killrwolves · 8 hours
hey if we’re mutuals you can literally interact w me whenever. send me whatever u want i will probably be very excited
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killrwolves · 9 hours
being called "my love" is probably the cutest thing, like yes that's me. im the one you love. im the only one you love. im your love. say it again
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killrwolves · 10 hours
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killrwolves · 10 hours
fuck anon i'm slangin it in ur inbox. i think u r so cool and so talented and ur mind is huge and should be studied under a microscope and rhat everyone should be in love with u and crying and begging for a chance like u literally have beautiful big brown eyes ? slaps u at the back of ur head. go get some pussy or cock or pussycock combo champ
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killrwolves · 10 hours
I hope someone finds me so pretty thag jt makes them fucking insssannneeeeeeeee
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killrwolves · 10 hours
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killrwolves · 10 hours
43, 23, 13, 5, 48, 37
43. describe your personality is only 3 words?
brother i have not a single fucking clue. ginormous fucking honkers.
23. what is your favorite fruit flavor?
i like grape. and apple. i like pineapple and citrusy mixes too.
13. what was the premise of your last dream?
uhhh it was a nightmare. a memory actually and yeah uh let’s just say. yeah.
5. share a secret about yourself?
me staring at this question trying to figure out if i actually know anything about myself. uhhhhh. i used to lie in my journal throughout high school because i was convinced my guardian was reading through it and LMAO turned out she was and she confronted me about some things but i never told her that stuff was just lies so. got punished for ultimately nothing.
48. which animal would you be the most terrified to encounter?
ive actually never thought about this before.. so i really dont know i just assume even the scariest ones will be niceys to me. cant be any worse than what ive already gone through with humans. so theres that
37. do you have any strange habits?
i play with/twist my ear when i’m focused or anxious. i don’t even realize i’n doing it until someone mentions it. i’ll sometimes squeeze my arms like i’m holding myself and end up digging my nails in too hard without realizing. wearing socks to bed is a strange habit to most of my family for some reason. i’ll rock myself to sleep sometimes, but i even rock myself when i’m awake so idk man i guess it’s a comfort thing.
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killrwolves · 11 hours
4, 6, 10, 14, 17, 18, 42 🫂🫂🫂
4. which television series do you use as a form of escapism?
avatar the last airbender honestly, the second i turn it on the whole world fades away and im locked in.
6. if you could choose any place in the world to visit, where would it be? why?
hmm idk if i have a specific place, i want to be able to experience different cultures and travel really anywhere i can. i’m big on art and seeing art in person, i’d also like to try new foods. just in general i want to be able to travel - sighs deeply travel and writing is the dream.
10. what’s one book you’d suggest every person should read?
stares. angels before man by rafael nicolás. pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.
14. what’s your favorite warm beverage?
big coffee drinker here. i also drink tea but not as often. during winter/cold weather i love making my own hot cocoa.
17. what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel?
hm. i mostly have favorite sculptures but yeah i guess also a lot of favorite paintings.. not sure which to name though. ophelia by john everett millais, portia wounding her thigh by elisabetta sirani (i remember river saying this painting and blood in paintings being something they correlate with me🧎🏽‍♀️sobs) , botanica no. 23 by gail potocki, and uhhhh yeah that’s all i feel like naming off rn.
18. describe your personal style?
that one maren gif set. yeah, i cant find many clothes like that around here but it’s mostly that and baggy clothes. maybe a tight tshirt thats fitted around my boobs and a trucker hat with some baggy jeans/jorts if i’m feeling cunty.
42. what’s your favorite item you’ve purchased secondhand?
secondhand.. there’s this green cardigan that i wear a lot mostly when i’m laying in bed or at my desk that’s super cozy and warm. there’s also this lamp that i had for a really long time and it was my favorite until for some reason my mom sold it. so. honestly most of what i have is secondhand or hand me downs and i tend to grow attachment to everything.
