killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Extra Info: Emma stands at around 5'9 inches tall. She works as a paid intern for a big corporation and is still in college. She's usually quite bubbly and charismatic, and occasionally a bit of a flirt. It didn't matter who she was talking to, her coworkers, her boss, other students, hell even her college professors!
Classroom Starter(Lf fellow student or a teacher): Emma felt her heat hit her while she was walking the halls in her college, having just gotten out of class. In a panic and an attempt to get away from everyone she went stumbling into a classroom, hoping no one saw her go in. In her rush, she'd forgot to lock the door as she stumbled to the teachers desk, that being the closest thing to the door. She braced herself against it, her slit pressed up against the corner of the desk, Emma beginning to rub herself against it in an attempt to quickly relieve her hit, Emma already practically soaking through her tight spandex shorts. The foxgirl completely unaware that someone had watched her enter the classroom and had already began to open the door.
At Work(Coworker/Boss): Emma was at work when her heat started. She began to feel warm while taking paperwork back to (Y/C)'s office, her head slowly beginning to feel a bit fuzzy... But she didn't want to lose her job, having already screwed up a few times before. So, she all but stumbled into the office, looking just a bit disheveled as she managed to catch her footing, standing upright with a but if a blush on her cheeks.. She work black slacks with a white button up, tucked up at her waist.. with her body temperature rising, she'd unbuttoned the top few buttons, showing a bit of cleavage. "S-Sorry for taking so long.. here.. the papers you needed.." She managed, her hand shaking just a bit as she held out the papers. Poor thing, she almost looked like she was about to collapse.
Open to other ideas about where she goes into heat!))
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Extra deacription: Cleo is very aloof and can never keep down a job. She's only 5'1 and is quite petite, always having dark circles under her eyes no matter how much she seems to sleep. She's 19, a high-school dropout and isn't very bright, but does her best to help with menial tasks. She occasionally sells naughty pictures of herself online so she has some pocket money... but she never really contributes to bills. She's cute though and stays out of the way, so she isn't too much trouble to keep around!
Starter: Cleo was wearing a baggy black hoodie... and nothing more, the short woman going around the apartment as she cleaned up. She was... a bit of a NEET, and was definitely leaching off of (Y/C), unable to pay rent or any of the other bills and totally unemployed. She had tried to get a job a few times, but due to he'd aloof nature, she never stuck with one for long, always quitting because her coworkers and boss got fed up with her, or getting fired because her boss was tired of having to pick up after her. Everyone told (Y/C) that she was dead weight and to let her go, but she was awfully cute, especially when she actually tried to put effort into things. Of course, her cleaning spree hadn't lasted long, Cleo stopping part way through to instead snooze on the couch, her hoodie having ridden up by the time (Y/C) came home, revealing black lace panties, the goth woman sleeping in a fairly vulnerable position.
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Mitsaru (Katsuki) Bakugo
(Comfort) Bakugo had had a rough few days of work. It felt like she'd been batted around by villains left and right, even if she always managed to come out on top... Finally, she had gotten a few days off, and what better way to spend it than in her girlfriends arms? She went straight to her girlfriends house as her shift ended and after a bit of hugging and kissing, they found themselves in bed. Bakugo had buried her face in her girlfriends chest, her strong arms around her girlfriend as she held her close. After a few moments like this, Bakugo let out a content sigh and shifted to look at her girlfriend, a small pout on her lips. "Thank you, I really needed to let off some steam like this. What about you? Any frustrations you need to let out?" She joked lightly. 
(Neko!Fem!Bakugo, in heat scene!): Bakugo had felt her heat hit her late in the evening. She'd been working non-stop for days, and had completely forgotten to take her heat suppressants. Finally, when she got a day off, her heat decided to show up. She didn't even say hello to her girlfriend as she walked into their home, instead going straight into her arms. She let out a little growl as she wrapped her arms around the other, pulling her in close and burying her face against her lover, her tail wagging quickly behind her. When asked what was wrong, she only gave a huff, lightly tugging at her shirt before she managed to speak up. "My heat.. it just hit and it's really bad.." She hesitated before a small pout made it's way to her lips, her ears folding back against her head. "... Help me with it.. You know I'll just get frustrated if I try to handle it myself… and the heat suppressants won't work now either.." She mumbled out, keeping her face hidden against her partner. 
