kimberly-piedt · 2 years
More than just books.
Libraries have come a long way since I was a kid. Your library card can get you more than just books to read for leisure or to learn about something. Technology is a great resource libraries offer. Computers and free wi-fi is available along with printers, scanners and some even offer faxing capabilities. Other libraries offer wi-fi hot spots that can be checked out to use at home. 3D printers are becoming popular and are becoming available at some libraries. For teens, gaming areas in the library are available with the use of gaming consoles along with Oculus glasses. As always children's rooms offer a wide variety of toys kids can play with while in the library (some are also available for check out) and computers that are pre loaded with educational games.
Programs are available for all age groups, whether it is story time for children, gaming for teens and crafts for adults. During the summer most libraries offer a summer reading program of some kind for all age groups. For patrons who are not tech savy, they offer classes in computers, tablets and mobile devices so that you can get more out of using your library card.
The use of study rooms and meeting rooms are available for the public.
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