kianajanae · 1 year
KIANA: GOOD! BECAUSE I'M SICK OF YOU DOWNPLAYING YOURSELF. KIANA: I hope you cry your eyeballs out. KIANA: I mean... is a heart to heart really necessary? KIANA: Seems like y'all laid shit pretty bare. KIANA: Don't over think it, just go with the flow. KIANA: I know I'm right love. 💛 KIANA: THAAAANKKK YOOOOOOU. ✨
text message 📲 kiana & sunday
KIANA: G O R G E O U S ! KIANA: F L A W L E S S ! KIANA: C A P T I V A T I N G ! KIANA: 😉✨ I'ma always hype you up friend and it's true as shit! KIANA: So, what, ya'll just fucked in silence? You didn't talk after? KIANA: Girl, don't sell yourself short! You're a catch and any man, including Nas would be LUCKY to have you! KIANA: This is facts! KIANA: PFTTT. Like I'd ALLOW you to miss it. SUNDAY: Girl, you're going to make me ugly cry in the middle of the hospital. 🥹 SUNDAY: I mean, it definitely wasn't silent. But like, we didn't have a heart to heart afterwards? I don't know, I'm just worried I'm in too deep and I'm going to drown. SUNDAY: You're too kind Ki, I hope you're right. SUNDAY: Ahh, I'm so excited for you. You soooo deserve this my angel.
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kianajanae · 1 year
Kiana had taken her time eating, savoring every single bite. She wasn't a foodie by any stretch of the imagination, but, she could appreciate a good meal and this was a good meal. As she ate, she could herself staring out the window and glancing over a Juliette as she moved a mile a minute taking and handing out orders. She was just finishing up, when Juliette returned and she smiled, "not long at all." As the box of cronuts was set upon the table, Kiana's mouth watered. She couldn't possibly eat anything else at the moment though, she was stuffed. "Oh," she said flipping the box open to eye the sweets. Maybe just one wouldn't hurt. "Oh, you got me," she chuckled. "Fine, I'll take them free of charge, but you better believe this is my new breakfast spot, so I'll be making up for it." Reaching into the box, she pulled one out and bit into it, then proceeded to melt into her seat as she groaned, "mmm, so good."
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The best part about the morning rush was that eventually it came to an end. As soon as the tickets stopped printing at 70mph, Juliette was finally relieved for her first break of the day, one that she decided would be spent on getting Kiana's thoughts while also bringing over the promised batch of cronuts she'd requested from their last meeting. "Sorry, hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," Juliette said as she took the spare seat across from Kiana. "As promised to, here are the cronuts you were requesting, and don't worry I know you wanted to pay for them," She continued, "You still can up front whenever you're ready." She laughed softly then, being brought a glass of water by one of the runners who she thanked profusely. "So what do you think? Not too bad right?"
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kianajanae · 1 year
Nodding slowly Kiana, bit her lip. "If you're sure," she smiled gently. She absolutely didn't want to interrupt or throw off the schedule. She knew how important routine was for children around Gunnar's age. "I don't mind waiting. I'm honestly, just honored to be invited into your tradition."
As Agnes invited her inside, Kiana she took a step in before she stopped immediately. "Of course," she toed off her shoes with the quickness, leaning over the grab them and place them onto the shelf before entered the rest of the way. "I hate tracking on my floors too," she chuckled understandingly before her eyes too in the barn in awe. "Oh, I love how you've decorated," and she meant that. "Are all these pieces from Sweden?"
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"Nej, nej." Agnes didn't hesitate to wave off Kiana's words. "Now is a good time. You might just have to wait a few minutes for fika... Gunnar likes to eat a snack when he wakes up sometimes." When her son was just a few months younger, he'd always want snuggles and to nurse whilst he woke up. It helped to soothe him from being cranky until he was fully awake. Then he'd be full of energy and want to play. The brunette missed those days. Her son still loved his snuggles; but he had no interest in nursing anymore. He just liked his sippy cup and fruit after a nap. It broke her heart. Her baby boy was growing up; and she knew she'd never get those moments back.
