kialle · 13 days
i've been strictly vegan for 2 weeks now but im going to a show in washington with other girls. theyre chinese and one is japanese, so big time meateaters. we went to a dumpling place where everything we ordered had meat in it. it wasnt really my choice but i shouldnt have eaten at all but it would have been rude if i hadnt. ugh. but at least i know now its not something i crave for. theres just a lot of meat dishes that require spices and preparations that make it taste good. i'm glad that this experience makes me realize that i dont need to eat flesh at all.
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kialle · 2 months
been a minute since i posted and a lot happened. but i just need to say now that i've been seeing a guy and idk if we're official or anything like that. but last night he posted stories, i saw one that he was going out that night and another one but i didnt see it bc i wanted to wait until he saw mine. i went out to a club to see a dj that was at the festival i was at last weekend. i didnt rly have to go but i didnt want to stay home while he's out. he's currently in mexico, a trip he is soloing bc it was planned before he met me. i posted some stories, he didnt see them yet. i was gonna look at his story but i noticed that it looked like i've seen them already and i was like huh? i looked at them again but they were ones i've already seen plus the one about him going out that night was deleted? idk now i feel bad? like what happened? maybe he didnt want me to see something? did he sleep with someone and feels guilty? and thats the thing, idk if we're exclusive or anything. but i'd still feel pretty bad if he did sleep with someone else. and he's not the type of get girls, but he is in mexico partying, so who knows if a girl was interested in him? he did tell me he was "faithful" and asked if we should tell our parents about each other when i was with him last week. honestly i dont know how to feel now but i guess we'll find out if he talks to me today.
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kialle · 4 months
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got my navel pierced spontaneously yesterday!! i wanted to get this done bc its cute but i was sure if i was committed to it bc its a hole in my body now??? but i'm glad i got it done so i'll look cute at fvded
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kialle · 4 months
i was covering a shift today so i wasnt even supposed to work. but i did and like right before 5pm fucking my old situationship came in. i recognized him from far away but we didnt make eye contact. i wonder if he recognized me bc he didnt come near. i told my coworker and she literally crouched down to see him as he went down the escalator omgggggggg!! he mightve seen her from the mirror TTTTTTTTTTTT
i thought he was gone but he came back UP bc the mens activewear was upstairs and he took off his hoodie. and then i saw him talking to a not so attractive girl im assuming was his gf???
i was on cash but i ran away bc i didnt want to be around him or bump into him. UGHHHH i rly hope he doesnt come in and return something BUFbdsnasfbsdiafnsanfiCL
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kialle · 4 months
i got my childish gambino ticket today. i was thinking of getting 2 but its on a monday sooo probably wont find anyone to go with.
i got it during presale on the dot when it was released. and the map was pretty much black and was selling fast. there were a lot of pairs left but i got one seat at the end for $199+.
i look back on the site to check if it was really sold out. a decent amount of seats were left over. probably by ppl who had it in their cart but couldnt purchase bc they didnt have an amex.
so there were cheaper seats but i saw that the seats NEXT to mine were like $50 cheaper like wtf??? and i checked if it were the fees or something. but no. the price itself was different. ticketmaster suckssss so much. they probably had like a surge price or something for the presale so customers cant tell if tix sold out early anyway.
i mean.....i'm not gonna try to fight it or sell my ticket (which is more expensive than the seats next to me) and buy one thats $50 cheaper. it sucks but i guess i have to live with that 😭
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kialle · 5 months
this was in the drafts. lmaoooo i need to watch the final season ;-;
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kialle · 5 months
i always get spam texts and i ignore them. i do get some texts that say "hi" or something like that and i can tell that it was a real person. but i dont know who they are bc i dont have their number saved so i have no idea who they are. and im too scared to answer because 95% of the time, its probably someone that i dont want to speak to again.
i did receive a text in dec and i just buried the text bc i didnt know who it was and i never answered. i found it again today and i realized that i didnt delete the conversation from before and i understood who it was and now im sad.
