kieras-ocs · 6 years
yooooooo i wish i had creativity again
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
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major fucking  U W U
ryukael??? is that good????
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
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my original (but slightly messed up) ryukjin drawings (:
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
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my original gael drawings (:
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
OC headcanon #1
in which: gael and ryukjin go ice skating together- however, ryukjin isn’t very good and gael has to help him
read on ao3 here :)
**lowercase intended**
“why did i even agree to this anyway? you’re constantly cold why are we going somewhere colder? we should go to a cafe or something and reelllaaaxxxx,” ryukjin complained to practically no one. gael was already way further ahead struggling to contain his own excitement for their monthly date. this month it was his choice, so of course he chose the thing he loved most- ice skating. the only problem with this is the fact that ryukjin is really shit at ice skating. he’s just too tall and lanky with poor coordination- its a mix from hell. it was a good thing that ryukjin loved his boyfriend as he would never be caught dead in an ice skating rink, but here he was!
gael is a regular to the rink- he even has private access. the difference in their abilities is way more than noticeable. gael doesn’t get asked for his shoe size or anything anymore, he doesn’t actually have to pay either but he does anyway (”giving back to the community” and all that jazz). ryukjin looks very lost, pays way more than he should and spends too long debating on what size skates he needs.
“i don’t need you to help me put them on, you know?” ryukjin says softly, he totally was NOT struggling at all. “i swear i would’ve got it eventually” gael let out a small laugh that sent warmth spreading all over ryukjin’s chest. he would never say it out loud but it maybe his favourite sound in the world. “yeah yeah whatever you say- do you need help standing up or do you have that under control too?” gael asked slightly mockingly whilst springing up from his place on the floor. it was like he didn’t even have skates on- or he was born with them on his feet (you choose) ryukjin shot him an empty glare whilst pushing himself off the bench with his hands. he flails them about a bit, sending gael into a small fit of giggles- which makes ryukjin slightly die inside. to top it all off he plonks back down onto the bench with a loud thud. a red flush spreads across his face whilst he apologises to the family behind him and gael begins regaining some sort of composure.
“i hate you so much” ryukjin states obviously embarrassed. “is that why you’re here out of your natural emo cave holding my hand and blushing like a small school girl?” gael replies without a lot of hesitation. his eyes just seem to naturally sparkle when he looks to ryukjin who’s a little bit taller than he is. ryukjin can’t tell if that sparkle is mischief or just admiration- either way he’s head over heels for it. ryukjin wishes the eye contact lasts longer as he swears he could melt into gael’s eyes. “can we go to the nice now? i really want this over with as quick and painless as possible” he replies instead of acknowledging anything gael just said. in a matter of seconds he’s being yanked up from the bench and towards the ice rink entrance (still very unsteadily, ryukjin must have bruised gael’s hand from the amount he was clinging to it)
admittedly when you first get on the ice is always the worst. gael made it look so easy and graceful. his thin legs just look made for skating, the way his sweatshirt falls past his hips delicately distracts ryukjin from the fact he’s actually going to have to go onto the ice. gael turns around and stretches out both arms for ryukjin to hold. he flashes him a sweet smile that ryukjin thinks could cure diseases and softly encourages ryukjin to join him.
gael loves ryukjin. he love’s him more than skating- so combining the two is perfect. gael loves the fact that ryukjin will try anything for him, even this. ryukjin is definitely not the kind of person to be ice skating whatsoever. everything he wobbles or looks slightly uncertain gael is always right by his side holding his shoulder, turning a slight pink colour at the close contact. the way ryukjin relaxes next to his side is worth so much more than gael can give.