"You can come in." She took a step back towards the barn's side door, gesturing for Kiana to enter if she'd like. "I will ask you to take off your shoes. There is a shoe shelf next to the door." That was very much the Swede in her. She'd grown up never wearing outdoor shoes indoors. If one wanted to wear shoes inside, they'd have special indoor shoes or slippers. Outdoor shoes would track in mud due to Sweden's wet climate. She brought that mentality with her when she came to Cape May. It had been a culture shock her first time in America to learn that many households were fine with outdoor shoes being worn inside. It felt like it was 50/50 here.
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kianajanae · 1 year
"I said all that and that was all you heard..." Pinching the bridge of her nose, she let out a laugh of annoyance. "It's for your benefit, not mine," she reminded him. "And don't get cute," her nose scrunched at him, "you're clearly a total dickhead with the ladies." It wasn't shocking. Ethan was a pretty boy. Most pretty boys she knew were assholes and playboys. He was just adding to the long, long list. "The least you could do is make your intentions clear from jump."
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Smiling softly, she shrugged. "Nothing is set in stone yet." She wasn't the type to get her hopes up about things. She wasn't a pessimist, she was a realist. There was no use of getting all giddy about something, just for the possibility of a let down. "I'm excited but not too excited." Laughing as she watched him pose, she stepped to him, taking his chin and turning his head to the left and to the right. "Hmm, I don't know. I think that jawline is built for a sculpture." Now why she was paying him a compliment she'll never know.
Ethan's forehead puckered as he considered's Kiana's advice. Sure, she was probably right. Communication was key and letting someone down clearly was probably better than leading someone on. Blah. Blah. Blah. But it just wasn't Ethan's style. He was a man of few words, and didn't get attached. He sure as hell wasn't going to talk about his feelings and shit. Besides, he didn't always get their number afterwards. "Hey, I'm not the worst." Ethan finally piped up. After all that tough love, this was the sole fact that Ethan zeroed in on. Eventually his expression let up, and he met Kiana half way. "Fine, I'll leave a note next time."
A grin grew slowly across Ethan’s features and his eyes flickered from the artwork back towards Kiana. "Atta girl. Always rootin' for you, Ki." He was genuine. Of course, the athlete didn't know shit about the art world, but could recognize talent when he saw it, and he thought Kiana had talent. "And I got the best idea for your next master piece." Ethan added, a mischievous glint in his eye. He posed next, flexing his bicep from beneath his cut-off sleeve in all its glory. The worst part was he was dead serious.
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kianajanae · 1 year
KIANA: G O R G E O U S ! KIANA: F L A W L E S S ! KIANA: C A P T I V A T I N G ! KIANA: 😉✨ I'ma always hype you up friend and it's true as shit! KIANA: So, what, ya'll just fucked in silence? You didn't talk after? KIANA: Girl, don't sell yourself short! You're a catch and any man, including Nas would be LUCKY to have you! KIANA: This is facts! KIANA: PFTTT. Like I'd ALLOW you to miss it.
text message 📲 kiana & sunday
KIANA: awe thank you! you know what, you're gorgeous too or whatever 💁🏽‍♀️ KIANA: 🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️ KIANA: I'm just stating the cold hard facts! KIANA: But on the real, I'm happy for you. Finally hopping back in the saddle. KIANA: You know y'all made for each other. KIANA: Oh you're gonna make me cry! 🥺 KIANA: It's still in the works but you'll know as soon as I do. SUNDAY: oh please, I'm not arguing with you as I know I won't win, but I don't agree. SUNDAY: I know, I know, I'm happy too. I mean, I don't really know what this means for us and where we stand, but he's just such a perfect guy, honestly. SUNDAY: It's easy to think it's too good to be true though, like, he's going to meet someone better 🥺 SUNDAY: I wouldn't be your bestie if I didn't make you cry every now and then!! Make sure you do, I don't want to miss it.
