khalidalqoud · 7 months
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فخر بكون النادي المنظمة الأكثر مساهمة في دعم المصابين بشلل الأطفال
رئيس “روتاري السلمانية”: تشجيع “الخاص” على المساهمة في دعم مؤسسات النفع العام ضرورة للمجتمع المحلي
الثلاثاء 19 سبتمبر 2023
| ياسر سليم وهبة محسن | تصوير: نسرين حمد
قال رئيس نادي روتاري السلمانية خالد القعود إن استراتيجية النادي تستهدف مساعدة المجتمع عبر المشروعات المستدامة، وليس المشروعات المؤقتة، وهذا أحد أسباب نجاح وتميز مشروعات النادي، موضحًا أن تشجيع القطاع الخاص على المساهمة في دعم جمعيات ونوادي النفع العام على غرار نوادي الروتاري، هو أمر ضروري للمجتمع المحلي. وضرب القعود مثلًا على ذلك، بتقديم النادي الأجهزة الطبية للمستشفيات الحكومية أو الخاصة، وأيضًا دعم الطلبة في مراحل التعليم، سواء بالمستلزمات أو الفعاليات، إذ يعكف النادي على تقديم حلول باقية، بدلًا من أن تكون مسكنات وقتية. ولفت في حديثه لـ “البلاد” إلى واحد من أكبر المشروعات المستدامة لنادي روتاري السلمانية، وهو سباق التجديف، الذي يذهب ريعه بالكامل إلى إحدى الجهات التي يتم اختيارها لدورها الفعّال في خدمة شريحة معينة من المجتمع، لاحتياجها الحقيقي لهذا التبرع الداعم. وذكر أن النادي قائم على تنظيم إداري دقيق ومنظم، ولديه آليات وأدوات لقياس مدى نجاح مشروعاته، ولتقييم أثرها على المجتمع؛ من أجل خدمة المجتمع بطريقة مستمرة وفعّالة، لحلحلة إشكالات مجتمعية أو بيئية، أو تلك التي تخص فئات محددة مثل ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذوي الهمم، مضيفًا “نفخر بأننا المنظمة الدولية غير الربحية الأكثر مساهمة في العكوف على تبني دعم المصابين بمرض البوليو (شلل الأطفال Poliomyelitis)”.
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khalidalqoud · 8 months
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Labour Minister receives Al Qoud Foundation Chairman
Manama, Aug. 14 (BNA): Jameel bin Mohammad Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met with Khalid Al Qoud, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Al Qoud Foundation. They reviewed recruitment and training programs to develop national capacity, as well as discussed cooperation in the 'Furas' (Opportunities) programme.
Humaidan praised the private sector for its support and contributions to the programme, which trains job seekers and prepares them for the labour market. He praised Al Qaoud Foundation's plan to prepare and assist Bahraini youth with on-the-job training in various departments of the foundation.
Al Qoud highlighted the foundation’s outcomes in training more than 1000 job seekers since its launch in 2012, affirming his keenness to enhance cooperation with the labour ministry.
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khalidalqoud · 8 months
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وزير العمل يشيد بمساهمة الشركات الخاصة في استقطاب وتأهيل المواطنين
المنامة في 14 أغسطس / بنا /
استعرض سعادة السيد جميل بن محمد على حميدان وزير العمل، مع السيد خالد القعود رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة القعود فاونديشن، برامج توظيف وتدريب وتطوير الموارد البشرية الوطنية، والتعاون في برنامج التدريب على رأس العمل (فرص)، الذي تنفذه الوزارة. وخلال اللقاء، أشاد حميدان بدعم منشآت القطاع الخاص لمساهمتها في إنجاح برنامج "فرص" الذي يستهدف تدريب الباحثين عن عمل على رأس العمل لتعزيز مهاراتهم وصقل خبراتهم وزيادة كفاءتهم من خلال اكتسابهم المهارات والقدرات المهنية اللازمة لجعلهم الخيار الأفضل في سوق العمل. ونوه في هذا السياق بسياسة مجموعة القعود فاونديشن من خلال استقطابها الشباب البحريني للتدريب على رأس العمل في مختلف أقسام المجموعة بهدف تهيئتهم ومساعدتهم للدخول بيسر في سوق العمل.
