kiara-w · 12 hours
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kiara-w · 1 day
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3-second rule!
Jack and Omi are constantly hugging one another, and the one being hugged always insists they don’t want a hug. Sometimes they even switch it up in the exact same episode. 
They’re both such tsunderes. Just hug each other already.
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kiara-w · 1 day
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kiara-w · 2 days
I know that "Omi hatching from an egg that lizard Chase laid" is a joke theory, but if we run with said joke theory, it'd be kinda sad if the reason Omi was alone was that it played out a bit like it did in Chronicles with someone stealing Chase's egg, but in this case Chase never managed to find it/retrieve it so it's so just somewhere until Dojo and Fung come across a baby cover in eggshells for some reason. Would explain why Chase is so protective and fixated on Omi when they actually do meet several years later.
I joked about it but I can’t imagine Omi being an egg preg baby and looking as (relatively) normal as he does in the show. Maybe if he took after Chase’s more inhuman attributes?
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Though this AU would have Dojo lying and telling Omi he’s his dad to explain why he looks kinda dragon like.
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kiara-w · 2 days
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I rewatched Xiaolin Showdown and this was my takeaway
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kiara-w · 2 days
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Omi we're in the man's HOUSE
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kiara-w · 5 days
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kiara-w · 5 days
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“But she did come visit you on your birthday. Doesn’t that say more than a card and a thousand presents?”
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kiara-w · 5 days
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My babies grown up…ah my feels!  They’re so cute!
Brot4 forever and ever!
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kiara-w · 16 days
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kiara-w · 16 days
I would like to suggest Wudashi ficlet based on 'Bad habits' by Ed Sheeran, specifically this fragment:'My bad habits lead to late nights endin' alone Conversations with a stranger I barely know Swearin' this will be the last, but it probably won't I got nothin' left to lose, or use, or do'
Dashi gazed up into the night sky, full of so many stars that it looked like someone had emptied all of the heavens’ treasures across the darkness overhead. Leaving nothing but a great swathe of glinting beauty against a dark, cool, velvety backdrop. The air had a slight chill to it, with the onset of autumn, but it was offset by the warmth draped across his chest, and the arms curled around his shoulders.
“You’re really missing a great view, Yan,” he breathed.
“Well, I’ve got a pretty great view here,” she replied without hesitation. He let out a short laugh, slightly jostling her where she lay. She traced a fingertip over his chest, the small slit of bare skin between the folds of his shirt.
“Man, I’d probably get such a scolding if the old farts back at the temple knew I was out here like this,” he mused. Wuya chuckled, the sound momentarily silencing the insects all around.
“They probably already know. But who’s going to stop you? They can’t exactly kick out one of the heroes of legend for flirting around.” Dashi smirked. She did have a point.
“... Hey Yan, what’s your favorite constellation?” he asked suddenly. She looked to his face now, raising an eyebrow.
“Now where did that come from?” she asked, playfully mocking. She felt the rise of his shoulders in a shrug.
“I dunno. I guess I don’t think I know a lot about you,” he replied. “I know one food you like, but don’t know if I know your favorite. Don’t know if you really have a favorite animal. Or a favorite-”
He was silenced when she cupped his cheek, and pressed her lips to his. She let his mouth free, only for a second. Just long enough to breathe against his lips.
“You talk too much.”
And then she kissed him again. And all his questions died while he rested his hands in the curve of her waist.
Well, that was the power she had. She made him forget to care, even if only for the space in time where there was no space between their lips.
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kiara-w · 16 days
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kiara-w · 16 days
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Another doodle of the Xiaolin Dragons. These kids really grow on you!
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kiara-w · 16 days
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Matt Danner used to thumbnail his storyboards right on the actual scripts! These margin drawings are always some of my personal favorites!
Part 1
Part 2
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kiara-w · 16 days
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for the prompt “If you could reboot one show from your childhood, which one would it be?”
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kiara-w · 16 days
any ideas how Chase could get a redemption arc started? (i love redemption arcs)
Good question! So just an idea of how it could go? Sounds fun! I'll try! (Especially since the finale explored their bond but still ended up open-ended and inconclusive about it.)
Well, no matter how you look at it, the catalyst for a redemption arc in Chase would have to be Omi.
Just having a bigger, badder villain or more prescient threat, like Hannibal Bean or the spiders, wouldn't do it. He already dislikes most of the other villains, but that's never going to push him away from villainy since he doesn't have to become good to oppose them. He'd ally with heroes for a greater-good question but wouldn't ultimately change.
