keyniestus · 3 years
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Wayfarer’s Rest is Hiring!
Skilled in bartending? Want to try it out? Wayfarer’s Rest is looking for more bartenders. Any experience level is welcome to apply, we are more than willing to train, all we ask for is a drive to serve our patrons and a good attitude.
We are also seeking out security, if that is something that sounds up your alley. 
Stop into Wayfarer’s Rest, or send postage to Keyniestus for further details.
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keyniestus · 3 years
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Pillow fields. Westfjords, Iceland. [OC][2048x1355] - Author: Sakaarnis on reddit
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keyniestus · 3 years
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Misty Thursday at Jay Cooke State Park, MN [OC] [3024x3024] - Author: darklordskarn on reddit
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keyniestus · 3 years
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Morning Gold Sandy River, Phillips, Maine
Minolta MD Rokkor 35-70mm f/3.5 lens on Sony A7
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keyniestus · 3 years
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Overlooking Wallace Falls State Park in Gold Bar, Washington [4938 × 6172] [OC] - Author: maybeimmike on reddit
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keyniestus · 3 years
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Is it too late for Firefall photos? (Yosemite National Park) [1707x2560][OC] - Author: DarumaRilakkuma on reddit
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keyniestus · 3 years
Silvermoon’s Bartender
Frankly, I just mixed up a drink for a patron in the middle of Farstriders’ Square out of ingredients pulled out of my bag. If I’m not the bartender for you, I don’t know who is.
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keyniestus · 3 years
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Deep within the Needles District, Canyonlands NP [OC] [3024x4032] - Author: SlimTrek on reddit
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keyniestus · 3 years
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keyniestus · 3 years
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Colorado Morning [3967 x 5950] [OC] - Author: kp_93 on reddit
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keyniestus · 3 years
A Late Night and Some Intriguing Patrons
Keyniestus rushed through Silvermoon, hurriedly tidying his hair and tucking in his shirt. The sun had already set quite some time ago. He found himself in front of Wayfarer’s, a small crowd already gathered outside. “Oh gods.” 
He dodged his way through the crowd of late night drinkers and into the doorway.  The bar was busier than he usually saw on a Sunday night. He made his way behind the bar, finding an unknown Sin’ dorei serving drinks. He quickly grabbed his tabard from beneath the counter and pulled it over his head. 
“So sorry I’m late!” He looked to the elf. “Haven’t seen you here before.”
The Sin’ dorei gives Key a small nod and smile. “No worries. I just hopped behind the bar to serve drinks. Seemed to be getting quite busy.”
“Oh, yes. Well, many thanks for the help. You’re welcome to stay if you’d like.” Key continues brushing his disheveled hair back.
“Oh, of course. I may stay for a bit to help out.”
Keyniestus gave a small sigh of relief to himself as he looked around the busy bar. “Much appreciated.” He looked around the counter, littered with empty glasses, and began cleaning them up. He then walked down the length of the bar, checking in with the patrons.
The bar had died down substantially at this point, only a few tired patrons left at the counter.  Keyniestus pulled a towel out, wiping down the bar, breathing a bit of a sigh of relief after quite a long night.
He tucks the last of the remaining empty glasses into a bin beneath the counter. Upon standing up, he watched an elven woman saunter in, slurring her word as she approached the counter.
“Barkeep! Give me your strongest!” She attempted to give a wink. “And how much for you?”
Keyniestus shook his head as he set down a shot glass, pouring out a vodka shot. “Let me know how that treats you.”
The woman took the shot, almost falling into the counter. “I’d like you to treat me.”
Key smiled, a bit uncomfortably. “Let me know if I can get you anything else.”
He made his way back down to the end of the bar. 
After some time, a heavily armored man made his way into Wayfarer’s, taking up a spot in the corner of the bar. Key made his way over. “Evening. Anything I can get for you?”
The man looked up. “Oh, something strong and savory, if you’ve got it.”
Key nodded. “I think I can do that.” He rummaged around the shelves for a moment and pulled out a bottle of tequila from the back. He set it down on the counter and set a margarita glass down next to it. He mixed the tequila together with some lime juice, red pepper juice, and honey before pouring into the glass. “Let me know what you think of that.” He said as he slid the glass over to the man.
The man removed his helm, revealing a flowing mane of blonde hair before taking the glass. “Absolutely.” He took a sip. “I will be coming to you for more of these, no doubt.” He said with a small smile.
As the evening carried on, the Sin’ dorei woman continuing to make advances at Key, then slowly looping the blonde warrior at the end of the bar in as well. Key began engaging the warrior in a conversation filled with much blushing and chuckling. After sometime, the plastered elf stumbled down the bar and took up the stool next to the warrior. “What do you say you and I go upstairs?”
“I...Ummm...I don’t....” The warrior’s face grew red as he looked down at his hands. “I don’t think...I don’t think I am your type.”
Key watched the interaction, furrowing his brow.
“Oh, come on. You can’t know until you try.” She pulled her elbows up on the counter and cradled her face in her hands, blinking with wide eyes at the man.
“I-Umm.” He began nervously playing with the sketchbook in his hands.
Keyniestus sighed heavily and tossed his towel down on the counter, glaring at the woman now.
“Alright. I’ve put up with enough tonight. You’re just bothering other patrons at this point.”
The woman looked over to Key and blinked her eyes innocently. “Me?” She looked over to the warrior. “Am I bothering you?”
The warrior’s face grew an even deeper shade of red. He said nothing, his eyes looking further into his lap.
“I think it’s best you return back down there to your friend.” Keyniestus nodded towards the opposite end of the bar.
The woman scoffed as she got up, steadying herself on the bar, and returned to her seat at the end. She plopped down and looked back to her friend. “Bartender hates me. Probably going to spit in my drinks now.”
Key shakes his head and looks back to the warrior. “I apologize for that.”
The warrior gives a faint smile. “It’s quite alright. Not your fault.”
Time passed as Keyniestus and the warrior got more invested in conversation. He was now showing Key his many sketches of landscapes and buildings. 
“A traveller, eh?” Key said, with a smile.
“I am, of sorts. Make my way around.” The warrior blushed.
“What’s your favorite place you’ve been?”
The tauren taking up the security post for the night suddenly approached the bar. “May want to close up early tonight.”
Key looked up, brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
The tauren nodded his head over to the entrance, where a group had gathered, caught up in heated conversation. “Things look like they may get out of hand.”
Keyniestus frowned. He looked to the warrior. “Give me just a moment.” He made his way around the counter and over towards the group.
To be continued...
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keyniestus · 3 years
Hey y'all. I'm streaming some PvE leveling. Come say hi!
Watch BakedBooks23 with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/bakedbooks23?sr=a
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keyniestus · 4 years
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The Quantocks Heather, Somerset
Limited Edition prints - Visit Print Shop
Photographed by Freddie Ardley
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keyniestus · 4 years
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Rocky Mountain National Park [OC][2062 x 2577] IG: @brianwlackey - Author: brianwlackey on reddit
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keyniestus · 4 years
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by pieonane
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keyniestus · 4 years
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View from Little Beehive in Lake Louise, Alberta [OC][3000x4000] - Author: DrHummus on reddit
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keyniestus · 4 years
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Photographer: Hwantastic79vivid
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