من جانبه، أشاد القعود بدعم وزارة العمل لمنشآت القطاع الخاص من خلال رفدها بالكوادر البحرينية المزودة بالمهارات التي يحتاجها أصحاب العمل، لافتاً في هذا السياق الى مساهمة الوزارة في إنجاح مبادرات المجموعة في مجال تدريب الباحثين عن عمل على رأس العمل. وقال إن المجموعة استطاعت تدريب ما يزيد على 1000 باحث عن عمل منذ إطلاق المبادرة في العام 2012م، معرباً عن استعداد المجموعة لتكثيف التعاون مع الوزارة للمساهمة في تحقيق أهداف المشروعات الرامية إلى إدماج المواطنين في مؤسسات وشركات القطاع الخاص.
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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Dear Parents and Family of Youlead,
We are thrilled to announce that the ILC Youth Leadership Program is now open for registration! This dynamic workshop is designed to empower young minds kinds aged 7 to 11 and youth age 12 to 18 with essential life skills and leadership qualities. With three levels tailored to different age groups, our program aims to nurture effective communication, self-confidence, teamwork, and more.
Program Highlights:
* Effective Communication Tools and Habits.
* Self-reliance and Self-confidence.
* Time Management and Teamwork.
* Decision-Making and Building Trust.
* Positive Thinking and Positive Language.
* Physical Presence and Body Language.
* Anti-Bullying.
* Public Speaking.
Workshop Schedule:
Level 1 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 1 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 14 to 17 October 2023
Level 2 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 2 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 21 to 24 October 2023
Level 3 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 3 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 28 to 31 October 2023
Workshop Location:
Mohammad Abdulmohsen Al kharafi Center - Dasma
Don't miss this opportunity to equip your child with the skills they need to thrive in today's world. Secure your child's spot today!
To register or for more information, please contact:
Call or WhatsApp: +965-99306665
Invest in your child's future. Join the ILC Youth Leadership Program and watch them grow into confident, capable leaders.
Best regards,
Youlead team
* #YouthLeadership #LeadershipSkills #YouthEmpowerment #LeadersOfTomorrow #LeadershipDevelopment #YouthEmpower #FutureLeaders #YouthPotential #Empowerment #YouthImpact #LeadershipProgram #YouthDevelopment #SkillsForLife #YouthInspiration #EmpowerYouth #LeadershipJourney #YouthAchievement #PersonalGrowth #LeadershipTraining #YouthSuccess #kuwait #khalidalqoud #ILCYouthLeadership #ILCYouthProgram #ILCYL #YouthWorkshop #YouthSeminar #YouthTraining #YouthEmpowermentWorkshop
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
🚫 Say NO to Bullying! 🚫
Kids and Youth deserve a safe and nurturing environment where they can thrive and grow. Let's stand together against bullying and create a world filled with kindness and respect. 💙
Bullying not only affects the victim but also leaves a lasting impact on our communities. It's time to raise awareness and take a stand to put an end to this harmful behavior. Let's empower our children and youth to be confident, compassionate individuals who support and uplift each other.
Join us in spreading the message of unity and empathy. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every child and young person feels valued and cherished. 💪
#SayNoToBullying #BullyingAwareness #KindnessMatters #YouthEmpowerment #StandTogether #EmpathyMatters #BeTheChange #ChooseKindness #NoMoreBullying #KidsDeserveBetter #YouthSupport #SpreadLove #EndBullying #RespectEachOther #SafeEnvironment #TogetherWeCan #BullyingPrevention #YouthLeadership #MakeADifference #PositiveVibesOnly
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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Dear Parents and Family of Youlead,
We are thrilled to announce that the ILC Youth Leadership Program is now open for registration! This dynamic workshop is designed to empower young minds kinds aged 7 to 11 and youth age 12 to 18 with essential life skills and leadership qualities. With three levels tailored to different age groups, our program aims to nurture effective communication, self-confidence, teamwork, and more.
Program Highlights:
* Effective Communication Tools and Habits.
* Self-reliance and Self-confidence.
* Time Management and Teamwork.
* Decision-Making and Building Trust.
* Positive Thinking and Positive Language.
* Physical Presence and Body Language.
* Anti-Bullying.
* Public Speaking.
Workshop Schedule:
Level 1 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 1 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 14 to 17 October 2023
Level 2 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 2 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 21 to 24 October 2023
Level 3 (Ages 07-11): Time 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Level 3 (Ages 12-18): Time 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date: 28 to 31 October 2023
Workshop Location:
Mohammad Abdulmohsen Al kharafi Center - Dasma
Don't miss this opportunity to equip your child with the skills they need to thrive in today's world. Secure your child's spot today!
