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the bar had never been a place of frequent visit for him,  even before he was proclaimed dead and admitted into the institution.  it was a place full of  DRUNKS, those who allowed their lust to engulf their souls and take control.  a dreadful place,  but tonight he had business to take care of and, unfortunately, this was the place chosen to do such.  the raven-haired male walks in with an air around him that promotes not only authority but chaos.  he’s unable to focus on one thing at a time,  taking in his surroundings at an alarming rate where he’s almost processing everything at once.  he scarcely hears the blonde at the counter call out to him.  ‘  i will take a cup of water.  ‘  whilst speaking,  he’s approached the bar now and finds himself leaning on it without much consideration for the girl’s personal space.  eyes find hers, staring straight into them as he states a line from proverbs 20:1.  ‘  wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise. ‘ 
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a cup of water? she didn’t get many who wanted a cup of water in the bar. she also didn’t have many who were as inherently creepy as this guy was right off the bat. “no problem.” she replied, offering as steady of a smile as she could. she had no idea what he was quoting. but, it didn’t sound like anything that she would be into. she grabbed a clean glass and filled it with some ice before pouring some water in the glass. the blonde set down a coaster and then placed the glass of water down. “if you happen to need anything else just give me a shout. my name is nicola.”
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      slender digits push open the bar door, followed by a man of slight frame. this isn’t the first time salem’s come to bar — far from it, actually. it’s become almost a nightly occurence for the brunet. he slides through the familiar path to the counter with ease and takes up one of the barstools. dark eyes dart to the blonde behind the counter as she speaks. his lips pull slightly at the corners.  ‘  gin and tonic, if you’d be so kind, ’  he hums, drumming his finger on the countertop. his leg bounces idly as he rests it against the metal of the stool.
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the blonde nodded in understanding. she felt like she had seen him a few times before. “comin right up.” she offered a somewhat tired smile. she turned to grab a glass and filled it with his preferred liquids. nicola set down a coaster and then set down the drink on top of it. “did you want a tab running?”
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the fight with her mother had been absolutely  BRUTAL ,  to the point where bonnie actually shed tears in front of the woman she loathed so violently.  her mother knew what insecurities to bring up,  the right buttons to push,  so that her daughter was left feeling worthless and helpless. instead of going to her usual place of comfort,  her mother’s boyfriend’s arms,  she decided to act even more  RECKLESS  tonight and ended up at the bar. heart pounds rapidly against her ribcage as she stalks up to the bar and sits down with an angry huff.  ‘  the strongest thing you have.  something that’ll make me forget my own name by the end of the night. ‘ 
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there was something about the girl who had sat down at the counter that screamed distress. but, she wasn’t about to get involved in anyone elses problem, and she would only intervene if she got too drunk to walk. “strongest thing that i have? we’ve got a new mixed drink on the menu for the fall season. it’ll knock you back on your ass.” she offered, figuring that was what she was aiming for. she turned from the redhead to begin preparing the drink from memory as she was the one who had come up with it.
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It was a slow night at the bar and Nicola was wiping down the counter and clearing away the last of the customers who had just left. She usually had a lot of energy when she worked. But, she hadn’t been sleeping that well and it was showing. She wasn’t as bubbly or upbeat as she normally was. She heard the door open and shut and her eyes lifted to see a figure. “Can I get you something?”
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Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time.
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