keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Grace Callaghan
This is my blog complete with ten fabulous keywords that have been defined, explored and represented for your education and entertainment.
From top to bottom
Fractured Identity
Creative Identity
Creative influence
Social Identity
Sensory Knowledge
The Unconscious
-Grace, AKA student 5791686, University Of Wollongong
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Reference List
Anushka Gupta, Saatchiart online, The Five Senses, https://www.saatchiart.com/anushkasureka
Bargh J.A.. Social psychology and the unconscious: The automaticity of higher mental processes, Philadelphia: Psychology Press, 2006
Barker, C 2007, Issues of subjectivity and identity, in Cultural studies: theory and practice, 3rd edn, Sage Publications, London
Blake E. Ashforth and Fred Mael, Social Identity Theory and the Organization, Academy of Management, 1989
Fiorazo on May 18, 2015 in David Fioranzo Blog, Entertainment, Miley Cyrus May Not Care but We Should, http://davidfiorazo.com/2015/05/miley-cyrus-may-not-care-but-we-should/
Disney Movies Anywhere, Colours of the Wind,https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4IEmIzWf_X4lEPtGm7kgzQ
Dr Ben G. Yacobi, The Limits of Philosophy, Published: Philosophy Now, 2012, https://philosophynow.org/issues/92/The_Limits_of_Authenticity
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary, Farlex 2012, http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/
Heather Anonymous, Blog, What does creative identity mean to you? Published: 4 JUNE 2015, https://nearlythere.com/about/
Henri F. Ellenberger, F Ellenberger, The Discovery Of The Unconscious: The History And Evolution Of Dynamic Psychiatry, Published: Basic Books, 2008
Howes, D 2005, Skinscapes: embodiment, culture, and environment, in C Classen (ed.), The book of touch, Berg, New York
IMDb online, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000030/
Jane Alexander blog entry, ‘Art therapy-painting the unconscious mind’, Published on May 18, 2015 by Daily Mail, https://brutallyfrank.wordpress.com/2015/05/18/art-therapy-painting-the-unconscious-mind/
Jason Castro, Where Does Identity Come From? Published: May 28, 2013 by Scientific American, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/where-does-identity-come-from/
John A. Bargh, Ezequiel Morsella, The Unconscious Mind, Published: SAGE journals, January 1, 2008
Judy Berman, 10 Famous Artworks Inspired by Other Famous Artworks, | June 13, 2012, http://flavorwire.com/293497/10-famous-artworks-inspired-by-other-famous-artworks
Katcher, A. and Beck, A,  Health and caring for living things, Anthrozoos , 1, 175–183, 1987
Kate O’Sullivan, My creative Identity entry, June 2nd 2015- A Playful Day blog, http://www.aplayfulday.com/blog/
Louis Althusser, Contradiction and Overdetermination, Published: Penguin Press, 1962
Mandy Kloppers, Thought on Life and Love, Published:  November 15, 2014 online http://www.thoughtsonlifeandlove.com/fractured-identities/
Merriam-Webster online Dictionary, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/influence
McLeod, S. A. (2015). Unconscious Mind. Retrieved from www.simplypsychology.org/unconscious-mind.html
Nicholas Mansfield, Subjectivity [electronic resource] : theories of the self from Freud to Haraway, Published: St Leonards, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin, 2000
Paul Brodwin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Genetics, Identity, and the Anthropology of Essentialism, From: Anthropological Quarterly, Volume 75, Number 2, Spring 2002
Salman Akhar, Youtube video, 14 Proposals in Freud's 'The Unconscious', Published: 6 Oct 2016 on the Freud museum London’s channel, https://youtu.be/gVlm94nUmkU
Seth Mullins, Teenagers and the struggle or Identity, Familylobby.com http://articles.familylobby.com/355-teenagers-and-the-struggle-for-identity.htm
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
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- Artist Frida Kahlo’s ‘The Two Freidas’
Fractured Identity
Contrary to the ideas of subjectivity and essentialism, fractured identity is the theory that individuals have not one, but several fragmented and contradictory identities (Hall 1996, p.598) due to the various roles they are expected to fulfil. I personally believe in this theory, as I find in my creative practice and in life, I regularly alter my identity according to my environment. This is especially true for theatre, as I am adapting to suit various roles.