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Omi's the person Chase cares about and wants by his side the most. The only person Chase doesn't insult or get annoyed by, the only one he really makes an effort to reach out to and open up to, somewhat. The only times Heylin Chase has done some unambiguously good things were for Omi's sake.
That said, they're both stubbornly at a stalemate. As much as Chase wants to mentor and protect Omi, he also wants to plunge the world into darkness. He's an unapologetic villain. He takes for granted that he can eventually have Omi by his side and achieve his ultimate goal of world domination. He even playfully mocks Omi's attempts to convert him.
Omi rubs off on Chase and makes him soften up, and you could write out the plot so that contagious heroism and warm and fuzzy feeling from Omi gradually wearing off enough on Chase over time, until he's spending more time mentoring and hanging out with Omi than doing villainy and just quietly decides he prefers it that way (that's how I did it in eating crow). After all, Omi seems to subconsciously reawaken some of the feelings Chase threw away when he turned evil. Rediscovering the things he thought he had lost, like that ability to fully trust someone else or that honorably comradery with someone you admire and see as an equal. A redemption practically through osmosis. Not tamed, not necessarily a whole lot nicer, but reformed nonetheless.
Chase: "Things aren't always that simple, Omi." Omi: "But they can be! Sometimes they are! This could be. You want it to be this simple just as much as I do, do you not? You could keep making me stronger. I could make you more good. Things are not always so complicated, either!"
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Or just have Chase gradually come to the realization that, at some point, he cares about Omi so much that he won't have the heart to kill him in cold blood and never would. Even though Omi's getting stronger and stronger. Chase has repeatedly said he needs to either gain Omi's loyalty or destroy him, but he's never really seemed willing to actually consider the latter option, no matter how unlikely the former seemed. He dismisses it and pulls his punches, again and again.
He laughs bitterly and simply asks Omi if he thinks he could kill Chase when the time came and he grew strong enough, since that seems to be the only option left on the table if Chase has grown this soft. And Omi obviously says that he'd never go that far. They both care about each other to ever strike the other down if they're in the way, regardless of strength.
An if-you-can't-beat-him-join-him scenario but more personal and heartfelt of an epiphany. Like Gatomon and Kari from Digimon.
Chase: "You'll either be my strength or my destruction. That was the prophecy. If I can't have you by my side, then I must destroy you. And it seems I've grown so soft that I can't even destroy you, even now, while you're small and weak enough to crush. So inevitably, one day--" Omi: "No! Not inevitably! No day! The future is not a straight line for someone else to draw for me! There are many, many different pathways! The future does not belong to some prophecy or the Crystal Glasses! I already promised you that I'd change the future myself, and I WILL! I'll get as strong as I need to save you properly this time!"
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But if you think he might be too meticulous and stubborn for it to happen quite like that or want something more flashy and explosive, then we'd need something that threaten the comfortable status quo stalemate they have.
He can't have both, something forces his hand and he makes his decision or realizes which he truly values more. A Piccolo-sacrificing-himself-for-Gohan moment, a John-Silver-giving-up-the-treasure-to-save-Jim moment, a Meruem-begging-on-his-knees-to-see-Komugi moment.
Most obvious, direct way would be someone else, probably Hannibal, almost killing Omi, and Chase does everything in his power save/protect him, even if it puts his own plans in jeopardy or is directly at odds with Chase acquiring something that could help him rule the world.
Alternatively, Omi having something stolen from him, like his soul or all his chi, leaving Omi weak/comatose. Or maybe he gets possessed and loses himself via Hannibal Bean. And Chase not only fighting and putting himself at risk to bring Omi back, but also acknowledging that he could use this chance to steal it for himself to get Omi's powers and leave Omi like he is, and deciding that that's not what he'd want.
Hannibal: "You know as well as I do that this is your only shot at real fame. You want that monk's power? You ain't getting a better chance than this. And you're doin' the most borin', goody-two-shoes, forgettable thing you could do with it? You ain't never gonna be a real warrior." Chase: "Say what you will. But nothing I could gain would be worth losing my little apprentice. Not power, not infamy, not the world. Whether he joins me or not. I refuse to let you force me to abandon anything else I believe in or anyone else I love, ever again, Hannibal."
Or some combination of the three.
I rambled for quite a bit, but is this about the answer you were looking for?
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kiara-w · 16 days
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don’t know what this saucy boy is saying but cow boy is not amused
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