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kianajanae · 1 year
The barn door slid open and Kiana's smile grew even wider to greet Agnes. "Hey!" she said probably a little too excitedly before she took a step back, making room for Agnes as she stepped outside with her. "Oh..." she said softly, a small frown on her face. "Waking up is hard to do," she smiled softly, understandingly. She looked down at the flowers in her hand and blushed a little. "I know, I know, but I simply could not come empty handed." As Agnes struggled for the word, Kiana paused, wanting to see if she would get it before she gave any input. "A vase," she finally said with a hum. "They're dahlia's and daffodil's."
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"Also, I can come back later if now's not a good time." She said in reference to little Gunnar.
After Kiana had given her the painting of the Northern Lights, Agnes had been thinking about where in the converted barn she was going to hang the masterpiece. She had little space for such large wall decor; but she'd moved some things around and made the perfect spot above her couch in the barn's little living area. It was just what her space needed to fully come together. Honestly, the addition of the painting made the barn feel more like home—even if it hadn't come from Sweden like the bulk of her other decor.
Hearing a knock on the barn's side door that was used as an entryway, the brunette gently laid Gunnar back down in his crib before making her way to answer. She knew it was Kiana; and while their scheduled time still worked, her son had opted to take a bit of a longer nap and was currently cranky as he woke up. So as she opened the door, she quickly stepped outside to greet her friend, wanting to warn her before she let her inside. "Hej, hej... Välkommen." She greeted, offering up a small smile in comparison to the wide grin worn by the other. "Gunnar is sleeping still... Or he is trying to wake up and is very knasig. Uh, cranky." She informed as ocean hues took notice of the flowers. "Kiana... I told you that you did not have to bring anything." The smile upon her face began to grow. The flowers truly were lovely. Then again, she'd always loved flowers. They reminded her of Midsommar; and that had been her favorite holiday since she was small. Making flower crowns with her little sister was one of her best memories. "They are beautiful. Thank you... I think I have a—" What was it called in English? It was close to 'vas', right? She was blanking. "—glass for flowers in the kitchen."
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kianajanae · 1 year
Resting at her table, Kiana watched as Juliette held down the very busy fort with ease and grace. God, she wasn't sure if she could handle a job such as this. It was a pressure cooker and if peoples orders weren't right the top would blow off. It was simply a lot, but Juliette seemed to make it look effortless. Pulling her phone out, she found herself replying to a few messages and of course, scrolling Instagram. Every so often, she looked up - watching as people came and went with their orders. Others sat down and pulled out their laptops to begin work? maybe?
When Juliette finally approached with her plates, she smiled widely, inhaling the scent. "Oh it's smells so good and it looks delicious." Eying the plates, she chuckled and shook her head. "I don't see any extra, what are you talking about." A smirk twitched at the corners of her lips before she picked up her fork and took the first bite. "Mmm," she hummed out in appreciation, giving Juliette a thumbs up. She didn't want to keep her while it was still so busy. She'd be around long enough to really talk and compliment the food later.
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Mornings as beautiful as they were today, Juliette knew it meant the rush would be a little intense, but certainly nothing she couldn't face. She briefly waved to Kiana before disappearing to the back to assist with the rest of the placement before the tickets started to print in the back. With her hair pulled up and her apron quickly tied on, Juliette manned down the fort as order after order became fulfilled. It seemed the online orders were especially popular today, and the actual space was steadily filling up with their regulars who were taking in the day. Ringing bell after bell, Juliette ushered one of the food runners over, pointing to Kiana's table and asking if they knew which order was the woman's once confirmed, she smiled and excused herself to deliver it personally. "Let's see, I think this is your order?" She began placing the plates down, "I'm usually not out here running but wanted to make a quick exception." Once done, she teased, "Enjoy and if you see any extra portions, I truly don't know what you're talking about."
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kianajanae · 1 year
closed — @swedethings location: agnes' converted barn
Kiana hummed softly to herself as she approached the barn with a bouquet of flowers from Fleur en Fleur in hand. Agnes had told her that she didn't have to bring a thing, but she couldn't resist. So, flowers seemed like a decent compromise. They weren't too flashy and she wasn't showing up empty handed. A win was a win. Tucking her locs behind her ears, she knocked on the door to the converted barn and waited with a bright smile plastered across her face.