Frida Kahlo’s The Two Fridas aids in visualising this ‘fractured identity’. It features Frida's two different personalities. “One is the traditional Frida in Tehuana costume, with a broken heart, sitting next to an independent, modern dressed Frida.”-Frida Kahlo.org
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself.
Frantz Fanon, Psychiatrist, philosopher, writer
Creative Identity
Creative identity is each individuals’ reflection and representation of themselves in relation to their creative practice. An artists work is a strong part of their identity and expression. My creative identity is expressed through my blog in the examples and language used. Finding this identity is an internal process, one which can be concrete, such as the career of actress Audrey Hepburn. Audrey had a strong sense of creative identity, and aimed to engage in the comedy and/or romance genre during the golden age. ( Roman Holiday-1953, My Fair Lady-1964, Breakfast at Tiffany’s- 1961) 
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- Picture from Doctor Macros high quality scans
The process can alternatively be constantly changing, such as that of the well known singer/ actress Miley (or Milly) Cyrus transitioning from innocent country music outrageous pop. This change may be due to the enhanced freedom of the modern creative environment, as opposed to Hepburn’s. 
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 - Picture from author and speaker David Pioranzo’s blog, 2015 
However developed, each individuals’ creative identity is an original expression of inner thoughts, beliefs, skills and passions. 
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Creative Influence
An individual is said to be ‘influenced’ by something or someone when they are effected by it and strive to create a work of similar nature. Influential subjects are said to have the “power of producing an effect” -Merriam-Webster (2017). From unknown practitioners like myself to Famous individuals such as artist Francis Bacon, every creative practitioner searches for and gains influence from others.  “Picasso is the reason why I paint. He is the father figure, who gave me the wish to paint.” - Bacon
Practitioners often emulate other works they have been influenced by, as seen in the two paintings below.
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Roy Lichtenstein’s Bedroom at Arles-1992 (top), inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s Bedroom at Arles-1888 (bottom).
As a creative practitioner of various disciplines, I find myself being influenced from artists such as writer Mary Shelley (1797-1851) to actress and singer Judy Garland (1922-1969). Creative influence is required throughout history, and I hope to carry on this tradition and influence individuals through my practice. 
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Social Identity 
Social identity is the way in which individuals present/express themselves to the public, predominantly via social media. A person’s social identity is usually warped in some way to appear more acceptable to society. This is due to the standardised factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, nationality and fear of judgement from others. Below I have collated several entries from individuals via social media and asked them to describe themselves briefly based on what they believe to be their social identity. I gave minimal guidelines and asked for a small about of information to pressure individuals to be concise. The results are evidently varied, and represent the varying identities people can present on social media. 
Lachlan Baker: Male, 20 white Australian,  party animal, friends and family means everything, adventuring, life is a beach ride the wave of life, stay positive go forward never go back. 
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Jean Cameron: Almost 50 years old (April 3) Carer  One beautiful son ☺ Married 2 cheeky dogs Favorite movie is Labyrinth with David Bowie  Favorite musician is Bruce Springsteen  Favorite colour is orange 
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Dylan sky:18 years old, male, Australian, the wheres wally books
Angela Callaghan: 50 years old, Love my kids unconditionally, I commit to what i feel is important, And My priorities are family first then work, I love the honest relationship I have with my kids and cherish them every day. 
Jennifer Dias: 44 | female | Australian / Brasilian heritage | Employed as a youth events development worker. I am passionate about all art forms, cultural diversity and in developing networks and providing opportunities for young people & 50+ers | in MyTime I'm a volunteer/an artist/a photographer/ a tone deaf singer/ songwriter and an off key guitarist/ an interpretive dancer/ an observer/ a mother/a grandmother aka Vovo / and a friend | I absolutely love love love my family unit in all its complexities and moments of joy and appreciate the lessons I learn along the way that assist me in my own personal growth. 