To register or for more information, please contact:
Call or WhatsApp: +965-99306665
Invest in your child's future. Join the ILC Youth Leadership Program and watch them grow into confident, capable leaders.
Best regards,
Youlead team
* #YouthLeadership #LeadershipSkills #YouthEmpowerment #LeadersOfTomorrow #LeadershipDevelopment #YouthEmpower #FutureLeaders #YouthPotential #Empowerment #YouthImpact #LeadershipProgram #YouthDevelopment #SkillsForLife #YouthInspiration #EmpowerYouth #LeadershipJourney #YouthAchievement #PersonalGrowth #LeadershipTraining #YouthSuccess #kuwait #khalidalqoud #ILCYouthLeadership #ILCYouthProgram #ILCYL #YouthWorkshop #YouthSeminar #YouthTraining #YouthEmpowermentWorkshop
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🌟 Unlock Your Potential as an International Certified Trainer!
Are you passionate about empowering others and making a meaningful impact and become International paid trainer, coach and consultant?
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to become an International Certified Trainer! Here are the top 5 reasons why you should join:
🚀 1. Certified Human Drive & Motivation Trainer/Consultant: Master the art of igniting motivation and drive within individuals and teams, unlocking their full potential.
🌈 2. Certified Colored Brain Trainer/Consultant: Gain expertise in understanding and leveraging different thinking styles, fostering effective communication and collaboration.
🎤 3. Certified in Dynamic Speaking and Facilitation: Develop powerful speaking and facilitation skills to engage, inspire, and captivate any audience.
📚 4. Certified in Curriculum Development: Learn the art of designing impactful and result-oriented training programs tailored to various learning needs.
🏆 5. Certified International Trainer: Earn a prestigious international certification that sets you apart as a qualified and globally recognized trainer.
🗓️ Course Dates: Sunday, 10/12/23 to Thursday, 14/12/23
🏢 Location: Dubai Commerce City
🚀 Early Bird Registration (Before 1/12/2023): USD 3,500
🚀 Regular Registration (After 1/12/2023): USD 5,500
Seize this chance to become a catalyst for positive change and empower individuals and organizations to reach new heights!
For registration or more details, visit www.khalidalqoud.com or call:
🇧🇭 Bahrain: +973-33006665
🇰🇼 Kuwait: +965-99306665
📧 Email: [email protected]
Embrace this life-changing opportunity to transform lives and pave the way for a brighter future as a certified international trainer!
#InternationalCertifiedTrainer #ProfessionalDevelopment #Empowerment #UnlockYourPotential #LeadershipSkills #DynamicSpeaking #TrainingExpertise #EarlyBirdRegistration #BuildingBetterTrainers #EmpoweringChange #InspiringSuccess
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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Book your free 1 hour life coaching session and begin the journey of discovering your self and your future
Link in Khalid AlQoud instagram bio
#mentalhealth #mentoring #coachinglife #motivacion #instagood #selflove #sucesso #crecimientopersonal #personaldevelopment #fit #inteligenciaemocional #foco #desarrollopersonal #empreendedorismo #meditation #vida #fitnessmotivation #pers #selfcare #transformation #education #nutrition #wellness #coachingonline #mentor #liderazgo #developpementpersonnel #autoconhecimento #kh
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🌟 Unlock the Power of Leadership Psychology!
Are you ready to take your leadership skills to new heights? Join our internationally certified Leadership Psychology course and unleash the leader within you!
Course Outline:
🌿 Leadership Psychology: Understand the psychology behind effective leadership and how it impacts your decision-making and team dynamics.
🌿 Leadership Strategies: Learn proven strategies and techniques to lead with confidence and inspire others to achieve greatness.
🌿 Checks and Balances: Discover how to maintain a balanced leadership approach and foster a harmonious work environment.
🌿 Indicators of Success: Identify key indicators that signal your leadership success and ways to continually grow and improve.
🌿 The Psychology of Your Brain: Explore the fascinating workings of your brain and how it influences your leadership style.
🌿 Success & Leadership: Uncover the correlation between personal success and impactful leadership.
🌿 Entrepreneurship v/s Leadership: Distinguish the qualities and responsibilities of entrepreneurs and leaders, and how they complement each other.
🌿 Personal Leadership Program (PLP): Create a personalized leadership development plan tailored to your unique strengths and goals.
