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Life hacks/Tips Here
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My "pake" doesn't exist anymore.
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haist!!can't explain how Im feeling every time I saw this picture in social media :( may God bless their family and strengthen their faith..
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“We were told we were fighting terrorists. The real terrorist was me. The real terrorism is this occupation." Mike prysner - US soldier fought in Iraq 2003.
"قالوا لنا أننا جئنا لنحارب الإرهاب، الإرهابي الحقيقي هو أنا والإرهاب الحقيقي هو هذا الإحتلال" مايك برسنر - جندي أمريكي قاتل أثناء الإحتلال الأمريكي للعراق 2003.
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Understand that the present moment is all you have. It is all you can count on with certainty. Do not get too comfortable with the idea that there will be other opportunities, because sometimes, there won’t be. And it should be that fact alone that encourages you to be as open and raw as you can. It should be that fact alone that eradicates any fear or pride within you that might be holding you back. Be honest. Be loving. Be kind. Live in such a way that you can confidently say that everyone whom holds a precious space in your heart is aware of their importance to you. Of their importance to this world in general. Say what you feel, when you feel it. And most importantly, mean it. I am so tired of seeing individuals filled with such regret. Regret that they didn’t say enough or do enough. Regret that they didn’t give it absolutely all they had. I hear these people talk about how they have so many unspoken words within them. And I think the worst part is that they’re completely okay with keeping it that way. But what are you left with then? A soul filled to the brim with unuttered “I love you”s, “I miss you”s and “I’m sorry”s. And they pile up so high you can barely even breathe. Or even worse, you attempt to become ignorant to their existence. You attempt to cover them up, thinking that maybe if you ignore them hard enough, they might just disappear. The reality is that they won’t. They might become easier to live with, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t whisper to you in between the moments of silence within your mind. Between the empty, gracious spaces in your train of thought. Like when your coffee is brewing two years later and the smell of the morning is something you’ve come to love. You go to reach for the sugar jar and there it is. The faint, “maybe”. Maybe if you had just put your ego aside and let her know before it was too late. Maybe if you had told him to stay instead of leading him to believe that your life would remain undisturbed by his departure. Maybe if you had called her that night to make sure she was okay, instead of hoping the mind games would bring her to you first. Maybe. And suddenly you snap out of it, and your coffee is now cold. Just like the pieces of your heart you have left unexamined. And truly, what way is that to live? Because I would rather spend that morning with warmth inside of me knowing that even those who are now strangers can, with conviction, say what they mean to me. Knowing that I lived with an honesty so deep that that was even made possible in the first place. And isn’t that what we expect from others? Untainted sincerity? The kind that you can sense simply by gazing into someone’s eyes. Words and actions without ulterior motive. The kind that not even the strongest of doubts can shake. Yet how can we expect this out of our fellow kind, without us ourselves giving it? How can we expect others to give 100% of themselves, while we attempt to get by with giving 80? I say give that 100%. Give it even when others give you nothing. Give it even when it hurts. And some may call that foolish. That living in such a way will leave me nothing but empty. When really, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more full. Some may say that it’s like begging for emotional and mental suicide. That it’s unrealistic to live that way in a world where everyone seems so selfish. But really, they just fear the weakness that emotions grant us. They fear the nakedness of being. And the grand truth is, that nakedness? It’s the whole fucking point.
1/20/15 (via niggablvd)
(via eternal-smilez)
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It’s as if I came into this world with a vacant heart ready to be filled. Ever so often, I discover pieces of myself within places I did not know existed, or ways I did not think were possible. They come to me in revelations; pounding and kicking at the door of my being, begging to be let in. And I am left dumbfounded. I stand with the door wide open, and without time to even process accurately, they stumble in and create a home within me. And immediately I feel much more whole. Much more myself. It is perhaps too complex to understand, but I suppose the best way I can describe it is this: I am at a downtown coffee shop at 7:25am on a Monday. My first lecture is not until 8 but, on this specific morning, I decide I have too many thoughts to write down before I can properly start my day. I sit down at a table for two and my cup is steaming with persistence. And although I know, logically, that this is an indication of its extreme heat, I firmly grasp it with frigid hands and my dry lips meet the rim. I feel the burn deeply, and my mind scolds me through the form of harsh questioning. I attempt to justify the stupidity by telling myself that my yearning superseded my factual knowledge. The rebuttal is given by my tongue, the victim of my misjudgement. It will remain wounded for some time before I can, once again, taste what fills the cup and truly enjoy it. Before the caffeine can enter me amicably, without reminder of prior failure. Prior injury. And you might wonder what this, in all of its wonderful insignificance, might have to do with a profound discovery of the self. What this might say about me as an individual, if it could say anything at all. How, in my right mind, I would be able to learn more about my nature through a bitter-tasting 10 minutes, on a frosted weekday morning. And so I tell you this: The duration of my life has been long and hard. I have followed my heart much more than I have ever followed my mind. As a result, I often fail to consider logic before acting upon my inner, utmost desires. I am a toddler walking through a candy store, opening wrappers and devouring before even examining the entirety of my options. I am a child so eager for his ice cream that he eats rapidly and messily, momentarily forgetting the definition of the word ‘clean’. The child which also, half way through his cone, comes to remember how deeply sensitive his teeth are. And he wonders why he hadn’t thought of that beforehand. You see, I am led by my cravings and I only encounter reasoning when it is far too late. Maybe that’s why one day I woke up next to you and couldn’t pin point the exact moment you became my sun. Or why, back in that agonizing month of 2011, I was suddenly 10 feet under, without any recollection of even getting in the water. And I was left gasping for air I could not seem to find. So it was on this Monday that I was able to discover the following truths: I am blind to signs of caution. And when I dive, I do so with all of my being. And sometimes, most times, this means I will end up wounded far beyond my imagination. This means I will be left battered and in need of great rebuilding. I allow everything to happen to me mindlessly, beauty and terror. And I am addicted to the idea that life can give me this type of adrenaline. I am hungry for experience. I am not careful with my heart. It is so raw and so open. It is worn on my sleeve. I give and I give and I give until I am exhausted, and then I give some more. And I am still trying to decipher whether that is a good thing.
v.m. (1/9/2015)
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Feeling SWAG dami namang LiBAG! :3
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Yung nil’like yung sariling status at picture?
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Gusto mong magtanim ng galit , pero hindi naman tumutubo. Mahal mo kasi.
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"Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle."
Robert Anthony (via funoftheday)
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I’ve been hearing my name for 17 damn years but you made it sound like it was worth something.
(via asdfghjkllove)
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I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear.
(via asdfghjkllove)
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Son, never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They’re the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They’re usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they’re a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can’t trust a man who’s afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It’s damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he’s heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl.
James Crumley  (via ding-ang-bato)
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