kiliisarchived · 11 years
A Message From Lady Darcy
{This is something important I feel I need to notify you all of. I'll only discuss it privately and won't be posting anything more on the subject. It's about my personal wellbeing and while I'm not looking for sympathy, I feel my followers need to know.}
Hey there guys. This is really hard for me even to type because it makes me feel so strange and so alien for me to do so, but this has been long over due.
I’m pretty sure I’m suffering the symptoms of moderate depression. While I’ve not been diagnosed with this officially, I’ve talked to my mother about it (she’s suffered with depression in the past) and it looks like I’m heading that way, if I’m honest.
I just want to tell you all that I’m sorry if I sometimes am not here for a long time, or if when I am here I’m hardly active, or if I pester you more than usual/seem clingy, or if when I talk to you I don’t seem like myself or I’m rude to you in any capacity.
I’m currently completely terrified of myself. And that hasn’t happened before. And I don’t know what I’m doing.
I’m sorry.
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
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"Yes, m'sure you were."
Who do you think has the better aim, you with your bow? Or me with my slingshot?
"Well, me. I think that’s certain."
"Don’t you?"
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
"Well, don't get too upset when I win, will yeh?"
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Who do you think has the better aim, you with your bow? Or me with my slingshot?
"Well, me. I think that’s certain."
"Don’t you?"
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
"Awww, thank y' grey face! Be careful, Kili migh' start gettin' jealous."
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
Who do you think has the better aim, you with your bow? Or me with my slingshot?
"Well, me. I think that's certain."
"Don't you?"
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
ponytail or braid
"I am more inclined to say braids, though I'm not very good at keepin' my own hair in 'em. Too much effort, eh."
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
How tall are you?
"I am four feet and nine inches, or so Lady Darcy says. Kili's shorter."
"Am not."
"So are."
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
What was the worst night of your life?
"Um, likely when I was little an' there was a storm, an' I remember a tree falling not far away as I tried to sleep. Scared us senseless, grey face."
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
Do you like science?
"What is that exactly? Is it a type of cereal?"
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
Kili I hope your beard grows! and Fili I hope you always smile!
"Why, thank you! I hope yours does too!"
"As you wish!"
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
Hey girl do you have 11 protons because you are sodium fine.
"I don't know what a proton is, but I think I'd know if I had eleven of 'em, grey face."
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
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"Ori, darlin'!"
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
Do you miss Saphy?
"Well, a little bit, I suppose... Why?"
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
{If you'd like to contact me in any way, my skype is glitterinthegutterdarcy and I now roleplay mainly at glitter-inthe-gutter as Darcy Lewis and Baby Winchester. Thanks, guys.}
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
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AIDAN TURNER ↳ June 19, 1983
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kiliisarchived · 11 years
Darling I was so worried about you. My poor little heart is so relieved to see you safe.
"Oh, no need to be worryin' about me. Survive anything, I will, stop yer worryin', Ori."
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