kimerellababy · 7 years
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The first six months of my #ayearofdatingme has passed. I have had some really fun adventures. I have learned so much about myself. Since I started this journey I have added more and more outings each month. I only post the one, but my life is busy with fun and adventure. Here is to the next six months! #adventureawaits #journey #fun #lovelife #loveme
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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For my June adventure I did a 5k, then after the race I remembered I did one last year. Then I had the incredible opportunity to meet @theglambelle in person. She was just as gracious and beautiful in person as she is on social media. So that was going to be my adventure. Then I remembered I met someone I followed on social media last year as well. So here we are, my third attempt! I went to a Chakra meditation with stones class. So informative. I really did learn a lot. It wasn't what I first thought it was going to be. So that is my lesson this month. Things rarely turn out the way you think they will, just roll with it. You will make friends along the way and push yourself to do more.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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My May adventure was planned in February. The studio is booked that far in advance. I went glass blowing. It was so much fun. The studio actually did about 99% of the work so I had a piece I could be proud of to take home. I love both pieces, but I was disappointed with the flower when I was able to pick up my work. I used red glass pieces for the actual flower and mixed colors for the stem. The stem is mainly white and orange. The flower itself is a burnt orange. I was expecting a brilliant red for the flower and a multitude of color entwined in the stem. I learned that although sometimes our expectations aren't met, life is still amazing and beautiful. I had a fun photo shoot (at my kitchen table) with the flower and the pumpkin. For me, taking pictures and documenting these adventures is part of the fun and experience. I am already working on June's adventure. I have also discovered that I plan more adventures and get togethers with friends since I started my year. I have had challenges when planning some of my adventures, like the glass blowing, and I have had some challenges in my life. I still go on and look for the positive. The sun is shining on another day and I'm happy I'm around to enjoy it.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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April was such a difficult month for me. I just realized I forgot to post my April adventure. I was really sick for two weeks, helped my mom move one of the weeks and overall just struggled. Three weeks ago I went to OdySea. The new aquarium in Arizona. I wasn't impressed. I understand what they were trying to do. Starting with a drop of water from the sky, to the rivers and finally the ocean. I just really wasn't impressed with the fish from the rivers around the world. What I learned, we all start small and though our efforts may not be impressive at first, like the river fish. If we join forces, we can become a mighty ocean with all the beautiful color that draws attention. Be that raindrop and motivate others so you become the ocean.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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Daily Inspirational and relatable quote pictures! Follow for more.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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I briefly toyed with the idea of being a kept woman. I have a gentleman friend who came into a large sum of money. He completely adores me and would love to marry me. My problem is, I don't have romantic feelings for him. I am ashamed to say that last month and the beginning of this month I seriously considered marrying him. In the end, I just couldn't do it. I learned I can only have a relationship with someone I truly care about. The financial gains would have been great, but I would have had to live a lie. The charade would have been exhausting. I would rather be broke and emotionally free, than financially free and emotionally in prison.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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My first time in a Ghost Town. This is Goldfield, AZ. It is now quite the tourist attraction completely with a western shootout. Had lots of fun, but it was 96 degrees outside and quite hot. I learned where the terms shot glass and dirty money came from. Both are from the Bordello. Did the old gold mine tour, Bordello tour, watched two shootouts. All in all a great time.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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The internet is a wonderful and scary thing. Two weeks ago I found my first love. He was just as wonderful and beautiful as I remembered. The last time I saw him was 34 years ago. He graduated college and moved back to his home state. I'm ashamed to say that every year on his birthday, I would send a card. I had no indication that he looked forward to these cards. I never received a reply. I was just hoping he wanted to rekindle our romance. He didn't, and of course I looked like a pathetic, lonely little girl. I sent cards for about 5 years. If he ever stumbles across this, know that I'm so sorry I did that. Fast forward to today. I found myself trying to research his life. Trying to find a way to contact him. He is married and for all intents and purposes, happily married. I realized I was turning back into that pathetic little girl who was mooning for a lost love. I decided to take a hard look at what is missing in my life that I felt a complete stranger was going to provide. Really he is a complete stranger to me. We had a brief, but intense romance when I was 22. I have accomplished so much in my life since then. I have embarked on a journey to date myself and really have fun. I'm not really sure what is missing, but I will find out and find a way to bring that missing element into my life. So, if you are out there Dan Fortnam, you are safe from me. I am moving forward and embracing love, joy and happiness on my own.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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Continuing my year of dating me. My February adventure was learning how to pole dance and striptease. This is about creating a mood and setting a scene. You want to seduce, and tantalize. Your every move is slow and deliberate. Make eye contact. When you smile, make it slow. Like you have a secret. You and you alone hold the secret. Your partner is mesmerized, he wants to know the secret too. Give it time to build anticipation. Play sultry, sexy music. Dim the lights, maybe turn them off completely and just have candlelight. Your partner has seen your flaws and loves you. Don't worry if you aren't perfect. Believe me, he will enjoy every minute. This is powerful and really made me feel sexy. I don't currently have a special someone in my life, but I will use this when I do. I was completely out of my comfort zone. I met some wonderful ladies as we all embarked on our first class together. There were all ages and all fitness levels. Some were married, some were in a relationship and some were completely single. All with the goal of feeling empowered and sexy. It is about embracing your womanhood and deciding to share your unique attributes in a way that empowers you. I recommend giving this a try. I learned I am sexy, something I haven't felt in a long time.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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Now that Valentine's Day has passed, I'm looking forward to February adventure. I'm doing it this Friday and will post about it this weekend. I originally had one adventure in mind, but due to scheduling conflicts I've had to regroup. Can't wait to share with you all!