🗓️ Course Dates: Sunday, 3/9/23 to Thursday, 7/9/23
🏢 Location: Dubai Commerce City
🚀 Early Bird Registration (Before 1/9/2023): USD 2,500
🚀 Regular Registration (After 1/9/2023): USD 3,500
For registration or more details, visit www.khalidalqoud.com or call:
🇧🇭 Bahrain: +973-33006665
🇰🇼 Kuwait: +965-99306665
📧 Email: [email protected]
Don't miss this golden opportunity to gain invaluable insights and skills that will propel your leadership journey to unprecedented heights!
Register now and embrace the leader you were destined to be!
#LeadershipPsychology #LeadershipCourse #PersonalDevelopment #UnlockYourPotential #LeadershipSkills #ProfessionalGrowth #EarlyBirdRegistration #LeadershipJourney #EmbraceYourPotential #BuildingBetterLeaders #InspiringSuccess
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🌟 Meet the Dynamic Board of Directors for 2023-2024!
We are thrilled to introduce the passionate and dedicated team that will be leading the Rotary Club of Salmaniya into a new era of service and fellowship!
🌟 Khalid Al Qoud - Club President
🌟 Hasan Al Mansoor - Vice-President/Immediate Past President (IPP)
🌟 Janan Habib, PE - Club Secretary
🌟 Luai Noaman Agha - Club Treasurer
🌟 Sh Abdulla Alkhalifa, PP - Vocational Service
🌟 Hanadi Ansari - Community Service
🌟 Reham Yusuf - Youth Service
🌟 Sebahat Isik, PP - Rotary Foundation
🌟 Seema Baqi, PP - Membership Service
🌟 Virendra Bhatia, PP - International Service
🌟 Yazan Haddad - Club Service
🌟 Almutaz Alhami - Club Sergeant At Arms
Each member brings a wealth of experience and a profound commitment to Rotary's mission of making a positive impact in our communities. Together, they will steer our club towards new heights of service and camaraderie. This remarkable team of leaders will collaborate to design and implement transformative projects that uplift lives and create a better world for all. Together, we embark on a journey of service above self, guided by the principles of Rotary. Let us celebrate this new chapter and support our Board of Directors in their pursuit of meaningful change!
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #BoardOfDirectors2023 #ServiceAboveSelf #RotaryImpact #LeadershipTeam #CommunityService #YouthEmpowerment #RotaryFoundation #InternationalService #TogetherWeServe #BuildingABetterWorld
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🎉 Celebrating Friendship and Fellowship!
We are delighted to share a special moment as Khalid AlQoud, President of the Rotary Club of Salmaniya, attended the Rotary Club of Aley's Handing Over Ceremony Dinner at IRIS Domain, Lebanon!
This heartwarming gathering brought together Rotarians from different clubs, embracing the spirit of camaraderie and collaboration that defines Rotary.
As we pass the torch of leadership from one dedicated President to the next, we reflect on the meaningful impact Rotary has on communities around the world.
Together, we stand united in our commitment to service above self, making a positive difference in the lives of others, and fostering lasting connections that transcend borders.
President Khalid AlQoud shared, "Attending the Rotary Club of Aley's Handing Over Ceremony was an honor. It reminded us of the collective strength we have in Rotary and the power of coming together for a common purpose."
Let us continue to support and uplift each other as we embark on new journeys of service and fellowship. Together, we can create a better world for all.
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #RotaryClubOfAley #HandingOverCeremony #RotaryFellowship #ServiceAboveSelf #RotaryImpact #TogetherWeServe #GlobalConnections #BuildingABetterWorld
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🤝🏆 Celebrating an Unbreakable Bond!
We are thrilled to announce a momentous occasion during President Khalid AlQoud's visit to Lebanon! The Rotary Club of Salmaniya and the Rotary Club of Beirut Cadmos have taken their friendship to the next level by signing the Twin Club Certificate!
Twin clubs are two extraordinary clubs from different countries that come together in a powerful partnership to share and complete special programs.
Under the leadership of President Khalid AlQoud and President Gulshan Youssef Saglam, the two clubs have pledged to join forces and embark on a journey of shared service and meaningful exchanges.
Through the Twin Club Certificate, we open doors to endless opportunities for collaboration, be it engaging in service projects or fostering deep-rooted friendships among our Rotaractors. Together, we will make a lasting impact on communities, transcending borders and uniting hearts. Said President Gulshan.
President Khalid AlQoud shared, "Signing the Twin Club Certificate with Rotary Club of Beirut Cadmos marks the beginning of an exciting chapter in our Rotary journey. We are ready to combine our strengths and resources to create positive change and promote international understanding."