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kianajanae · 1 year
Agnes merely nodded. "Jo. I am." When it came to foods, peanuts were fortunately the only thing she was allergic to. She couldn't imagine being allergic to something as wonderful as strawberries. Or being allergic to shrimp like her little sister. At least with peanuts, it was a food she has zero interest in. She thought they smelled horrible; so she honestly didn't care that she couldn't eat them.
"Kiana, you painted me this incredible painting... This is worth more then you bringing something for fika. Do not think of it as coming empty-handed. This painting is more then enough." And Agnes meant it. There was nothing Kiana could bring for their fika that would even come close to this gift. But alas, if Kiana insisted on bringing something, the brunette knew she couldn't stop her. She just didn't want her to feel obligated to get her anything further after this incredible painting. The painting was truly more than enough. She still couldn't believe the other had painted it for her. Ocean hues trailed down to the canvas; and much like before, she found herself speechless.
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kianajanae · 1 year
KIANA: awe thank you! you know what, you're gorgeous too or whatever 💁🏽‍♀️ KIANA: 🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️ KIANA: I'm just stating the cold hard facts! KIANA: But on the real, I'm happy for you. Finally hopping back in the saddle. KIANA: You know y'all made for each other. KIANA: Oh you're gonna make me cry! 🥺 KIANA: It's still in the works but you'll know as soon as I do.
text message 📲 kiana & sunday
KIANA: Let's do it then! I've got a new tight ass dress I've been dying to slip into. KIANA: L M F A O. KIANA: Don't get shy about it now. You the one that fucked him. KIANA: So, what you're saying it, the kids are in your guts. Got it. KIANA: 😈 Ohh, girl, I'm living vicariously through you. KIANA: He touched your soul didn't he. KIANA: Now, friend, you know I don't like dick, give me silicone please. KIANA: Oh you're too kind. I'd love to do a commissioned piece for you. SUNDAY: Ooh girl, you look /fine/ in everything you wear. I'm jealous. SUNDAY: You know, you're making me regret texting you already 🫠 SUNDAY: KIANA 😳 SUNDAY: I'm now completely ignoring this conversation and swiftly moving on. SUNDAY: Anyway, I will love anything you paint, so feel free to surprise me with a piece. When is this new show you are potentially having your art shown?? I'll have to make sure I'm not working so I can come, if you want.
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kianajanae · 1 year
Chuckling softly, Kiana replied back to Juliette, "Good morning, it's a beautiful morning today and I see it's busy as hell in here." Her eyes moved from the pasties and Juliette to the bustle and bustle that was the morning rush. She'd always known coffee shops and bakeries were busy in the mornings as people had to get their caffeine fix before they began work but thing was, it was Saturday. So were they headed to work or were they just addicted. The world may never know. Looking back at the area Juliette as pointing too she nodded with a smile. "You're right about that." She definitely had full intentions of just getting her sweets but knew her stomach would hate her for it later.
Quickly, she made a beeline for the indicated table before anyone else could snatch it up. She took in more of the cute café and couldn't help but to grin, she'd definitely be finding herself here often.
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Early morning prep was where Juliette thrived, especially when she had the chance to pop in bakery items that were chilling overnight. There were plenty of loaves of bread in different variations, some gluten free, others that were laced so intricately with decorations that she was slowly mastering. Then came piping in custards, jams, and creams into certain pastries and soon enough the woman found herself filling in the case while the early morning crowd lined up outside waiting for the closed sign to flip to open. Once it did, things were slightly hectic, with Juliette running more product out, stopping only when she heard Kiana giggling along with her sentiment. Brown eyes trailed up and she smiled broadly. "Well good morning to you," She eyed the space and pointed to a table with the best natural light. "Wanna take a seat and I'll get you a menu? Best to do something savory before sweet."