i do consider them to be my friend and i was sad that i couldnt see them bc of my relationship. and im sad that i didnt respond and its april now so i dont think that they'll say anything to me. also i feel embarrassed about meeting them again after years and nothing has changed and they probably have a career now ;-;
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kialle · 6 months
i felt like checking my grade for my course today and i got a 93??? i thought i was doing poorly because i barely watched the lectures. and i just saw that my grade was submitted today. im glad that i dont have to retake this course bc it would have been a waste time and money. it was my last course and now i have to do the project. i should be doing it now but i dont feel ready yet. so im going to do it in the fall, i dont feel ready to do it now but i am really getting tired of my retail job.
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kialle · 6 months
that shit fucked up
i accidentally posted this to my main acc omgggg. reposting from march 28th:
i usually start work at 8am so i wake up at 6 so i can leave by 7. last sunday night was hard bc my brother's friend and his gf was up until 1:30am drinking. i told my mom to tell them to go home/go to sleep. and they were done when he left.
and it happened again today on thursday. i was trying to sleep and my sister was being loud bc her cat was bleeding. but my brother and his gf was up too. and she was drunk and being loud.
she was being so loud, i acutally thought it was the mother of my brothers son (who is an addict). i tried to sleep again and i was woken up again at 5am. i was pissed so i got up because i had to get up in 1 hour. i yelled saying i have to get up in an hour and to go to sleep.
she screamed i dont care which is wild. she is usually timid around me and tries to not cause drama. so i nudged her towards my brother's room and said go to bed.
then she pushed me and i was like wtf??? and she kept lunging at me and we grabbed each other's hair. i kept pushing her so she would get off of me and we fell, me on top of her. i was yelling and my mom got up. my brother and sister were just watching. and she lunged at me again and scratching my face and my mom jumped in trying to get her off me.
this made my mom so mad and she was yelling for them to get out. i went back into my room trying to calm down. there was no point of me going to sleep because i couldnt. my mom went out to the garage to tell my dad what happened. but she was still yelling saying how was i going to pay rent like??? she doesnt even have a job. and she was saying to go back to my slut school??? like she wasnt making any sense. she said that she was going to take me to court and get her friends to smash my windows in and have a "hit" against my head.
i told her to go that this is my family. she talks with such entitledment. she thinks that she's safe here just because my dad leaves her alone, shes laughs around my sister and mom. my brother have tried to kick her out the house so many times and threw her down the stairs. yet she still came back.
she doesnt contribute to the house. she doesnt do any cleaning. she doesnt work and pay bills. same with my sister but shes struggling. this woman is older than me and just leeches off of us. she eats our food, uses our internet, power and heat. my poor dad has to do all the dishes for the 7/8 people that live here. my mom uses all of her income towards the house and groceries.
i just started crying and i went out to go see my mom. i was telling her to get her out of the house or i wont ever see her again. that sounds dramatic as hell but like after this??? how could i go on living in that house if she was still there??? so i was just standing there with my mom and brother wondering what to do because she was in the next room still yelling.
we all agreed that she needs to leave. and i wanted her gone before i came back from work. so i did go to home and i was so tired and had no appetite. i didnt go to the gym bc i wanted to make the police report asap. i couldnt do it at work because ppl would overhear. so i made the report via phone call and she calltaker was lovely. she seemed to genuinely care. honestly, i wasnt expecting that and she said that officers might come by later, which i wasnt expecting at all.
i was in class and the police called me and i spoke to them outside. he was talking what my options were and if i wanted to give a statement. and if i wanted them to get into contact with her to tell her she cannot come to our house again. i said no bc it might rile her up and try to get me. but he gave me his card to contact him or call 911 in case she does show and then proceed with idk?? an order for her to stay away??