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Other info/backstory: Hana is 18 years old, standing only at around 5'2(5'7 with her ears, but those don't count). She's very sweet and sheltered, often avoiding anything she deems as "wrong." Or at least that her religious parents deemed as wrong. She's liked girls since she was quite young, but when she expressed this interest her parents were quick to shoot it down and tell her those thoughts were "devilish and sinful" something she internalized greatly. Being born a futanari was also a struggle for her parents, but as she also was born with a vagina behind it, they made it clear that anything regarding her penis was sinful, and when she was given.. quite minimal, sex-ed, it was only about having sex with a man who would get her pregnant. She's gone through only one heat before which caused her great emotional destress, as.. all she could think about was other girls. Not only that, she was hard through the entire thing, and had refrained from touching herself even once. After that, her parents put her on heat suppressants, not wanting to have to deal with something like that every month. That's why, when they sent her to college, they made sure to send her extra suppressants and many stern talkings about not sinning while she was away.
College Dormmate Starter: Hana had seemed quite nervous on her first day when she met (Y/C). She introduced herself then mostly kept to her side of their shared dorm room, though she did venture out a few times to the common areas to study and of course, always went to class on time. She was nice enough, but always seemed a little off when she was talking to (Y/C), and would avoid them whenever given the chance. As classes became more stressful, she began staying up later and later, beginning to seem more tired during the days and becoming quite forgetful from the stress. So forgetful... that she forgot to take her heat suppressants for a few days, her heat suddenly hitting her full force one morning. She'd gotten up out of bed, her bunny ears twitching as she rubbed her tired eyes. She started to go towards her mini-fridge to grab a morning snack when she seemed to feel her entire body heat up at once. She stumbled, feeling her head become fuzzy before she fully toppled over, hitting the ground with the loud thump, likely waking her roommate from their sleep, the bunny-girl curling up into a ball as a bulge already formed in her pajama bottoms.(Your Character continues here)
Classroom Starter(pref teachers, open to other students: Hana was frankly a very good student. She'd spend most of her time studying and hasn't missed a single assignment nor scored low on an quiz. Of course, all of this stress on her cause her to become a bit forgetful when it came to her own needs. She'd forget to eat lunch or dinner, or simply sit in one spot for hours as she studied. Though... the thing that really screwed her over? She forgot to take her heat suppressants class had just finished, and everyone else had left except Hana. Hana stood up from her seat her rabbit ears twitching... Before her heat hit her. She stumbled, falling down to one knee as her head felt like it was swimming.. and she felt herself harden under her skirt. She quickly covered her lap, sinking down so she was sitting instead, a bit of a panicked look on her face as (Y/C) came back in to grab something they forgot. (Your Character continues here).
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
(Ignore the wings) 
Extra description: The neko was a bit on the tall side, standing at around 5'11, which was a bit of a shock to her fans. She often slouches, and her overall shy, sweet demeanor almost makes her seem smaller than she is, but in person she is tall and lean, though… she does still find herself slouching more often than not. She got famous for her more exploratory, innocent shows where she took more vanilla requests but would end up panting and mewling for the camera. Frankly the most non-vanilla thing she'd done so far was get nipple piercings. There were a few weeks of her doing shows with a hoodie on, until the piercings healed up. Of course, she only got them pierced because someone told her they'd make her nipples more sensitive, and that they did, she came fairly hard for the camera the first time she played with them and almost passed out. Another source of her fans were the group who wanted to pet her ears or grab her tail, of which she tried to avoid as much as possible. Yes, the fur was fairly soft, and even her hair was fluffy, but they were extremely sensitive. She didn't want to pop a boner in front of everyone just because someone started petting her, she also didn't want to start purring, as that also tended to embarrass her.
(Some role ideas since I've been asked about it before: Obsessive/extremely obsessed fan, average fan, a different camgirl, ex girlfriend(stalker, Obsessive, etc.), someone who knows her from "real life" (Aka outside of her camgirl persona) like one of her friends or a family friend, if you have any other Ideas that you'd wanna try just let me know!) 
