khathik · 2 years
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khathik · 2 years
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khathik · 2 years
1053 bounty discussion, please do give opinions
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Alrighty, I don’t wanna be that person but I’m being that person
What the heck, this isn’t fair at all??
Luffy soloed kaido and it took two of them to take down big mom
Let’s look at what everybody did here and their status
Soloed kaido in the long run
Literally died
Had to awaken his devil fruit to take down this guy, while alone
No help
Was already beat up from trying to just get to freaking kaido
Already had been tattered from being knocked by this guy twice
What did this guy do
Started fights
Made luffys life more difficult by pissing off kaido
Got his ass handed to him when on the roof with big mom and kaido with the lightning
Had to awaken his devil fruit even though there was two of them to take down big mom
Atleast took down big mom, but with aid so minus points
Had a big cool giant robot suit, punk rotten
Was also in rough shape though from getting his ass handed to him twice
Ok this guy tried to be reasonable and strategize to take down the emperors
Saved the scabbards
Saved luffy and zoros asses on multiple occasions
Still Had to awaken his devil fruit while receiving assistance
He just yelled at a bunch of people who obviously weren’t gonna listen
Contributed negatively and positively
Also got his ass handed to him on the roof with big mom and kaido
Kaidos bounty might also be bigger then big moms, and luffy still took him down alone (barely) although I did see a post that big mom and Kaidos bounty’s combined is like 8.99B and their 3 is 9B so that makes sense but they could’ve disrupted it differently, like 2B to Kidd and Law and 5B to Luffy or something like that
I just think that luffys bounty should’ve been higher and not equal with two people who did half the work
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khathik · 2 years
I’m convinced one piece is gonna end with Shanks either dead or defeated, Blackbeard defeated, Luffy finding the one piece, becoming pirate king, then he’s gonna get executed and the very last panel will be the newspapers declaring that with no more rivals in his way, Buggy D. Clown is the new God of the Pirates or some shit😭
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khathik · 2 years
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khathik · 2 years
Law and especially Kid’s bounties is what I’m gonna put in my business exam when they ask for an example of social loafing cause there’s no waaayyyyy.
Kid knows DAMN well he doesn’t deserve that bounty 😭
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khathik · 2 years
Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul and watch how your life starts to transform.
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khathik · 2 years
Food Log: 2022/06/19
Breakfast: 259
2 weet-bix: 107
200ml milk: 152
Lunch: 395
Maggie 2 minute noodles: 327
1 boiled egg: 68
Supper: 856
Fried Chicken: 585
Chips: 121
Cold drink: 150
Exercise: 11000 steps
Total calories consumed: 1546
Calories burned through exercise : (370)
Total Daily Energy Expenditure: (1692)
Daily caloric (deficit)/surplus: (516)
I DONT KNOW WHY I ATE THAT CHICKEN 😭 I need to figure out a way to stop binging on fast food. Luckily my ADHD pacing saved me😬
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khathik · 2 years
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khathik · 2 years
23 sentences that will improve your life more than any self-help book:
1. Discipline, consistency, and perseverance will take you places motivation never could.
2. Depend on yourself, never on others.
3. The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
4. Chase your dreams, not people.
5. No matter the situation, never let your emotion overpower your intelligence.
6. Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well.
7. One day you will thank yourself for never giving up.
8. Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it will happen.
9. Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done.
10. No one is coming to save you. This life is 100% your responsibility.
11. Trust yourself. You've survived a lot, and you'll survive whatever is coming.
12. You are always one decision away from a totally different life.
13. Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
14. Re-set, re-adjust, re-start, re-focus. As many times as you need to.
15. Detachment is power. Release anything that doesn’t bring you peace.
16. If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent.
17. Minding your own business will take you very far in life.
18. Promise yourself, no matter how hard it gets, you'll never give up on your dreams.
19. Don't lower your standards for anyone or anything.
20. Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts out being excellent.
21. Be crazy enough to know you can do anything you want in life.
22. Be busy improving yourself that you have not time to criticize others.
23. You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.
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