the officer said he knew of the history of what goes on between her and my brother at our house, which is why maybe they did come. they probably only come to stop them from being a disturbance bc my mom did say that the officers said that they need to take care of their conflict themselves, which is fair and true, its their problem.
the officer did seem sincere towards my situation. i can tell they dont really care about my brother and his gf bc it really is their problem. but it becomes an issue if they are involving and endangering others.
i didnt want them to contact her but we agreed that its good that this incident is recorded and i can get her removed from our house if she shows up again.
i think its just so funny how she thought she was immune just because she wasnt fighting with my brother. i bet now she thinks how much she fucked up bc even my mom doesnt want her staying with us. she might be thinking she'll come back after everyone's cooled down. or maybe she's planning on attack me again. but i really think how its funny that she has to go back to her pathetic life: no job and has to stay with her extended family or friends because she has no place to go. istg i will fight for her to leave if she comes back.
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kialle · 7 months
oof kinda sad
ok so at work my coworker that i lowkey have a crush on got fired. my other coworker who's close with our manager told me this. i was so shocked bc he was well liked, esp by our manager!! she said that he tried to fight for him to stay but HR wanted him gone.
tbh what he did is not that sinister. so at our store, we need to scan customers' loyalty and our goal is 70% which is crazy. it gives a lot of us of pressure bc we're required to have at least 60%. so, i guess he scanned his own account to get his percentage up. but its an issue bc you get points which add up to discounts. and i guess the company caught on. i mean, it's not that bad tbh!! starbucks employees would scan their own account for stars when the customer doesnt have an account. and its not a problem for the customer bc its not like theyre losing anything.
and tbh i do the same thing but not really. i scan other customer's account for customers that dont have one. this raises my percentage but im not benefitting from it other than my percentage. i mean, the customer is benefitting from this bc theyre getting points without having to pay for something. no one has said anything yet and if they do, i would just say that it was accidentally scanned.
but yeah his firing was so abrupt. my coworker said they were planning on firing him. he was supposed to work today but he didnt come. maybe he was told not to or he was pissed and called out. bc he left the work group. his photo is gone when it was there earlier today and his locker is empty. so i guess i wont see him again.
ughh i was gonna ask him if he was ok and all that. idk maybe he'll work the remainder of his shifts if he has any??? idk lets see but i dont think so.
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kialle · 7 months
ok i think i rly have a shopping addiction 🫠🥴 i bought a beis bag for my personal bag when im travelling. i got it today and its perfect and i think i can fit a lot in it.
but i just discovered that they released a pink colour of the bag like days after i made the purchase. and now im like wtf. i would have gotten it bc its a gorgeous shade of pink. but also the black is good bc it wont stain and i can use it for work. i also think its more durable bc the material whereas the faux leather ones will crease and crack.
i bought a bag for work but its small. i mean, i bought the larger version of the bag so it can fit a laptop. but the beis is wide so it fit more which may be more ideal so i bought my lunch bag as well as a purse!!
so i think i'll keep the black tbh. but the pink!!!!! i was thinking of just doing an exchange but idk if it'll come in time for when i have to leave. i would have to ship it back and wait for then to process it so they can ship out the exchange.
i was just thinking of buying it in two colours 🥴 its so expensive too its so bad. like i bought the everyday belt bag in different colours. but its different bc its cheap like $39. but these bags are like $160.......
and the pink one can be my personal travel bag. tbh i think it'll be worth it to me 🙃
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kialle · 8 months
oh yeah i had a realization! i was supposed to go on my trip on feb 19th but my bf was too tired to book the flight and i kept getting scheduled at work. so it was too late to tell my manager so we couldnt book that date. sucks bc it was cheaper too by couple $100s. anyway i couldnt gone on the trip AND gone to isoxo if we booked asap. 😭
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kialle · 8 months
oof in my rave era. fvdedinthepark dropped its insane lineup and i have to gooo. i havent been before but im so excited and now i want to go to all these edm events. tbh not really feeling most artists. but one artist ive liked is isoxo.
ive recognized the name and he's coming here on march 1st but thats the day of my flight!!!! 😭😭😭😭
i really wish that i waited a couple of days to book my flight now. and it sucks bc i cant reschedule ughhh!!!!