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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This is the key to my heart and it is my Valentines gift to myself. This is My Year of Dating Me, and I am the key to my own happiness and I have the key to my heart. The diamonds don't really sparkle in this picture, but it is really pretty. This necklace will serve as a reminder to myself that I am fabulous and that I am in charge of my happiness and love.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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January's adventure in The Year of Dating Me, was making my own nail polish. Phoebe Moon of Moonshine Mani started her own brand. I didn't even know it was possible. I love to do research and I started researching "how to make nail polish". It is rather easy. I had this empty bottle and all I did was mix clear nail polish with powered eyeshadow. You can't see the shimmer in the polish in this picture, but it is really strong. I used a frosted eyeshadow. I have researched making nail polish with pigments and glitters, suspension liquid, etc. My daughter and I are thinking of starting our own indie brand called Mad Scientist. Not sure if we will actually pursue it as a business, but it was fun. I called this color Nude Shimmer.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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Last year I turned 55. I loved it. I felt liberated and free. Last month I decided to do something that celebrates me. I am picking something each month that I have never tried before. This came about after watching Phoebe Moon on You Tube. She launched her own nail polish line. I was amazed, I didn’t know you could do that. I thought you needed big expensive machines and all kinds of chemicals. Therefore, I was stunned when a regular person made her own nail polish.
Something else I have realized while figuring out what to do each month, I’m dating myself. When you are dating, you do all these fun exciting things. I am doing all these fun exciting things myself and having a blast. I love me, and my life.
Stay tuned to read all my posts for The Year of Dating Me.
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kimerellababy · 7 years
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I have just joined Influencer. It is a great way to get free products rather you have a vlog, blog or just a regular person. You can join by following the link in my bio. I just posted this picture of my newest #elfcosmetics products I recently purchased. Easy to join and who doesn't love free items! #influencer #influenstervoxbox #makeup @elfcosmetics @influenster
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kimerellababy · 8 years
Love is the glue that holds us together. Love is the greatest addiction of all!
New Music (June 29, 2016)
“One day someone is going to hug you so tight that all of your broken pieces will stick back together”
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kimerellababy · 8 years
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Sunday Funday. Now there is a statement. My sister and I have been picking a place every Sunday to go and have fun. We document it on Snapchat. Things to remember for Sunday Funday. 1. Pick someone who will enjoy getting lost in the moment. We don't always have an incredible time, sometimes it is down right boring. Go with someone who is willing to take 15 snapchats of the exact same picture so it looks like you are having fun! 2. Pick someone who has the same taste as you. Three days in a row we wore the exact same shirts! Of course we documented it on snapchat. 3. Pick someone who can laugh at themselves. This is the most important rule. When you are taking one of those 15 snapchats to get the perfect picture by the fountain and your foot slips and falls in, they laugh. The day isn't ruined, it is fun, and crazy and part of the adventure. Did we fall in the fountain? Yes. Did we encounter completely crazy people on the light rail in Phoenix? Yes. Did we start doing this at the worst possible time? Yes, 110 degrees outside is not the time to go roaming downtown. Did we have fun and make memories? Absolutely! For me, life is always better with my sisters by my side.
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