king-cleirigh · 3 years
“Thank you,” she replied, noting that he was probably be sarcastic and choosing to ignore it. “Can I get you another drink?” she offered
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“You’re offering to buy me a drink? Are you planning on asking for a favor some time today to go along with it?“ Ronan asked, somewhat amused. 
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
“I’m willing to hear it out.”
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“Perhaps another day.“
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
“Ugh, no. Stalking is way too much effort,” she said, half in jest. “You make it sound like you come here on this day every week,” Winnie continued, making herself comfortable in her seat, “I was supposed to be meeting someone but they’re late and I got bored waiting for them at that dingy little cafe down the road. Which was their idea of a good place to meet, guess that should have been all the warning I needed,” 
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Ronan gave Winnie a blank look as she continued to speak. There were way too many words for an initial greeting but he suppose he should be used to it by now. “Yes, feel free to join me.”
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
“Yes.” Jia felt exasperated. Ronan felt like the last hope, and clearly nothing was going to come out of this conversation.
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Ronan sighed, trying to hold back his eyes from rolling. “Okay... But I don’t think either of you will like it.”
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Jia sat, twisting one of the rings on his finger absentmindedly as he listened. The longer he listened the heavier the lead weight got in his stomach that had been there since the night Garrett told him. “He could lie, or  I don’t know. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t master it, because Minsky could see the bonds. Another Neuromancer could too.”
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“Obviously not.” And the thought of them building their lives, taking it farther than they’d gotten on any previous attempts, only to have everything completely destroyed. “It’s been centuries of this, Ronan. It’s easy to brush off if it was just him cheating or us needing time apart. We’re immortal, I get that. But for it to be completely random…” Jia stared down at the table.
Ronan blinked unsure how to tell Jia the harsh reality without Garrett or Kaylor coming after him later. Being a father hasn’t made Ronan any more sympathetic than he was before. In fact, it made him tougher and apathetic. Jia emotions were making him more irritable than anything else. “What exactly would you like me to do? Teach him?”
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
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“Duke isn’t here right now, but I can check the back for Garrett, he was here earlier.” She picked up the glasses, “And I’ll get you another bottle.”
Ronan hummed his acknowledgement and returned his attention back to his drink.
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
“No, but I didn’t want you assuming I was trying to do something to him. We both want to figure out why this thing happening. And how to stop it.”
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“I’ve spent centuries staying out of your relationship, Hu. I know of the situation, Kaylor and Garrett won’t stop talking my ear off about it.“ Ronan sighed. “Take a seat... Cutting bonds for disintegrators is considered a myth. It was more popular before I was born and those were wide spread rumor. Most of them went the same: Disintegrators were hunted down and killed. They came a point where everyone who knew about it was dead or too scared to teach the younger generation. It’s a forgotten master level. They’re off the radar now and it’s not even a rare power. “
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“Can you imagine if Garrett had control over cutting bond? On top of being immune to created magic, being able to destroy created magic, being unkillable? You’re old enough to know what will happen if the Head Council caught wind of it. Now, is your relationship worth more than the lives of every disintegrator?“
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
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Selene had been making her rounds to the tables when she stopped to get the attention of the man sitting there, “I was wondering if I could clear the glasses for you and if you would like another bottle?”
“Help yourself,“ Ronan waved at the tabled, leaning back in his chair. “And I’ll take another bottle. Is my brother or cousin in the back somewhere?“
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Winnie didn’t wait any longer for an invitation, knowing she wasn’t likely to receive one. Instead she sat herself down in one of the empty seats, “Fancy seeing you here,”
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“Is it,“ Ronan wondered. “Are you sure you didn’t follow me here? This place is unusually dead today.“
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Once Ronan at least vaguely looked in his direction, Jia sat down opposite of him. “I know you don’t have any interest getting involved with mine or Garrett’s drama, but you seem to know how to get his power under control in ways that other people don’t. And we need your help.”
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“We,” Ronan asked looking around for Garrett. “You’re speaking for him now?“
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Ronan waved goodbye to Ishtar, Kaylor and Brighton but stayed at their table to finish his drink. He was unwilling to go shopping with them for whatever they needed at the mall a few block away. Noticing a few seconds later that someone was hovering at the edge of their table, Ronan continued sipping on his wine, waiting for them to speak.
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Rhiannon raised a brow, she almost just went ahead and left. But something stopped her, “How do you feel about Garrett getting a Council seat?”
