killingviolets · 2 years
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Much to think about
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killingviolets · 2 years
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ITS MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW, so I’m posting a pic of me in hopes SOMEONE will say happy birthday, also UPLOADING A LIL SOMETHING TOMORROW (also follow my insta let’s be friends it’s bblackleatherr 🤍)
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killingviolets · 2 years
omg pls
﹟Willamina Venable and Michael Langdon (Apocolypse) ⸝⸝
﹟Cordelia Goode and Michael Langdon (Apocolypse)⸝⸝
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like or reblog if you download/use ♡
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killingviolets · 2 years
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killingviolets · 2 years
#47 with Xavier or Jim pretty please 😊
Oh girrrl this had to be Xavier!
“Look, I know we’re just friends but you’re sitting on my lap and I’m so sorry if I get hard.”
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killingviolets · 2 years
I’ve not been here for a WHILE as I had a major depressive episode but I am BACK baby,,
Also revamped my page a lil so it’s pretty now, gonna get the outstanding requests done but pls ppl give me some prompts or ideas for fics as I really wanna get back into writing I just literally have no ideas lmao
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killingviolets · 2 years
Nsfw Michael Langdon Headcanons!
anonymous asked if I had any michael nsfw headcanons and they didn’t say older or younger, so I decided to do both!
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killingviolets · 2 years
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killingviolets · 3 years
He’s so beautiful I genuinely don’t understand how it’s possible
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I would honestly struggle to keep eye contact with Michael.
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killingviolets · 3 years
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since I’m bored and never post soft boy xav 🤍
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killingviolets · 3 years
Cum On Feel the Noize
Summary: Xavier has ideas on how to spice up your boring shift.
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: So, this is taking place as if the massacre never occurred and everybody’s able to do their summer counselor jobs. Obviously (if the title didn’t clue you in) this is smut. This is based on the Xavier edging and squirting ask I answered a couple of days ago, so there’s that. Feedback is appreciated, and comments, likes and reblogs make my world go round. 
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killingviolets · 3 years
little wet mess (prof!duncan shepherd x student!reader)
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request: Omg!! Can you please do 28,38, and 60!! @princess-jj06​
warnings: SMUUUUT, fluff, squirting, daddy kink, a bit of bondage but not really, blindfolds, use of vibrator, smallest amount of mean!duncan but not really. (early in forbidden love au)
word count: like 2,4k (I didn’t proofread this because my eyes kind of hurt)
maybe this is one of the first times that prof!duncan introduces you to a lil
you know
and then he
you know
“No I wanna see you..” You whined, the silk fabric over your eyes wasn’t something you were uncomfortable with. But it was something that obviously blinded you to the glorious man on top of you.
“Sweet girl, just wait…” Duncan used his authoritative voice. The one that you are so oddly reminded of whenever you’re in his class and hopelessly pressing your thighs together at.
“Duncan please..”
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killingviolets · 3 years
but what if prof!duncan made his girl wear vibrating panties while she gave a presentation 😙
oh but what if
Meeting up with Duncan before your class with him starts. And you’re in his office just sharing a few sweet little kisses because you need your good luck kissies. And Duncan just has you sitting on the edge of his desk, his hands slowly going underneath your skirt and pulls down your panties. 
You’re all warm faced because you assumed that he was going to do more -
but then he just pulls on a different pair of panties. And you frown as he fixes up your outfit, making sure you’re not revealing anything and then gently taps on your ass and tells you to go to class.
Arriving a few minutes late, Duncan sets up at the front of class and goes through the presentations with a few other students until he reaches you. You head up to the front with a confident smile; even if you mess up a little, you knew Duncan was lenient with students for social anxiety. He was even more lenient with you.
But as you start your presentation, you notice Duncan playing with his phone underneath his desk. Usually this wasn’t a huge deal, he sometimes takes notes of what students are presenting on his phone or laptop depending on the assignment.
Eventually you figure out what it is as you feel the panties Duncan had put on you start to vibrate and start becoming.. very distracting. 
You try to turn your head subtly to look at Duncan and all he has is a huge shit eating grin. You watch as his hand underneath the desk moves slightly, his finger trailing up and down on the screen of his phone. The vibrations corresponding with how you feel in between your legs.
