kiabeazer · 4 years
this is just a random thought but what would the word be if people werent able to exspress themselves i imagine it bland no bright colors regemented, i actually find it quite an uncomfortable thought with something as simple as not being able to chose your own clothes, so much passion color and individuality would be lost i personally think thats crazy.
like try and imagine that its near impossible and them imagine taking away the freedom of speech and then the freedom of choice like little by little just simple things we take for granted get taken away fro us and them what, we are basically robots (mind blown)
but again just a random thought 
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kiabeazer · 4 years
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fast fashion is the issue that’s created the need for sustainable fashion.
Fast fashion is the term used to describe inexpensive fashion that moves quickly from the run way to stores to meet new trends but there are allot of ethical issues with fast fashion and i am going to tell you a few. 
an impact of fast fashion is that there is a huge pressure to speed up production and reduce prices, this can lead to poor treatment of employees also as the clothes are inexspensive people tend to not wear them as often there for it is not good for the enviroment as they all end up in landfill.
 a company for example is pretty little thing they are a great example of fast fashion as there clothes are exstremely affordable but not off very high quality.
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kiabeazer · 4 years
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up-cycling and recycling 
up-cycling is a branch of recycling and it is that instead of turning waste materials into new materials it gives materials that would be thrown away a new purpose or use, so renewing old products 
the second picture is a great example of up cycling and extremely creative using the chain from a bike to create a candle holder  this is a prime example 
Necklace Made of Watch Parts
Traffic Light Bird Feeder or Bath 
these being some further examples but the list goes on you could teniqually up cycle with anything you want  
recycling is when a object is turned into a competly different object so it no longer has it original purpose, so is very different to upcycling.
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kiabeazer · 4 years
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1. Near threatened species
2. vulnerable species
3. Endangered species
4. Critically endangered species
5. Extinct
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kiabeazer · 4 years
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its a species that is An endangered species is a species of very small population threatened with extinction he first being a
.Near threatened species- it can be considered threatened with extinction in the relativity close future, although it does not quite yet qualify for the threatened status.
.Mountain lions
.White rhino
.Vulnerable species-they are likely to become endangered unless the circumstances that are currently in and the aspects threatening its survival and reproduction rapidly improve. Vulnerability is mainly caused by habitat loss(where they live) and destruction of the species home.
Barasingha. treknature
Blackbuck. Flickr
Nilgiri Langu
.Endangered species- An endangered species is a species of very small population threatened with extinction he first being.
.Black rihno
.Aumr lepored
.Critically endangered species-it is a species that is of high risk of extinction in the immediate future with very little hope if its circumstances dosen’t change.
.Cross river gorrila
.Extinct-this is a species that no longer exists. 
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kiabeazer · 4 years
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my names kia beazer i am 17 years old and am studying fashion,well just started, my love for fashion sparked from a verity of different reason, first being my family being a family with a passion for fashion and my parents always allowing  me to express myself through fashion therefore never capping my creativity. i find fashion and art as a whole so magical as the messages that are able to be portrayed though just a picture,painting or clothing piece is crazy and how such simple thing is able to tackle world wide issues. the beauty of how every person is able to take there approach on it so differently like the saying “1 picture speaks a thousand words” .the world fascinates me and so do people ive always been abit of a people watcher i would like to say i am a very good judge of character, i am lucky to live in an incredibly divers city where i would say people are very able to be them such as there clothing choices there beliefs, religious beliefs the list goes on i believe living where i have has shaped who i am also not just from the place i live but the world i was born in to, i was born into a world of split culture from the get go as i am mixed raced half Caribbean and half white, i had the privilege of being extremely close with both sides and although the culture difference is defiantly there i always felt at home with both sides, this is not to say i didnt struggle with finding who i am as i felt a pressure to relate more with your black culture as to a person walking down the street that is how they would see me as my skin completion is dark but growing up i relised it dosent mater how others view me i am me in every form how i dress how i think,feel its all in the end on my own terms. and thats why fashion inspires me as its a f**** you to stereotypes and the way things are “ment” to be.
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