Our commitment to Rotary's values of service, fellowship, and global citizenship binds us together as one united force for good!
Let's embark on this extraordinary adventure together, making a profound difference in the lives of others while fostering a spirit of harmony and collaboration.
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #RotaryClubOfBeirutCadmos #TwinClubCertificate #FriendshipExchange #ServiceAboveSelf #RotaryImpact #TogetherWeServe #GlobalCitizenship #ConnectingCommunities #BuildingABetterWorld
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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📢 Exciting News! 🌟 The Rotary Club of Salmaniya has set its course for an incredible year ahead!
In an inspiring 1st meeting for 2023, led by President, Khalid AlQoud, and our dedicated board of directors, we unveiled our ambitious Annual Plan!
Embracing our core values of service, collaboration, and community, our Annual Plan is a roadmap to make a positive impact on lives and nurture a better tomorrow. Here's what you can look forward to:
🤝 Membership Growth: We are eager to welcome new members into our close-knit Rotary family! Together, we will unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, all passionate about creating meaningful change.
🏞️ Community Service Projects: Our hearts are set on addressing pressing social challenges in our community. From education and healthcare to environmental conservation and humanitarian aid, we are committed to making a real difference where it matters most.
🎉 Main Events: Get ready for an exciting lineup of events that will captivate and inspire! From fundraisers to awareness campaigns, each event is an opportunity to come together and uplift those in need.
🗣️ Weekly Meetings: Our weekly gatherings are the heart and soul of our club. It's where we brainstorm, share updates, and strategize for maximum impact. Together, we amplify our efforts through synergy and camaraderie.
🌐 Regional Collaborations: We firmly believe in the strength of collaboration! We're excited to partner with other Rotary clubs in the region, extending our reach and making a broader collective impact. Together, we can achieve even greater heights!
As President Khalid Al Qoud shared, "Our Annual Plan reflects the spirit of compassion and dedication that defines our Rotary Club. With every step we take, we aim to sow the seeds of hope and empowerment. Together, we will create a lasting legacy of positive change in the lives of those we serve."
Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming initiatives and events! Let's make 2023 a year of transformative change and togetherness!
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #ServiceAboveSelf #AnnualPlan2023 #CommunityService #TogetherForABetterFuture #RotaryImpact #CollaborationMatters #JoinTheMovement
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🤝🏆 Embracing a Global Partnership for Positive Change!
We are thrilled to announce a momentous occasion during President Khalid AlQoud's visit to Lebanon! The Rotary Club of Salmaniya and the Rotary Club of Lebanon Eco have taken their friendship to new heights by signing the Twin Club Certificate!
Twin clubs are two remarkable clubs from different countries that unite in a powerful partnership to complete joint activities and special programs, driven by the spirit of service and fellowship.
Under the leadership of President Khalid AlQoud and President Rana El Hindi, the 2 clubs have pledged to work hand in hand, making a profound impact on communities while fostering genuine connections among our community.
Through the Twin Club Certificate, we open doors to endless possibilities for collaboration, be it in engaging in service projects or simply embracing a heartwarming friendship exchange. Together, we will sow the seeds of positive change, transcending borders and uniting hearts across continents. Said President Rana.
President Khalid AlQoud shared, "Signing the Twin Club Certificate with Rotary Club of Lebanon Eco represents a beautiful chapter in our Rotary journey. We are excited to embark on this meaningful adventure together, leaving a lasting impact on lives while fostering a spirit of global unity."
Our commitment to Rotary's values of service above self and international understanding brings us together as one united force for good!
Let's celebrate this extraordinary partnership and embrace the spirit of Rotary as we continue to serve, connect, and make the world a better place.
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #RotaryClubOfLebanonEco #TwinClubCertificate #FriendshipExchange #ServiceAboveSelf #RotaryImpact #TogetherWeServe #GlobalUnity #ConnectingContinents #BuildingABetterWorld
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🌿Leading the Way Towards a Greener Future!
We are thrilled to share a momentous event that brought together the dynamic leadership of Mr. Khalid AlQoud, President of the Rotary Club of Salmaniya, Dr. Gulshan Youssef Saglam, President of the Rotary Club of Beirut Cadmos, and the visionary Ms. Rana El Hindi, President of Rotary Club of Lebanon Eco - organized (The Green Leader Forum).