“is it okay if we come away from the edge? i think you’re more steady now! if you want longer that’s okay i don’t want to rush you or anything” gael asks, sounding slightly nervous about the suggestion. “as long as you promise to not leave me in the middle whilst you do some fancy spins away or some shit” ryukjin replies, obviously easing the tension and making them both laugh slightly.
as gael more or less rags ryukjin further from the side, ryukjin starts to slip slightly. he does NOT want to be cold, so he panics slightly as falling isn’t really on his agenda. gael notices this and quickly grabs both of ryukjin’s forearms, and blocks his skates from slipping ”ryukjin?” gael asks, capturing all of ryukjin’s attention, “do you trust me?” he stares intently into the taller’s eyes. he knows the answer, he always has. the soft lingering of gael’s fingers in ryukjin’s hands makes him feel whole, the comforting material of gael’s sweatshirt slightly brushing his wrists makes him relax even more- its stupid but this moment feels so special to the both of them. gael swears he sees galaxies in ryukjin’s soft eyes, he wanted to do nothing more than to place a kiss on his cheek and tell him how precious he was to him. ”of course i do” the reply was less than a second later, but that moment felt like a lifetime. ”then hold on, and relax”
ryukjin does as instructed. he keeps his feet in the same position for a little, he holds onto gael’s hand as he starts to skate. eventually ryukjin gets into the rhythm of leaning when gael turns so they don’t wobble. he starts to skate himself, now joining gael instead of lagging slightly behind. gael swears he has never smiled this hard before, he couldn’t ask for anything more perfect.
now ryukjin’s more confident, gael decides to show off. he breaks a little away from ryukjin and decides to try doing some spins, just to make ryukjin that liiittttllllleeeee bit jealous. ryukjin is impressed, but he is NOT being one upped.
he skates to gael and grabs his hand once he’s fully standing up. he skates around a little bit at first, and decides he’ll lift gael up. gael is light, he can do it fine. gael seems to get the idea too, as he braces himself and tenses his muscles so he can help with the weight distribution. they have completely forgot about the other people on the ice- so when ryukjin is j u s t about to life gael up, they collide slightly with another skater. this causes ryukjin to slip, gael falling too.
this is exactly what ryukjin wanted to avoid
“oh god. am i hurt? more importantly, is gale hurt?” ryukjin thinks
after a few seconds he hears gael laughing into his chest, tears welling up in his eyes and his whole face turning slightly red. they stay like that for a moment, assuring the other skater involved that they’re fine. ryukjin laughs the hardest he’s ever laughed before. he cups gael’s face, wipes the tears from his eyelashes and plants a soft kiss on his forehead. (yes- they’re in public, no- he doesn’t care anymore)
and at that moment gael and ryukjin learnt that they could be anywhere, but as long as they’re together- they’ll find some way to laugh with each other.
the ice maybe cold but the warmth from each other is enough. .
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
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gael’s bad moodboard
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
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ryukin’s bad moodboard
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
OC playlist- gael
-music to portray them-
listen here on youtube
bts- spring day joji- plastic taste khai dreams- lost in you finding hope- 3:00AM troye sivan- talk me down max- lights down low frank ocean- white ferrari thomston & sachi- ride marina and the diamonds- bubblegum bitch the 1975- city
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
OC playlist- ryukjin
-music to portray them-
listen here on youtube
don broco- come out to la the neighbourhood- afraid arctic monkeys- why’d you only call me when you’re high? gorillaz- saturn barz marshmellow ft khalid- silence blackbear- idfc post malone- i fall apart ed sheeran- bloodstream chase atlantic- swim joji-window
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
OC asks- ryukjin
-ryukjin’s 50 not so nice asks-
1. What is one word to shut them up? "useless"
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about? so many things- but mainly causing unneeded pain
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced? he's been stabbed, strangled- you name it. most likely being smacked against a wall.
4. Describe their worst nightmare. being left alone in a dark, silent room.
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear. he doesn't really have a surface level fear. he repressed his fear of being outed, but secretly fears death.
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick? finding out someone he cares about has been hurt
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves? he hate's his inability to stop when he needs to
8. Do they have anything that triggers them? a few things. he doesn't do well with loud noises (like fireworks, etc) specially though.
9. What is their greatest physical weakness? they've been hurt so much some part of their bodies are more weak than others
10. What is their greatest mental weakness? their unpredictable mood changes
11. Do they have any vices? he smokes and drinks
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it? a few things. he's stole some things, hurt some people.