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Stacey Harrell: The Indispensable Man (by Saxon White Kessinger) Sometime when you're feeling important; Sometime when your ego 's in bloom; Sometime when you take it for granted, You're the best qualified in the room: Sometime when you feel that your going, Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow these simple instructions, And see how they humble your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to the wrist, Pull it out and the hole that's remaining, Is a measure of how much you'll be missed. You can splash all you wish when you enter, You may stir up the water galore, But stop, and you'll find that in no time, It looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example, Is to do just the best that you can, Be proud of yourself but remember, There's no indispensable man.
Britney:  20yrs, female, Australian. Favourite bible verse: Philippians 4:13 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. I like to take photos of stuff, im a 3rd Year Nursing Student and I like spongebob memes.Also, I am super normal and quiet when people first meet me and then when I get comfortable  i get real weird.
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Caley Cameron:19 Years Old, Male, Australian 
Nicola Turner: I'm 18 going on 81  my favourite food is toast, I love my pet rabbit and second hand clothes. I can't add up in my head, I'm more of an english person. I like to think I'm independent but I'm a sucker for other people's company.
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May Louise Bouchet: 28 Australian Profession- teacher Heritage- French/Mauritian, Italian and Polish Favourite music- anything popular I enjoy cooking, renovating, shopping, travelling, eating and playing sport. I like to be busy but also enjoy downtime and most days I feel mentally drained. If I could start my life over I would become a historian and work in a museum. I value family, friends, history and a good education. I'm also a feminist.
Denham Callanan: artist, friend, dreamer, romantic, procrastinator. 19 Male Love, family, philosophy, history, comedy, sarcasm, animals, nature. "He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt" -Joseph Heller, Catch 22 "Everyone you meet you start to fall in love with, what separates your enemies from your friends, and your lovers from your soul mate is at which point you stop"  -Me 
Sarah Bloggs: 35 your cousin from England :-) xx
Holly Schwebel: Female, 17, and I attached a picture of a poem that has resonated with me for as long as I've known of it. Let me know if you need anything more.
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Sophia Blackwell: 19, and gender: female :--) I like the words captivate, kind, lovely, brilliant and fun. And those are things I'd like to surround myself with. I'd describe myself as a pretty easy going person and I care a lot. I'm pretty sensitive but not in all areas, definitely not when it comes to romance hahaha. Uhm, when it comes to an occupation I'd love to pursue something creative like cinematography. I'm learning Danish at the moment. I'd like to become stronger when it comes to speaking with confidence especially when I don't agree with something. I love doggos, well all animals and wholesome healthy foods and most certainly taking photos of both. I really like the outdoors because it makes me feel good inside and alongside that taking photos on old cameras.
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Elizabeth, Renae, Anderson, Wisely: age- 18 gender: dinosaur (jk) I'm female nationality: Australian I like cats a lot and food. I'm obsessed with Alice in wonderland.  um I really love history and wish to pursue a career in it. I'm an introvert. I like to read and rarely watch movies or tv.
Hayley Watt: Age:18 Gender: Female "A rose grows best in a pile of shit" Music: welcome to your life by Grouplove I think of myself as a positive person and I believe everything happens for a reason, or at least I tell myself that to prevent deeper questioning about the meaning of life.
Anonymous: Age: 24, Male Came from a rough family background that leaves me drifting through experiences. I socialise while holding up endless walls. Everyone likes me, but no one gets close. Song that best describes me would be Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. There's a constant nagging in my mind that I'm being judged severely for whatever reason. It's maddening. My interaction with the real world is to deal with people without them ever figuring out that I'm a 'fraud', whatever that means. I feel dishonest, even when I explicitly don't mean to be. I am sustained by my Catholic faith, and its instrumental to my being and keeps my cynicism in check. I wish it could be socially acceptable to talk openly about it, it feels limiting otherwise. My favourite quote is "Sometimes you have to walk past the good to get to the best." - Susan Calloway
Coby Borg: Well im me. Im half maltese. Born in straya. Lover of music. Pretty much any genre. Struggling to keep on top of work as we all are... 