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killingviolets · 3 years
Those gloves ✝️😌
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(Cody Fern / Michael Langdon)
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killingviolets · 3 years
Ranger Danger - Stan Vogel Oneshot
Pairing: Stan × Fem!Reader
Word Count: Around 3,000
Warnings: mention of blood, pre-smut
A/N: so i haven't written anything in well over a year but after cody's 10 minutes of screen time on feral, i couldn't not obsess over this dork. so i wrote this on my phone after thinking about it at work all day yesterday. big thanks to @lovelylangdonx and @wroteclassicaly  for inspiring me to write this 🥰 also, sorry if it sucks. i didn't get too smutty cause i honestly don't like how my smut turns out but it def gets a little steamy. and like i said, i wrote this on my phone and normally i write on my computer so sorry if there's any typos 💕
The infamous Kern Canyon National Park. Legend has it the woods are filled with feral cannibals and they snatch kids or something, you weren't quite sure. They all start to blur together, honestly. The bigger the park, the weirder the shit that lurks behind the trees. 
When you signed up to be a park ranger, you thought it would be an easy way to make money and get a nice tan. However, once you discovered all the urban legends were true, you realized it'd be a lot less of a dorky, for better lack of words, job than you'd thought. And once you took your first shot at one of those "urban legends", you were hooked. 
Once you reach the parking for the ranger station, you hop out if your jeep and throw your bag over your shoulder and your shotgun under your arm and start your mini-hike up the hill. Once you reach the bottom of the steps of the station, you drop your bag to take a sip of water. This California heat was especially brutal today, and you had already worked up a small sweat just from the half mile up the hill. You close your eyes, enjoying the cool water when you hear a twig snap behind you. 
"G'day." You turn around at the sound of the man's voice to see a tall, brunette walking up the hill. "Can I help you?" 
"No, I'm a the new park ranger. Can I help you ?" You smirk, picking up your bag and throwing it over your shoulder again. 
"What new park ranger?" His brows furrowed as he took a slow chew at his gum, which you suspected was probably a stale mint and rock hard by this point. He squinted against the sun as he got a closer look at you, taking you all in. Granted, you didn't look much like the traditional ranger, to say the least. Your uniform consisted of khaki shorts that were a little too short and the drab button down that you kept untucked and tied at the bottom. You refused to dress the part of the stereotypical ranger. 
"They want two rangers at every station now, so I've been assigned here to help out with the… little problem." This wasn't your first time to be sent in as backup. 
"What little problem ? I'm the ranger around here and I'm doing just fine." So this must be the other ranger the guys at HQ were telling you about. Robo Ranger, they called him. They described him as the Eagle Scout of your nightmares, however they failed to mention how attractive he was.
"Whatever you say, mate ." You mock, flashing him a grin. "Look, I dunno how they do it Down Under , but 'doing just fine' isn't doing enough when five people have gone missing within the last month. Big Brother can't claim it's just drunken mishaps every time. They're gonna start losing money if the people don't feel safe."
"I…" He let out a huff of breath, frustration evident on his face. "Who sent you here,  again, and why wasn't I notified?"
"Sweetie, I think we both know who sent me." You replied, patting his shoulder and taking a step up the stairs. He gave you a knowing nod, his jaw stiff with frustration. 
"Come on, I'll show you around the cabin." 
"Whoa, ranger danger , pal! Didn't your parents ever tell you not to go into a cabin of a stranger?" Another sigh, you could already tell you were going to have fun with him. 
"Stan." He said, taking a step up the stairs, past you.  
"Stand where?" You mocked. He stopped and turned around. 
"Stan. As in that's my name." 
"Stan? No one's actually named Stan." You snicker, climbing further up the stairs, sliding past him. You hear him huff yet again as you sauntered up the rest of the steps to the top. "It's Y/N, by the way." You stop, turning on your heel to stare down at your new roommate, who was looking anywhere but at you. "Well. Aren't you gonna show me to my room, Stan?" 
By the time night fell, you had already learned a few things about Ranger Stan. First of all, he chews an excessive amount of spearmint gum, possibly an ex-smoker you assumed. He was also a bit of a neat freak, you could tell by how everything had it's own place and how irked he got when you just threw your bag in your room. And lastly, he hated your uniform. 
You sat in your new room scrolling through your phone with what little cell reception you could get. This was not your idea of how you'd spend the first night here. You were sent to help do damage control, which meant actually going outside. So far all you'd done is watch Stan chew on his gum and stare out the window through his binoculars. You were bored, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. You laced up your hiking boots and grabbed your gun, passing by Stan at that same spot at the window. 
