kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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episode III: angel
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 8 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 9 years
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54/365 days with my favourite person in the world ♡
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kimtaehyungssi · 9 years
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kimtaehyungssi · 9 years
ok i'm going to rant a little because i'm tired of seeing the things i'm seeing right now in taehyung's tag. i understand that jin stans want recognition for jin and i do too, i want all of them to be just as successful individually and in their own chosen fields as they have been as a group. but us taehyung stans can't help but be a lil sad when what should have been a happy day for the fandom because hey, it's the first time any one in bts has ever landed a role in a drama turned into this sort of uncomfortable thing in the fandom, at least for me. i'm so so happy for my bby, that he's finally getting to pursue acting, which he has been very vocal about his interest in since day one, and here i am thinking every army would be as well. instead many comments are saying that jin deserves this opportunity more because he studies it in college and has always wanted to be an actor, bighit or kbs should have given this role to jin because he's a better actor and that all the recognition's going to tae when it should have been jin, etc etc. i get you, okay, you're frustrated and you just want jin to see his dream come true. i do as well, no doubt about it, and i'm praying he gets cast in a drama or movie soon as well. but i do not agree that taehyung is less deserving of acting jobs as jin is. taehyung, who when they were asked to show off a skill or talent in the first episode of their first reality show rookie king, immediately went for acting out a scene from his favorite historical drama/movie. taehyung who may not be studying college rn, but has been very vocal since day one about his passion for acting. taehyung, who acts out skits and scenes at their dorm every chance he gets, monologues even while doing chores, practices impressions and whatever he can to be good at acting and performing. maybe if taehyung had gone to college too then none of you would say anything, but we don't know what kind of situation he has that he didn't go. but i know that his passion for acting and his drive wouldn't lose to jin. for someone who doesn't take up acting in college, hasn't had acting classes and whose only experience with acting is acting out skits in their dorm, i think tae showed he has potential in he hyyh series, like jin did as well. but why do you have to put down taehyung just because he happened to land an acting job first? he doesn't deserve this treatment from armys, his own group's fandom. he's already getting shit on by every knetz and fan and he's getting bashed before he can even prove himself, i thought that we at least would be united in our support of him. taehyung did not steal anything from jin. he was offered the role by the pd or director. it's not like bighit told kbs to cast tae because frankly bighit doesn't have that kind of pull. nor i think would bighit tell kbs to cast tae instead had the pd offered the role to jin first. BH is aiming for all the members to have public recognition, you think they wouldn't want jin to land a role in the drama and gain recognition as an individual and for the group? think about it. it didn't even have to be taehyung, who doesn't even have public recognition in sk. for how big of a production this drama is, they could have gotten any other more popular actual actors like minjae, bogum, sungjae, etc. there is so much work that goes into planning a drama and casting, and this was obviously a decision made after careful consideration and planning. point is, why are some people acting like taehyung snatched a role from jin or that bighit gave jin's role to tae? bighit doesn't have any say in casting, so if anything the blame should lie on the casting director. and just because taehyung's casting was announced first, it doesn't mean that jin isn't working on something right now or will be working on something in the future. casting directors might already eyeing him for a role, we just don't know yet. jin deserves everything and i just know he's going to be perfect in any role he's going to get in the near future. i'm just so tired of seeing hate in my own bias' tags. if you really want to continue hating, i hope you won't tag taehyung so us stans won't have to see it
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kimtaehyungssi · 9 years
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