keying0330-blog · 5 years
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+ The final day of semester one ended with an amazing exhibition of our course. This semester has been a great adventure and creative journey for all of us. It has been so much fun group activity happening with fresh taste this semester. I enjoyed every lesson, especially the group works and collaborative activities. The innovative thinking and positive spirit of my classmates have been the greatest inspiration of mine. The greatest challenge was pushing the assignments as far as I can. Breaking old rules, challenging ideas, experimenting the materials and developing the skill set. From the lecture, I have learnt so much about the history of design. I have always been a huge fan of art history but always want to know more about design history. During the course, I noticed my interest towards publication design and zine making. I also love to communicate with artists and conveying their stories. I think the fun, creative vibe and collaborative spirit of communication design studies have lit up my university life.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
♥️♥️♥️ everyone love amazing artworks
these are the artists i considered choosing to interview for my zine, out of the 5 i messaged 3, and got one response (yay!)
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I saw Katrina’s work on a graphic design page on instagram (@thedesignkids), and instantly liked her use of colour and her clean linework, I took a stab in the dark and emailed her via her website, as I had previously only DM-ed artists but had no luck with that method // she replied fairly quickly, within the hour! I sent her my questions and within the next hour I had answers and full permission to use her works! // she was super nice and I hope she likes the zine I made about her! //
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Emmi was the first artist I had in mind to make my zine about, I even started reblogging her work on my tumblr // I messaged her on instagram as she was quite active on there, but I sadly received no response // that was okay, I moved on to the next designer! //
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Anna May is another artist I was very interested in, as she is both an illustrator and tattoo artist // I really love her style and have plans to get my next tattoo with her in the future // she is also based in melbourne which made her another contender // I ultimately decided not to ask to interview her as she has strictly no DMs and didn’t want to clutter her work email that she uses for clients with questions // I was also a bit iffy with using tattoo work in my zine, as that could be seen as unethical without permission from the person the work is tattooed on //
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Cristina Daura was a graphic designer I was very interested in as I love the colours she uses in her work, and she also explores a wide range of design types // I decided not to interview her as she is quite popular and was worried she would be too busy with her other works as she speaks publicly about designing and also does many commissions //
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Linda Liu is the final artist on this list, she is an illustrator with an unique, watercolour style that I quite enjoy // I ended up sending her a message as well, at about the same time I sent one to Katrina, Katrina responded first, so I ended up going with her //
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
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06|06|19 + I made the final magazine today. I am very satisfied with the outcome. The folding and binding was difficult due to the heaviness of the papers. However, thanks to my fails in my experiments previously, I made the final with no big trouble. + I am planning to send the photos to my creative. I wish she likes my zine.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
+ First time actually making the whole inner zine out. I’m surprized by how it looks so different to what I think it would look like. The colours are not as bright and the paper edges are not aligned. 😂 I need to make more trials to gain experience.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
Zine Making In Progress
+ So far so good
+ I find a prototype really working well as I develop my ideas. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
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Experimenting with perfect bound
+ I used pva glue to try perfect bound method. I clipped the paper together first and then place heavy object on top to hold the paper’s position. Then I used a soft brush to apply the glue on the edge. Apply for 4 layers and wait 30 minutes in between each layer.
+ The result is not so good. Perfect bound is not very stable compare to other methods. The first few pages of papers are easy to be tear off. Perfect bound is very convenient because there is no folding needed, but it requires skill and experimenting.
+ I think a way to improve the quality is to apply more layers of glue and use thinner paper.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
Cool idea! Thanks for sharing
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Share, a 32-page Risograph zine of PS4 screenshots.
Also if anyone knows how to make these images not look crazy blurry pls message me lol.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
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Inspiration Day
+ I gained a loooooot of inspiration looking at Andy and Karen’s design, as well as a zine of their collection.
+ Creative method 1 : masking by cutting shapes
+ Creative method 2 : Folded paper
+ Creative method 3 : A3 paper folding and cutting to form a entire poster but can be folded to function as a zine
+ Creative method 4 : riveting method bound
+ Creative method 5 : using tracing paper
+ Creative method 6: mix and match game by cutting images into rows
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
A3 Layout 8 Pages Zine Test Print
+ Figuring out the A3 printing is not easy. Tips: don’t think when you put the pages together. Print double side. Staple first then trim!!!!
+ The colours were ok. Although the images are in RGB mode, but the aqua color of the cover is very similar to what I see on screen.
+ I haven’t added any contents from the interview, so I am going to work on that for this week and finalise the design.