Katie Hall: Gender: female Age: 19 Nationality: let's say I'm a "bitzer", no clue on where my parents come from, so I'm just a bit of everything A hole bunch of random stuff: Live by Disney's world famous Nanny's quote, "Anything can happen if you let it". I love dancing but not as much as I love my sister and I'm deadly afraid of elephant seals. Here is a picture of an adorable puppy!
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Tahlia Gill: 18, Australian My fav quote is Shakespeare (I'm original I know ) “Cut him out into little stars And he shall make the face of heaven so fine That all would be in love with the night And none would worship the garish sun.” My fav songs are zombie by the cranberries, american pie by don McLean and anything by Hudson Taylor Another quote by William Blake: a truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent Love Harry Potter, lotr, avatar and soppy rom coms haha
Amber Walker: 18, British Adventures, outdoors, camping, hiking, explorer, Hippie, coffee, animals, love a bit of ed sheeran and Adele I'd live out of a backpack if it meant i got to truly see the world.
Genevieve Blenkin: 19, female, ginger, "you always miss the shots you don't take". The picture is of the country because its such a big part of my identity.
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Stefano Rankin:20, Male, Australian, quote: victory stands on the back of sacrifice.
Mat Percival: 20, Aussie. Love a good beer and laugh with my mates and love any fiddly past times I can afford. Creative design and cars play a big role in my life, and I guess my goal is to produce works/products and a service (whatever it be) that people are amazed by and are impressed enough to tell their friends. Love a good burger as well and Hotwheels are my fav.
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Allie Cook: 21, American, favourite quote: "And in this moment I swear we are infinite." -- Charlie, Perks of Being a Wallflower. This is my life outlook to always live life like I am infinite. 
Stephanie Hirsh: I like ball park music and I make cakes
Cameron Raymond Rawstron: Age 20, Quote: “That’s a bit how ya going”, I love Amity Affliction (anchors, Don’t lean on me), What do I do: Learn about computers, occasionally exercise, try to be socially accepted, hide my pan behind a smile, am brutally honest/too real. What I wanna do: re rich, be happy, be meaningful, listen to Amity Affliction, achieve happiness. Such memes, very wow. 
Taylah Zanardi: 18, female, chronic sick kid, "there is no magic to achievement. It's really about hard work, choices and persistence", I like to present myself as someone very put together and who knows where they're going in life, citity
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
A display of authenticity- By Grace Callaghan
Lights up in an almost empty lecture room
GRACE: Luke, this assignment just isn’t me, can I perhaps write a song instead? Or do a performance?
LUKE: Audibly exhales
GRACE: But why do I need to know the definition of the unconscious and subjectivity for theatre?
LUKE: Its crucial as a creative practitioner to have a theoretical background in order to properly understand and appreciate your field.
GRACE: Spotlight on Grace Fine, but I’m doing it my way!
Black out
Authenticity refers to the confession, self-evaluation and self-expression of oneself. From the beginning of art itself individuals have struggled to reject social and cultural pressures and present a version of themselves that they believe to be true to their essence. Many creative practitioners, including myself, strive to achieve an authentic sense of self that we can portray to audiences. The individual is explored by writer Nicolas Mansfield as  “a naturally occurring unit, that is preyed upon and entrapped by society, and that true freedom and fulfilment can only be gained be rejecting social pressures, and by giving individuality uninhabited expression”- (Pg. 18). Ed Sheeran is one modern artist that inspires me to search for my authentic self, with his raw, personal, sincere lyrics such as, “When the world’s against me is when I really come alive.”
