killerpandacom · 6 years
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Strong #TechBrandNames (as a rule) should avoid narrow geographic or category references. Your #ITBrandName should work to create a long-term, self-sustaining engagement with your #TargetMarket. You don’t want to select an #ITBrand Name that restricts your services or scope of practice should you expand. #Marketing www.brandings.com/
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killerpandacom · 6 years
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#BrandingTip: We all know what a #CatchyBrandName can do for a #StartUp but, where do these #GreatBrandNames come from? Well the enigma answer is, everywhere and nowhere… we hope that answers that question. Just kidding!! While that statement is quite true… we would like to breakdown the statement a little and at least point out some of the places where you can get inspiration for your #BrandName. 1st place to look - your business plan. Your business plan should go over your company’s vision, your mission, goals and objectives. Business plans should describe your idea and the need being addressed by your company. Find out the other places by following the link. killerpanda.com
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#Branding Myths: In one of your recent blog posts (Know Your Target Market for Brand Success) you said that I should be not only looking at my competition but other #Brands as well, even if they aren’t in my industry. Here’s the question, why should I bother looking at other brands for inspiration even if they’re successful, if they’re doing something so dramatically different from me? How could they help me? #BrandDevelopment #BrandNaming #BrandFacts: Yes, yes, yes you should. Just because a successful brand is nowhere near yours industry, think Cement Company and Flower Shop, if they are successful brands than you should look to them to see what it is that they are doing right. Just expanding on the Cement Company and Flower Shop, at first while you would think, what does cement have to do with flowers? I would think they have a lot in common when you begin to think about it. First they both have to move their product and they both have a very short window to do it. A while back we had a brand tip that you could learn a lot from brands that have failed and while that is true, there is a lot to be learned from brands that succeed. Coca-Cola, or IBM or other long standing brands, they are clearly doing something right, these brands have been around for a long time and that should be your goal. Maybe it’s their brand positioning, advertisement or whatever; there are great things to be learned there. Don’t be afraid to look outside your industry to find things that will work for your brand!
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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Connecting to your customers is of the utmost importance when you have a #TeleCom or #CommunicationBusiness. What would your customers think of you if you can’t express the kind of business or product you are? #AnalogueSwitches #DigitalSwitches #Modems http://killerpanda.com/product-category/communications-and-telecom/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: My #Brand doesn’t need a #SocialMedia page. I don’t understand why I need a FaceBook page or Twitter handle for my brand. I’m small and no one is going to “like” me anyway, what’s the point? #BrandFacts: Small #Brands need Social Media too, it doesn’t matter how small your brand is you at least need a social media page. There are just so many reasons you need to be plugged into social media, we’re just not going to have the time to answer it all here but, even if you’re a small restaurant in a rural area you need to get plugged in. Even if it is just announcing sales, specials or news about your brand these are great ways to get it out there. Also people can share these things with their friend which is basically just free advertising. Of course these can cut both ways, people can also write things you don’t like about your brand as well. http://killerpanda.com/product-category/communications-and-telecom/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: My #Brand is my product and what it tastes like, and that is all that really matters, it doesn’t matter what the box looks like! #Branding #BrandFacts: #Brands spend Billions of dollars each year on what, not only what their product looks like but what the packaging looks like; people are extremely visual. Recently I saw a static that around ninety present of all the information that is transmitted to the brain is visual. The problem that you may come across, if you don’t want to invest in the packaging, is that no one is going to pick it up to taste it. You can spend all your time and money on the taste, consistency and texture of your food product but if the outside box is unappealing and/or you use colors that are unappetizing no one is going to try it and find out. Everything about your product might be the best ever but if you don’t complete the brand package (pun intended) no one is going to find out because no one is going to try it! We’re sorry to tell you but your food is in, is almost as important as how it tastes. http://killerpanda.com/cool-names-for-a-brand/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: My #Brand is technologically advanced and that’s what makes my company great and it will always stay that way. #BrandFacts: #Brands built on technology need to stay ahead of the curve. Once #TechBrand leaders like Eastman Kodak were also once the leader in photographic #Tech and where are they now? Chapter 11. This once mighty company was the leader in their industry and constantly the leader in innovative advances in technology for OVER