Blaire was a semi famous camgirl, and had recently hit just enough followers on her site to qualify for the exclusive camgirl meet and greet. A place where fans and camgirls could meet and mingle. She was the newest, and probably least famous one there, but even so, she'd met quite a few fans and talked with other camgirls, her ears perked up and her tail swaying the whole time. As the day started to end, Blaire was given an opportunity of sorts. Camgirls who signed up would be given a designated room and their fans or even other camgirls could purchase a ticket for some exclusive one on one time, with a heavy implication of sex. Blaire was a bit nervous, but she eventually signed up and as the special event came close she noticed a shift in atmosphere. People were wearing skimpy clothes, there was some friendly groping going on, and people were eyeing up the camgirls that had signed up for the event. Blaire felt a bit overdressed, in spandex, thigh-highs and a hoodie, but she figured they'd be taken off soon enough once she was alone with a fan. Eventually, Blaire was escorted to a private room and told to wait. The room almost resembled a sex dungeon. It had a bed, restraints built into the bedframe, but also had some miscellaneous bdsm gear strewn about. One of the walls was even lined with an assortment of sextoys, anywhere from dildos, vibrators and strap-ons, to gags, collars and even things like riding crops. Blaire was getting a bit anxious, only really having done stuff to herself for the camera, and even then, she hadn't ever really gotten very kinky with it. Despite that, she did her best to calm herself, especially as the door opened and her first "fan" entered the room. (Your character continues here)
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Haruki Toga
Extra info: Haruki Toga is 5'8 tall, though he's often slouching, making him seem even shorter than he is. He's lanky and fit, and fast as lightning in a fight. I'm looking for hero x villain! There might be some triggering things, as I see Toga as being addicted to blood and its something that could be brought up.
Starter: After an intense battle, Toga has been captured by heros. He was quickly admitted to a psych ward and the villain spent months in therapy, before he was finally released. He now worked as a secretary for a Hero Agency that (Y/C) also worked for. Despite having been deemed a successful rehabilitation, he was treated rather poorly by his colleagues, and especially by people out on the street. There had almost been a riot when he had first been accepted to the agency. He kept his chin up though and was friendly to everyone even when treated bad, until finally things seemed to settle down and he was invited to an after work dinner. He was fairly quiet the whole night... until he struck up a conversation with the person beside him, (Y/C). "Hey there.. how uh... how has work been for you? I know things are getting pretty stressful for heroes right?" He asked, a small smile on his face, and his cheeks a bit rosey from an alcoholic beverage he'd been sipping on. (Y/C continues here).
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Wanderer (Masato)
Ref One
Ref Two
(Modern Fantasy, Kitsune!Wanderer): Your Character had been trying to summon a spirit for some time now, always somehow failing the incantation for it, until finally one day he appeared. Masato was dressed in a rather open outfit, leaving nothing to the imagination. He was aggressive at first, going off on how someone so worthless summoned something as noble as him. But, eventually he settled down. In return for food and a place to stay he cooked and cleaned for you, but that wasn't the only service he could provide, and frankly, he seemed to want more himself. He was always dressed rather slutty, only ever really covering his chest and crotch, even when it was cold out... something that didn't seem to effect him much. It got to the point that it almost seemed like Masato was teasing you, swaying his hips and wagging his tail whenever he walked by, that was until he approached you directly, his ears perked forward, and his fox like eyes trained on yours. "You haven't made a move on me yet. What did you even summon me for?" He scoffed slightly, his fox ears twitching. "If you don't make a move on me soon, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut our time together short." He shrugged his shoulders.
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Extra: Juniper is a bit of a delinquent. She gets angry fast and doesn't seem to listen to anyone. She stands at around 5'7, and often wears heels or boots that make her taller. She argues with professors, shoves people out of her way, and is just an overall bitch, usually for no reason. Though, she has a different online persona. Online, where she sells nudes and videos of herself masturbating, she was soft and sweet. She would moan so cutely for the camera, blush when her viewers complimented her, and would even take orders from anyone who gave her any money which was wildly out of character for the stoic, bossy asshole that she usually was.
Starter 1 (Forced to work together on a project) (Y/C) and Juniper had been assigned to work on a class project together, and Juniper offered to host. Not wanting to oppose the delinquent, whether out of fear, or just not wanting to put up with any bullshit from her, (Y/C) went along with it, and after school, they found themselves at her doorstep, the delinquent having skipped the rest of the school day. After knocking on the door, Juniper allowed you inside, only wearing a loose shirt and a pair of shorts. Bandages and wraps littered her body, although she did get into physical fights frequently so it wasn't very concerning. She looked almost surprised as she let them in, closing the door behind (Y/C). "Wow, you actually came, huh? Normally people would've just done the project by themselves instead of like... actually coming over and bothering me." She shrugged. "Whatever, let's go up to my room I guess." The oni didn't stay around to listen to (Y/C) speak, already walking towards her bedroom, not even checking to see if they were following. (Your Character Continues From Here.)
