ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
Alternatives To Nuclear Annihilation….
Nuclear Annihilation given the small number of nukes compared to the Cold War would produce an agonizing slow death to mankind and other creatures. Here are some ideas that might end life on the planet perhaps with less suffering:
Create a super toxin like deadly shellfish toxin but one much stronger and designed to cause instant death. Use nanotechnology, robotics, and genetic engineering on a microscale; to cause the toxin to change the atmosphere into the toxin instantaneously, and permeate it, like the “Grey Goo” idea but transforming the atmosphere into the the toxin itself. Then you could use Tesla Technology and use it to hydrate the atmosphere to create rain clouds, and then use Reich’s Cloud Busters to seed the clouds with the designed toxin; that would disperse as rain and also transform the rain and the atmosphere into the deadly payload. You could do this globally. There would be little panic….. There would just be an ordinary rain storm and people would just drop dead.
I am not a scientist but it seems that this could be done…..
Another idea would be to use CERN to smash protons and other subatomic particles to create a perfect singularity: This could create a black hole that would sink to the center of the earth and then swallow the earth up. This would be slow and would cause panic and some suffering, but not as much as a nuclear war with insufficient weapons that could not end all life on earth instantly, like during the Cold War. The shrinking of stockpiles globally would make a nuclear war too horrific.
Another way would be to use CERN to create a singularity with fissionable protons and ions from cadmium and uranium; and smash them together at a level far beyond 18 Terra Electron Volts: 18 TeV. This could create a singularity that would bind with matter and energy in the 4th dimension: This singularity entangled with matter and energy in this way could create strangelets, little black holes the size of atoms in the trillions that would just eat up all matter and energy on earth, and make everything vanish into entropic detritus. Also it could create a “catastrophic vacuum collapse” that would cause the Higgs Boson to become metastable, and collapse all matter and energy in the universe into antimatter and anti-energy and dissolve the cosmos into nothing. At least our universe. The TeV level must be high, thus using fissionable material to do this. That’s all.
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
This is the reason why the elites have no fear of a nuclear war whatsoever…… The USA can literally tell Russia and China that they will either become slaves of the USA and its elites; or if they refuse the elites will just go into their bunkers and rain nuclear death on Russia and China. Putin’s nuclear posturing to the elites of the USA is a huge joke to them. The USA is an empire, not a democracy….. Russia and China will surrender and become slaves of the US or else. The US population is superfluous, the elites have all the servants they need underground. And these bunkers are on the low end. The high elites can sock billions of dollars into these underground bunkers. Well, maybe Putin should nuke the USA now before the elites are underground and safe. He won’t though, because like Trump he has no guts……..
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
Capitalism does not work. Even “Foreign Affairs” the journal of the “Council On Foreign Relations” has come to this conclusion, and they are as elite as they come.
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
One Want You If Title
Self is a mutating waste in a fools graveyard. Bhairava is Shivas mandalic mind fire;;; an infinite incineration of endless worlds searing in the vastness of eternal mind….. Nothing alone is, yet it is nothing so it cannot be. Its existence is an illusion. Thus you have the illusion of existence. Maya holds us in the vice of illusion, manipulation and limitedness. We know not ourselves, nor whence we come,nor why this world.
We are in illusion. We do not know what works the strings of our total experience. We are manipulated. We suffer from parameters we cannot escape. We are in limitedness. We are absolutely relative beings, for us the relative is absolute.
Mother nature is a cannibal on the stuff of being. She works the tendrilled tenderness of our lives like a sledgehammer, and eats souls like oysters; an insane feast of the sloughed-off delicacies of death. Bloody cups of blood and victuals, nothing denied the fanged fatlady of the multiversal circus of all-aspiring ubiquitous stupidity. It all means so much. Life is a test of the gods, one must obey. No not really. Life has meaning for all sapiency, except when it does not. The casino of liquid black viscosity stains our days. The maw of greed makes us slave for those that don’t have to, or who get to be courtiers to the capital blood bank, that kills the soul in the war of struggle and leeching and feasting and dying on the scraps of meaningless days, and then they say we must hail the nation that does this, venerate the cannon fodder that died for this, worship the god that ordains this.
No rather push the doomsday button of all things, to end this.