a hundred years and even the inventor of the digital camera but they were unable or unwilling to see the huge movement in film free cameras and late to get on board with an online catalog. The industry moved past this once mighty brand. That means just because your brand is on the cutting edge of technology now and well established, you need to do everything you can to keep it there and stay ahead of the curve. One, two slips and there is another brand waiting to take your spot! http://killerpanda.com/ideas-for-developing-a-catchy-brand-name/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: What should I care what people are saying about my #Brand on those sites like Facebook and twitter? Everyone I talk to says they love my brand! #Branding #Marking #BrandFacts: That’s great, we love the fact that you’re talking to people about your brand but your brand doesn’t end there. Years ago, when I was working in a restaurant there was a poster on the wall stating “A happy customer tells 3 people, an unhappy customer tells 10.” While the adage is still true we’ve entered a new world. We now live in a world where people can instantly get online, their twitter handle or Facebook account and tell hundreds if not thousands of their friends and followers. Your brand needs to make sure that your customers are happy and address any concerns or problems they may have had. Never, underestimate the power of an individual with a twitter following on your brand. This also means you should monitor what people are saying about your brand. http://killerpanda.com/new-great-article-on-how-to-brand-a-business/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: What does it matter how old my target market is, my #Brand is the key and everyone will love my products? #Branding Facts: We’re sure your products are great and that’s not really the point. The problem or the issue with not caring about the age of your #Brands #TargetMarket is that you’ll need to know how to position your product. When considering the age of your target market you want to consider how they are going to come in contact with your brand, for example if they’re young will they find it online or if a little older in the newspaper? Also consider the packaging of your product? Will you design the packaging to be bright and flashy for a young person or more subtle and elegant for a more mature audience? There are just so many things that you need to consider where the age of your target market is of the utmost importance. Never forget to factor this in. http://killerpanda.com/product-category/7-letter-brands/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: Your #Brand can only be one thing, be it one product, one service or even one type of restaurant. If you add things to your brand you’re only going to dilute it, therein destroy everything you’ve been built your brand up to be. #BrandFacts: Not true, you can have many different products or services under one brand. One great example is to look at the huge brand or company Apple to know that you can have more than one of anything “under” your brand. #BrandDevelopment #Branding Apple has the IPhone, IPad, IPod, the IAnything and more. They have an entire line of different products under the “I” brand. Whether it stands for “internet ready,” “intelligent” or as in “I for Me,” there are many different products under the “I” brand. Now you may say that they’re all technology, while that’s true, even restaurants with different types of food can be under one brand. Here is the great example of the Pappas line of restaurants, as anyone in Texas will be able to tell you, has several different types of restaurants all under the umbrella of their Pappas brand. They have PappaDeaux (French I believe), Pappasito’s Cantina (Mexican), Pappas Seafood and more. They are quite different but they all are branded as Pappas. The most important part of a brand is consistency, consistently great food, cutting edge technology or friendly customer service. Brand equals consistency and that means if one of the products, goods or services fails to meet up with the customer’s expectation the entire line will be compromised. Go out and add some products to your brand! http://killerpanda.com/ideas-for-developing-a-catchy-brand-name/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: My #Brand is my product so what’s the problem with that. My product is the best and most innovative in the industry so what else do I need? #Branding #BrandFacts: If you think that your #Product is your brand you’ve been misled. Your brand is bigger than your product, your service, your design or even your packaging. Your brand is everything put together so, if you’re neglecting all other aspects outside of just your product, you’re heading to trouble. Your brand is an experience from beginning to end, from order to execution, from use to customer service. Our researchers have put together a great blog on building a better experience for a successful brand and we would suggest that everyone should check it out. http://killerpanda.com/product-category/business-and-professional-brands/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: I heard something recently about “#BrandPositioning” and I guess I’m a little confused about what exactly that is, and how it would this affects my #Brand. #Branding #BrandFacts: Brand positioning is basically, and most simply, how or why is your customer going to pick your brand over another brand within the same market. For example is your brand going to be smaller than your completion, is it faster, more reliable or even cheaper. You need to know why people are going to choose you over your completion, you’ve got to give them a reason and that reason is Brand Positioning. Just one quick note, price is almost never the right way to go