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kianajanae · 1 year
KIANA: Let's do it then! I've got a new tight ass dress I've been dying to slip into. KIANA: L M F A O. KIANA: Don't get shy about it now. You the one that fucked him. KIANA: So, what you're saying it, the kids are in your guts. Got it. KIANA: 😈 Ohh, girl, I'm living vicariously through you. KIANA: He touched your soul didn't he. KIANA: Now, friend, you know I don't like dick, give me silicone please. KIANA: Oh you're too kind. I'd love to do a commissioned piece for you.
text message 📲 kiana & sunday
KIANA: I'm positive but yes we're over due for a girl night! Let's do it. Dinner then the club or we can just stay in. My apartment. KIANA: 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 KIANA: NAS! YOU FUCKED NAS! BITCH IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! KIANA: Ahaha. You scarred the children for life! KIAKA: 👀 was it good? ❤️‍🔥 Just looking at him, I know it was. KIANA: That is one fine ass piece of man-meat if I do say so myself. KIANA: LMFAO. Fine, fine. Come over and I'll show you a few pieces. SUNDAY: Yes! This girl has been neglecting the club for far too long now, it's very much needed. SUNDAY: KIANA. SUNDAY: STOP. I mean, it's been building a heck of a long time soooo. SUNDAY: I can assure you there were no children scarred in the process alright?! I don't even want to think about that. SUNDAY: Girl I can't even put into words how good it was. SUNDAY: You better not be eyeing up my man now, Ki. 😇 SUNDAY: I knew I'd win. I'm mega excited, maybe I can commission you to paint something for my apartment, it's looking pretty bare.
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kianajanae · 1 year
"Oh, are you allergic too?" Kiana asked wanting to be mindful. While she was allergic to had no problem handling peanuts and things with peanut ingredients as long as she had gloves on. It wasn't that bad, she could touch them, but the had a bad habit of touching her face or nibbling on her acrylics and if any got into her mouth or eyes pull out the EpiPen, stat! "Strawberries just give me a rash, nothing too serious. I can be around them." She leaned into whisper a little. "Truth be told, I sneak one or two every now again and then pop a Benadryl," she laughed. It was terrible but it was true. Strawberries were so good. They were worth the risk every now and again. "Hmm, okay, I'll figure out something to bring. I'd hate to be coming over empty handed. Coconut is an acquired taste." She paused a moment. "I did not acquire it. I find it to be a little overbearing sometimes."
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"Jag också!" Agnes explained upon hearing that Kiana was allergic to peanuts. "My barn is a no-peanut place; so you will not have to worry." Since she couldn't have peanuts, she kept them completely out of the converted barn. Her former host family said they'd not have any in their main house either if it made her more comfortable; but since she wasn't actively living in the main house this time, she didn't want to be any sort of inconvenience. She was fine with just not having them in her barn space. "How allergic to strawberry are you?" Since they were one of Gunnar's favorite foods, she always had some in the barn's kitchenette. If Kiana couldn't be around them at all, she'd ensure there weren't any for when she came over. She could always buy more after their fika. "If you want to bring something, you can. But I have the coffee and the pastries. Do you like coconut?" She wanted to make chokladbollar for their fika; but she'd opt to roll them in pearl sugar if Kiana wasn't a fan of coconut. She knew it was a fairly polarizing ingredient.
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kianajanae · 1 year
KIANA: I'm positive but yes we're over due for a girl night! Let's do it. Dinner then the club or we can just stay in. My apartment. KIANA: 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 KIANA: OMG! KIANA: NAS! YOU FUCKED NAS! BITCH IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! KIANA: Ahaha. You scarred the children for life! KIAKA: 👀 was it good? ❤️‍🔥 Just looking at him, I know it was. KIANA: That is one fine ass piece of man-meat if I do say so myself. KIANA: LMFAO. Fine, fine. Come over and I'll show you a few pieces.