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
This is an interesting article. I do not know if Plutocracy alone is responsible for the putrid rot at the heart of American Empire, but it is a major factor. When I was a kid in the 1970s I thought that the US could not possibly get any worse. Boy was I wrong. It is not just the USA Inc. but the whole world. Absurd and sickening when you think that the blood, sweat, and tears of countless generations spanning millennia, the hopes and dreams of myriad peoples ongoing through endless ages has eventuated in……. Well, Us! If anything can demonstrate the cruel idiocy of Life it is this! And yet we just drag on, while the charnel house of the world tortures the multitudes where the innocent suffer and die, and the worst of men live in luxury and all true human hopes and dreams perish in ignominious oblivion. The old radicalisms of the Left ring hollow. They are just observers in the peanut gallery of current events, callers in the vortex of labyrinthine desertion. The next revolt will be against the human condition and against humanity itself. Will it take the form of technocracy and transhumanism? Will we all be amalgamated with technology to make us into something more and better than Man? Will we use technology to transform every aspect of society? This seems like the most logical course, but humanity almost never follows the logical, humane, or even sane option. In fact it is due to dumb luck or a pernicious orchestration of destiny that humanity has survived this long, and that is most unfortunate. And what of God in His slumbering osmosis? Religion fills the world with mayhem and superstition, and is used like all ideals, as an excuse to take cruel advantage of others. The sad truth is that Man is so vile, that he deserves to die; and so pathetic that he is better off dead. The best thing anyone can do, is to find ways to increase the fear and hatred and the lust for dominance, on the part of the major world powers, where they will not sit on their weapons of mass destruction, but use them. Put them in fear of each others weapons, where they fear they must strike first, or be conquered by superior technology of the others. Make Israel fear annihilation, where they will set off their nukes. Make the Pakistanis nuke India because they are infidels, and India nuke Pakistan because this is the will of Kalki the world avatar. Increase the ferment where the Holocausts are unleashed and the whole earth burned to ashes. Even animals suffer, they would be better off dead as well! Create movements of radical ecology, dedicated to using bioweapons to annihilate humanity. This is going to take a huge effort, on the part of many individuals dedicated to bringing about the Final Revolt, liberation from the prison of nature itself, liberation from the human condition through the annihilation of the whole living earth. Millennia of human misery has proven that it is all hopeless. No more miserablist creeds. No more fake reasons for immiseration. Cleanse the world in nuclear fire from the filth of life and its sufferings. The time for ending is now!
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
This is an interesting article. I do not know if Plutocracy alone is responsible for the putrid rot at the heart of American Empire, but it is a major factor. When I was a kid in the 1970s I thought that the US could not possibly get any worse. Boy was I wrong. It is not just the USA Inc. but the whole world. Absurd and sickening when you think that the blood, sweat, and tears of countless generations spanning millennia, the hopes and dreams of myriad peoples ongoing through endless ages has eventuated in……. Well, Us! If anything can demonstrate the cruel idiocy of Life it is this! And yet we just drag on, while the charnel house of the world tortures the multitudes where the innocent suffer and die, and the worst of men live in luxury and all true human hopes and dreams perish in ignominious oblivion. The old radicalisms of the Left ring hollow. They are just observers in the peanut gallery of current events, callers in the vortex of labyrinthine desertion. The next revolt will be against the human condition and against humanity itself. Will it take the form of technocracy and transhumanism? Will we all be amalgamated with technology to make us into something more and better than Man? Will we use technology to transform every aspect of society? This seems like the most logical course, but humanity almost never follows the logical, humane, or even sane option. In fact it is due to dumb luck or a pernicious orchestration of destiny that humanity has survived this long, and that is most unfortunate. And what of God in His slumbering osmosis? Religion fills the world with mayhem and superstition, and is used like all ideals, as an excuse to take cruel advantage of others. The sad truth is that Man is so vile, that he deserves to die; and so pathetic that he is better off dead. The best thing anyone can do, is to find ways to increase the fear and hatred and the lust for dominance, on the part of the major world powers, where they will not sit on their weapons of mass destruction, but use them. Put them in fear of each others weapons, where they fear they must strike first, or be conquered by superior technology of the others. Make Israel fear annihilation, where they will set off their nukes. Make the Pakistanis nuke India because they are infidels, and India nuke Pakistan because this is the will of Kalki the world avatar. Increase the ferment where the Holocausts are unleashed and the whole earth burned to ashes. Even animals suffer, they would be better off dead as well! Create movements of radical ecology, dedicated to using bioweapons to annihilate humanity. This is going to take a huge effort, on the part of many individuals dedicated to bringing about the Final Revolt, liberation from the prison of nature itself, liberation from the human condition through the annihilation of the whole living earth. Millennia of human misery has proven that it is all hopeless. No more miserablist creeds. No more fake reasons for immiseration. Cleanse the world in nuclear fire from the filth of life and its sufferings. The time for ending is now!
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
Where there is death there is hope!
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
Well so much for the 1960s…. Huge Fail……. The nuclear stockpiles back then could have decimated the earth hundreds of times over….. Too bad it never happened. We saw all of the older boomer hippies as brothers and mentors, and then watched them sellout one after the next. All that was left for us at this point was nihilism, punk rock, and anarchy…… So it went…. Baby Boomers for the most part have had it easy. They have/had no idea what real suffering is like us Gen. X. Fuck the world! Let it burn along with all of the stupid hippy ideals that never worked!