with brand positioning. You almost never want to know as the cheap one, and it’s a very slippery slope to be on, someone can always undercut you. http://killerpanda.com/finding-a-brand-name-on-killer-panda/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: I keep asking everyone over and over again if they like the #BrandName that I’ve developed. I’m kind of scared now, that people are telling me what I want to hear. How do I know if people are telling me what I want to hear or if my #Brand name is really a great one? #BrandNaming #Branding #BrandFacts: Great question, I fear that what you’ve said, about influencing people is true. When you’re asking people about your brand name “over and over” you’re influencing their response. There’s an old proverb “Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.” When you’re asking people, preferably your target market, how they feel about your brand name, it should be casual and not intimidating. By asking people over and over again, people may be telling you what they think you want to hear and that’s not going to help you in the brand name development process. Be free, encourage people to speak their mind and encourage a healthy and stimulating discussion about the name, you never know the great brand name ideas you’ll come up with. http://killerpanda.com/about-us/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: A pun is a great way to get my new business attention. I’m #StartingABusinesses and think I’ve come up with a really funny and interesting pun, I don’t see what the big problem is; it’s funny! #Branding #BrandingTips #BrandFacts: You may think your pun is just so funny now and while it may garner attention, ask yourself, is it the right kind of attention. There are a lot of businesses where puns are just inappropriate, for instance lawyer, banker, financial adviser, security and the like. These are all businesses where you need to sound serious. Puns also don’t translate, they may be regional humor and often rhyme which when translated into a foreign language are completely missed. Also foreign speakers have trouble with puns. There are several different reasons why puns are a bad choice for your brand name, so much so, that we’ve written a blog about it. Check out our blog, “Avoid Puns for your Brand Name” and let us know what you think. Also just check it out if you want to see some really funny pun named business and why these 3 or four may actually work!
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: #Brands are developed and crafted over a long period of time. You just can’t #BrandABusiness and they certainly can’t have one pushed on to you. It’s a long process and it just doesn’t happen overnight. #Branding #BrandFacts: While the brands that you want to develop can take a lot of time to craft and develop, make no mistake about it, your business or company can be branded in almost an instant. Worse, and more troublesome, brands can be developed in moments and you may not even be in control of the process. One example, this is a positive example, Jackie Kennedy-Onassis was discussing how their legacy was branded “Camelot.” It all came back to one interview where she simple stated that JFK’s favorite record was the soundtrack from that Broadway show. She reflected and said that there life was like “Camelot.” The press grabbed this analogy and ran with it, and we shall always know the Kennedy administration as Camelot. Your company or product can be branded in a second and you may not even being the one doing it. In the case of the Kennedy’s, Camelot happens to be a really good brand but it may not go that way. FIAT, was “rebranded” as Fix It Again Ted, and it took years and a CEO laser focused on engine reliability to lose that moniker. Get ahead of the branding and always keep listening to what others are saying about it, if you’re hearing negative comments associated with your brand FIX IT! http://killerpanda.com/hot-brand-naming-topics/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: I’m at that point where my #Brand is going global and I’ve hired one of the best US #TrademarkAttorney and I’ve filed to #Trademark my brand in the US. This means my brand will be protected across the globe; you just need to file once. #BrandFacts: That is NOT true and your Trademark Attorney should have told you that. As of yet, there is no universal or international trademark for your brand. You must apply to extend your trademark to other countries and this can be done at the same time or through the USPTO but only to countries who have signed the Madrid Protocol, around 85 of them. These countries include most of Europe and even China. This process is a bit confusing that even we’re not sure exactly how it’s done but, the point is don’t be fooled and think that just because your brand is protected in one country, it is in another. http://killerpanda.com/brand-name-development-myths-facts/
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killerpandacom · 7 years
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#BrandMyth: Recently our Team was at a business conference where people were talking about #BrandEquity and how to build equity into a #Brand. #BrandFact: While your brand isn’t exactly like a house, you need to build equity into it. Not the same type of equity you build into a house but equity non-the-less. When a perspective client is presented with seemingly equal products what would make them choose yours over another? At the most basic level Brand Equity is the reason why someone would choose your product or company over another. #Branding To learn more about Brand Equity and how to build it, check out our recent blog. http://killerpanda.com/brand-equity-what-is-it-and-how-do-you-build-it/
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