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kialle · 8 months
im so mad!!!!!!!! ive been wanting these shoes for awhile but i didnt buy them bc they were like $160. but i saw that they went on sale on aritzia for 50% off and i bought them 2 days ago.
i was so worried about the sizing bc i have them in white but the size is different online?? and it was final sale so i couldnt return them. i got them today and they are the same size as my other pair, its just wrong information on the website.
happy about that. but then i saw that they were further reduced. so it was from $160 to 50% off to $100 off. so now its like $63 like thats insane. these shoes were so coveted and i guess theyre out of style now??
and i cant return them (and buy them again) and they dont offer price matches. so im not gonna fight for a $17 difference. my size is still available so i should have waited??? but like im not sure if I'd be guaranteed my size.
but ughhh same thing happened to my winter boots i just bought. i got them for 20% off but now theyre 32% off couple days later and ive already worn them so i cant return/buy again. the short version of my boots are on sale, but i think im just gonna wait till its further discounted lol.
when it comes to shopping, i always buy what i want as soon as im able to bc its so possible that i wont be able to later. i feel like this mindset fuels my shopping addiction. my store are selling these mary janes online and theyre sold out. but theyre selling it in-store now so i bought my size immediately bc again, im not even sure if im guaranteed if i can buy them ever.
ugh i need to get better and stop shopping ;-;
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kialle · 11 months
there was this kids movie that i remember watching in the 2000s. i tried looking for it with the premise that i remembered. and i havent been able to find it because i remembered so little. i just remembered that it had to do with an existing children's toy or show. i remembered a girl, a young man, a magical place thats not our world, and the colours red and blue.
i tried looking for the movie based on this information and i just found it TODAY omg. the movie that was always on top of the search results was babes in toyland and it matched my criteria. but it wasnt the one because i remembered that the movie was more recent.
and i think it was a couple days ago, i actually had a dream where it revealed what the movie was. and i was like omg!! i'll look it up when i'm awake. but i forgot and i i just remembered what it was today and i found it!!!
its thomas and the magic railroad. its so random bc i didnt even watch that show but i did watch this movie. im watching it now and see the parts i remember. also alec baldwin is in this??? its so random watching him in this but i guess it makes sense bc he was in a lot of children's movies.
idk its so funny that i was trying to find a thomas the tank engine movie this entire time.
i also found another thing that i was trying to find too. there is a tv network in canada for children called treehouse tv. i remembered that there would be music videos playing that was dated by at least 10-20 years old when i watched the network in the 2000s.
there was this one video i remembered watching and ive been trying to find it forever. i remembered the rhythm of the song and how it looked. i just couldnt find it based off of that.
there is this one tiktok of a music video that played on ants in your pants and i thought that they only played that one video because it wsa puppets. but i didnt realize that they played a lot of music videos and i found a list of it on a wiki page.
for the longest time i was trying to find a list of music videos that played on the network itself and not this show. i went down the list and found the song!!!
it's a cover of 'la bamba' by charlotte diamond!!! i knew that la bamba was a popular song but i didnt register that it was this cover that i was looking for. i just remembered that it was a latin song and a woman was singing it.
im so happy that i found both things that i was looking for forever in one day!!!!
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kialle · 1 year
i finished rewataching ahs coven and i suddenly want to dress like stevie nicks. i've been looking for the perfect suede platform boots but i cannot find any. they are either too pointy or over the knee. maybe one day.
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kialle · 1 year
ok i rly do have arctic monkeys tix. sometimes i dream about things, esp what i really want. so was worried that i just dreamed about getting tix. but i have the receipt lol its real. but i did check the site again and theyre sold out on the additional tix. im so lucky that i bought them last night!!!!
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