"I wouldn't head out there if I were you." He warned, setting his binoculars on the windowsill. 
"And why is that?"
"They didn't tell you about them?" He questioned. 
"No, they actually told me the park was full of Bambis and butterflies." He rolled his eyes at your retort, crossing his arms as he leaned against the windowsill. "Yeah, they told me what was out there, hence why I'm wanting to go outside." 
"Well I dunno what all they told you, but I guarantee it's worse than anything you've seen" Another slow chew of his gum, which you were sure was probably his tenth piece for the day. 
"Well, how about I be the judge of that?" You start for the door again only for him to slide in front of you and lock the deadbolt. 
"I ain't letting some new ranger go wander the forest after dark by herself for me to go get her and get us both killed."
"Darlin', I've been around plenty of parks to know the stuff of nightmares is just outside that door." You take a step closer to him, lowering your voice. "Now are we going to fight whatever is out there, or can you think of something better for us to do all alone in our cabin?"
The way his face went from concern to flustered once he realized how close you had gotten to him and what you had insinuated made you bite your lip to keep from laughing. He shifted his eyes back out the window, trying to avoid your stare, a light pink blush creeping on his cheeks. 
He picked up his binoculars again, handing them to you. You took them and took another step closer to him to take a look where he was pointing out the window. 
"What exactly am I looking for?" You squint through the lenses, not sure even where he's wanting you to look. He placed his hand gently on yours on the binoculars and guided your vision. You gasped when you saw the shadow of something non-human walking, no, crawling from behind a tree down in the valley. 
"It's no Bigfoot, I can tell you that." He took a step back and started for a file cabinet at the edge of the room. He opened the cabinet and brought a file to you. "In my country they call them the Yowie, but that's bullshit too. So unless you wanna go out there and be killed or eaten tonight, I suggest you read that and find out what you're up against."
"I've always found a hands on approach to learning was better, don't you think?" You smirk, taking the file from him. He tensed up at the teasing tone your voice held. 
"If you wanna get yourself killed tonight then be my guest." 
"God! Lighten up, Stan. I can see why they call you Robo Ranger, now." You scoff, flipping through the file. 
"Wha-, who calls me that?" He scrunched his brows together.
"No one, er… Okay, everyone. Look, it's besides the point." You shake away the thought. "Why can't we just take a peak? Call it a midnight stroll if you want? I'll hold your hand if you're scared." 
If looks could kill. 
"No." Was his answer, turning on his heel to head for his room. "Read the file."
Your first week was quite uneventful. You'd walk around the area by the station and speak with campers, check for littering, and put out any remaining lingering campfires you could find, the same boring ranger stuff you do at every park. Since you weren't going to get your fun by hunting the big, bad scaries, you decided to find it elsewhere. Elsewhere, being Stan. 
You noticed how Stan was confident and cocky around campers, yet when you so much as bent down in front of him or harmlessly flirted with him, he became tense and frustrated. So, of course, throughout the week, you found different ways to tease him, whether it was finding small ways to touch him or turning serious things he said into sexual innuendo. You even went as far as walking out of the shared bathroom in your towel one morning after an especially long bath. He definitely couldn't look at you for half the morning after that stunt. You were driving him mad. Stan hadn't received this much attention from a woman, well, ever you assumed. 
It was obvious this guy had some serious sexual frustration that he needed to get out, and you were excited to see how far you could push him. 
"Honey, I'm home!" You called out, strolling into the cabin looking for Stan. He was in the same place you left him a few hours ago when you went for a walk: sitting on the couch, cleaning his guns. You kicked off your boots before making your way further inside. "You know, you'll go blind playing with your shaft all day." You tease, noticing how he rolled his eyes at you before glancing up. 
"Y'know, if you wore your uniform right you wouldn't be bleeding." He noticed the small gash on your thigh from a fight with a stubborn tree limb earlier.  
"What is with you and my shorts? Have you never seen legs before?" You sat on the couch, stretching out your legs on the table as he got up to get the first aid kit. 
"Oh come on, they're not practical." He sits beside you, placing the kit on the coffee table. 
"What do you mean? They're totally practical. If you haven't noticed, it's kinda hot. California summertime, baby." 
"What about bugs?" He opened the kit, grabbing some gauze and alcohol. 
