kimjiwonfacts · 8 years
Jiwon HQ is now on Youtube
Hello cuties, we would just like you to know that Jiwon HQ is expanding.
ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ
Hopefully we’ll get to more good things soon as we try to build a better fanbase with more resources for actress Kim Ji Won fans, but for now, we’ve started a Youtube. And just in the past day alone, about 10 new videos for Kim Ji Won were released. Some highlights:
Kim Ji Won & Jin Goo cf
Kim Ji Won for Wonder Tactics
Kim Ji Won on Navercast
Kim Ji Won for Instyle Korea
There’s more videos on our channel, so please check them out. ^.^
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kimjiwonfacts · 8 years
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160401 @金智媛_geewonii: 진구 선배님과 함께여서 더 즐거웠던 화보 촬영😃😃😃 跟晋久前辈一起拍摄画报 现场变得更愉快了😃😃😃 
TRANS: It was very exciting shooting the pictorial with Jingoo subaenim 😃😃😃
(could also be: Being with Jingoo sunbaenim made shooting the pictorial even more enjoyable 😃😃😃 )
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
160322 Kim Jiwon’s Q&A for News Ade
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1) I relieve stress by: Chilling at home ㅎuㅎ
2) To me a female soldier is: Yoon Myeong Joo - There are no females around me who are soldiers so the first person who comes to mind is Yoon Myeong Joo~
3) To Kim Jiwon, Love is? Something that gives me a lot of experience
4) What is Kim Jiwon’s real personality like? I’m still figuring that out
5) What’s on Kim Jiwon’s bucket list? 1. Independence! 2. Traveling alone
6) What do you want to drink/eat right now? An iced mint choco latte
7) A very memorable person to me is: The foreign ahjussi who helped us (Jiwon and her mom) at the airport when I was 8! (Thank you! :))
8) The moment I want to go back (in time?): Right now would be great
9) A super power Kim Jiwon would like to have: Teleportation. I really need it for when my schedule is packed ㅜ.ㅜ
10) Kim Jiwon’s Life Movie or Life Drama: Pride & Prejudice
11) A song I can’t skip on my playlist: Ennio Moriccone - Love Affair
12) My value in life is: Let’s not lose our first feelings. (It’s an excerpt from a poem called “First Feelings” by Park No Hae)
13) Kim Jiwon’s ideal type: A sweet manly man..? (Yoo Shijin + Seo Daeyoung) = Perfect ♡ Just my ideal… 👉👈
14) A male actor Kim Jiwon would like to meet: Who do I want to meet.. All of them would be nice!
15) Kim Jiwon’s hot place (A place you go to often or enjoy): A lamb skewer restaurant that’s close to home
16) Kim Jiwon hates: Raisins
17) Seo Daeyoung vs Yoo Shijin: (See #13)
18) A possession Kim Jiwon is always carrying: Cellphone, earphones
19) My biggest mistake: I haven’t made any big mistakes yet. It would be nice if I don’t make any in the future either
20) Do you have a habit you’d like to fix? Procrastinating ㅠㅠ I’ll do it later, I’ll do it later
21) Explain Kim Jiwon in one sentence: A simple girl in her 20’s ^ who acts
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160325 @geewonii #태양의후예 30%돌파입니다! 많은 사랑 감사드립니다.❤️💕 With #감독님초상권보호 #안보현 오빠 #콜사인피콜로 @bohyunahn
TRANS:  #DescendantsoftheSun has exceeded 30% in viewer ratings! Thanks for all the love. With #ProtectingtheDirectorsPortraitRights #AhnBoHyun oppa #CallSignPiccolo @bohyunahn
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160317 @金智媛_geewonii: 긴머리 시절, 광고 촬영장에서[傻笑][星光] 长头发的时候,在广告摄影现场
TRANS: My long hair days. At the CF studio [Giggle] [Star]
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160323 @金智媛_geewonii: 오늘부터 인터뷰 시작했어요 😃 사진도 찍고, 손글씨로 문답도 작성하고~ 두근두근 떨렸지만 뜻깊은 시간이였어요:) 내일도 화이팅 화이팅! 从今天开始采访。拍照片、用亲自写问答~ 太紧张了。但是很有意的时间 😃 明天也加油
TRANS: I started doing interviews today 😃 Photo's were taken and I also filled in some answers to questions they had~ Although my heart was racing from nervousness, I had a wonderful time:) Let's go for it again tomorrow fighting fighting!
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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Interesting tidbits about Song Joong Ki and ‘Descendants of the Sun’ from Kim Ji Won’s interview - 22nd March 2016
Shared by: @金智媛吧 on weibo Translated from Chinese to English by me ^^
~~~She mentioned she received a message from So Ji Sub sunbae-nim recently. (Just to share that Kim Ji Won has acted together with So Ji Sub before in a web drama ‘One Sunny Day’ which aired on LINE TV from 2014 to 2015. I’ve watched it last year and it was a simple, sweet and feel good kind of drama) He told her that he enjoyed watching 'Descendants of the Sun’. She said to So Ji Sub sunbae-nim, “Thank you for supporting my acting. Although there are still areas that I’m lacking in, please continue to enjoy watching it sunbae-nim.”
