kiisum · 9 years
consilian replied to your post
( can i tag you as little donut from this day onwards tho
( yES PLEASE OMG ,,, i love it 
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kiisum · 9 years
five: my muse will send your muse a drunk, emotional text
( ; text ➙ ) oh my gfdo i’m soooooooooooooooooooooo
( ; text ➙ )  do u ever just feel solike so :( 
( ; text ➙ ) its like im just nwo realizing how much of a mess my life is and i’m gonna cry fck 
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kiisum · 9 years
✖ ( why tf did i not follow you before i'm c ry ing i am not worthy of being called an unnie to my beloved little donut. )
thirteen: my muse will send a fluffy text while half-asleep
( ; text ➙ ) i should really be sleeping right now >-
( ; text ➙ ) but i started thinkin about what you’d look like with bunny ears and the image is just too cute 
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kiisum · 9 years
one: my muse will send a text confessing their feelings for your’s two: my muse will call your muse confessing their feelings for someone else three: my muse will leave your muse a note the morning after four: my muse will send your muse a drunk, suggestive text five: my muse will send your muse a drunk, emotional text six: my muse will send your muse a text not meant for them seven: my muse will leave your muse a tearful voicemail eight: my muse will call your’s about an emergency nine: my muse will call your muse to tell them everything they love about them ten: my muse will call your muse to invite them somewhere eleven: my muse will text your muse “riddles” to guide them to a mystery date spot twelve: my muse will send your muse suggestive pictures thirteen: my muse will send a fluffy text while half-asleep
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kiisum · 9 years
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치명적인척 안해도 치명적인데 😉
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kiisum · 9 years
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a year. guys, it’s really been a year of this blog. 365 days — now, that may not seem like a whole lot to some of you, but to me, this is huge.
sure, i’ve been roleplaying for years. i’ve been writing for years and i’ve had the majority of these characters forever. but one year. this is the longest i have ever stuck with a blog without deleting, without being driven away by hate or lack of motivation. this multimuse is entirely special to me, and while i talk shit about myself all the time, i am damn proud of this blog. i am damn proud of my muses, i am damn proud of it all.
but this isn’t about me, per se. i want to take a moment to honor and show some love and much deserved appreciation to those who have made my time here as incredible as it has been, for the most part. i want to honour those who honestly deserve it in my eyes, who make the time i spend here as special as it has been and will be.
now, don’t get me wrong. i appreciate you all, and if we’re in a mutual follow, that means i would LOVE to roleplay with you! that means i want my muse(s) to build a relationship with yours, it means that i wanna be friends with the mun. i wanna write with you, i wanna share my world with yours.
also, you may not be included on here because i admire you so much that we’ve never written together because of my shyness, so keep that in mind. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE EXCLUSIVE, rather, i just want to show appreciation to the friends i have made here.
these are to those people who have made this one hell of a year. whether you’ve known men and have been writing with me for a full year, a month, a week. thank you so much, i love you all. this really means so much to me.
Keep reading
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kiisum · 9 years
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kiisum · 9 years
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심상치 않아~
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kiisum · 9 years
( jaeparkib )
 “i haven’t worn one in such a long time … do i really look good?” his tall figure made the bright hanbok he wore look like a stretched out blanket with a thousand other blankets packed inside. even if he was rather proud of himself that kisum acknowledged he looked, his big smile that usually accompanied wasn’t present today. instead, his smile was faint, yet still there. a small grin resided and it shined genuinely and humbly. “… did i tie it on right?”
of course she had taken notice to his uncharacteristic timidity though she decided to withhold any comments, at least for the time being. she gave a gentle nod, mirroring his faint smile. "yes. in fact, you look like an actor from a historical drama. that handsome." with another quick once over she concluded that: "everything's all good in the hood; tied correctly, that is."
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kiisum · 9 years
Send 💋 for a kiss from my muse.
Or send 👄 to kiss my muse.
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kiisum · 9 years
halloween au’s I need part one
‘we’re just crazy kids but suddenly there’s a killer/ghost oh fuck’ au
‘we’re telling ghost stories around the campfire with our friends but i think you’re really cute even if the words coming out of your mouth are scaring me half to death hold on what !!! was !!! that !!! noise’ au
‘we’re fighting but our car just died in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere and it’s five minutes to october 31st is this creepy or is this creepy (but also shut the fuck up so i can think)’ au 
‘I’m the new city kid and I don’t believe in your bullshit local small town legends but you’re so passionate about them it’s so cute wait what’s happening what do you mean you never really believed until now oh god oh god’ au
‘we’re being really old school and going to the ‘make out place’ for some privacy wait did something just move’ au 
‘let’s explore this haunted location and film it’ au
‘i got lost in the corn maze and you’re pretending you’re not lost and we don’t know each other but this is really frustrating so I guess we’re in this together oh my god can you just admit you’re lost’ au 
‘this haunted house attraction is gonna scare the pants off of us let’s do it’ au 
‘we can’t make out here this is a graveyard and it’s halloween but oh god you’re so convincing ok maybe just for a little bit’ au 
‘i just moved into this house with my family and you’re a ghost who has been living here without yours for centuries and I’m decorating for october 31st hold on that’s not one of my decorations’ au 
‘you don’t like halloween and i love it this is gonna be an argument isn’t it how are we managing a relationship/friendship’ au 
‘I’m gonna win this costume contest don’t you fuck with me’ au 
‘what do you mean you’ve never been trick or treating????’ au 
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kiisum · 9 years
napping together is my kind of date
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kiisum · 9 years
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kiisum · 9 years
im the girl
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kiisum · 9 years
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kiisum · 9 years
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        i search but never F I N D, hurt but never CRY ;  i WORK [and] forever try, but i’m C U R S E D so nevermind.
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kiisum · 9 years
fist bump
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