This incredible initiative united these esteemed leaders to discuss two vital aspects of our collective journey towards sustainability.
Mr. Khalid AlQoud, with his wealth of experience, covered the Leadership section, inspiring the audience with invaluable insights on becoming effective and compassionate leaders, driving positive change in our communities.
Mr. John Rbeiz, a Consultant in Environmental Sustainability, graced the event as a speaker, delving into the critical environmental part, shedding light on ways we can preserve our planet and protect its precious resources for future generations.
This Green Leader Forum was a true celebration of unity and collaboration, fostering a space for thought-provoking discussions and inspiring ideas that can shape a more sustainable world.
President Khalid AlQoud shared, "Coming together for the Green Leader Forum was an honor and a testament to Rotary's commitment to environmental stewardship. Let us continue to be agents of positive change, empowering green leaders across borders."
Dr. Gulshan Youssef Saglam added, "As we unite our strengths, we realize that the journey towards a greener future is a collective responsibility. The Green Leader Forum is a stepping stone to making a lasting impact."
Ms. Rana El Hindi emphasized, "Together, we hold the key to a more sustainable world. The Green Leader Forum was a platform to ignite change, and we will continue to build on this momentum."
Let us carry the torch of sustainable leadership and environmental consciousness, lighting the path towards a brighter, greener tomorrow.
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #RotaryClubOfBeirutCadmos #RotaryClubOfLebanonEco #GreenLeaderForum #SustainableLeadership #EnvironmentalSustainability #TogetherForAGreenerWorld #RotaryImpact #CollectiveResponsibility #BuildingABetterFuture
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🌟 Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders!
In a remarkable display of unity and compassion, Mr. Khalid AlQoud, President of Rotary Club of Salmaniya, and Dr. Gulshan Youssef Saglam, President of the Rotary Club of Beirut Cadmos, joined hands to conduct a transformative Youth Leadership Workshop for the orphanages of The Social Welfare Institutions (Dar Al Aytam Al Islamiya) in Beirut, Lebanon.
This incredible initiative was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Rotary Club of Beirut Cadmos, Rotary Club of Salmaniya, and Besme International Group, all dedicated to supporting youth development in Lebanon.
During the workshop, young hearts were filled with inspiration, as they engaged in activities and discussions that fostered leadership skills, self-confidence, and a sense of purpose. It was a day of empowerment and encouragement, reminding these bright souls that they possess the potential to shape their own destinies.
President Khalid AlQoud shared, "It was an absolute honor to be part of this workshop, witnessing the spark in the eyes of these incredible youth. As Rotarians, it is our duty to nurture and guide the leaders of tomorrow, and this collaboration embodies the true spirit of Rotary."
Dr. Gulshan Youssef Saglam added, "Together, we are making a difference in the lives of these young minds. The impact of this workshop will ripple through generations, empowering them to overcome challenges and embrace their unique abilities."
At the heart of Rotary lies the belief in creating positive change, and this workshop stands as a shining example of the impact we can make when we come together with a shared purpose.
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #RotaryClubOfBeirutCadmos #YouthLeadershipWorkshop #EmpoweringTomorrow #CollaborativeEfforts #ServiceAboveSelf #RotaryImpact #TogetherWeCan #YouthDevelopment #BuildingABetterWorld
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khalidalqoud · 9 months
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🤝🚩 Strengthening Bonds Across Borders!
We are thrilled to share a heartwarming moment of friendship and collaboration between the Rotary Club of Salmaniya and the Rotary Club of Beirut Cedars!
During President Khalid AlQoud's visit to Lebanon, a beautiful banner exchange ceremony took place between President Khalid AlQoud and President of Rotary Club of Beirut Cedars, Ramzi Abou-Samah!
This exchange symbolizes the deep connection between our two clubs, uniting us in our shared mission of service and fellowship.
President Khalid AlQoud expressed, "It was an absolute honor to visit Lebanon and engage in this meaningful tradition with the Rotary Club of Beirut Cedars. This exchange represents the essence of Rotary, and we look forward to working together to create a positive impact in our communities."
As we combine our efforts and resources, we are excited about the possibilities of impactful projects and initiatives that will make a real difference in the lives of people in both Bahrain and Lebanon! Together, we can achieve greatness!
#RotaryClubOfSalmaniya #RotaryClubOfBeirutCedars #BannerExchange #Friendship #Collaboration #ServiceAboveSelf #RotaryImpact #TogetherWeCan #ConnectingCommunities #BuildingABetterWorld
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