~~~When asked by the reporter if she would consider participating in a MBC variety show 'Real Men’, she expressed, “My physical strength is too poor. If there is really a proposal for this, I would be flustered. However, in contrast to me, Joong Ki oppa has great physical strength. In order to act in the role of a soldier, he really exercised a lot.
~~~At the beginning, the military uniform did not fit me well. I was worried for a long time. During the trying out of uniforms, I was together with Joong Ki oppa. He then suggested that I adjusted the waist area. Later on, the military uniform also fitted me better. I had 2 sets of uniforms, the army uniform and the South Korean military uniform. I alternated the wearing of these 2 sets.
~~~About Song Joong Ki, she said, “Song Joong Ki’s usual personality is similar to Yoo Si Jin. Normally, he is also a little slick and mischievous. The relationship between us is also akin to that of Yoo Si Jin and Yoon Myung Joo, hence our acting is the kind that makes it comfortable for people (to watch). Moreover, among the cast, Song Joong Ki is the actor that ad-libs the most. From time to time, he often does it spontaneously. His acting is very natural every single time. For Yoo Si Jin who is such a slick character, it is really necessary and apt to ad-lib. But when it comes to a rigid character like Yoon Myung Joo, I can only follow the script faithfully.”
#songjoongki #descendantsofthesun #translation #송중기 #태양의후예
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160319 @金智媛_geewonii: 몇 장 더 올리고 갑니다[开心]💕 좋은 하루 보내세요^^ 另外,爆照几个。😀💕祝你愉快的一天~^ ^
TRANS: Just posting a few more 😀💕 Have a nice day^^
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160318 @金智媛_geewonii: 이 곳에 어떤 사진을 올릴까 고민하다가 #태양의후예# 촬영 다 끝나고, 친구들이랑 중국으로 여행 다녀왔을 때가 생각나서 올려요😀😀 这个微博上,我考虑一下爆照什么。#太阳的后裔#的摄影已经结束了。可是我突然想起来跟朋友去过中国旅游的照片。😀😀
TRANS: I’ve been wondering what kind of photos I should post here (on weibo) since filming for #DescendantsoftheSun# has ended, I then thought of the trip to China that I went on with some friends😀😀
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160316 @geewonii: 오늘도 #태양의후예 본방사수 부탁드립니당! 💕 #서대영 #츤데레
TRANS: Please watch #DescendantsoftheSun live today! 💕 #SeoDaeYoung #Tsundere
160317 @金智媛_geewonii: 오늘도 #태양의후예# 본방사수 부탁드립니당! #서대영# #구원커플# 各位朋友你们好~ 今天也咱们一起一定要看#太阳的后裔# 
TRANS: Please watch #DescendantsoftheSun# live today! #SeoDaeYoung# #GooWonCouple# 
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160311 @金智媛_geewonii: 한국뿐만 아니라 중국에서도 #태양의후예# 사랑해주시는 분들이 많이 계시다는 소식 들었어요~ 정말 정말 감사합니다😆💕 #꾸벅# #굿밤되세요# 听说#太阳的后裔# 不但在韩国很火,在中国也很火。非常感谢各位朋友们。#道谢# #晚安#
TRANS: (KR) Not only by Koreans but I heard that #DescendantsoftheSun# is receiving a lot of love from people in China also~ I'm very very thankful😆💕 #Nod# #Haveagoodnight#
(CN) I heard #DescendantsoftheSun# is doing well not only in Korea but in China as well. Thank you so much my friends. #Thankyou# #Goodnight#
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160309 @geewonii: 작년 여름 첫 테스트 촬영 날! 군복 사진이 많이 없네요😢 오늘도 #태양의후예 본방사수 하시지 말입니다❣
TRANS: Last summer’s first test shoot day! I don’t have many photos wearing a military uniform😢 Please watch #DescendantsoftheSun live today❣
(Literally translates to “I’m saying you should watch #DescendantsoftheSun live!" It’s a very formal way of speech that’s being used in the drama.)
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160302 @geewonii: 오늘은 #태양의후예 하는날! #서대영 과 함께라서 #윤명주 는 광대승천😁
TRANS: Today is #DescendantsoftheSun day! Being together with #SeoDaeYoung #YoonMyungju has a broad smile😁
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160224 @geewonii: #태양의후예 D-day! 오늘 오후 10시 드디어 첫방송입니다. 본방사수!👀
TRANS: (Photo): Descendants of the Sun First Ep!! Let’s have a lot of viewers   Yoon Myungju
(Caption): #DescendantsOfTheSun D-Day! The first episode airs at 10pm today. Watch it live!👀
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160222 @geewonii: 오늘 #태양의후예 제작발표회 다녀왔습니다! #쌀화환 완전완전 감동입니다😭감사해요!
TRANS: I'm back from the #DescendantsoftheSun Press Conference (that happened) today! #RiceWreath I'm very very touched😭Thank You!
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160217 @geewonii: 하나씩 공개될때마다 두근두근! #태양의후예 #윤명주 #포스터 #예쁘게찍어주셔서감사합니다
TRANS: One by one as the photos are being released (people's hearts are going) Du-geun Du-geun #DescendantsoftheSun #YoonMyungju #Poster #ThankYouforShootingitPrettily
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kimjiwonfacts · 9 years
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160216 @geewonii: 젤 좋아하는 사진 #계란꽃 #원래이름은개망초
TRANS: My favourite picture #eggflower #it’sactuallycalledadaisyfleabane
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