kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin was admittedly rather surprised when he realized that the girl in front of him seemed to be just as, if not much more, timid than he was. It was a rare case, yes, but it made the young farmer want to do everything he could to mitigate the pressure that was now falling on her shoulders, especially since he felt that he had caused her enough inconvenience as it was.
He tapped his two index fingers together and took a few breaths. This was fine. They had worked out the situation and now it was just your average, everyday conversation. There was no tension in that. Just words, back and forth.
Easier said than done.
“I’m not sure about... like, titles.” He began, trying his damnedest not to stutter. “Most of my books belonged to my family, so, I just read whatever they like.”
He bit down on his lip, realizing he was doing nothing to help her in guiding him to anything at all. “I like, well, I-I guess I really like romance novels.”
Deafening Silence || Tori&Kevin
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the woman turned out to be kind and willing to help him, although her personality heightened the intimidation factor. She was a woman, she was pretty, she was playful, and she was a practical stranger; all things which molded Kevin into the quiet, nervous wreck he was known to be.
“Thank you, ma’am.” He began with a reassured smile, but let out a surprised yelp when he felt his arm, and thus his whole self, being guided by this woman. 
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He had to take a moment to regain his flighty composure before replying. While not entirely frightened by the woman, he still chose his words with caution.
“I’m, uh, I’m studying the different types of flora in various parts of this region.” He ran his teeth over his bottom lip, eyes glancing around the buildings they passed. “More specifically, the, er- the flowers.”
Lost Boy in a Faraway Land [Sonja&Kevin]
It was a nice, sunny day on Fenith, much to Sonja’s delight. In fact, it was such a nice day she was currently out for a walk, eager to feel the sun’s rays on her skin. Probably even go out to the beach to get a tan later, all those girly things, but as she walked towards the harbor she was stopped by a… was he perhaps a tourist? steadily approaching her.
He must of felt embarrassed, if the blush on his cheeks were of any indication, and Sonja automatically felt the desire to help him. It was usually Odette’s job to help with tourists, but hey! Why not help out as well?
She returned his smile with a big grin of her own, “Hello there! The inn, you say? I know where it is – in fact, I currently live there!” She let out a laugh, “I can show you right away! Come on, don’t be shy!”
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She pretty much grabbed the poor guys arm without waiting for a response from him, and began walking to the direction of the inn. She figured she might as well do some small talk while she was at it, “What brings you to Fenith Island? Here to get a tan too?”
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Despite the two having similar demeanors, Kevin did feel a slight twinge of intimidation when he interacted with Candace. Maybe it was because he felt pressure to make the exchange easy for the both of them, to not waste words and get his point out. 
But he desperately needed to stop being so skittish around the other citizens. He needed friends, at the very least, and that started with having well kept conversations.
“Hi, Candace.” He nodded, fidgeting his hands together. “I’ve meaning to come down here and look for... sort of like a suit. A nice suit. Not a tux, but...” He paused and bit his lip. “You probably know what I’m talking about better than I do. I was just hoping for a little direction.”
Suit and Tie // Candace&Kevin
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin would never admit it out loud, but he was pretty disappointed at the lack of interest in his booth. Rather, the lack of children at the event. He understood that face painting did not really appeal to the adult crowd, but wished that a few would at least give him a chance.
His eyes lit up, however, when he saw someone coming. 
With a quick breath, he prepared himself for the conversation. He was still having a rough time with strangers, especially when he was in a position to provide a good or service.
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“Hi.” He offered the new customer a smile, then thought for a quick moment as he pulled out a printed sheet, which showed various children with faces painted like animals. “I can do something like this... that covers your whole face. Or something small... Like, you know, flowers or hearts. Just, uh, just give me an idea and I’m sure I can do it.”
Kevin’s Face Painting Booth is now open! 🌻
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin’s Face Painting Booth is now open! 🌻
Art was always how Kevin eked his way into school festivals, and it was a comfort to know this ability transferred into his adult life.
His booth, decorated with a colorful banner (courtesy of his sister), was situated nicely in the middle of the fairground, close to all of the food stands and games. While the crowd had not arrived yet, the grounds were beginning to fill with delicious smells and cheerful music. It was a happy atmosphere, and the young farmer was at ease.