Starter 2 (Masturbating dormmate gets caught): A college dorm. Living with a roommate was absolute hell, two people crammed into a small room, only getting privacy when the other is off in class or with friends, frankly... it was hurting Juniper's source of income. She wasn't able to make any new videos for her OnlyFans. At least... not until her roommate told her they'd be going out for a few hours. Bingo. She waited until they left before she started setting up. She set up a sybian, and set up her phone camera, deciding to go live. She wasn't wearing any bottoms, the oni straddling the dildo attached to the sybian, letting the camera get a nice view before she started to lower herself down onto it, a moan leaving her lips as she bucked her hips. Her dick was already at full mast, the thick shaft twitching and already leaking a bit of precum. "Shit..~ Hey there viewers! Ah..~ gimme some donations and I'll start turning this badboy up..!" She said. She continued to chat with her viewers as she started riding the sybian and turned on the vibrations, the intensity going up with the number of donations, her moans slowly starting to raise in pitch until an intense orgasm rocked her body, the oni practically squealing in delight as she came, her hips losing strength and her body falling backwards a bit, her cock splattering cum onto her stomach in the process. The vibrator was still buzzing wildly inside of her as the door opened... revealing her post-orgasm state to her roommate, Juniper still too disoriented from her orgasm to fully realize that. (Your Character Continues From Here)
Starter 3 (Girlfriend finds Junipers onlyfans and discovers she's a bottom): Juniper went through women like crazy, she'd mess around with them, maybe sleep with them a few times.. but it was getting boring, mostly because she was trying to force herself to be in control. Frankly, she thought she was just losing interest in the women she was seeing, but really... deep down she just wanted someone to take control. Not that she could accept that part of herself... even if she did often take orders on onlyfans, moaning like a whore for the camera as they told her exactly what to do for herself. And (Y/C), Juniper's current girlfriend, had stumbled across the account. It was a ^^gold mine^^! The amount of nudes and videos were practically endless, but there seemed to be an ongoing theme. Despite Juniper always taking a bit of a dominant role.. there was not a single ounce of dominance in these videos. And, through watching them, one thing became clear.. Juniper wanted nothing more than to be dominated.. and so... after a bit of texting, hell, borderline sexting, Juniper found herself at (Y/C)'s doorstep. She was promptly let inside, Juniper already clearly aroused, a bit of a bulge under her skirt. "Mmf.. I'm here, just like you asked.." Juniper mumbled, stepping in close and grabbing one of (Y/C)'s wrists, clearly trying to take control already(despite running over the second was told to) as she leaned in for a kiss.
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
(Collared) Beidou was on her knees in front of (Your Character), her shirt ripped open and her hands tied behind her back. A collar was buckled around her neck and (YC) held her leash. Now, why was she in this position? During a drunken gamble, she'd been talked into being (YC)'s pet if she lost. One thing led to another and she faced a crushing defeat in the game. She was sobered up a bit before being discretely taken back to (YC)'s house. "You know… I really thought you were joking when you said you wanted to do this… I didn't realize someone like you was so kinky." She teased, leaning forward just a bit. "So, what are you gonna teach me first? How to bark or how to meow?" She wasn't taking this seriously at all, and was definitely challenging (YC)'s new authority over her.
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Himiko Toga
(Strip-Club): Himiko Toga. The blonde villainess that used to terrorize the masses along side the Leage of Villains. Well, the League of Villains had been disbanded for quite some time, the villains she once called friends having all scattered to avoid capture, though most ended up locked away. She was one of the lucky ones who escaped. She'd kept out of trouble since then, doing her best to get a job and even get an apartment. Thankfully... her employer, the owner of the lesbian strip club, didn't care much about the pasts of her employees and let Toga have the job. She lived in a shoddy apartment, the landlord never being around even to fix things, she hardly had warm water, but, it was better than her landlord finding out she was an ex villain and getting her locked away. 