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“I’m not surprised he got the votes needed but he was allowed to get everyone vote. And you?“
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Audo gave a grunt that could match his mentor’s. “Hopefully that day comes soon.” Audo glanced behind to see if Ishtar or one of his kids were with him. “Did you come here looking for me?”
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A little inkling of pride burned its way into Ronan’s chest but he didn’t let it show. “No. You just so happened to be here. I’m looking for Tristan.”
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Mun Prompt 22-30
22. What’s a controversial opinion you have regarding RPing: Face Claims. I don't care... I'm using the persons FC not their likeness. I could care less what they said, did or who they support. Fuck 'em if they're Assholes and they should rot in the darkest pits of hell if they did something truly wrong. I just want to RP without getting random ANONs about a FC that I don't really care about. Know that I'm only using them because their gifs matches what I need not because I support their BS.
23. Do you have any RP horror stories you’d be willing to share: I have A LOT of horror stories. As everyone knows this is my last try at a group RPG. I rather give it up completely than continue if something horrific happens.
24. Has an FC ever been “ruined” for you because of another player: Gemma Arterton and Landon Liboiron. There's a few more FCs that I thought were ruined for me but as soon as I watch something with them in it, I'm in love again. There are a few that are darn good actors or people IRL that I can't stay mad or have them ruined them for me.
25. Have you ever met someone IRL from RPing: Yes. A few people. Krista, Sammi, Stacy and Angel... I think there's a few that I am missing. I've also video chatted with a few of my RPing buddies. I have a few more that I talk to or text on a daily basis.
26. What’s the latest at night you can recall staying up til due to RPing: I pulled a few all nighters lol. If all nighters doesn't count... I would say 5 AM.
27. Have you ever called out of school/work to RP: No.
28. Have you ever RP’d AT school/work: Yes. I used to bring a notebook to work and write out all my replies, so when I got home I just needed to type them up. At University I always had a seperate computer screen open where I could make or draft replies.
29. What’s your favorite part about RPing: Rping is my escape from the real world. It's my way of having fun and forgetting about my struggles. My favorite part is tied between building connections between characters and RPing to develop my characters more. I've been playing a few characters for nearly a decade now and they aren't the same people I've started with. I love that.
30. Selfie of the mun in Discord: SURE! Coming right up.
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
“Perfect.” Kudzai cinched the last stitch then put her hands over the patient to stabilize them, doing this made her realize she would need to move faster. The doctor skipped the arms to return her focus to the torso and head. Surprisingly the internal organs were easier than she thought, it reminded her of the cadavers she used to practice on. “Ok, back on track.” She smiled softly listening to the heart beat inside his chest and watching their chest rise and fall with each breath. “What were we talking about?” Kudzai questioned as she began to fit the skin to the skull. 
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Originally posted by margotsrobbie
Ronan entire body twitched and all civility they had flew out the window. He was very irritable and had a temper shorter than February. The Gods knew he had far less patience for crap that didn’t directly involve his family or mentees. When Kudzai finally acknowledged him again, Ronan was so far gone that he could care less whether she was testing him or blatantly being absentminded. Glaring in her direction, Ronan ignored her question and headed towards the door. Looking over his shoulder, he called the young man for death, drawing sustenance from his death, as the machines begun to rang, singling the patient flatlined. Ronan continued out the door and towards his wife with the mans spirit in tow. With looking back or saying another word to Kudzai, he teleport home with Ishtar and the spirit as the halls resumed in motion around them.
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Mun Prompt 15 to 21
15. Do you like to find personality types for each character you play: Easiest way to answer this is to say YES.
16. Do you prefer group RPs or indie RPs: RPGs
17. What usually draws you in when it comes to group RPs: The background story/plot and species.
18. Name an FC you wish people used more: Orlando Bloom, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Kerry Washington and Kat Dennings
19. Name an overused FC that you still love to see: Evan Peters
20. What’s an old RP trend that you miss: Normal gif (not icons) and self paras.
21. What’s an old RP trend that you DON’T miss: Gossip Blogs
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king-cleirigh · 3 years
Audo turned and looked at his mentor and nodded. “Do people ever stop asking stupid questions?”
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“It never stops.” Ronan shook his head no before giving Audo a knowing look. “But eventually you’ll stop caring or they’ll know better than to approach you.”
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