"Bugspray." You quip, moving your leg so your foot rests on his lap so he can doctor you. He glances up your leg to the gash, careful not to let his eyes linger. 
"Well they sure as hell didn't keep you from this, whatever happened." He lightly grabbed your knee with one hand, gentle yet firm, to hold you still so he could properly clean the cut. His eyes slowly roamed up your leg to the area, another slow chew of his gum before he pressed the gauze to your leg. 
"It's barely even a scratch." You wince as the alcohol stung the cut. He continues wiping at the cut, careful not to press too hard. 
"Tell me, ranger boy," He glanced up to meet your eyes, gently holding the gauze in place. "Are you this gentle with all your lovers or am I just special?" You tease, adding a wink as he finished cleaning your cut. He scoffed, tossing your foot out of his lap before standing up. 
"Tell me, ranger girl, has anyone bothered to tell you what a pain in the ass you are?" He dropped the gauze in your lap before retreating to his room. You smirked to yourself, stretching out on the couch to finish doctoring your wound. 
That night, after dinner, Stan stood in his normal spot at the window, binoculars in hand staring out, searching. You see his little green packet of gum on the coffee table and decide to help yourself, noticing it's the last piece. 
"What's the point in constantly looking for these things if we aren't going to actually do something about it? It's no fun looking when you can't touch, now is it?" You question, chewing the minty gumstick down. You had to admit, as much fun as it was teasing him, you were curious to see what he'd be like coming undone. Would he finally take you outside just to shut you up? Would he scream at you and find a way to transfer you out of his woods. Or would he push you against the door and fuck you until you shut up about going outside and only had his name on your lips. As much as you hoped it would be the last one, you sure as hell wouldn't be moaning his name. 
"Someone's got to keep an eye out, make sure they don't decide to follow us back to camp." 
"Hm, don't want them to walk in on something naughty?" He shifts like he's about to turn around, but stays in his place. You decide to join him at his spot by the window. 
"Shut up." He rolled his eyes, patting his shirt pocket, looking for the packet of gum, you suppose. You hand him the empty packet of gum. He fumbled with the packet of gum, noticing it's emptiness and how he smelt the faint scent of mint coming from you. "Did you help yourself to my last piece of gum?"
"Oh, sorry sweetie, do you want it back?" You reply with a wide-eyed stare, flashing him with the light green gum that was resting on your tongue. He couldn't help but picture you making that face whole on your knees, the thought making his khakis fit a little tighter. He huffed in response, making it a point to try to ignore you to look back out the window. "So, do you ever bring women up here?"
"Well why not? Don't let me get in the way." You joke, holding up your hands in defense. "We can do it old school if we need to. Y'know, put the old sock on the door." 
"That won't be necessary." 
"A real panty dropper such as yourself?" You tease, revelling in the way his jaw clenched and his cheeks brightened. "No one can resist a ranger, darling." 
He didn't want to admit that it had, in fact, been quite a while since he'd last had sex. Not that it never happened, there just wasn't much opportunity. Having this job meant devoting his days to the forest and most women he meets are typically camping with their significant others. He honestly hadn't thought too much about it until you showed up, with your constant flirtations and too little shorts. 
"I bet no one would hear them moaning your name." You were going a bit too far, but judging by the growing bulge in his pants, he seemed to be enjoying it. " Oh, Stan! Yes, mister ranger!"
Your fake moans were the last straw. 
"Oh my god, do you ever shut up!" He spat, setting the binoculars back down and turning to face you. 
"Only when made." You step in front of him, leaning against the window. You force him to make eye contact with you, sitting in his direct view of the outside. Stan couldn't help drifting his eyes from yours to your lips, the aroma of spearmint filling his senses making him notice how close you were. He'd thought all week about all the ways he could shut you up, and they all ended with his cock buried between those tempting legs of yours. 
"I think it's time I finally did." Before you could respond, his hand slid behind your neck to pull your face closer to his, colliding his lips with yours to finally shut you up. His plump lips were soft against yours, even though the kiss wasn't. He moved his lips hungrily with yours, a weeks worth of tension all thrown into one kiss. You let a soft moan escape into his mouth as his hands fell down your sides to land at your waist. You slid your own hands up his chest to wrap around his neck.
"You are so…" He rasped as he pulled away to kiss down your neck. 
"So what?" You breathed, his mouth reaching your pulse point, causing another moan to leave. "Tempting?" You smirk, still not easing back with your teases. 