Tonight, Toga was at work, dressed only in black short shorts and a black top bringing drinks around to the patrons as other girls put on a show up on the stage. Toga had some money tucked into her shorts and a tray of drinks in one hand as she bumped into (your character). She said a small apology and turned towards them with a smile. "Hey, my bad, can I get you anything?" She asked. It was obvious who she was, her voice, her eye, the scars, everything. Though most people who went in and out of here didn't care much, especially since she didn't seem to be hurting anyone and she was pretty hot. It was dark and the music was fairly loud, so the blonde had stepped a bit closer so she could hear the other if they had any requests, her yellow eye slightly narrowed at them like a cats. 
(Coworker): It had been a few years since Toga turned herself in... She helped with the downfall of the league and gave up the hideouts location in return for mental help and no prison time despite her own heinous crimes... She was let off with only a year in jail and still often had therapy appointments, on top of that, she now worked at a hero agency. Not as a hero of course, instead, she helped target where crime rings might be and gave her... unique.. insight as an ex villain. 
Of course, she still had trouble socializing with people, especially when everyone knew her name and face. There were actually times when people on the streets had attacked her... mostly the family of past victims. As for her own parents... she had no clue where they were... the only she knew was that they'd changed their names and moved... which was definitely a sore spot for her. Despite everything though, she had made some real progress, and had been friendly enough with her colleagues that she'd been invited out for drinks after work. She was hesitant at first, but had eventually been coaxed into coming along. 
One thing led to another, and after a few hours of drinking and chatting... she was ready to go home. She'd stood up, excusing herself from the table, and stumbled a bit just trying to step away from the table... she was a lightweight it seemed. Instead of letting her continue home like this, (Your Character) got up and offered to walk her home. She was quick to accept the help, and leaned on (YC) quite a bit as they took her home. When they got to her apartment, she paused, turning to face (YC). She threw her arms around them in a hug, the still tipsy blonde seeming a lot more affectionate in this state. "Thank you.. I wouldn't have been able to get home... do you.." She hesitated slightly, taking a step back. "Do you wanna come inside..?" She asked, her face a bit flushed from the alcohol. 
(Late Night Surprise): It had been a few years since the league of villains was disbanded, leaving Toga without a place to go. She’d wandered around, minimized her crime, and even had a job, but of course everyone eventually recognized her and she was always on the run. She had just been kicked out of her apartment that evening after she’d been recognized, having to flee with only the clothes she had on and a, rather small, pocket knife that she never really used. Even if she was armed, when she heard a police officer call into the pitch black alley she was in before turning away to say something into his walkie talkie, she panicked. She looked around before slipping into the first open window she found so she wasn’t out in the open, the girl landing on (Characters) bedroom floor with a loud thump and a little groan, the now black haired girl leaping to her feet to close the window, startling (Character) from their sleep. 
Himiko Toga. It had been a few years since she'd quit villainy, but she'd only gotten caught up in a certain predicament recently. After years of being on the down-low and avoiding being caught by heroes... (Your Character) recognized her in the streets. Not only that, she'd recognized them as well. She'd tried to run at first, but had ultimately been cornered... instead of turning her in (YC) made her a deal. If she went home with the other... she'd be taken care of and wouldn't be turned in... but she'd become (YC)'s pet. She was hesitant at first, and almost outright denied it... but she ultimately decided that it might be better than being locked away.. 
So, that's where she was now... kneeling inside (YC)'s home, her hands cuffed behind her back, a muzzle over her mouth to keep her from biting, and a red collar wrapped around her neck, with her "savior" of sorts holding onto her leash. She looked up at (YC), a small frown on her lips as she furrowed her eyebrows a bit. "So... what now..? You want me to bark for you or something? Or would you prefer meowing?" She was being a bit of a smart-ass, but mostly she was just trying to settle the nervous feeling inside of her.
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killerklownroleplay · 10 months
Roleplay Master List
Original Characters:
1. Juniper (Futa)⬇️♀️
2. Blaire (Futa)⬇️♀️
3. Hana (Futa)⬇️♀️
4. Cleo (Fem)⬇️♀️
5. Emma (Fem)⬇️♀️
Genshin Impact:
1. Beidou (Fem/Futa)⬇️♀️
2. Wanderer {Masato} (Trans Masc)⬇️⚧
My Hero Academia:
1. Himiko Toga (Fem/Futa)⬇️♀️
2. Haruki(Himiko) Toga (Trans Masc)⬇️⚧
3. Mitsaru(Katsuki) Bakugo (Fem)⬇️♀️
⬇️ - Sub
⬆️ - Dom
🔄 - Switch
♀️ - Interested in Women
♂️ - Interested in Men
⚧ - Interested in Everything
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