kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
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Plan for Thursday 17th
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Sandwich site two.
This site was a lot more interesting. Currently the site is being used as a car park, the location would have been ideal as it was a little bit away from houses and shops, but still within a 5 minute walk from most parts of town. There was views of the church and the nearby Pfizer offices across the river.
The only drawbacks is the general area of Sandwich, it’s a lovely town but I worry the population age would mean that most of the people that live there aren’t going to be particularly interesting in my board game collection. 
I’ll have to do some further research.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Sandwich site one.
I have to admit, there wasn’t much about the first site that I found interesting. 
The location was nice, right next to the tidal river, (This is good for views but bad for flood risks.) but site was also directly next to a new housing estate, 2 meters from the site was someones front door.
For my gallery this is not ideal, and it would probably not make the people living in those houses very happy with all the extra busyness.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Today I was able to sort my car out (With lots of help from my dad.) and now that i’m back on the road I can work again and also head to the site in the next few days.
I feel like I’ve missed a lot in the past couple of weeks, and that I have a lot to catch up on.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
The site visits went a bit wrong when my car brakes broke down halfway to Sandwich. This kind of threw off my whole day as it ended up being about fixing my car than visiting the sites.
I’ll re do the site visits in a more detailed and less distracted way when/ if I get my car fixed.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Playing games
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Site visits p1
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Site visits p2 10/02/2022
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Today was our first proper Creative Practice lecture. For this session we learnt about ethic in architecture. I felt engaged and found the part about inequality in architecture between genders and minority groups particularity interesting.
Due today was a CV we needed to make. I still need to change some parts but the basic part is done.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Today was the first main tutorial. I like the average Thursday session because I can come in, get feedback, then go and continue working. They’re productive days. 
Yesterday I made three models linked to my board game. They came out OK but I still have a few tweaks to make.
In my tutorial I was advised to stay down the path of games and not video games, which I agree with.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
This morning I unfortunately wasn’t able to make it to the year session because I had an interview (Which went well.) when I arrived at uni me and one of the other student reps had a meeting with Kristina and brought up some points about timekeeping, groups, and a few other things. The meeting was productive.
That afternoon we had a technology session. In the session we had to make a diagram of the architecture block and present it. Our diagram show each space and we graded it on how public or private it was. 
This task went well.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
At 2 pm today I had my first grasshopper session. Grasshopper is a plugin for Rhino. The way I understand it, Grasshopper is just a more technical way of using Rhino. Instead of physically modeling each shape, you ‘code’ them.
I think it’s going to take me a while to get used to the software, but I hope that I  am able to know it well because I think it will help me a lot if I do.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
This morning we were introduced to the creative practice unit. I found the introduction exciting and I felt engaged throughout. (Which is usually quite difficult for me.)
I am excited by what creative practice will bring.
Notes in DD1
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Today we had presentations for our mini project. Me and my group had the BFI film store to research which I found to be quite interesting. 
My role was to contribute to the presentation with one other person, the rest of the group made the models.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Learning grasshopper
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kimberleyspilleruca · 2 years
Today was the first day back, we started by submitting iur cultural context essays and then had a year meeting/intro to project 04 and then after lunch we were introduced to the communications and technology unit.
So far so good. I'm excited fron project 04 as we actually get to design a building and a collection.
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kimberleyspilleruca · 3 years
This morning was my last rhino session. We learnt how to add custom materials and learnt how to export/render in a 2d and 3d format. This session was very helpful and was a good conclusion to the series of workshops. Simon was a great tutor for this and answered any and all questions.
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