"Annoying." He answered, his breath hot against your neck as he moved his hands from your waist to your ass to pull you closer. You smiled as you felt his already hard cock through his pants pressing against you. 
"Oh, I think you like it." You hum as he worked on sucking a bruise at your neck. Instead of responding, he worked his way back to your mouth to attack your lips again, this time more rough than the first. You parted your lips as he nibbled on your bottom lip, letting his tongue enter to meet with yours. You could already feel how wet your panties were sure to be. He slid one hand to the front of your shorts, unbuttoned them with ease before rubbing you through the fabric. 
"I think you do too." He breathed, gliding his fingertips underneath the shorts to press against the wet fabric of your panties. You let out another soft moan into his mouth at contact, needing to feel more of him. He pulled his hand away to wrap back around your hip, his other hand sliding under your thigh to signal for you wrap your legs around him as he pressed you against the window. "Now let's get you out of these fucking shorts."
Tagging some Stan stans 💕: @lovelylangdonx @wroteclassicaly @dailylangdon
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killingviolets · 3 years
Michael Langdon / Virgin!Reader
A/N : I’m so sleepy, but I wanted to work through whilst I had my inspiration in high gear, get this out as promised. There might be some slight errors, which I’ll correct if I see later. I edited as best I could for it being six am. This took on a mind of its own, something that just came to me. I’m still working on and accepting requests!
Let me know what you think of this one. It’s a bit different, more fluffy Michael. I’ve been feeling down in the dumps and writing this cheered me up a bit. And yes, this is a virgin reader, shy, whatever you wanna call it. Sorry if that’s not your thing. 
Enjoy! - Kristen :)
Warnings : Explicit and filthy language, pure smut, you know the drill. 
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killingviolets · 3 years
I’m yet to even watch the episode but hoolyyyyy fuck
My Cabin
(Stan Vogel x Reader)
Warnings : PWP, spanking, rough sex, language, vaginal sex, all that good stuff.
Pairings : Stan Vogel x Female!Reader
A/N : Y’all, I cannot express how much my heart is happy right now! The content we got (even if small) felt right. Cody in the AHS world. I love Stan! I hope y’all enjoy this?
It’s a porn without plot, basically, lol. It’s unedited, but I’ll probably edit later. I have lots more Stan ideas to go! Love y’all! ❤️
You didn’t want to do this. Did anyone really enjoy camping, or was it just you that dreaded it with every fiber of your depression-cloaked being? Your bestfriends had dragged you all the way out here, insisting it would be one hell of a ‘good time’.
“So, that’s smoking weed and getting drunk? Why can’t we do that at home?” You’d all but whined.
“Because it’s boring going to the same hangouts every night, Y/N. And out here? We don’t have to worry about cops n’ shit.” Your best-friend’s boyfriend had spoken from the front, fingers resting idly on the leather steering wheel of his 2015 Range Rover.
You loathed that car with a passion. It rubbed you the wrong way.
“Aren’t there park rangers out here though?” Was your retort.
“Get off it, Y/N. Chill the fuck out and pull that stick out of your ass, and quit acting like the good girl.”
“She doesn’t act.” Your best-friend had smirked.
“Fuck you both! All this is going to end up being is one big fat fucking cliche.” You crossed your arms and laced on some hefty sarcasm. “Trying to scare each other. Fucking in the woods, all that good shit. That’s crap that teenagers do, not grown ass adults like we’re supposed to be. Or... some of us.”
“Who the hell are you gonna fuck, babe? When was your last date again...?” Your bestie’s boyfriend had cackled at his own statement.
“Yeah, whatever.” You let yourself remain silent, not taking the bait. You just needed to get through these next two days and you could go back to reading fanfiction, masturbating your irritation out, and ignoring all social invites ever again.
Everyone worked together to set the three tents up, your other close friends texting before the signal went a little static that they would be in later on in the evening with more food and liquor. You didn’t care to make yourself aware of what your bestfriend was currently doing in her tent, so you made yourself a deal to at least try a solo hike. Hopefully there wouldn’t be any damned rattlesnakes. Gripping your sunglasses, you peel open your friend’s discarded off brand handbag, stealing her pack of Marlboro Reds.
The party scene might not be entirely for you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some good ol’ enriching nicotine when you desire it. You light up as you take the trail you came into, pocketing the lighter and smoke pack in your jeans, head tilting to catch the crisp summer breeze that carries in the scent of a promising surprise : rain. You’re elated, already relaxing with your walk.