+ In class today we learnt about the important of prototype. Instead of a mock-up, it’s better to use a simple and sketchy prototype to put in our pocket. Whenever I have inspiration I can quickly write it or sketch down my ideas.
+ I don’t like the method of stapling so I’m going to test out more methods. I don’t think the staple match with my artists colours and style.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
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+ One of the creative on my list agreed to be my interviewee. As she is more confident in Mandarin Chinese, I conducted my interview in mandarin. I wrote my interview doc in both English and Chinese. I put the English in smaller font and grey colour only for my reference. My creative answered me in mandarin through email.
+First pic - my questions.
+Second pic - her answers. I translated already to English
+Youwei Zhu is a 3D and communication designer. She likes to tell stories through visual forms.
+ Third pic - I asked for a photo of her and she replied with her cat, which she said is a representation of herself. I think that’s very cute, and it represents her identity so I am very happy.
+ Fourth pic - one of her artworks in 2017
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
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+ Magazinr Collage Typography activity
+ I made some letters out of magazines and books. Including letters O n J d s Y o A
+ I looked for a whole piece of image which can form a letter individually, instead of cutting out and pasting a lot of images to form one letter. I think this activity pushes me to think of the potential of images to become something else. This also reminds me of how I can collage artworks of my creative, and arrange the images in different ways than it previously was. Eg changing the background colour or add texture.
+ I find the combination between colours specifically attracting. Using coloured paper is a good way to show visual contrast.
+ During this activity I also find myself more confident in working with smaller paper size. Most of my classmates worked on the A4, but I cut the paper into A5. I would think of the style of my magazine carefully and it should suit the over style of my creative. If the paper is small, then the text should be bigger.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
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+ I have decided the 5 interviewees that I wish to interview for this project. I contacted them via approachable contact pathways including email, Instagram direct message and WeChat. I found these artists on Instagram mainly, but I am also lucky enough to get the permission of an artist on Behance.
+ I have 2 replies and I am thinking of the over all style of the magazine. I want to interview both artists and see how the answer goes. Then I would try to combine the interview type with their image to see the outcome.
+ Some constrains and things to consider:
- Can I manipulate their image? With their permission of course, but is it professional and is it common in publication production?
- If I interview a foreign artist, do I actually put the original text on the zine? Will it look effective? How does it connect with the English?
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
+ This is a good way to add texture in portrait photo.
+ The outcome is like a charcoal drawing or etching print.
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who is jason todd?
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
+ Magazine layout and colour reference.
+ I like the antique and 1900s colour palette.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
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+ In today’s workshop, we did an activity that allows us to develop our own font with only two shapes. A font is made with grids and it follows a specific structure. I like the shapes that our team were given : quadrant of circle and squares.
+ Firstly, we made the font with only the red quarents of circle. We used the minimum amount of shapes as we could to make each letter. We first worked individually of ideas, then we propose our ideas to others. The first idea that we tried is using negative space, but from E onwards it became too hard. So we developed the final idea, which is using the roundness of the shape to form simplistic and abstract letters.
+ Then, we added the green squares to the font which made the font more legible than before. Our font follows the three line rule, which means all letters should be made with three horizontal layers. But we found hard for some letters, such as ‘r’, ‘n’ and ‘o ‘ looks much better in two layers.
+ We names our font ‘Elephant’ because the ‘t’ in our font looks exactly like an elephant.
+ My fovorite letters are ‘F J K M’ because we used the round shape explicitly to create smooth and flowing fonts. Our group worked closely together and very encouraging of any ideas. We tell others if there were any problems without hesitation, which is key to big improvements.
+ Team: Lily, Jade, Quentin, and (ask next week)
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
+ In our lecture today, we learnt about the history of important type/font that had been created. From the 1440, the creation of printing machine or stamp has been created by Greeks. Then it spread to other parts of the world.
+ Originally, all texts are handwritings. Then, from 1500 onwards to 1816, fonts gradually became more and more mechanical and less human writing like. The Romans fonts are based on mathematical theories and formulas.  In 1816, sans serif was created. 
+ This music type writer is very interesting. It is very different looking to a normal typewriter, but functioning in the same way. 
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This is a Keaton music typewriter, circa 1936. It was used to produce much larger quantities of sheet music than could be produced by hand at the time.
If you google “music typewriter” there are videos of this same model being used.
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keying0330-blog · 5 years
+ This is a cool idea with editing in photoshop.
+ B&W image adjustment
+ Liquidify
+ Change scale or location
+ Use Timeline to make Gif
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