kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Experiment 8
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
This is the result
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
Since the fan smoke wasn’t working, I decided to try the painting method.
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
I tried to experiment and make ‘smoke’ come out of the top of the fan. I thought this would take amazing photos but the pastels I used would be too heavy and would clump together. The gold foam is also getting loose on the motor so it flies off
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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I am still wanting to do the idea where a fan blows up a crepe paper lantern type thing. I was experimenting with which shapes get blown easily.  I also had the idea to cut it into strips because these flow easily. I also decided to make a gold foam stand for the fan and battery holder instead of just placing it into the 3D print
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Experiment 7
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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I also made a mini 3D print for the weekly experiment. I dipped string in plaster and wrapped it around the 3D print. I also managed to make the rope stand up by itself a bit
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Making final model cast into a plastic bag. This gives some deeper grooves and it is easier to peel away when compared to the vacuum forming plastic. With this 3D print, I made a hole on one side so the button can fit through. I filled the middle with plastic and taped it all up so no plaster would get in. However, it still got completely filled up so I needed to spend ages cracking and taking out the plaster. 
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Practicing making a fan
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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I made a larger version of my last mock up. With the gold foam mould, I wanted the outside to have an extra texture so I added tin foil then placed the 3D print inside. The texture didn’t end up being as good as I had hoped because the tin foil would just flatten and it didn’t have deep grooves.
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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I want to have the 3D print the part that incapsulates the battery and fan. I like the idea of having the edge of the 3D print showing but I want it to look very harmonious. I did I mock up print and practiced vacuum forming gold foam. The gold foam ended up getting really stuck and I needed to spend hours picking out each piece of gold foam. I also tried to melt the gold foam onto the 3D print to have more of a connection but it just melted away instead of melting onto it.
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Ideas for model
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Precedents. I like simple designs which show my calm personality trait. Then I like the idea of having a paper lantern type thing that opens up, showing that when I get comfortable I open up and am really interesting.
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Composition 2
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Composition 1
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Final Photo
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kianabutters-blog · 5 years
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Instead of having the wood perfectly square I wanted it to look more natural. I used a saw and took chunks off then used a heat gun again in order to show the deformation clearly. I wanted the resin to melt onto the wood nicely, but the heat gun didn’t really have an effect on it. I then look some photos of my final model.
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