kimasura · 1 hour
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kimasura · 2 hours
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kimasura · 2 hours
Katniss is such an unreliable narrator. She says "Then something unexpected happens. At least, I don't expect it because I don't think of District 12 as a place that cares about me" girl you deliver strawberries to the Mayor, you hunt and trade for the district, when you fell at Prim being chosen someone caught you, when you went to Prim people parted for you, when you volunteered EVERYONE stopped. Idk how to tell you but I think you're a pillar of the community.
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kimasura · 2 hours
It's Dropout's 6 year anniversary!
To celebrate, we've finally made a trailer explaining what Dropout's whole deal is. Got a friend or relative you want to explain Dropout to, but need some visual/audio aids?
This should cover you.
Dropout has improv, game shows, specials, gaming, and SO much more - and all on a streaming service that is extremely cheap AND wants you to share your password with friends who can't afford a Dropout subscription themselves.
And if you're still not signed up, you can do so right here!
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kimasura · 3 hours
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kimasura · 3 hours
Expecting an author to explicitly detail every feature you might wish to affirm, and to resolve every idiomatic expression, is very much like demanding an author to spell out the work’s morality (lest it be presumed the author condones all that is written).  The failure to connect with an individual reader’s imagination does not necessarily equate to a failure of the writer to establish proper description.  Their works exist in a support, inspiration, provocation role.  You are expected to bring something to it.  Your own cultural upbringing, your own personal experiences, your own family values, your own ethical framework are the skeleton of your media consumption.  No publication can be relied upon to entirely outsource a developed personality.  The moment you allow yourself to expect that, you allow those natural pieces of yourself to be not supplemented, but supplanted.
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kimasura · 4 hours
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I ain’t afraid of no goats.
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kimasura · 4 hours
This celestial cicada is Midnight💙✨
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kimasura · 5 hours
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kimasura · 5 hours
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kimasura · 6 hours
salt & vinegar chips are snacks for fucking masochists. literally the entire flavour of the goddamn chip is “acetic acid, which will hurt your tongue, and then just salt on top of that to hurt it worse”. it’s brutal. this chip is designed to hurt you
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kimasura · 6 hours
i like to make myself super sad and then walk into a crowded area and watch all the empaths fall to the floor and start writhing in pain
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kimasura · 6 hours
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kimasura · 8 hours
a few years ago, i made a flowchart for my partner in order to convince them to leave a pathfinder group that was actively making their life worse. today i revised my original chart to convince a friend to leave her d&d group that is actively making her life worse.
here is the chart. i promise its utility is not only with tabletop RPGs but it does have a high hit rate for those
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kimasura · 15 hours
blog like no one's following you
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kimasura · 23 hours
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Item: tin of Stauffer’s Nifty Butter Pretzels & Some Spiders; contains ten servings. Roll d10:
1-6: delicious pretzels
7-10: spiders
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kimasura · 1 day
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