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
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- ‘The Five Senses’, (taste, smell, touch, sight, sound) Agnes Toth, Saatchi Art
Sensory Knowledge
Sensory knowledge relates to the way in which individuals connect physically to their environment via the five senses. These allow individuals their own unique perception of creative stimuli, resulting in varying creative works and interpretations. Many ancient cultures, such as the Cashinahua of Eastern Peru, called this experience ‘skin knowledge’, and used this connection survive. In modern society, sensory connection with the earth is not deemed necessary and as such is disregarded. As Katcher, A. and Beck state, “Never in history have humans spent so little time in physical contact with animals and plants...” (pg. 46. 1987)
The song Colours of the Wind from the Disney’s Pocahontas is a song that I believe personifies the earth and demonstrates the importance of connection to the earth.
Video supplied by Disney Movies Anywhere Youtube channel
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Overdetermination is to examine an insignificant or unintentional experience or concept and create from it something intense and important. Many such as Neurologist S. Freud argue that all psychological material can be over determined, as this is the way the unconscious breaks through into the outer world. an example being “ascribing the nature of an emotional outburst not only to the immediate precipitant but also to a lingering inferiority complex” ( Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012) 
Both theatre and creative writing make use of symbols, motifs and the like to express ideas and themes. Overdetermination may be employed to uncover which of these are intentional and unintentional, and where they stem from if so. 
Lights up in a dip lounge room with a wooden chair and dim curtains
GRACE: Stares longingly out the window 
TEACHER: Are they blue to represent your inner turmoil and depression?
GRACE: Well...that’s one way of describing it, to be honest I just like blue
TEACHER: Well that’s overdetermination for you 
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The above quote from the 2007 film, Blades of Glory, directed by Josh Gordon and Will Speck, is a crude representation of overdetermination of a simple idea.
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
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“Art leads people gently into their psyches,” says Edwards, “sometimes distressing things come up but somehow they can be contained by the paper. You might feel at the mercy of a nightmare or a fantasy but by putting it in a picture it becomes objectified.”
- Michelle Edwards, Jungian analyst and art therapist
The Unconscious
The unconscious, as examined by neurologist Sigmund Freud and similar practitioners, is a region of the mind that is not readily accessible to an individual. It is often described as “a repository, a ‘cauldron’ of primitive wishes and impulse kept at bay and mediated by the preconscious area” ( S. A, McLeod, 2015). It emerges through dreams, paradoxes, jokes and the infamous “Freudian slip”, whereby one makes inadvertent statements from their unconscious mind. The unconscious is one way creative practitioners channel new ideas and works, seen in Jane Alexander’s “ Art therapy – painting the unconscious mind” article.
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
The soul is the truth of who we are.
Marianne Williamson, spiritual teacher and author
Definition: Essentialism is the belief that each individual has an unchanging ‘essence’ of self called their identity. Each person’s identity is said to arise purely from within oneself and dictates ones persona. Essentialism believes this inner essence results in each person’s distinctive character, as stated by M. Williamson, rather than outside factors such as cultural upbringing. In simplistic terms, the notion of essentialism is a direct rejection of subjectivity. Some individuals have a stronger sense of who they are then others, and as seen in the music clip, are able to confidently present this. 
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Her soul was a constellation of hues and shapes. Some vivid, some faded, some grey, some silver:, triangles and quadrilaterals, diamonds and gold dust, forever twisting and turning, meandering and metamorphosing, winding and wandering, trailing and retracting, to create a beautiful artwork; a novel canvas everyday, ever-changing to craft an eminent masterpiece of her existence.
Anushka Gupta (Contemporary poet)
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-Art by Anders Røkkum
Definition: The ‘subject’ is a way of describing how an individual is influenced by the context around them, rather than a direct result of merely their own inner essence. Subjectivity is therefore the idea that we develop our identity throughout our life from experiences. We are complex and everchanging individuals, and subjectivity aims to describe how we come to be. I believe the above art, as with all art, connects with this description in the way it portrays the inconsistent complexities of the human form. The only constant, as philosopher Descartes demonstrates in his quote “cogito ergo sum” ( Discourse on Method, 1637), is our ability to think and exist. This idea gives practitioners a base for creative work, as endless inspiration can be drawn from an ever-changing existence.
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