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Kevin glanced down to the face paints that he had lined up just moments ago. The craft store in the city sold just about every color imaginable, and he was anxious to see just what kinds of things the guests at this circus would request.
Maybe they would ask him to paint a flower.
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
What's your biggest fear?
It may be irrational... But sometimes I have nightmares about my farm getting flooded. My animals would die, and I would lose everything I've worked so hard to get. That terrifies me...
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
((I'll do replies once I get home to my computer. For now I'll send some out
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
The Right Kind of Riff (Kevin&Margaret)
With the summer heat practically breathing life into his farm, Kevin had found plenty of time to explore the areas outside of Castanet that had previously remained a mystery to him. Selphia was the last of his stops, but certainly not his least exciting.
During his time there, he had acquired both area-specific flower seeds and advice from the many seasoned citizens. It had been a productive trip to say the least, and he was ready to go home. However, even with his rucksack filled to the brim with beautiful souvenirs, Kevin did not want to leave the town just yet. Not while he was having such a good time.
Making his way around, he eventually decided to stop and take a rest at a nice looking restaurant. While the decor was nice, what really drew his attention was a girl playing away on some instrument. It was a soothing, beautiful noise, which Kevin blissfully listened to as he ate his meal.
Just as he was paying his bill, the girl was taking a break. 
Be brave. He told himself. You can’t be scared of one little conversation.
So, gathering himself, he called her attention with a small wave and a kind smile. “Hi. I just wanted to say that you’re amazing at that.”
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin’s taste in books was a flighty one, some days he adored science fictions and others he would lose himself in a good mystery. However, his go-to was without a doubt romance. The stories were so often eloquent and graceful, depicting lovers with not a single care in the world besides one another. Realistic? Perhaps not. But there was something so entrancing about these stories that he took no issue in overlooking that.
He had just settled on reading the back of one of the books when he nearly jumped out of his skin. It was both the girl’s sudden appearance and her expression of shock that made Kevin go pale for a few moments.
Fidgeting horribly, he quickly replaced the book and held his hands up in hopes of apologizing, but she beat him to the punch.
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” He clenched his fists after she had finished. “I came in to look for some books to borrow...” He paused, taking a few seconds to breath. His next words were delivered significantly calmer. “But you... you looked so peaceful and I... uh-- Didn’t want to bother you.”
Deafening Silence || Tori&Kevin
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Suit and Tie // Candace&Kevin
If you didn’t count the horribly embarrassing senior prom, Kevin had never been on a real date. Never kissed a girl. Never worried about getting her home before curfew. Never fretted over jewelry or fancy clothes or anything like that.
He didn’t mind this at all, but pressure from his mother had Kevin seriously considering trying to “get out there” and “find a girl.”
However, he was ill prepared for any instance of romance. He had plenty of flowers to make bouquets with, sure. But that did not matter if he presented in in his dirtied up farmer’s duds.
So the obvious next step was to get a suit, right? Something simple he could whip out in case some pretty lady actually gave his stuttering, blushing self the time of day.
After his work was done for the day, he washed up and walked over to the tailor’s. Luna was busy with a customer, so he waved in Candace’s direction with a smile and a simple, “Hello.”
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Lost Boy in a Faraway Land [Sonja&Kevin]
Kevin was not willing to travel for much other than his true passion; gardening. 
Cows and chickens were the same everywhere. You milked, brushed and cared for them in a standard way that could be repeated regardless of climate or environment. But flowers were much more interesting. They blossomed in every color imaginable. Some required sun and lots of water. Others, overcast skies and little water. It was a mesmerizing process, and Kevin did not want to settle until he had seen all the floral possibilities he could.
His next trek took him to an island, where he figured he could stay the night provided Kasey care for his livestock. He was almost jittery with excitement when he got off the boat. It was a rare state of euphoria that was halted when he realized he didn’t have a single clue where to find the inn.
Intimidated to say the least, Kevin began to pad through the town, finally settling on a girl to ask. He slowly approached her with a small smile. 
“Hello, ma’am.” He nodded, cheeks tinted with pink. “You don’t happen to know where the inn is?”