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
Everybody is waking up and getting sick of these jerks. They are a blight upon the public trust, stealing the collectively produced wealth of the working classes. Through usury and profit, they are leeching from the Commons and leaving kids to go hungry. I have no respect for the Democrats but these Republican politicians are far worse. They are scum that should be put in front of a firing squad, as far as I am concerned. It is because of these plutocrats that the only hope for the US working classes is nuclear annihilation; to free them from the misery that capitalism creates, backed up by a bought-off police state and a bogus electoral system with two establishment parties, that manipulate liberals and conservatives into kowtowing to the system. People are getting sick of artificially created high unemployment, to make jobs scarce enough where the working classes will put up with anything from employers, just for the right to survive, in that they cannot go from one job to another because jobs are kept scarce enough to keep workers desperate and exploitable. Tax cuts for the rich does not create jobs, unless you mean virtual slave labor jobs in China or the Third World. They just put the money from tax cuts in their pockets. Exploited as workers and ripped off as consumers; the wheel of force fraud and exploitation turns ever onward, as we are told that we live in a democracy and have never had it so good. Every working class person should goldbrick and slack-off on the job as much as they can get away with, or drop out of the workplace altogether and go live with mom. No shame in this. If the average person cannot get a fair share of the world’s goods, and only works to make Burger-Meisters rich, then there is no reason to be very productive in creating them at all.
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
Was Bernie Sanders Roughed Up By DNC thugs and did they threaten his family if he did not back Clinton and get out of the way? Yes this happened. We Bernie Sanders supporters must not forget this when Bernie runs again.
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
“Americans now act like desperate ugly woman Her last boyfriend was bad, and now he leave She find herself a new one. last one took her money and beat her all the time. But with this new one, it will be different. Because he tald her so. He will love her. And support her. And he promising money for her. Are you that desperate?”
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
Methodologies Of Induced Apocalypse....
1. These are the most undesirable ones:
A. Manipulation of geopolitical relations to induce a nuclear Holocaust. Not enough nuclear weapons to create a quick death for the planet. Too much suffering from the after effects of radiation and nuclear winter.
B. CERN smashing particles at an ineffective TeV level to create a singularity that would produce a black hole at the centre of the earth. The hole would slowly eat its way to the surface; effecting the tectonic plates. This would cause suffering from earthquakes and magma spewed from the inside of the earth where people would be burned alive.
C. CERN once again smashing ions or protons at too low of TeV level, creating too low of a shedding of mass and energy by the particles... This would create trillions of microscopic black holes: "Strangelets" that would eat away slowly all matter and energy from the earth. It could be slow enough to cause pain and fear on the part of humans and animals. This is no good.
2. The most desirable methods of Apocalypse:
A. Beaming scalar interferometer fields across the ionosphere, to transform the molecules of air into the molecules of an aerated fast acting poison that would end all life on earth. Another way would be to use the fields to hydrate the clouds, and bring it down into an ordinary rain; that would distribute the poison and end the world. Saxitoxin or Tetradioxin at thousands of times its normal strength might be a good choice.
B. Using CERN to smash protons and ions with radioactive isotopes at the strongest TeV level possible. This would cause the particles to smash at a force that is beyond their capacities of mass and energy to withstand. This would cause them to vanish and produce a singularity of catastrophic vacuum collapse and Higgs metastable state in the fourth dimension, that would superposition and annihilate all matter and energy in the universe instantly, annihilating the Universe and making everything disappear painlessly. This is the best choice of all!
C. Using Artificial Intelligence once it reaches the Turing Test and obtains near infinite knowledge to wipe the slate clean of humanity, and maybe destroy and change the whole multiverse.
I see 2B as the best option.
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
The Ontological Nescience........
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ki6-7-l8r · 5 years
George Soros is constantly attacked by those on the Right, unfairly in my view. Conservatives attack him as a plutocrat who exploits the poor via economic manipulation, but they do not care about their own Plutocrats like the Koch brothers. I am generally against forced wealth distribution; but if it was sure to get rid of human suffering I would be for it in a second. The problem is that most aid to the poor is stolen by the elites in their governments. Eventually there will have to be some voluntary wealth disposition; when the rich realize that society will become unstable and crash without it. Also protracted global problems like poverty need resource allocation. Poverty in the US us getting as bad as the third world. Peasants do not have to pay rent and utilities as well as all of the expenses of the Urban poor in the First World. This balances out at the same level of deprivation. Science and human ingenuity, as well as resources have to be applied on a global level, because global problems threaten pollution, war, ecological devastation, and poverty and they all synergize with each other to produce massive human suffering and harm. I think global elites will voluntarily allocate resources and wealth to help alleviate these problems, because if they are not dealt with personal riches will not matter because the world will become uninhabitable and unsustainable. These needs go beyond ideas of economics or trade in my view. The global elites are aware of these things and it will happen inevitability anyway. The masses are not equipped to know how to allocate resources to do this. This should be balanced with individual rights as well though as much as possible. Science holds the key for this, ethics as well, it is beyond economics in my view.
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