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killrwolves · 11 hours
50 Q’s
1.) describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger? 2.) what is a quality you’d like to change about yourself? 3.) what is your worst potential fear for the future? 4.) which television series do you use as a form of escapism? 5.) share a secret about yourself? 6.) if you could choose any place in the world to visit, where would it be? why? 7.) what advice would you give your childhood self? 8.) describe how you envision your ideal life partner? 9.) what is your favorite environmental season? why? 10.) what’s one book you’d suggest every person should read? 11.) what is one song that’s able to bring you to tears? 12.) describe your best friend? 13.) what was the premise of your last dream? 14.) what’s your favorite warm beverage? 15.) name one musical album that greatly impacted your life? why? 16.) what’s your favorite form of flattery? 17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel? 18.) describe your personal style? 19.) what was the last concept that inspired you? 20.) who was your very first artistic inspiration? 21.) how long have you used tumblr for? how has your style changed over the years? 22.) what was your first cell phone? 23.) what is your favorite fruit flavor? 24.) whom would you resurrect from the afterlife? which 3 questions would you ask them? 25.) if you could choose only one meal to eat for the remainder of your life, which would you choose? 26.) which of the 7 deadly sins do you struggle with the most? and which the least? 27.) your latest obsession? and why? 28.) if you could domesticate any animal as your pet, which would you choose? 29.) what’s your least favorite smell? 30.) favorite mythological creature? and why? 31.) name a scene from a movie that makes you cringe? 32.) favorite piece of memorabilia you own? 33.) your personal favorite oddity about yourself? 34.) favorite concert/show you’ve attended? 35.) what’s one thing you would tell to the last person who betrayed you? 36.) your favorite mantra to live by? 37.) do you have any strange habits? 38.) what’s your favorite white-noise to fall asleep to? 39.) what is your favorite gemstone? why? 40.) how do you choose to cope when you’re upset? 41.) what are you currently trying to accomplish? 42.) what’s your favorite item you’ve purchased secondhand? 43.) describe your personality is only 3 words? 44.) how is your relationship with your parents? 45.) an instrument you aspire to learn how to play? 46.) relate yourself to one movie character? 47.) least favorite music genre? why? 48.) which animal would you be the most terrified to encounter? 49.) name a public figure you find to be overrated? why? 50.) what purpose do you get out of using tumblr?
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killrwolves · 18 hours
reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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killrwolves · 19 hours
"i can fix him" ok well i can make him scared of me and hard
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killrwolves · 20 hours
i am so cute rn like u guys should be on ur knees crying screaming throwing up bc u cant see me
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killrwolves · 20 hours
ass too fat boobs too big waist too slutty lips too kissable skin too soft eyes too beautiful :/
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killrwolves · 21 hours
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happy pride
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killrwolves · 21 hours
the most interesting thing abt me is probably all the movies i own and have owned for years
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killrwolves · 21 hours
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love a guy whos soooo pathetic
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killrwolves · 22 hours
50 Q’s
1.) describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger? 2.) what is a quality you’d like to change about yourself? 3.) what is your worst potential fear for the future? 4.) which television series do you use as a form of escapism? 5.) share a secret about yourself? 6.) if you could choose any place in the world to visit, where would it be? why? 7.) what advice would you give your childhood self? 8.) describe how you envision your ideal life partner? 9.) what is your favorite environmental season? why? 10.) what’s one book you’d suggest every person should read? 11.) what is one song that’s able to bring you to tears? 12.) describe your best friend? 13.) what was the premise of your last dream? 14.) what’s your favorite warm beverage? 15.) name one musical album that greatly impacted your life? why? 16.) what’s your favorite form of flattery? 17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel? 18.) describe your personal style? 19.) what was the last concept that inspired you? 20.) who was your very first artistic inspiration? 21.) how long have you used tumblr for? how has your style changed over the years? 22.) what was your first cell phone? 23.) what is your favorite fruit flavor? 24.) whom would you resurrect from the afterlife? which 3 questions would you ask them? 25.) if you could choose only one meal to eat for the remainder of your life, which would you choose? 26.) which of the 7 deadly sins do you struggle with the most? and which the least? 27.) your latest obsession? and why? 28.) if you could domesticate any animal as your pet, which would you choose? 29.) what’s your least favorite smell? 30.) favorite mythological creature? and why? 31.) name a scene from a movie that makes you cringe? 32.) favorite piece of memorabilia you own? 33.) your personal favorite oddity about yourself? 34.) favorite concert/show you’ve attended? 35.) what’s one thing you would tell to the last person who betrayed you? 36.) your favorite mantra to live by? 37.) do you have any strange habits? 38.) what’s your favorite white-noise to fall asleep to? 39.) what is your favorite gemstone? why? 40.) how do you choose to cope when you’re upset? 41.) what are you currently trying to accomplish? 42.) what’s your favorite item you’ve purchased secondhand? 43.) describe your personality is only 3 words? 44.) how is your relationship with your parents? 45.) an instrument you aspire to learn how to play? 46.) relate yourself to one movie character? 47.) least favorite music genre? why? 48.) which animal would you be the most terrified to encounter? 49.) name a public figure you find to be overrated? why? 50.) what purpose do you get out of using tumblr?
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