khezuonhead · 6 hours
been so stressed + depressed lately i didn't even realise it's june now
happy pride
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khezuonhead · 8 days
begging pleading crying for games i love to stop collaborating with incredibly popular properties i fuckin despise lmao
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khezuonhead · 11 days
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just watched a dove struggle with the concept of gravity and weight distribution as it tried to eat from the bottom of a suet block that it was pushing away from itself
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khezuonhead · 11 days
Getting really sick of all the "There's No Place Like Chrome" ads on youtube. There's Firefox. Firefox saves your passwords. Firefox autofills things if you want. Firefox also does things that Chrome doesn't like allow adblockers, and it does not mine your data and sell your information for advertising purposes. Google is really trying to push people to use Chrome so they can take as much data from users as possible in order to make as much money as possible and it's borderline sinister.
Anyway, download Firefox.
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khezuonhead · 11 days
remember when u were like 11 and the only thing u wanted was a lava lamp
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khezuonhead · 15 days
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khezuonhead · 18 days
"this is the destiel website! this is the destiel website!"
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khezuonhead · 21 days
recently discovered the phrase "queer as a coot" and vote we get that back into fashion but also adopt the coot as an official Queer Beast alongside frogs and rats
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look at this guy!! those FEET!
Look at their BABIES
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10/10 good bird, should be a queer icon
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khezuonhead · 1 month
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khezuonhead · 1 month
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Surefire way to get everyone saying Radelaide
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khezuonhead · 1 month
i don’t grow out of my interests they simply become absorbed into me as i get older like tree rings
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khezuonhead · 1 month
anyone want pics of my holes?
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khezuonhead · 1 month
They really should teach people how to cook in school.
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khezuonhead · 1 month
yayyyy mutuals hiiiiiiiii reblog if you love your mutualssssssss hiii mutuals
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khezuonhead · 1 month
Some black magic levels of precision.
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khezuonhead · 2 months
its beyond fucking sad like. tumblr as a site. as a function. is great. it arguably still holds a pre-internet 3.0 concept up and keeps it alive (blogs as a community tool). It functions completely uniquely from other social media. parts that haven't been eroded away by idiot companies playing hot potato are still great (i can still look through all of my posts with my archive tool, or make a new blog theme entirely).
All that had to be done was Not Dip Their Toes into the Transphobic Pool. Which isn't a hard request. It's literally just "respect the people that want to be trans and be happy and tell people that are slinging harassment at them to Fuck off".
Sure, they also need to not let the site erode more and more into this ugly little amalgam of a barely functioning ad-ridden Twitter wannabe that requires at least 2 different mobile add-ons to even function properly. But like. I'd happily support them monetarily if they weren't the most cartoonishly Scummy site.
Like I'm still on twitter and it's a cesspool. But there at least it's funny that "Cis" is considered a word that Musk wants censored for "Spreading hate speech".
Here I have to confront the fact, every few days, that whoever moderates the site will happily either Delete Trans/POC blogs without hesitation, or, if we wanna be generous, nobody moderating the site Gives a Shit and just lets Transphobe/racist hategroups run rampant on the report system.
And don't fucking forget what happened to Avery/Rita! I don't want to spread word about her without her approval, but I will say, people have no fucking clue how bad things got for her after what happened, and the fact that she's put up such a strong face when she was literally in the "Public's" Eye as a Trans Woman the CEO of a website stalked and harassed even after he personally demanded all of her blogs be Permanently erased, is beyond the pale of what should be asked for her, or any trans or poc person.
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khezuonhead · 2 months
imagine seeing on the news that two nine year old girls and the mum of one of them were mostly unhurt victims of a hit and run and your immediate thought is that you "wish [the two girls] died" and not a single thought about whether or not it's appropriate to say
but hey i guess when nobody around you will ever react with any negativity you can say whatever heinous shit you like with zero consequences
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