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them? wrath or sloth
14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… )? yes- anger, unpredictable sadness, he got it all lmao
15. Who do they hate the most? who doesn't he hate tbh hes a salty little shit
16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior? pretty much everyone, but specially his dad
17. What sound always gives them a headache? screaming and shouting
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them? orange, bad bad bad bad bad
19. Do they consider themselves ugly? no, i dont think they do
20. Do they consider themselves unloveable? somewhat just because of his personality
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety? waiting
22. Do they have any mental illnesses? they do, depression anxiety all the fun stuff
23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped? abused growing up ):
24. Do they fear the possibility of being assaulted/abused/raped? the way he is he gets hurt a lot, so i dont think he fears these things
25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? he as yeah
26. Have they ever been seriously injured? yep- stabbed multiple times
27. How many times have they been in the hospital? even though he's been hurt seriously he never goes to the hospital
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them? everyone, but specifically people who refuse to listen or understand
29. Does what they cannot see scare them? secretly yes
30. Have they ever been bullied? for a little yes
31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues? at times i think so
32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents? he despises them, but tries hard for them
33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well? one night stands were more his things
34. Have they ever self harmed? when he was young most likely
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? i think hed change his temper
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them? his emotions control him
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away? yeah, he always found a way out of it though lmao
38. Have they ever been imprisoned? a few times for stealing and violence
39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do? once- got accused of murder
40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems? sometimes but it depends on the person. sometimes hes glad they have the problems
41. Do they get sick often? nope
42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life? not at all, he wishes he was somewhere completely different
43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts? yes- totally and entirely
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t? relax, be content alone
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience? anger and adrenaline
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide? yes
47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide? yes
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill? yes
49. If [name] was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through. if ryukjin was put into,,,,,,i literally have no clue he would try his best to live whatever it was
50. Create your own! do you think they're all their image makes them? hes secretly sweet and soft, just very scared.
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kieras-ocs · 7 years
OC asks- gael
-gael’s 50 not so nice asks-
1. What is one word to shut them up? "pathetic" 
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about? arguing with his mum as much as he did
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced? physically they have had quite a pain free life- so maybe walking into a door handle
4. Describe their worst nightmare. being enclosed in a small box slowly filling with water whilst people watch
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear. snakes, being alone and probably dying
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick? he doesn't handle gore very well- of any sort </p>
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves? their willingness to forgive anyone
8. Do they have anything that triggers them? i don't think so no
9. What is their greatest physical weakness? they don’t really have any muscles, so they're quite weak
10. What is their greatest mental weakness? they're gulible
11. Do they have any vices? they try and stay away from things like smoking, drinking etc
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it? nope! nothing illegal
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them? sloth
14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… )?  they can be drowned in emotions sometimes, but not too often
15. Who do they hate the most? probably their dad
16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior? his siblings
17. What sound always gives them a headache? construction work!
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them? orange things
19. Do they consider themselves ugly? they don’t think they're cute- but they accept the way they look
20. Do they consider themselves unloveable? not entirely
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety? being around new people, seeing old family, being out at night
22. Do they have any mental illnesses? depression and anxiety
23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped? not really- the odd bit of shit from his dad growing up
24. Do they fear the possibility of being assaulted/abused/raped? sometimes
25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? once- his old friend
26. Have they ever been seriously injured? not really no
27. How many times have they been in the hospital? he broke his arm once but other than when he was a child- that once
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them? close minded stuck up people</p>
29. Does what they cannot see scare them? not entirely, its more exciting and intriguing
30. Have they ever been bullied? hes moved schools a lot so yes
31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues? depends on the day
32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents? his dad isn’t in the picture anymore and he lives alone- his mum works away
33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well? hasn't ever been in one
34. Have they ever self harmed? nope
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? is it stupid to say his height
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them? depending on the situation- but id mostly say hes in control of his emotions</p>
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away? unless being grounded counts- no</p>
38. Have they ever been imprisoned? nope
39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do? petty things at school yes, otherwise no
40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems? he does it too much
41. Do they get sick often? not really, however hes nearly always cold
42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life? not really but hes beginning to accept it
43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts? not all of it no
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t? stargaze and skate!
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience? loneliness maybe? 
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide? hasn't everyone lmao but yeah
47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide? no 
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill? i don't think so
49. If (name) was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through. if gael was put into a fuckin zombie apocalypse
50. Create your own! if your character had to choose to take his own life, or his mums- who would he choose? himself, even though she works away he cares about her a lot
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