kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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“By all means, if you need to vent, go for it,” he said, leaning back in his chair, taking his arms off the table. He’d be happy to listen to anyone, royal or not. “I hope so. It’s not like I can ask him.”
“Oh, don’t even get me started on that.” Alexander reached for his empty glass on the table and poured the last of what was left in the bottle of wine he’d been working on through the evening. “M’sure he’d understand that it was an accident.” 
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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“Right? Though my issues are on a way lower scale than all of yours, I’m only the help,” he said with a slight laugh. “I hope so. I try to do my best with the garden without disturbing the wildlife as much as possible.”
“Sometimes life is bad and there’s nothing you can do ‘bout it.” Alexander pouted sadly. “He probably had a great life, though. Living in such a pretty garden.” 
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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Cedric had seen only a sliver of the scene behind the door, but it was enough, and he held his hands over his eyes. “Too late, the damage is done.”
grace looked at the door where screams came from and opened it. well, then she closed the door as soon as possible when she saw the couple in the room. “    you’d probably prefer not to look.”
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
What do you think of the royals?
“They’ve been nice so far! I haven’t met too many, since I’m usually busy working, but they haven’t said a bad word to me yet, so no complaints here.”
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
Do you enjoy your job?
“I love my job! I’ve always been interested in gardening and botany, and just nature in general, so I really do love it.”
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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“It wasn’t me, but good to know I wasn’t imagining it.”
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“    i heard screams, are you okay?”
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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The compliment made him grin. He always did when someone said something nice about the gardens. “Thank you! I’ve been around nature since I was small, so I ended up learning all about it, you see.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Lily chirped. “You’re, um… You’re doing a very good job, the gardens here are… lovely” she then offered with a short nod. 
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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Cedric sighed, leaning his arms on the table. “Yeah, I guess so. It just wasn’t enough. Considering my job is often to get rid of the insects, you think I wouldn’t care so much, but the caterpillar wasn’t doing any harm.”
Alex placed his now empty wineglass on the table and placed a light hand on the other man’s shoulder. “M'sorry,” he said, completely serious. “That’s tough. But you did what you could, y'know?” 
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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“So I’m trying to save this poor caterpillar from the stampede that’s about to go on around him, but I have to jump over the hedge to do it and I’d just arranged the flowers perfectly, right? So all I could do was watch in horror as this caterpillar gets trampled. My work has cost a life. I am ashamed.”
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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“Yep, a gardener as in a person who gardens,” he said with a nod. “I take care of all the garden areas on the daily. Nice to meet you!”
“Gardener?” Lily parroted, trying to hide her sudden excitement. “Likewise. I, uh… I’m Lily.” 
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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“Really? Are you sure -- I mean, yes, thank you,” he said with a slight bow. “I’m Cedric, the gardener, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Lily eyed the man in front of her up and down with a small frown. “It’s okay,” she decided after a few seconds of thinking, shoving her phone into her pocket. 
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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Cedric knew it probably wasn’t his place to interrupt, but he was just so curious that he couldn’t help it. He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again before settling on, “Is... Is that really true? Is it really that easy?”
“Jumping out of a window isn’t as easy as the movies make it look.” Now whether he was speaking to someone or had a damned Bluetooth earpiece in at that moment was the question. And then there was a matter of his smile. Alexandre had a penchant for always looking so serious. With that upward pull of his lips, it was difficult to tell whether or not he was being serious. “It’s actually a lot easier. Even third story jumps.” Liar?
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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Cedric would have picked up the phone had the girl not done so first, twiddling his thumbs instead. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“Shit-” Lily snapped back into reality as her phone flew out of her hands and landed on the ground, groaning as she bent down to pick it up. “Watch where you’re going, would you? Jesus…” 
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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Cedric looked back, bowing a little towards the princess. “Of course, your highness. Would it be easier to follow me? I was heading there anyway.”
“Yes, you there!” Evey crowed, waving to the stranger. “Yes, hi! Sorry, I don’t mean to shout, but I was wondering if you could direct me to the kitchen? I am quite famished and I’m afraid if I wander too long, I’ll collapse!”
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
hello heLLO it’s sarah aka sunmi’s mun and this is cedric and i REALLY should’ve done an intro post for sunmi too but have one for this goofball in the meantime
cedric is vERY good at his job, he’s an expert on plants and flowers but people often underestimate him because of his lax attitude
he’s VERY friendly, really loves talking to people, wants to make everyone feel comfortable
he’s korean, but he moved to illea when he was little, so he grew up there his entire life
cedric is that kind of person who will turn a blind eye to most stuff the royals do, tho he’ll try and convince them to take a breather if they look like they’re about to do something drastic
he’s a goofball and loves cracking jokes even if they suck
he’s a decent cook and likes helping in the kitchen whenever he doesn’t have any work to do
sO YES if you wanna plot with him or sunmi my IM is always there!! <33
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kimcedric-blog · 8 years
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seraphic ★ take out with full credits. do not edit or crop logo. x
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