The sun quickly becomes overcast, the tall treetops swaying a melodic pre-show performance. This is something you can appreciate. A crackling thunder quivers in the mountains, encasing you into a bewilderment. It’s loud and it’s coming. Caught up, you comedically fall off your path and run smack dab into a water pump, dropping your cherry onto the ground.
“Fuck me...” You grip the warm metal handle, allowing yourself a palmful to douse your face cool.
“Those things result in forest fires. It’s one of the leading causes in our planet’s fucked up climate. People like you just continue to contribute to it by shitting all over the earth.” Sounds an Australian - tacked voice, smothered in a delicious depth.
Your anger is on the back burner the moment you see the face that goes with his voice. Tall, clean shaven, sharp jawline, short, slicked back, chocolate brown hair, muscular form fitted by a leather belt, tight green khakis, then there’s that see through white tee below the top layer. A gold name tag catches the light against one of the breast pockets. Stan Vogel. The drool is probably imminent, and that means you have to say something.
“Who are you? Smokey-the-fucking-Bear?” You snap, trying to keep your cool. This man is someone you couldn’t have imagined in your wildest panty - dripping fantasies.
He looks incredulous for a moment, but then it’s gone, leaving in place a very cocky devilish sneer.
“I’m the person that makes sure you’re kept safe.” He puts a chained emphasis on the last word, pushing past you and climbing a stair case that you are now embarrassingly aware is in front of your face - attached to a huge cabin. A streak of lighting crackles across the valley, Stan outstretching his large hand for you to take.
“Come on then. You’re a bit far from your campsite. You’ll never make it in time before you get soaked.”
You take his fingers in a lace - up, a smacking ache attaching itself directly to your cunt.
Fuck me, I thought park rangers were fat and balding?
Stan leads you up the wooden staircase and into a door. That California wind picks up the storm to the forefront and brings in gusting winds, shrouding you in that earthy, wet scent, Stan’s softly spicy aftershave hints prickling through in a welcomed addition. The cabin is large and covered in typical furnished items. It’s nothing you haven’t seen on documentaries or the news. You perch yourself on the leather couch, awaiting his proud presence.
He comes to settle eye level to you, still watching you on observation. You can’t take this silence, not even as the rain patters the windows in a veering violence.
“How did you know where my tent was?” You’re curious, a little paranoid.
He almost giggles, shaking his head. “I saw you and your mates come in. Fucking hate that car you’re driving too.”
“Isn’t it ridiculous? I don’t like it for some odd reason.” You share in a bite-back, more comfortable now.
“Storm’s really pickin’ up out there. Looks like you’re stuck with me for a while.” He moves with a cat-like ease to the window, those digits prying the curtain away to see the rain drops.
Your heart beat begins a full speed ahead gallop, breath getting lodged in broken pieces in your throat. You have to move, have to walk this fucking tingling frustration off. You head to the window that is opposite his, busying yourself by watching outside too. That doesn’t last long, a warmth drafting itself in a drape across your back. You feel as if you’re dreaming.
Your legs are like jello limbs, unmovable and cloudy soft. Stan cages you in, gently prying you in a turn by your wrists. He’s fucking tall, towering your frame. A trembling gasp escapes you, and Stan steps back a little. You mewl in outward disappointment, shocking yourself.
“Look, I don’t want to scare you, so tell me to hit the stairs if you don’t want this. But you’re literally squirming here, and that says to me that you either want to get the hell out of this station, or you want me to unbuckle my belt and fuck you against this wall.” He raises a brow, his forearm pressing into the space above you.
You close your eyes, on fire in a drenched need to be taken and fucked until you can’t walk and there isn’t an inch of your ass that isn’t bruised or bleeding.
Why the fuck not? I deserve this.
Your fingertips pinch his name tag. “Okay, Stan. Show me a good time.”
He scoops a strong arm underneath your knees, bending you into a drag that lands you bent over the couch. You’re struggling to breathe that it sounds like you’re panting, akin to some wild beast. That authoritative figure is draping himself across your back, easing his firm hands into your blouse, caressing up and down your spine, coaxing a line of goosebumps underneath your bra’s band.
“Can I take your pants off...” He breaks to seek out your name, making you punch out a laugh.
“It’s Y/N.”
“Pretty name.” He coos, heeding your nod and discarding your jeans in a pile on the wood floor.
