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“Ever since season 1 I just began hating Oh Sangwoo. I don’t like the way he acts and how abusive he is. He’s not even good looking to me either. Dosen’t mean that I don’t understand what he’s been through, characters like him just aren’t my favourite. I just hate him.”
- Anonymous
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“I’m betting that by the end of the manga for these possible endings to the story: - Sangwoo will be killed by Yoon Bums hand - Sangwoo will become, more and more like his father & accidentally kills Yoon Bum - Yang Seungbae & Oh Sangwoo fight. Sangwoo ends up dying.
Let’s face it, this manga deserves an unhappy, sad & tragic ending” 
- Anonymous
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So... I’m alive! I’m so sorry that I haven’t been active in a long time, my hiatus lasted a lot longer then I expected and school got in the way of everything so I didn’t get a chance to work on this blog (remember, I run both this and the KS incorrect quote blog on my own. 
However, things have been cooling down, so this is, hopefully, the end of my hiatus (key word: hopefully). I still need to catch up on the latest KS chapters, but other than that, I’ll be opening my submission + ask box today.
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“Least popular opinion: I think KS actually should be considered an important part of LGBT+ media. There’s no rule that all representation HAS to be healthy and positive - if anything, when done well, showing the realities of the reverse can resonate with people better. Abusive, toxic gay relationships do occur and I can’t name more than one or two other titles depicting it, compared to the hundreds featuring hetero couples. It doesn’t mean that you’re normalizing abuse, just talking about it.”
- thats-miss-spider-to-you
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“I believe that Sangwoo and Yoonbum are getting away with it scotch free. Seungbae technically broke into Sangwoo'a house, no warrant, and fucked shit up. I think Seungbae will get discharged… But if that does happen, then Seungbae will do it by himself as a normal civilian Or die bc Sangwoo isn’t fucking stupid and will kill him”
- lucina-sketch
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“When i read Bum’s dialogue, I imagine his voice to be like a version of Morty’s, from Rick and Morty. Less annoying of course..”
- awkwrrd
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“I can already tell that Yoonbum, Seungebae, and Sangwoo are not going to get out of this situation unscathed without one of them dying and/or going to prison. Yoonbum has no where to go but to a emotionally, sexually, and physically abusive uncle. This was the saddest part for me.”
- blossomrocks
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“I don’t like Seungbae and I hate it when chapters are told out of his point of view instead of Bums. Seungbae is probably supposed to be a main character, but he seems really flat and boring to me. There wasn’t any development of his character since the beginning and his actions as well as his facial expressions are predictable and repetitive. Sangwoo on the other side is an incredibly interesting and fleshed out character. I don’t want Seungbae to die, but I hope he will dissappear in some way.” 
- Anonymous
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“im extremely on the fence about liking sangwoo but ill admit that that one scene where he did a one hand push up with seungbae restraining him was pretty hot”
- Anonymous
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“Sometimes I wish Yoonbum was a real person, so I an help him out”
- less-creative-toast
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“I think this is gonna end with Bum killing Sangwoo and then killing himself. We all know Yoon is obsessed with Sangwoo, but at some point he's probably gonna have some big revelation that they aren't actually a couple and just go batshit crazy.”
- rulerofthefandomkingdom
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“I thought that “Sungbae” was like a nickname for Sangwoo and we changed sang to sung and added bae to it.”
- physickitty
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“Seungbae may be the most (and probably the only one) moral character in the story, but I can’t like him because his way of investigating is way too unprofessional. His intuition is certainly right (because, well, we all know what Sangwoo did), but it’s not as if he had any irrefutable proof against Sangwoo to accuse him, and he knows that he doesn’t have any credit to the other policemen, and acting this way won’t allow him to gain more credit.”
- Anonymous
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“Do you think that Bum might be the one at fault for what's happened to him (uncle excluded of course)? I mean, he's the one who broke into the house, he is the stalker. Sangwoo acts like a person with ASPD, who coincidentally already committed murders (intelligence and sadist tendencies included), so I would have been more surprised if he acted otherwise.”
- asknoquestions26
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“I'm honestly really curious if Sangwoo would consider framing Seungbae for his crimes. If he can pull it off, I'd love to see how Seungbae tries to get himself out of that sort of situation.”
- Anonymous
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“I very recently started watching Heathers, haven’t finished it yet, but it’s really reminding me of Yoon Bum and Sangwoo.”
- mysticmessbutwhocares
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“Honestly I just want to see everyone go through therapy. Both Sangwoo and Yoonbum. They really need it, considering a murderer and a stalker.”
- budderfirework
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