoenix will have to pay him a visit soon enough, he needs to know I haven't forgotten about him.
You’re stroking my ego now, girl. Couldn’t forget a woman of such character like you either. Geun? He’s doin’ pretty great. He’s finally crawling and babbling a lot. 
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ketsveki · 10 years
Just because I didn't write doesn't mean I could forget about ya. You're not one of those forgettable types. You kinda burned yourself into my memory. But yeah, catching up sounds good. How's my little man?
Oh well that I certainly can not deny. -chuckles softly; Did ya? I hope so. I had that small fear that I’d be forgotten since I was gone long. But this means we have a lot of catching up to do. 
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ketsveki · 10 years
That was the point. Because we both know you have some Athena fantasies about the Phoenix. [ `she smiles before nodding ] That's good. We missed you while you were away. As for me, though, well same thing as always. Doing what I do best.
You just made all that sound hella kinky all of a sudden. But I’ve been doin’ pretty well. Things are back up and running, and it feels good. How about you? What’ve you been up to?
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ketsveki · 10 years
[ `she laughs, nodding her head ] Fine. I'll allow you to keep your Athena fantasies for one night. Now, how's my favourite goddess?
Ah why can’t you let me live in my fantasies for a bit? -laughs; 
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ketsveki · 10 years
[ `she looks down at the woman ] Oh, I could. But, sadly, it's a matter of me liking you too much to want to tell you no.
-she slings her arm over the other’s shoulder; But of course, you can never say ‘no’ to Athena. 
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ketsveki · 10 years
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ketsveki · 10 years
[ `the corner of her lips twitch upward in a small smile and she shakes her head ] If it was anyone else, I'd have said hell no.
ketsveki replied to your post: ketsveki asked:You come back and …
[ `she quirks an eyebrow, looking at the other woman from over the top of her dark sunglasses ] What do you think?
Mmm I think it does. Or at least it should. -clicks her tongue; 
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ketsveki · 10 years
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ketsveki · 10 years
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BRIGADE IS BACK. {like/reblog to help.}
Looking for a job in the Hongdae area? Brigade Bar has re-opened after two months. Run by Athena Park, head of the bar. Offered positions:
Bar Tender
Contact Athena here if interested. 
NOTICE: This is not a directory. But it would be preferred if the applicants are semi-au/au/oc so it would make more sense. 
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ketsveki · 10 years
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ketsveki · 10 years
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      Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there.           He wasn’t there again today, I wish, I wish he’d go away.
   ”Delighted to make your acquaintance,” she said politely, gesturing towards the empty chair across from her with a delicate extend of her hand. Body leaning against the table, she placed her elbows on the surface and watched her guest over steepled fingers. Large eyes roamed with curious wonder before, finally, a smile formed on her lips. “In need of my services, are you?” she asked, small body reclining in the large wing-backed chair as she crossed one leg over the other. “Kang Muni, paranormal investigator extraordinaire, at your service. How may I help you?”
Amateur Investigator & Horror Enthusiast  About Follow ✦
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ketsveki · 10 years
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ketsveki · 11 years
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ketsveki · 11 years
The sound of a locker door slamming close rang out in the now almost empty hallway and Phoenix slung her bag over her shoulder. Any other day, she would have been well on her way "home" (as she liked to refer to it when she was around her peers), but on this day in particular she had no such luck. Stomping her way down the hall and towards a certain classroom, she could already sense that this wasn't going to be anything worth her time. In all honesty, she didn't see the problem with a school uniform infraction or two .But then again, adding that on top of the fact that she was caught slamming some guys head into a desk, then it was no wonder that she was sent to detention. Never mind the fact that he had been trying to feel up her skirt, all that mattered was the act of violence apparently.
As she pushed her way into the classroom, she pushed past anyone in her way, quickly going to sit down in the only free seat in class. The presence of a white haired individual in the seat back hadn't phased her until he had decided to open his mouth. A mouth that would have been better off kept shut in Phoenix's opinion.
“I thought your type was too good to land themselves in detention with the rest of us.”
The words caused her spine to stiffen and she ignored him, however it was the consistent vibrating of her chair that sent her over the edge. Standing from the chair, she turned around and slammed a hand down on the kid's desk, her perfectly manicured nails digging into the pages of his textbook while she narrowed her heavily lined eyes. His face held a distant familiarity, but she didn't focus on it, because instead, she was peeved.
Taking the lollipop out her mouth that had been the only thing keeping her from cursing the kid out while she was sitting down, she leaned in close and sneered. From a distance, she probably looked like a baby making mean faces, what with her hair that resembled a pair of mouse ears. "I don't know who you think you are, nor do I care, but don't act like you know a damn thing about me." Her crimson lips turned up in a bit of a snarl before she turned herself around and sat herself down, resting her elbows on the desk, about ready to fall asleep despite that being a big no-no.
вυввℓєgυм || Phoenix & Jonghyun
                                       “I’ll chew you up and spit you out                                    Cause that’s what young love is all about.                                      So pull me closer, and kiss me hard,                                     I’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart.”
                                                           - Marina & The Diamonds
Brand new sneakers and an upturned coat, golden wash flashing from underneath prim black sleeves, Jonghyun was ready to take over the world. The world being high school. It wasn’t his fault that high school wasn’t ready for him. People disliked him because he was bigger, better, best, of course, or so he liked to believe. Hair dyed silver to stand out from heads chock full of black and brown, he squared his shoulders and kept his chin held high, oblivious to those that pushed past him without a care in the world.
He was well liked and could conquer the world. Lie one.
You could do anything as long as you put your mind to it. Lie two.
Jonghyun was bitter, of course, bitter at those with the exact same clothing as him but they roamed the halls together, joyous laughter filling dull classrooms and transforming bleary hallways.
He wanted to laugh, too. But there was nobody else but himself to laugh with. Laughing at himself, a small self pitying chuckle.
Jonghyun shouldered his backpack, nothing special compared to the lavish amount of money that he had spent on his clothes. He saw no reason to since it all it did was carry his equally ratty school books. A hand ran through his own hair and he mustered that cocky smirk again, a slight strut to his gait, striding into the classroom. He believed that everything else paled in comparison due to his mere presence as he slammed his Pre-Calculus book down on a wooden desk on its last legs, sliding into the seat, a bubble of plasticy bubblegum forming before it popped and he sucked the now flavorless candy back into his mouth.
The door creaked open, the sound of protest it made telling Jonghyun that the peace of the classroom was probably nearing its last days. Eyes flitted upwards only to freeze him in place. He sneered, turning away to scowl into his book. Nobody from that clique ever landed themselves in detention without each other. What was she doing here then?
The last free desk was in front of him and he didn’t want to look to interested in whatever that bitch was doing so he pretended to bury himself in meaningless numbers and even more confounding equations. The room wasn’t quiet by any means and the subtle clearing of this throat wasn’t going to be heard. “Abandoned by your clique, yeah?” The jab was clear, his voice incisive as he frowned at her, not bothering to even look up from his book. He was jealous, to a point, but he would rather slit his own throat than admit that out loud. His foot tapped insistently on the back of her chair, sending exasperating tremors through the piece of furniture. “I thought your type was too good to land themselves in detention with the rest of us.”
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ketsveki · 11 years
Reblog if you do violent roleplays.
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