“Beautiful ass.” He palms it in strokes, then smacks a cheek so hard that you yelp.
“It’s such a shame that I have to beat it for almost destroying an acre of wooded land.” Another feral hit. “If I didn’t keep any order around here, then what would happen?”
You don’t answer right away, causing Stan to be displeased. He snarls into his next motion, exclaiming a series of heavy-handed hits across both cheeks. There’s no choice but to take what he gives you, your panties ruined and soaked, that uncomfortable wetness making itself known each time you move. You’re shaking and whimpering, quivering to a charging cry by the time his punishment resigns.
“Get up.” He wraps your hair around his fist, shoving you in a clumsy stumble into the cabin wall. “I’m the law around here, Y/N. You gonna respect that? You gonna take me?” His hot mouth takes your answer captive, teeth sinking into your bottom lip and pulling until you feel the skin shred.
“Fuck, Stan. Yeah... yeah-“ He grips your cunt roughly, ending your answer, his fingers rubbing your clit through sopping fabric. He hums against your mouth, his cock straining roughly in those khakis.
You’re buzzing, melting into a lava pit that is buried inside of you. There’s a desperation that plows down rationality (as if that’s been here so far...), and you’re ripping his uniform off his chest to get a good eye full of that white t-shirt. You lick your lips appreciatively, helping him work your panties off your body, his shirt parading through the air along with the other garments. It’s like a race against time after his khakis are all that remain. You’re lifting your right leg to slot around his hips, trying to work briskly to help him untangle the leather clasp and shove down his green pants and boxers.
His cock is thick. Really fucking big and ready to pound your limits to hell and back. He keeps you pinned to the wall, pupils slicing through his beautiful eyes to convey his carnal aggression. He licks his own hand several times over, then motions for you to spit in it. You don’t take your eyes off him as he jerks his cock to get it wetter for you.
You indulge in grasping his hand, fascinated as he lifts your arms to be pinned above your head. He keeps his hand in yours - pressed, present. His eyes seek yours and that’s all it takes. He’s parting your sticky folds and edging himself inside in a wide stretching sheath. It’s so damned hot and slippery, painful and fanning flames inside, that tears prick the corners of your vision.
“You’re a tight girl... Fuck. You won’t be able to walk when you leave my cabin.” He moans.
“Then you better get to work.” You tug him for another kiss, his hips working to help his vigorous thrusts, slamming your ass into the wall each time.
There’s a thunderstorm beyond these walls, but the crude sound of Stan fucking you into them - that’s the loudest thing that exists. It hurts so bad that you enjoy it all the more, your nails scratching his back to claim and mark. Your pussy is throbbing and tightening around him, coating him in each venture. You can’t stop yourself once that tightening in your abdomen begins its steady peak. Your skin flushes in dusts of red and pink, your cheeks scorching.
“You’re coming already?” He’s sassy and losing his steady pumps.
You don’t speak, it’s not within your capabilities right at this instance. Stan makes you meet his gaze, wondering, moving torturously slow. You can hear his dick sloshing your arousal around, driving you mad.
“Do it. Cover my fucking cock.” He orders, giving sporadic rubs over your clit, hurtling you up and down the canyon you two have built here.
It all spills out of you and you scream his name, eyesight dotting swimming with shapes, body going slack into Stan. He fucks his hips into you more steadily, dipping to hold, and then you’re filled with his warm cum. You cradle his neck’s nape, sliding into the floor in a mess. Stan kisses your lips, brushing your sweaty hair off your perspiration stamped temple.
“I’ve never fucked someone randomly before.” He chortles, smiling at you with a brightness.
You ease into his side in a perfect fit, enjoying the rain and sated bones in your sore body. “Is it something I did to make you do that?”
He purses his mouth, nosing your neck, smashing his nose over yours. “What can I say, baby, you bring out the feral side of me.”
Stan’s park ranger pretties tag list :
@icylangdon @littledemondani @fckinsupreme @lovelylangdonx @instinctsxbaby @infernwetrust @bloodcoatedeclipse @plymptxn-reborn @langdxn @ferndolan @celestialrequiem @codyfernuk @dailylangdon @ritualmichael @xavierplympton @dark-mei-rose @xavier-plymptons @9layerdevilfoodcake @angelicmichael @sojournmichael @langdonsjoyy @wormycircumstance @ramona-thorns
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