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Deafening Silence || Tori&Kevin
The junk shop in Castanet sold some books, but mostly for cooking and construction, neither of which were subjects Kevin cared for. He liked to read, as it was a quiet and peaceful way to pass rainy days.
But when he wanted a book, he had to walk quite a bit away from home. And a peaceful walk was also a nice way to spend the time, but it was quite a chore for just a few novels to read. He was going to make this worth while.
The farmer found himself in Kardia, a place which he had visited a few times before, but never really explored. His destination was a quaint library, which would surely hold plenty of stories he had yet to be exposed to.
Upon entering the building, he stared at the rows of books, mouth slightly ajar in curiosity. However, not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence of the girl at the counter, he said nothing.
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
((Heeyy ;w; anyone want a starter from this guy?))
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
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 ♧ |  ♧ |  ♧
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin rocked back and forth on his heels before approaching Gill further. His greeting, while terse, was the small reassurance he needed. Any aloof sort of reception probably would have sent him scrambling for the nearest exit out of the situation.
“Just thought I would say hi.” He brought his hands together, as he always did when initiating small talk. “Maybe... catch a breath before, y’know, I keep walking.”
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He looked at the billboard, to Gill, then back down to his hands. “Did I happen to miss a message about a heat wave?”
Sweltering Summer Days [Kevin & Gill]
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin had to lift his head slightly to see the next chicken, but smiled when he did. She was very simple, but healthy and lively, which was good enough for him.
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“She’s pretty.” He remarked quietly, admiring the shiny golden feathers.
Outside of this, he tapped his chin. This one was pretty ordinary. Or perhaps just not at unique as the two before her. Simplicity should not be detrimental, he thought to himself, but I cannot help but compare.
Appearance: 8/10
Friendliness: 7.5/10
Care: 7.5/10
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*Sets Clucky down before him, smiling as she pecked at the ground at his feet.* This is CLucky!
She is my First CHIcken ever but I BELieve I have done a good job at RAIsing her. From what I have seen, she is very WELCOming to Those who Visit my farm in the Ruins, even RUNning up to the CHILdren to see them. Oh but she is PRetty shy with Those who are REally tall, Which I hope she Grows out of with the more PEople she Meets!
I do not do ANYThing too SPEcial to Raise her. I make sure she goes out EVERyday and ENjoys the sun. When it is STormy, THough, I Bring her up from the coop and make a Place for her in my BATHroom. CLucky gets so calm when she is near me and I Think it Helps us both to Sleep THRough the Night, KNOwing that we are near EACHOther. I hope you like her!
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kevinhadalittlefarm · 9 years
Kevin bit down on his lip. That chicken looked very, very soft. Unable to restain himself, he reached across the table to stroke her once. His gesture was met with caution from the animal, but eventual acceptance.
As Sara spoke, Kevin jotted down a few notes about the calcium scratch, both to help his judging and for his own sake. It sounded like a good idea to try at his own farm. 
“Well.” He began. “It sounds like you really go to lengths to keep her and your other fowl healthy and comfortable. I appreciate that.”
Appearance: 8.5/10
Friendliness: 7.5/10
Care: 10/10
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[steps forward, a bird perched on her arm like a hawk]
There ‘ere is Fireball. Fireball’s one of the few silkie hens I got on my farm- an’ the only one with this color mutation.
[shifts her weight on her feet, raising her other hand to pet the bird lightly]
Fireball’s like… a dog in a bird’s body? She heckles anyone who comes onto the property an’ chases ‘em off. I think she might have been watchin’ me try to train my guard dogs… she does a better job than ‘em, anyway.
I raise her same as I do my other ones- they get feed first thing in the morning, and then I let them out to pasture till the sun gets too high. I try to muck out the hen house every other day or so, and I usually put calcium-fortified scratch out for them to peck at while they’re roamin’ the pasture. Helps keep ‘em from egg binding, which hell to deal with. 
Ain’t much more to that with raisin’ hens- keep ‘em well-fed, well-aired, and clean, and that’s all you really need. This one likes to follow me while I’m makin’ rounds but she’s [lowers her voice] special.
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