text message 📲 kiana & sunday
KIANA: No, no. Don't be worried. You know I get lost in my own little world sometimes. I promise. I'm alright. KIANA: BITCH, WHAT?! 😲 Don't just try to casually throw that in. KIANA: Who was it? In your office?! Ma'am. You're on the pediatric floor. 😂 KIANA: In time. I'm working overtime, lol. This woman named Delilah. Her dad apparently works at the Whitney Museum of American Art and if I can get her some of my new pieces, she might be able to add them into a new show. SUNDAY: Ok, only if you're sure. We need a girls day or even night out. I miss your face. SUNDAY: Ssssh, it's not a big deal, you make me feel all embarrassed 😳 SUNDAY: You mean you can't guess?? Also stop that, I was already shitting myself that someone would walk in or find out without you pointing out the obvious 😂 SUNDAY: You know how impatient I am, I love seeing your work!! Ooh, how exciting!! I'm stoked for you, you deserve it.
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kianajanae · 1 year
Snickering softly, Kiana nodded. "After noon," she repeated with a hum. "I'll mark it in my calendar." She was really excited. First, she'd never really been inside of Agnes place before. She'd been on the property, yes, but she'd never really sat down and just relaxed there. Anytime they were meeting to talk about Sweden it had been out on the town. At the ask, Kiana wanted to smack herself. How had she not mentioned it before. "I do actually. Almost slipped my mind. I'm allergic to peanuts and strawberries. I can do cashews and almonds and stuff, just not peanuts and peanut butter." She smiled, "is there anything I can bring?" She was sure Agnes would turn down her offer to bring anything, but, she had to ask.
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English was a strange language. Since it was a Germanic language like Swedish, there were similarities. 'Salt' was the same in both languages. 'Peppar' became 'pepper' in English. 'Hus' become 'house'. 'Mus' became 'mouse'... Such things had made learning aspects of the English language much easier for Agnes when she was younger. She never had a problem recalling the similar words. It was the false friends she struggled with as well as all the unique grammar and spelling rules. For instance, she still didn't understand how 'ugh' at the end of certain words made the /f/ sound; l-a-f made far more sense to her than l-a-u-g-h.
"I will finish my call by midday." Agnes let out a soft chuckle. "Noon." Since they'd just been discussing the names for such times of day, it only felt fitting to utilize them now. "Then you can come to the barn for fika and to see where I will hang the painting." She truly hoped the spot she had in mind ended up working. "You will not be intruding. I look forward to this... Do you have any food allergies?" She had to ask since she planned on getting pastries to accompany their fika. She would ensure to get something Kiana would be able to eat. She wanted them to both enjoy this.
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kianajanae · 1 year
KIANA: No, no. Don't be worried. You know I get lost in my own little world sometimes. I promise. I'm alright. KIANA: BITCH, WHAT?! 😲 Don't just try to casually throw that in. KIANA: Who was it? In your office?! Ma'am. You're on the pediatric floor. 😂 KIANA: In time. I'm working overtime, lol. This woman named Delilah. Her dad apparently works at the Whitney Museum of American Art and if I can get her some of my new pieces, she might be able to add them into a new show.
text message 📲 kiana & sunday
KIANA: HEEEEEY! KIANA: I know! I'm so sorry. The crazy part, I can't even tell you where I've been friend. KIANA: Life just been lif'ing. KIANA: What's new with you? KIANA: I've working on new pieces to try to get into Givens. Also, Jette introduced me to somebody that could also help me.
SUNDAY: Should I be worried?? Like, is this a cry for help? I’m definitely worried. SUNDAY: Not much is new with me, working shit loads as usual. May, or may not slept with someone in my office at the hospital. DON’T JUDGE ME. SUNDAY: Ooh that’s exciting, I can’t wait to see them. Oh really, who?
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kianajanae · 1 year
KIANA: HEEEEEY! KIANA: I know! I'm so sorry. The crazy part, I can't even tell you where I've been friend. KIANA: Life just been lif'ing. KIANA: What's new with you? KIANA: I've working on new pieces to try to get into Givens. Also, Jette introduced me to somebody that could also help me.
text message 📲 kiana & sunday
SUNDAY: GIRLLLL SUNDAY: Where are you hiding?? It's been a decade since I last heard from you. Have you got a new bestie??
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